Calling to her Alpha
16 Posts
Ooc —
Ranger walked over the boundary line but was not going in completely just yet she was following her alpha's orders and calling to his wife so that she would learn her further instruction and get a tour of the pack so that she would know where everything was. Ranger took a deep breath and howled a loud/ confident/ melodic howl, howling for her alpha.

Ranger wondered how thistle was with new people, she had often met no so welcoming alpha's but somehow she could sense that she would be welcoming but stern as alphas were always suppose to be
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle heard the howl and for a moment ignored it, until she realized that the call was for her. Dropping the hare that she had been carrying towards the cache and burying it swiftly, she turned tail and trotted. She trotted towards the sound of a howl on the wind. LIfting tawny head and lighting blue eyes on the owner of the voice she sniffed gently. You called me?
16 Posts
Ooc —
Ranger saw her alpha and bowed as she came forward, She hoped that she had not interrupted her alpha if she was doing something important, ranger would hate to be a bother. She looked at her alpha and spoke " hello I am Ranger, i just joined and Ragnar told me to call for you that you may give me a tour"she said

Ranger hoped that she hadent caught her alpha at a bad time,
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle dipped her own muzzle at the girl and spoke softly Well met Ranger. I will gladly give you a tour. Thistle turned and motioned for the femme to follow her, they would go to Shield Maiden's sorrow, then the meadow and the captives hold. She would explain the names if the girl wished and she hoped that the places would be pleasing to her. Do you like it here so far Ranger?
16 Posts
Ooc —
Ranger allowed her tail a slight wag, her alpha was very nice indeed, she hadent met a nice alpha and she was happy, she followed thistle " yes so far i like it here very much, everyone here is so welcoming, its not quite what i am used to because in the pack i was before this it was a bit chatoic but i like it" she said

Ranger had been through alot growing up and enjoyed being where she would be treated as family and not just someone's chewtoy
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle listened quietly as they walked, I am glad you like it here. She took her to the heart of the pack lands. Nestled gently between the woods a cascading waterfall fell to the earth below, shrubs and bushes held tight and snug to the sides as it fell down. She smiled with bittersweet memories, she and Julooke had found this place. This Ranger is Shield Maiden's Sorrow.
16 Posts
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Ranger wagged her tail then looked at thistle with her head tilted "Why is it called that?"she asked her
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle listened to the water as it fell. She heard the small sploshes it made. She looked upwards towards the little bit of sky that could be seen through the canopy of trees. I named it that. I found this with a friend after another friend passed away and though it is beautiful it was bittersweet that we were here, so far from where we had been.
16 Posts
Ooc —
Ranger hated when the question she had asked brought up the death of someone, she hoped that she hadent opened up a wound in thistles heart."I am sorry for your loss, i did not mean to bring up a painful memory" she said Ranger was always careful with her words, she didnt want to say the wrong things, she had often gotten beaten for do so.
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle smiled It is okay Pump is in Valhalla I'll see her again some day. Come this way. Past the forest further into the territory, they came upon Thistle's own personal haven. The one place she could go to clear her mind and spend all day. The meadow was beautiful even with fall's death grip upon it. Though the flowers were dead and the leaves were brown, it would be beautiful come spring. This is Vindur Break Meadow. I get a lot of my herbs for healing here.
16 Posts
Ooc —
Ranger couldn't believe her eyes, this meadow was the most beautiful meadow she had seen though with the weather changing the flowers began to drop their petals and the trees were starting to go bare if was still beautiful to her, a calm serene area. "this meadow is so beautiful" she said
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle Cloud smiled I do love it. Here come here. She led her to the gently sloping hills where a natural wind break stood. I have stored herbs here, but a natural Windbreak isn't it lovely? She grew quiet and just looked around taking it all in. I only have one more place to show you.

With that Thistle strode from the happy meadow to a bit of a darker place. This is Bandingjar Halda. It is a captives hold, we hold here those who have trespassed against us as slaves or captives. We have not had a few in a while though, but it has housed at least 3 that i can think of at the moment.
16 Posts
Ooc —
(sorry i have been busy)

Ranger followed and saw the holding place, Ranger wondered why people would trespass, there really was no reason for it at all everyone here seemed quite nice
I want the part of you that you refuse to give. *anonymous*
1,280 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Thistle stood studying the ground where those who trespassed had lain. Most had been by accident, some hadn't cared. All she knew was she didn't like to deal with them, it caused her stress and worry. She tilted her head and lifted her muzzle. That's pretty much it. Do you need to see or ask any other questions?

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