Ravenshook Cliffs take sword in hand and cut down a dog
100 Posts
Ooc — JB
I've got no idea what he's doing anymore lmao. I think he's supposed to be scouting so lets just.... continue with that... idk.

He cut through the woodland as he made his way across the heated stonescape, wormed his way through the shadows as if he might perhaps belong there; dipping his head to search for scents, deviating when the cloying stench of strangers and sea salt became too much, and tried to keep his path away from the borderlands — he crossed to and fro on some occasions, not truly caring if he were to alert those that lived within Donnelaith of his presence, for Tetsubo trusted in his ability to flee should he be required. Then again, Skellige was on good terms with these strangers. He would be fine either way.

Someone did find him though — someone quick, and dark, and much more keen on sneaking than himself. Their voice grated in Tetsubo's ears and it took a second or two before the beast lurched to a stop, and another few before the words registered; not because of his dim mind (although he was brutish), but because he was distracted by the need to continue moving and to complete his quest. When Tetsubo canted his head towards the oncoming stain, his snout crinkled softly, as if he could smell something truly acrid emanating from the dark stranger. The questions were curious things — they caught the boy's attention mainly because of the word killing, which was always a thrilling venture, but next Tetsubo wondered if this was a loyalist to his master, or someone he could target with his eternally contained rage.

Tetsubo grunted and gave a shrug, as he had not been given the order to kill anyone recently. A shame.

The scent of his master lingered on this one; thus he relaxed (as much as he could, which was intrinsically very little), and murmured, Does Skellige have orders?
Messages In This Thread
take sword in hand and cut down a dog - by Tetsubō - August 25, 2016, 07:12 PM
RE: take sword in hand and cut down a dog - by Murgash - August 26, 2016, 06:10 PM
RE: take sword in hand and cut down a dog - by Tetsubō - September 11, 2016, 05:04 PM
RE: take sword in hand and cut down a dog - by Murgash - September 17, 2016, 06:53 PM