Haunted Wood Vamanos
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
All Welcome 
A little foreshadowing of Hashut being  near also AW but maybe @Hela or @Alison

During her patrol she caught a familiar scent, it was one of her brothers. Deep down the dark woman wondered why he hadn't shown himself yet but she assumed maybe he was just lingering for now. Serem knee however she wasn't about to go searching for him. So she went on with her day.
”Common” "Spanish"
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
hela does not oft remain isolated on her patrols, and this time is no different. she has barely begun her marking when the distant silhouette of Serem becomes visible. she considers a moment, contemplating simply continuing on her own, but ultimately picks up her pace until she is able to fall into step beside the older woman. she wonders if she's pregnant yet, she she doesn't look any different, really, and so she decides she's probably not. "the woman in the pit tried to escape." she offers, the matter-of-fact statement hiding a silent question.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was greeted with a question from the young female and she gave a nod. "I'm aware, she seemed to be healthier than anticipated I will have to give more seeds until she is ready to be hunted." She didn't know if the young wolves were aware of what they'll be doing very soon.
”Common” "Spanish"
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
it is not a name or identity that is offered, but a purpose. the girl supposes that is more interesting than either. "hunted?" it seems to her, immediately, a cruel punishment. "what did she do?" she does not remember hearing about another trespasser (at least one she was not directly involved with) and doubts she crossed into their lands without permission. so many others did, and they were not hunted.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She knew some would hold back at that idea. "She was my sister but has since been disowned." Was how she started the conversation. "She murdered one of my brothers and in turn came here to do the same to me and possibly others therefore she is a threat to the pack."
”Common” "Spanish"
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
she does not elaborate on the hunt, but rather on the woman herself. Hela pauses to mark a fallen fir, though her attention remains on the woman. "why not just kill her?" she can rationalize the killing of another should they be a threat; simply driving them away was no solution. surely someone as (seemingly) bent on murder would simply find some other way to return. she can not see the rationale behind the spectacle of a hunt, and the prospect of treating one of their own as prey for no discernable reason is disconcerting.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She listened to the girl and she began to speak about it. "I brought it up to vengeance and we decided it would be a test for you and the other whelps to see how you guys fared against hunting your own; one who thought as we do. Since being in a pack of mercenary's for hire this could be a job someone needed done."
”Common” "Spanish"
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
she accepts this is silence, schooling her expression. unrest settles, but she will think this through alone, not in front of the consort. "alright." she will not be unprepared, however, "when?" her attention is drawn away by a flicker of movement in her peripheral. something moves parallel to the border, far enough away so that she can not quite distinguish what or who it is. a moment later, and the distant silhouette vanishes.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She seemed to be accepting of it once she explained why and she wouldn't push it any more. "It will be happening soon, since she is able to escape it won't be very long." She then noticed her attention turn and she wondered if it was Hashut out there, if she so he was rarely close but she knew he wasn't stupid enough to trespass so she didn't bother with it. "Spar with me, show me how well you've gotten."
”Common” "Spanish"
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
the instruction is received only with a nod before she moves, deciding not to waste her time with any preamble. whatever, or whoever, walks beyond their borders is forgotten as she lunges toward Serem, seeking to bowl her over with a hook to her right forelimb and a snap to the same shoulder, hackles bristling. they are equal in height, now; Serem's advantages being limited to her heft and experience.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was quick to go towards her legs and serem tried to hop back to avoid that however the snap to the shoulder wasn't avoidable but serem countered by turning her head and in turn snapping and the young wolfs neck.
”Common” "Spanish"
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
she feels the woman falter, but serem does not fall. the snap to her neck is avoided only barely; there is a sharp pain where serem has tugged away at the fur there as she withdraws sharply, ears tucked flat against her skull, allowing barely a moment's respite before charging forward, looking to thrust her shoulder against the woman's chest while attempting to seize her shoulder in her grip, trying once more to topple the woman.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The female tried to get her on the ground once more and she immediately braced herself and dug her paws into the ground beneath her, once she hit her chest serem threw herself forward shifting her weight hoping to counter her move
”Common” "Spanish"
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
serem braces; the pair collide and go nowhere. winded, but unwilling to withdraw, Hela twists her head the other way rapidly, snapping at the side of the woman's face. should her grip land, she'd try her best to force the woman's head down; if not, she would merely hope the movement would force to woman to withdraw somewhat.
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
They went nowhere and the female arched her head to bite her neck and serem quickly jumped to the side but simply not quick enough and it scraped her neck barely but serem lunged forward hoping to knock her down.
”Common” "Spanish"
lions & men
412 Posts
Ooc — thalia
serem's advantages turn the fight suddenly in her favour; hela is knocked away and only barely recovers her feet. panting, recognizing the conclusion of the spar, she dips her head. recovering her breath, shadow of a grin flashes across her muzzle in gratitude for the bout. hunger becomes her most prominent concern then, and the girl offers a farewell before veering to move into the heart of the territory.