Great Bear Wilderness Heaven can't help you now
stars cannot shine without darkness
469 Posts
Ooc — Mai
All Welcome 
For @Dacio and @Praimfaya. Please allow Serem to post first. <3 Set just outside of Roangeda's borders.

Tzila had taken it upon herself to embark on yet another scouting mission. Only this time, this one was much shorter. She didn't plan on being away from the Haunted Wood and the Nightwalkers for long. Like her previous trip, she wasn't alone. Serem had joined her, after the Shadow Queen extended the invitation to the Consort. Tzila felt that the more time she spent with the dark woman, the better she was able to read her. And Serem's tension was obvious. Opting not to press for the exact details, Tzila walked with her in silence, although she suspected it's origin had to do with someone or something within the pack. When so many hard headed individuals were forced together, it was only a matter of time until tempers were tested.

So imagine Tzila's ire when they converged on Broken Antler Fen, met with a multitude of scents. Wolves were in the area, and a fair number of them. As she edged closer, the scent became stronger. It was unmistakable that these wolves had set up borders, claiming the area as their own. Her smooth black features crinkled into a sneer, her signature scarlet hackles bristling. "Another pack." She hissed. "Intruders." Before moving any closer to the borders where their presence would eventually be noticed, she shared a cold glance with Serem. "Shall we give them a ring?" In her eyes, this little discovery begged for further investigation.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
It had been a while since she had left the borders and surrounding territories. The scenery was refreshing and she was glad to be paired with someone whom she actually trusted and enjoyed the company of; as opposed to the female she couldn't stand at that moment.

The dark woman followed her packmate; she smelt the scents of other wolves that intertwined each other and listened to Tzila. "It seems only fitting that we do." There was no doubt that there scents would be smelt by the others.
”Common” "Spanish"
743 Posts
Ooc — viz
Master Warrior
they smell like the girl that had attacked her; this praimfaya first notices about the scents of the two women. though they reside in the no-man's land praimfaya nevertheless moves to intercept them before they can move any closer to roangeda's borders. though she thinks she should wait for dacio or @Aleks — the two of whom are never too far from her side — she takes the initiative all the same. admittedly, this was likely her own fault for not going to them sooner as she'd went to moonspear but her plate is full, close to spilling over most days and the other girl's aggression upon being approached for being too close and dirge's warning left praimfaya with an automatic distaste for the wolves on the other side of lake rodney.

the rusalkan crone, finding out who murdered her father ( though if praimfaya hadn't been such a wreck she might've realized it'd been the handiwork of a boar instead of another wolf ), finding isi ...she has other concerns and the run-in with the other whelp aside, their neighbors to the east have been quiet.

the worlida's steps are swift and purposeful as the two women — both dark pelaged — come into her frostbound view. her steps slow, body language loose, bordering on cautious as she studies the pair from the shadows of thick winter foliage for a second. hei tripas, the worlida calls out to them as she steps from the frosted green shade of the evergreen. you are close to roangeda, praimfaya points out, not trusting either of them to be more diplomatic than their toothy whelp. in this, for now, she plays the part of young guardian not quite sure she trusts them to know that she's, though in training, ultimately the one in charge.

two snakes. one garden.

what purpose do you seek with our commander? because, praimfaya assumes, they had to have a purpose.

nanowrimo: 334
stars cannot shine without darkness
469 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Before either of them could even issue a summons, someone was already on their way to meet them. Their presence must have been noticed right away, and she had to give them credit for being so vigilant with their borders. Tzila's impression ended there. The single wolf who emerged to greet them, cloaked in a beautiful silver coat, was but a child, likely older than Hela or Valour by just a few months. Tzila found it laughable, but maintained a stoic facade.

"You are close to Roangeda." The youth stated the obvious, and the Shadow Queen's first response was to retort with "And you are encroachers in our wilds." But refrained from such a reckless statement. There was no need to start a squabble. Not yet. Her goal was simply to gather exchange introductions. With Serem by her side, a wolf now of equal power to Vengeance, she would let her lead the conversation. If the Warlord perceived this pack as a threat, (which she suspected he would) then any further course of action, ultimately came down to him. "We are neighbors, so it seems..." She gestured with a tilt of her head back in the direction of home. "We thought it time a proper introduction was in order." Tzila lapsed back into silence, prompting Serem to say her piece.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
If this hadn't been a formal visit; Serem would have immediately laughed at the sight of the young female but the dark woman kept her composure as her packmate spoke. Since the direction of their home was stated she didn't feel it necessary to state it once again. "I am Serem, Nightwalkers consort and this is Tzila a packmate of mine." She stated off with formalities first, Serem would play nice as to not ruin any chances of an alliance if Vengeance saw fit nor would she promise anything. "Please excuse our unannounced visit. We were simply scouting for prey when your packs scent hit our noses." She said simply.
”Common” "Spanish"
the fever becomes my home.
65 Posts
Ooc — hund
Rarely was he pleased for visitors. He was a man of solitude but he knew that pack's could draw attention from outsiders. So he moved on the trail of Praimfaya with strong steps. He knew she was capable but regardless he was protective. A deep chuff would announce his presence as he drew to stand close to the Worlida's side. He would be here, watching and listening to their visitors, but would not speak unless spoken to. As he liked it.

please skip unless directly interacted with/talked to!
bury all your secrets in my skin
361 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
In light of Ingram's passing, the ashen Klikalida was more watchful over his young charge than usual. To know that Praimfaya had lost not one but both of her parents pained him in his own private way, especially considering the wound left by losing her mother had barely the opportunity to close when her father's life was snuffed. Fuck, the death of Portia still felt so raw to Dacio - he couldn't even imagine how the aspiring commander might feel.

Dacio followed her trail when he detected a sniff of her on the air, veering toward the fen's outskirts with the Hope's of joining her on a simple border patrol. He would offer a sympathetic ear if she required it, perhaps even a sparring lesson to take her mind off recent misfortune.

When he found her, she was not alone. Two strangers stood before her and, lingering near the Worlida's side was the stoic Aleks. Dacio moved in closer, keen to assert himself if the need were to arise but driven mostly by a desire to protect his kru. A pair of rogues wouldn't attempt anything outrageous with three Roangeda wolves so near, right?

"Trigedasleng" "common"
743 Posts
Ooc — viz
Master Warrior
it is not long before the deep chuff of aleks and the footfalls of dacio bring their presences, each taking post on either side of her. it is in moments like this where she feels the loss of ingram keenly and it aches beneath her breast alongside the ache of her mother's death. nevertheless, with an imperious lift of her chin the young commander sheds the mirage of 'young guardian'. there is little need now and little use hiding who she is when dacio and aleks stand at her side ready to protect her ...their combined presences and assertive stances give way that she is far more important than she was willing to initially let on. and ...there was no reason this could not be civil. dirge's warning may linger in the forefront of her mind now confronted with two of nightwalker's dwellers and her past meeting with their whelp may prove a brandishing spark of caution, these two women are adults and praimfaya suspects that speaking to them may get her further than their aggressive charge.

frostbound gaze moves to the dark pelaged woman with cardinal red at her nape as she speaks. 'i've been busy', though true, sounds like she does not view them as important. her focus most days is on roankru and split to isi and dragomir who are the last of her bloodkru... she has not forgotten about the nightwalkers but she has prolonged the inevitable. the truth, regardless, doesn't make for good diplomatic skills in this case and though she is not inherently fond of lying praimfaya isn't sure how much truth she should tell these women.

the other dark pelaged woman speaks then and praimfaya's gaze flits to her, noting the formal introductions issued. serem, consort. tzila, packmate. while praimfaya isn't overly familiar with the term 'consort' nor how it relates to their ranks she thinks it might be a title of power given how she announces it while the other woman, tzila, was given the simple title of 'packmate'. i am praimfaya, worlida. this is dacio, my klikalida, and aleks my skairipa. she introduces them, pointing them out with a graceful gesture of her muzzle; returning the favor of formalities.

have you and yours had much luck? praimfaya asks conversely, tapping into her diplomatic skills to extend the niceties. as far as praimfaya was aware the famine was still holding, though even if it wasn't the herds would be thin and sparse anyway with winter breathing down their backs.

nanowrimo: 421
stars cannot shine without darkness
469 Posts
Ooc — Mai
They were in for a bit of a welcoming party, if you even wanted to call it that. Calmly, with unreadable emotion in her eyes, Tzila watched as a dark, mature male silently came to flank the silver youth. Soon after, another younger male appeared, rugged and sporting an array of scars on his metal colored coat. None of them expressed any hostility and in return, Tzila granted them the same courtesy.

Rightfully, she allowed Serem to handle the introductions, while the Roangeda wolves did the same, offering ranking titles which were foreign to the likes of her. Their choice of terminology was interesting. But to each their own, she supposed. As far as she was aware, this was Serem's first true experience in a position of significant power outside Nightwalkers territory. And Tzila was watching...observing silently. Curious to see how the new Consort would handle herself in politics. Giving her superior a glance, it was she who parted her lips to answer the Worlida's question. Giving a shake of her head, she held back a small sigh. "Regrettably, no. Prey continues to be scarce...the large herds are but distant memories. Even the odd mouse is becoming hard to come by."
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
It was hard everywhere and deep down she wanted to know this packs numbers but stayed quiet due to the fact that Serem didn't want to alert or alarm the pack. "The herds have long passed; winter is fast approaching and you?" She observed the child and took note of the other wolf but ultimately stayed quiet unless the other asked anything.
”Common” "Spanish"
bury all your secrets in my skin
361 Posts
Ooc — Rebel
Sorry, I missed Aleks' note to skip, deep.

The young Worlida, supported by her guardians, carried on with fresh confidence. She offered introduction to the unfamiliar duo as Dacio's cool gaze studied them, flitting from one to the other as they responded to Praimfaya's question.

The sterling yearling lifted his head, a charcoal ear pricked high atop his crown. "We make do with what we have," Dacio added when the opportunity presented itself; "where is it that you make your home?"
"Trigedasleng" "common"
743 Posts
Ooc — viz
Master Warrior
according to them, they have fared about as well as roangeda has on the front of food shortages. it doesn't surprise her ...what does surprise her is their honesty on the matter. admittedly, her perception of them is a bit clouded by the warning dirge had imparted upon her but in the presence of a consort and her bodyguard ( at least, this is what praimfaya assumes ) there is opportunity to form a lasting impression. for both sides. her youth and position of command gives her, regrettably, a disadvantage. though most wolves seem generally unfazed by it, there have been few who refuse to follow her because she is young despite having dacio to guide her.

she thinks it is just because they don't understand her people and her ways. the spirit of the first commander of death lives within her. she is chosen, as an only child. as the only child that blodreina and ingram would ever have. the duty of being a leader of her people couples now with the duty of being responsible of passing on the lineage one day ( though that thought has yet to actually occur to her ).

dacio responds for her, answering the question vaguely without actually admitting that they, too, were hungry. praimfaya has always thought that the famine was plaguing all of the wilds ...if there were no herds to be found then all packs were suffering the same, surely. given that she doesn't wish to sound redundant she doesn't add to what dacio has said, instead curious as to how the pair will respond to his question instead.
stars cannot shine without darkness
469 Posts
Ooc — Mai
This can be wrapped up whenever you like everyone! <3

Tzila clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth, humming in agreement. "It's all we can do in these times. Keep vigilant. Seize any opportunity." Her conversational, laid back demeanor was all just a well-played act. She needed to play nice if she and Serem were to get anywhere with these wolves. When you had a new neighbor next door, you didn't just come barging up huffing and puffing when you knew nothing about them. If anyone had any tact, they felt them out first. Precisely what the dark woman was doing now. 

The older male hanging by @Praimfaya's side broke his silence with a question, albeit a basic one. Tzila didn't see the harm in answering it. "Towards the east. Our pack makes its home within the Haunted Woods." She didn't believe that these wolves were the type who would brazenly barge in through their own front door. Internally she still felt threatened that another group was taking up space in the Great Bear Wilderness, rightfully owned by Moonspear and the Nightwalkers together. Having learned from her first experience with Black Hat and Neverwinter Forest, she mentioned nothing of an alliance. That was for Vengeance to decide, when he learned of Roangeda. With a subtle adjustment of her footing, her hock bumped against Serem's paw. A signal for her to take over and add more, or to deem it was time to leave. Tzila could have handled the job herself, but she was not the higher-ranking wolf here.