The Sunspire Raindrops keep fallin on my head
147 Posts
Ooc — Chey
All Welcome 
Anyone but perhaps @Wraen, @Olive, or @Seabreeze?

It was a dreary day and a bit on the chillier side which caused some shivers to run through Hyacinth's sleek body. She was tending to her herbs, adding some more to her stock like Dandelion and Blackberry leaves. Sighing she decided to head out and explore the area a bit, sniffing scents and noting where the smells of her packmates seemed the strongest. She felt a bit down today, whether it be the weather or not she wondered just how well she was suited to this pack. She hadn't met anyone other than Rannoch and Terance but she could only blame herself for that, hiding shyly inside her den and wandering off to collect more herbs than she really probably needed because she always worried she would run out due to a sudden influx of sickness or injuries.
~Always down for Healing threads~

medic specialty: 4/10
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
hopes she will do!!

A nice jaunt outside the pack's borders had lifted Maia's spirits right up, and she resolved to go out more often, perhaps even with company!  She knew at least that Wraen liked trips.  She woulda liked to maybe nab her brother, but he was gonna be busy being a boring dad, so whatever.

Speaking of wandering... Maia was surprised when she saw a familiar face picking her way across the field.  Was that....?

"Hey!!! HEY YOU!!" She yelled, grinning as she ran forward.  Oh this was gonna be embarrassing if she was wrong.
147 Posts
Ooc — Chey
She's perfect! brightened Cin's mood <3

Her silent wanderings were interupted by a loud shouting voice. Startled she whirled around to see a vaguely familiar face barreling toward her enthusiastically. Her mouth dropped open and she stared confused for a moment before remembering the young girl she had shared a meal with by an old cache. She immediately broke into a wide grin "Hey darlin'! I'm glad to see you found your way around" she greeted warmly, eyes sparkling. It was a big relief to see a familiar and friendly face around Sunspire, she was so glad to have a friend she could have kissed the girl!
~Always down for Healing threads~

medic specialty: 4/10
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Ohhh yes she remembered that voice!!! Of all the beings she had met, this and the other girl (who sadly she barely remembered with the fever) were the two who she recounted with most fondness.  Well, Amekaze too.  But the Moonspear wolf hadn't given her food, and giving Maia food was akin to earning a friend for life.

"Sure did!!!!" She crowed, running up to press against her rediscovered friend in an enthusiastic greeting.  "You came here too? When?"  It had to have been before her, right? Far as she knew she was the newest one here.  "How weird is that!"
147 Posts
Ooc — Chey
The girl's energy and chatter was refreshing and Hyacinth found herself leaning into the touch of greeting with a fond smile. "About two weeks ago? I was accepted as one of the medics, Rannoch said ya'll needed here I am!" she informed her with a quick wag of her tail. It was pretty weird that out of everyone she had ran into the young and bouncy girl was the one she'd run into again, but she was pretty glad about it. "Pretty odd yeah. Wanna come see my den? It's all filled with herbs and stuff. Or we can just walk and talk? Where'd you go after we shared the food?" she asked curiously.
~Always down for Healing threads~

medic specialty: 4/10
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Oooooh! A medic!! That was cool, and it made total sense then why she was so super nice.  If she had done as Rannoch said and seen a healer, maybe they'd have met up sooner! But her stings were all cleared up now thankfully.  

"Definitely!! Both!!"  Surely she could walk, talk, and see her den!  Maia had made few friends so far with her rocky start, so running into this woman was a huge plus to her too!  "You beat me here then! But I explored a ton."  More like got lost a ton.  "I went to the coast, but I got sick, so I came back here and ran into Wraen."  Her tail waved as she cheerfully glossed over the ordeal.  The coast was the most interesting part of it anyway!
147 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Laughing softly when the girl enthusiastically answered she motioned for Maia to follow and began to lead her toward her den. "I explored a bit, met some nice wolves. Then I headed here, found the borders and decided to join." she explained. Maia mentioned a name she had heard around but didn't know by face "Wraen? I've heard her name but never met her."  she explained.
~Always down for Healing threads~

medic specialty: 4/10
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
"You met some nice ones?"  Maia wrinkled her nose as she followed eagerly, sticking to the other woman like glue.  "Must've been lucky, I didn't meet any.  Besides you.  And another girl."  She thought.... did she meet another?  That had been in the thick of fever city.  

"Omg" (literally, she spelled it) "Wraen is the best!!! You'd love her she's the coolest sister ever."  Just like Terance was the coolest brother ever... Maia was at the stage and level of separation with them that she had nothing but adoration and pride.  Whether that would wear off anytime soon had yet to be seen!  "We should go hunt sometime, she showed me this place with the coolest birds!". She conveniently forgot that Wraen had warned her not to mess with them.
147 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Hyacinth looked at Maia with surprise "Really? That's not good. Travel without meeting new friends is boring" she said as she entered her den motioning for Maia to follow her in just as the girl gushed over her sister. Cin smiled warmly and gave a single thud of her tail "I sure hope I get ta meet her then, since you seem to adore her." she said with a grin. When hunting was mentioned she froze and felt the usual quickening of her heartbeat, sighing softly and flicking her ears back awkwardly. "Well see...Im not the greatest hunter? I can barely manage to feed myself" she said honestly pretending to suddenly have a massive itch on her fur that she was biting at with extreme enthusiasm.
~Always down for Healing threads~

medic specialty: 4/10
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
"You can say that again.  I met a lot of rude ones... especially this one boy at Redbird whatever.  Yelled at me for not getting the name right and wouldn't tell me if he knew where my siblings were."  She rolled her eyes.  "Super not cool."  I don't remember if that's at all how that thread went but that's what Maia remembers happening so that's what happened.

"Really!!! Well I'm super great at hunting!" No.... no she is not.  "Maybe I could show you? We could practice! Birds aren't that smart right?"  Dumb birds would be perfect, though maybe not those super pretty ones right off the bat. Ducks or something.
147 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Hyacinth chuckled as Maia offered to teach her, her tail swaying. She couldn't say no to the girl with her endless enthusiasm, it was honestly infectious. "That probably wouldn't hurt" she agreed with a smile and then motioned to the inside of her den  "Welcome to my humble abode slash medicine den and herb storage" she said with pride and stepped over to said herbs. "All these go into healing the sick and wounded"

I'm so so sorry for the wait!
~Always down for Healing threads~

medic specialty: 4/10
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
no worries!

"This is so neat," she said, awestruck as she looked over the collection.  She'd learned a lot from both Dante and Osprey, but healing had never been one of those things, and she would likely not have been able to pay attention anyway.  Cori was way better at that sorta thing anyway.  "It's gotta be so cool being able to help everyone and bein so important," she added, tail waving.

She definitely knew she was important too (obvi) but what could be more liked than helpin someone hurt?  "Where'd you get them all?"
147 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Hyacinth grinned, really happy that Mia seemed to enthusiastic about healing. It made her happy to have a friend that she could to about this stuff. When Mia said she was important, she ducked her head sheepishly "Nah...It's only good when it's needed. It would be much better if I could also hunt good. Honestly I think those who feed us and protect us are much more important" she said.

When Mia asked where she got them all Hyacinth gave a small laugh "They grow all over but a few days ago I went to a place kinda far off and grabbed a bunch of them. That place is super stocked with medicine!" she said.
~Always down for Healing threads~

medic specialty: 4/10
1,541 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia shook her head - she did not agree there! "Anyone can hunt! Knowing stuff though.... that's hard." She'd had a passing interest in it, once, but had lost any and all of it as soon as she saw how much memorization was involved.  Plus her home pack didn't have many who could teach it, and Cori already wanted it more.

"If you ever need help gettin it, show me what it looks like and maybe I can find some? I mean, if you want.  Or I could just go with you!"  It would be just good to have a friend or two.  She hadn't hung out with many outside her siblings yet and much as she loved them, she knew she needed to branch out.