Seaside Moors I see my long lost blossom of shalimar
54 Posts
Ooc — summer
All Welcome 
@Valravn or @Chacal perhaps? or @Rosalyn ? AW tho!!

it was harder and harder to remain by the den each day. she was not born to wander far, but the passing faces, the scents on the wind, told her there was more to her pack than her mothers and arcelia and clementine. eventually she trod along an invisible path, following a milky scent towards the den where younger children lay. the curious sunspot peeked into the entrance, not daring to enter- yet- and still, eyeing the children that nursed at her mother's side.

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583 Posts
Ooc — Lauren

two kiln-silver eyes lurked in the dark -- the spectre of something coyish and dogged. valravn felt his spine prickle as he saw that unnerving pair of greyed-yellow, and was about to bark out when --

something clattered outside the den, pulling valravn abruptly from sleep alongside chacal. his heart was racing and a feeling of strange elevation had come over him, leaving him lightheaded.

he propped shakily onto his stomach, sniffing the salt on the wind.

another scent in there, too.

half expecting the horrible shade that had visited his dream, valravn focused his attention to the den. he could make out nothing of her color or shape, but he saw her shadow darken the mouth of the entry-way, and a little growl pressed from his lips as he scooted protectively alongside chacal and regin.
111 Posts
Ooc —
the soft sounds of tiny footfalls have the herbalist stir from her nap; she'd taken to remaining near to her mother's den after the birth of her newest siblings. champagne gaze blinks open to follow the path of her sun-touched sister, lips twisting into a soft smile. she shifts onto her stomach, tail moving softly behind her as she calls out softly; "bonjour, solaire." she's still learning about them, their growth and their individual personalities, but already she loves her newest siblings.

her attention is drawn to the den's entrance as a growl is heard, settling into silence as to see how this might unfold, prepared to step in should she need to, but fairly certain the pups should be fine on their own.
752 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
Over the past few days, her vision had begun to improve, and she had begun to notice the sounds that provided an often quiet, calm ambience in the world around her. She had begun to realize that there was a difference between those who fed and cared for her, and those who were much like her- only bigger, and louder. Differentiating between siblings and mothers made her lean toward preferring the latter- as the latter supplied baths and food, and they had deeper voices that were soothing and calming. But she did not begrudge her siblings for being small, wriggly, and noisy- they were warmth and companionship nonetheless, though she often avoided any sort of conflict when an invitation to play was extended. 

She both felt and heard the soft sound of Valravn's growl, and squinted toward the entrance of the den, which had been darkened by a silhouette. She couldn't quite make out who it was, but the smell was familiar, and she assumed it was one of the larger, noisier siblings. There was another voice from outside the den, and she felt a bit overwhelmed. She snuggled herself against Valravn's side, and pressed her little nose into the dark fur of his shoulder for reassurance.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
54 Posts
Ooc — summer
so many siblings <3

solaire's ears flattened to her head when the little growl came from one of the darker children- not afraid, but rather hurt that the boy did not want to come and play. she could not process the total reasoning behind it yet; still the mind of a child. 

bonjour, solaire. 

the sunbeam turned blue gaze to her sister who sat upon her stomach. bonjour, clementine. um... they names, kisa yo ye? she mumbled awkwardly, shifting her feet. gaze fell back into the darkness of the den- knowing that these children were tied to her, even if younger, appearing at a different time than herself and arcelia. she longed to be a good big sister.

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583 Posts
Ooc — Lauren

val was not aware this was family, and so he kept close to regin and chacal. his long ears swept back as chacal snuggled his flank, keeping his gaze affixed on the entrance with suspicion.

a mumble of voices; val did not recognize their meaning, but he stood tall and arched his little tail. his head tilted to the side as the larger figure of solaire turned to the 'adult'.

seeing his opportunity while his foe was mortally distracted, valravn puffed his chest and antelope-pronked forward with what he assumed was a very intimidating "BOOF!!" -- which very clearly meant BEGONE, DEN-INTRUDER!!
752 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Master Bard
Not sure if it's my turn...But just in case we wanted to keep this going or move forward a bit?

She could feel the tension and anticipation in Valravn's dark fur, with his muscles taught and tail aloft. She moved closer to his flank, resting her chin against the soft fur along his ribcage, listening as he voiced his opinion on having visitors. While she wasn't entirely sure why he was so wound up, she shared a den with him the majority of her time, and knew that he could be trusted.
It can be assumed that if Chacal is speaking, she will be singing. Her speaking patterns will always have a melodic quality to them.
583 Posts
Ooc — Lauren
i'm just going to pop this in here, maybe archive if no one else pops in? this thread is older so id love to wrap up some outdated ones.. puppies grow so fast!! <3

chacal placed her head upon his shoulder, and that movement was enough to bolster valravn's courage.

the little bear stepped carefully forward, eyes shrewd -- his white milkteeth bared in that nervous growl

clementine's shadow faded from the den in response. valravn watched dutifully, only allowing his posturing to rest once he was certain she was well and clear of the den. he recognized them by scent, but was a wary child -- so he hung close to chacal for just a moment longer to make sure the coast was clear.
54 Posts
Ooc — summer
yo, sorry about this! wasn't sure how to reply since she asked clem a question, and then i forgot about it LOL... wrapping but I'd love new threads with sibs soon <3

assuming clementine answered, solaire would smile gently. the identities of her siblings were known now, but valravn particularly did not seem happy with her presence. and so even as he bared his little fangs, the sunbeam smiled at him before moving away, content to leave the both of them alone again.

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