Hoshor Plains made simple intricate paper bloom bleed red
641 Posts
Ooc — torvi
she appears to accept the answer but also, to the northman appears to want to dig as she inquires when eventually was. "when i have a plan or those that would follow me." it gives more away than kjalarr'd originally intended to and while he has no qualms about being rude he decides that she doesn't deserve the lash of his biting tongue for simply being curious. evidently, he's in a rather charitable mood today. "my birthright," he does not wish to settle for less. stavanger bay was his by claim of birth ( in his mind anyhow ), it was where his father'd been laid to rest ...though the bones of ragnar no longer remain there. the ones that weren't ate were left scattered to the wilds. once upon a time, that knowledge sparked anger in him so fierce and hot. now, he sees it as irony. even in death his father leaves his mark by the scattering of his bones. unwittingly conquering where each piece of him ( half eaten or otherwise untouched ) lays abandoned. and maybe, kjalarr considers, the trick wasn't to reclaim where ragnar'd already conquered. maybe the trick was to branch out. to conquer something new. "or a new territory." he amends quietly, giving voice to a small strand of his inner thoughts. unlike when he was a hot-headed, stupidly reckless and impatient youth kjalarr has learned the value of the virtuous patience and that time and carefully composed strategy would be his best ally in his plight.

please send all PM's to kivaluk

1/3 threads
you still wonder if you're
a ferocious beast or a saint
but you're neither because
you're infinitely more —

Messages In This Thread
RE: made simple intricate paper bloom bleed red - by Kjalarr - August 05, 2018, 05:24 AM