Ankyra Sound underneath the palm trees you can leave your worries
ɪ' ʜɪɴ' sʀɪɢʜ ʀ ʜ sʟ ; ʜʏ ɴɴ ʜɪʀ ǫɴ.
27 Posts
Ooc — Floof
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Towards his playful "maybe", she offered a disaproving "hmph", her eyes narrowing skeptically, then raised her head in a slow, dignified manner and turned completey around so as to properly address this stranger. She feigned a look of disinterest, her eyes now half lidded and a small frown on her face as she looked him over, her head held high in a poised and haughty fashion. Her mannerisms were something akin to a princess staring down a pauper. Of course, in her mind, that wasn't very far off from the truth, but she did want to know a little more about this wolf instead of just wrting him off as "unimportant".

"A bit rude to just watch a lady bathe, don't you think?"

Prhpas it wasn't that rude, all this considered, but him just standing there, watching her in silence did feel like an invsaion of her privacy, even if she couldn't consider the Sound to be her private quarters. It also didn't help his case that he seemed to have no reservations about it; he just cheekily agreed to doing it. Just who did he think he was? No, really, who was he? Did he belong to a pack, or was he just another one of the homeless wanderers she'd been running into? Might he be of high status? Once again, she attempted to pick up his scent, gather a little more information, but the sea still thoruoughly clogged her senses, causing the girl to give an impatient huff. Suppose if she wanted to know, she'd just have to ask. 

She opened her mouth and drew in a breath, ready to ask some of the questions on her mind, but the boy went first, his eyes returning from the distant landscape to fixate on her. She wrinkled her muzzle and jerked her head back, a look of disgust evident on her face. He wanted her to what? "Pardon?" He went on to say the grass would dry her off and get rid of the sand, but that didn't really make much sense to her. She'd just took a bathe to get clean; wouldn't rolling in the grass just get her all dirty again? If she'd botherd to consider his situation, the fact that he was probably a local and knew more about this kind of thing than she did, she would've taken his advice more seriously, but now the girl only dismissed his absurb suggestion. Now that he brought it up though, her pale green eyes did momentarily dart down, observing all the sand that had reclaimed her damp form after stepping back onto the beach. True, she was free of the dirt, leaves, and other foresty materials that had been matted into her fur, but now she had all this sand to worry about. She looked no better than him... No better than before, really, and she smelt like salt. So much for getting clean. Upon meeting this realization, embrassament towards her lack of forethought twisted her stomach and heated her furred face. Why had she not thought of that before...? Now his advice didn't seem so stupid, at least not in comparison to her own choice of action. Still, regardless of how she felt, the humilitation only flashed across her features for a second before her eyes sought him again, the look of false apathy having returned.

He'd muttered something about needing to soak in freshwater, like a warm spring, causing the youth to internally groan. But I don't know where to find any around heeeeere, she internally pouted. Perhaps he would know. He certainly seemed to know better than her... but before she could ask, he flashed her a smile, turned away, and bolted across the sand dunes. Indignation flashed across her features, eyes wideneing and jaw agape. She wasn't finished yet; she didn't say he could leave.


Determined to see just where he thought he was going in such a rush, she leaned back on her haunches and took off, aiming to follow the stranger. He could at least give her his name, or his origin, or status, or something! Deep down, the self centered female probably didn't even care that much to know all this, but it was his rude leaving and abandoning her in the middle of a conversation that prompted her to give chase. She would have the last word, thank you very much.

Unfortunately, she was not as experienced on the sand as he was. Whereas he could balance his weight well enough to run at a steady lope, her body sunk deep into the grains with every paw step, and the sand seemed to grab onto her when she tried to leap again, as if she were stuck in a swamp. Her movements were slow, laboured, and far more trouble than he was worth. After a few more awkward strides, the front half of her body sunk in and stayed low as the back end proceed forward, causing her to go face first into the ground. With a muffled yelp, her muzzle dug into the beach and her body dove down, getting partially consumed by the sand. It wasn't anything serious; she wasn't stuck and was perfectly capable of standing up again, but when she did, she gave a low groan of exasperation upon discovering she was now entirely caked by sand, looking like a creature of tan fur verses one of pale silver's, creams, and greys.

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