Moonspear turn the page
163 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Arrluk had more or less settled well into Moonspear. He had Ajei having worked together to dig themselves out den's near a widing creek near a large oak. Moonspear's close-knit and quiet and calm essence, it reminded him much of the hominess of well, home. Where Arrluk had failed to form a close relationship with much of his elder sisters (them living elsewhere, he being a child) he hoped for a bit of change here. To know @Sialuk, to know his nieces and nephews. 

For now however, he would seek out @Alaric, the first of his assignment from his sister to seek him out and find our was needed most of him. An elderly woman had recently given birth to four. His eldest sister had three new pups at her hearth as well. There were far more children then adults, two of which were bound to their ulaq lest relieved by another member. Arrluk and Ajei had come at a perfectly and well needed timing, leaving Arrluk overjoyed now with a decision that just a week prior he had been nervous to make. 

Finally, the trail of Alaric growing far stronger, Arrluk woofs out lowly to the black wolf he could now see in the distance.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
567 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric had heard that some youths from the Moonglow were now among them for an undetermined amount of time. This was fine with him. The shadow boy Arrluk and the fire girl Ajei. Alaric didn't know what Sialuk would have them do,but was willing to help where he was needed. 

A low wuff and he lifted his head from the garden he was still working at. A smile on his face, lit up the mischievous green eyes. 

Hallo! Arrluk. It is good to see your face.

He stopped what he was doing with a wag of his tail and turned to face the boy a little further. He would give the youth time to reach him. Had Sialuk sent him to help him. What would he have him do? Probably feel caches.
163 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Hello, storyteller. It's good to see you as well. Arrluk speaks with a waving of his tail, trotting until he was much closer and then slowed to a stop. His sea-green eyes scanned the area around them and back to Alaric. Are you learning to garden as well... like Sialuk and your mother? He asked, remembering these things back from their prior conversation.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
567 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric chuckled. He liked that moniker. He was more of a singer, but he did like stories as well.

Alaric chuckled. Picking the habit back up. I used to help my mom all the time. I figured it would be nice to have and keeps my mind busy.

Alaroc titled his head. You and your friend settling in okay?
163 Posts
Ooc — Vami
It seems we have almost just as many good healers as we do hunters now. He says with a smile. The Moon villages were known for their great hunters and their seasonal travel for winter hunting. They also had pulled other packs into the fold, creating large "hunting festivals" in a way, as they had done in the lowlands not long ago. Yet between his mother, sister, Ajei practicing, Alaric and surely more, they were notable healers and midwives too. 

Yes, we are, thank you. Ajei and I have settled into small densites along one of the various creeks coming down the mountain. Hopefully he wouldn't have too much trouble finding it again each day! Sialuk asked for me to come to you and let me know what all you might need support with most.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
567 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric nodded his head. Healers were certainly abundant especially in moonspear. Ir was the hunters they needed right now though. He had enjoyed the group hunt and hoped they would have more soon.

Alaric made note of the small girl that had come with's name. He would try and remember, but she seemed to stick to herself thus far. 

Thats a pretty spot. Beautiful sounds in summer at nightfall.

Alaric nodded. Despite that I would love to work more on my garden. You and I should probably do some hunting or fishing and fill caches.
163 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Good choice then. He said with a grin as Alaric commented on the area they had chosen for their dens while they stayed in Moonspear. One day, Arrluk would be tasked to find or build a proper ulaq for the family he would make. Though there was still much time to prepare for that. 

Arrluk nodded then to Alaric's next set of words. It was my thought that we could help with that, with the mother's 'out of commission' for a time and all the little mouthes to feed soon. After all, weaning ended so quickly! Had Arrluk learned that fast too? Ajei and I are very good fishers, though I myself have been practicing on tracking the herds with Kivaluk and dad. Though, actually hunting them he certainly needed more practice in though had learned quite a bit with the more seasoned hunters in the big hunting party they had some time back. We could hunt the deer together.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
567 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Alaric was not sure of the exact ways of the sunshine people, but they certainly held family in high regard. Which he liked.

Alaric smiled. Well if you're up to it. I'm always up for a challenge. Should we try some deer hunting. This way.

Alsric would lead him a little ways away from the mountain. Didn't want to cause any accidents and the deer were further down.

He bent his nose down.
163 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Oh-! Yes, sure! He spoke as he scrambled himself together and trotted after the black wolf. Arrluk had honestly been caught off guard, as he had not expected Alaric to stop his work at his garden just to entertain time with the newcomer. Yet, there was no time like the present! And, it only meant tracking down the herd in this area even quicker and keeping an eye on them. 

He kept pace easy with Alaric once he was at his side, his long and lean build taking wide, smooth strides over the rocky foothills and into the even green land at the edges of the territory. He was quiet again, as himself, as the pair stalked about and tracked the scent.
[Image: 7nCi.gif]
567 Posts
Ooc — Danni
It wasn't long before they were within sight of the herd. Green eyes took them in a glance and he turned to look over the youth. He was lean and rangy. Good to run, but also larger enough to be able to take one down if need be.

Two questions. He whispered softly. 

Which one do you want to take? And do you want to chase or kill?

Alaric easily read the herd. There were a few limpers, some older deer. There was new mothers and pregnant mothers, he hoped Arrluk could see that and wouldn't go after a pregnant one. This was to ensure they had prey next year too.