Lake Rodney Windflower Delightful Mane
427 Posts
Ooc — Me
All Welcome 
"Vili, Vili... if you saw me now, you would be laughing so hard," thought Birk, while looking down at his knee high muddy and stinky feet. Just an hour ago he had been in a very embarrassing situation. For a man and for a wolf. If asked, what had happened, he would smile and not say a single word, feeling too happy that no one had seen his proud self been beaten by the simple forces of The Mother Earth. 

Had it not been the colder part of the day, he would have left the mud to dry and then let it fall off. Now much to his dislike for cold water, he stepped right into the lake and stomped around for a while. With teeth clenched and wearing an expression of a holy martyr. "Geez... this is effing cold..." he said to himself, when he got out, shook his coat and settled down to lick away the residue water.
6 Posts
Ooc — Ambz
hope you don't mind :3

Matted fur tickled at his nose as he held the bloodied carcass tightly within his jaws, the bitter winds toying with the dead animal's pelt as he strolled nonchalantly with his prize. Having survived mostly on fish and other small prey, such as birds since first venturing into these lands, the brute found himself more elated with this particular catch. The brown and night colored male continued to move forward with a casual gait, the lifeless polecat; his prize, hanging in a twisted, mangled fashion from his mouth as he passed many scattered birch trees along is journey.

Dirt covered tail thrashed behind the large wolf as his amber eyes peered around the open terrain; aimlessly surveying the land. As his large, mud colored paws crushed the soft grass beneath his weight, Kaeto's ears soon arched atop his head as he heard the distant sound of splashing water. A low rumble sounded within his throat, though it was mostly muffled through the bloodied fur and mass of the polecat within his grasp. Burning eyes stared ahead at the other male momentarily, black nose twitching as the brute scented the winds, the smell of his kill wafting into his nostrils as he attempted to catch a whiff of the other's scent within the cold breeze.
427 Posts
Ooc — Me
Birk first caught the sweet and tantalizing scent of fresh blood mixed with the specific odour of a polecat. He lifted his head to sniff the air and find out, whether one such miraculous and free meal was lying somewhere around, when he noticed a big, dark and bulky wolf coming in his direction. The boy got to his feet, with ears perked forward and eyes locked on the approaching form he tried to figure out, why the hell did that wolf look so familiar. 

It had been a while, since he had seen her and he was pretty sure that she had perished last winter, but he figured that calling out and asking never hurt anyone. Therefore... "Aunt Bestla is that you?"
6 Posts
Ooc — Ambz
sorry it's short ><

Dirt colored ears flicked backward against his head as he caught the sound of the white male's question, Kaeto's amber eyes gleamed, narrowing at the other as he gradually closed the distance between them. Stopping a metre away from the wolf, Kaeto lowered his head and dropped his catch to the ground, blood stained his muzzle as well as the ground as he straightened his posture once more, gold eyes staring at the other. The bulky male licked his crimson lips before allowing his gruff voice to ring out to the snowy male, ”I'm afraid not.” Black tipped tail gave an idle sway behind him as he watched the other with a scrutinizing stare, ”Sorry for the disappointment.” Kaeto added, brown ears arching forward as he casually studied the scenery around them, his gaze gradually returning to look back to the white wolf.
427 Posts
Ooc — Me
"Oh, right..." Birk felt a bit embarassed by his obvious mistake, but he quickly collected himself and the next moment gave the stranger a happy smile. "You do look a lot like her, though. She was also big, muscular and... manly!" He hoped that the other would take this both as a compliment and an apology. 

"And I am not disappointed in the least... Frankly speaking, I am glad that you are not her. She was an awful woman," he shuddered remembering the few encounters he had had of the beast. She had been quite a savage even for Ice fields' standards. Had never cared to learn more than five words and her favorite past time was either killing trespassers or loners or annoying her family. A horrible mix, indeed.
6 Posts
Ooc — Ambz
Golden eyes watched as the other gave him a bright smile, Kaeto's head slowly tilting to the side curiously as he observed the male's peculiarity. Were most of the wolves of the wilds this...cheerful? A brow rose as the snowy male spoke on; further comparing him to his aunt. Amber eyes gleamed in the dense light as the bulky brute remained silent, staring at the odd male. Conversation, truthfully wasn't one of Kaeto's strong points, in truth most days he found himself in confrontations rather than conversations. Though, luckily for this one, Kaeto didn't care to have one of those days and so he merely brushed the other wolf's words aside.

"And I am not disappointed in the least... Frankly speaking, I am glad that you are not her. She was an awful woman," Dirt colored ears perked at the unknown male's next reply, Kaeto listened and gradually allowed a small smile to make its way across his mud colored maw, lips parting he replied smoothly, ”Awful, you say?” He chuckled, ”How awful?” Kaeto questioned with a devilish smirk, tail giving a casual sway behind him as he stood, silently watching the male with a curious gaze.
427 Posts
Ooc — Me
"You really want to know?" Birk lifted his eyebrows and seemed to ponder over the subject, appearing to be rather conflicted about something. It was not polite to talk about your relatives behind their backs, especially the horrible stuff. And even moreso, if they happened to be dead as nails. There was this saying that "speak no evil of the dead" and the young man tried his best to follow this wisdom, but...

... some people are just beyond the rules. "Well..." he cast a quick glance around to be sure that there wasn't anyone else to hear him telling the truth. With that he lowered his voice to a whisper and said: "She stank like a Lauren's arse and acted like one too." He withdrew then and regarded the man with a crooked grin.
6 Posts
Ooc — Ambz
The black and dirt colored male stood, silently waiting for the ivory man to reveal just how unbearable his aunt really was. Though his query may have been an odd one to the other, Kaeto was merely curious to learn another's perspective of the term awful. And not moments after the white wolf had thought hard, he gradually came around to reply to Kaeto's question. As he started and then continued, instantly the large male couldn't help himself but let out a loud, hearty laugh full of amusement. Pearly fangs gleamed as the longer chuckled, tail giving a few gleeful wags behind him as he licked his nose which briefly muffled his laugh. ”Ha! You my friend are a funny one, indeed.” Kaeto offered him a friendly grin, ”So, what's your name?” The brute asked bluntly, a large paw slowly being placed atop his kill as he watched the snowy colored wolf inquisitively.

”Correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume you're also a loner in these parts?” The brute firing another question in the others direction, his black and mud colored tail swishing casually beside him amongst the grass as he continued to watch the unknown wolf.
427 Posts
Ooc — Me
Had the other man not understood the joke, Birk would have taken the point and made his way for the hills. As much as he was good at playing the carefree and bold guy, he was no fool either. The dark man was bigger and stronger than him, if he decided to kick his ass (for fun probably - that's what all big and strong guys did in Birk's opinion), it would be one tough kicking indeed.

He did laugh and Birk grinned. "My name is Birk from the Ice fields. And you are quite right - I am without a pack currently and living quite comfortably that way. Who are you then?"
6 Posts
Ooc — Ambz
Sorry it's taken me so long :(

For his first encounter with another wolf since travelling into the wilds, Kaeto found this chap to be rather pleasant company; especially with such humour. The bulky male merely offered a broad smile as he watched the ivory fellow grin in return. Kaeto's earth colored ears arched forward as he listened to the male's response, amber eyes remained observing the wolf as he spoke; going on to call himself Birk and that he was from a place known as the Ice fields (wherever that was). With this Kaeto smiled and gave a simple nod of his head as Birk finally switched the question around, the brown and black male then allowed his tongue to escape his maw as he briefly licked his muzzle before finally replying in a gruff tone, ”Birk, I must say it's a pleasure.” Fangs were revealed as he gave a devilish grin, tail swaying behind him in a small friendly wag.

”I'm Kaeto from the North of these wilds.” He gave a dip of his head, amber eyes shimmered in the sunlight that caught his gaze as he gradually glanced down to his meal, ”Say, friend, when was your last meal?” The large brute questioned, eyes looking back to his ivory, cream and gray colored comrade.
427 Posts
Ooc — Me
ooc: totally ok! :)

The other guy, who turned out to run by name Kaeto, seemed to be quite nice fellow. Of course, nice in a way that somewhere at the back of your head a little, quiet voice tells you - he can easily rip your head and dismember you, if he wished so. That's, what Birk thought and, though feeling comfortable enough in the other man's presence, he kept a polite distance and was on guard, in case this dark stranger turned out to be a... well... something scary.

"Oh, I am totally fine," Birk shook his head and denied the offer. "But you go on - eat. I promise, I won't slobber a puddle," he added with a good natured grin.
6 Posts
Ooc — Ambz
Amber eyes blinked as he heard Birk turn down the offer of the meal, tilting his head to the side slightly, Kaeto gave a small laugh and a simple shrug of his shoulders, ”Alright, if you say so.” He smirked. Kaeto then lowered his head, allowing his teeth to tear into the flesh of the beast at his paws, pearly fangs and muzzle now stained crimson as he ripped a chunk from the furred animal. Jaws crunched at the meat, fangs tearing as he chewed, gradually allowing the tender food to slide down his throat and into his stomach. The large male paused after he had swallowed, allowing his mouth to now be clear of food as he then decided to randomly question his new friend, ”Any thought on how you plan on surviving the winter?” Golden eyes peered away from his meal and straight at Birk, Kaeto offering him a curious look as he too had been thinking about the changing of the seasons. Soon everything would be scarce and covered in snow, survival alone in such conditions usually tended to be slim in chance.
427 Posts
Ooc — Me
"Planning, in my opinion and experience, is quite useless thing," Birk replied honestly, while watching, how Kaeto ate his rabbit, tearing off one bit after another. The smell of blood and flesh tickled his nostrils, but even then he was not going to ask the dark man to share his meal with him. Out of the simple fact that he would not return the favour, in case the situations were reversed.

"So - no. No plans, just going with the flow and, if that means meeting death at some dark corner or another - so be it," he said. "But since you asked first - do you have a plan ready?"

They had the conversation going for a while and then they parted their ways never to see each other again.