Dawnlark Plains ≡ Dragonfly
216 Posts
Ooc — Impala
All Welcome 

He was further from home than he had been in awhile. Exploration of The Wilds had been a major focal point at one time and then he had settled in the Empire upon meeting Reiko. Perhaps he'd happen upon her taking a sabatical. She had been gone quite some time. Additionally, it wasn't unknown for her to come up missing to the pack. The only difference being once upon a time she had trusted him to come along and be aware of her location. This time she had just manifested confusion and chaos. Honestly, he thought it selfish of her. How dare she go away now. She had three children that waited for her. Babies who needed her.

 The thought was frustrating. 

 A simple sigh made it past his lips and he turned his attention that for once it wasn't a downpour. The fields were still mushy from the previous weeks of rain, but now the sun managed to break through. There was a warmth about it that welcomed him like a warm embrace. He was trying to think of the warmer things. Polaris had suggested he try harder. He was doing just that. Afterall, he had resumed his previous duties within the Empire. It was simply the past couple of days he had been missing this time. 

 His head craned down and he found a familiar scent. One of his own. Curiosity was piqued and he lazily followed it. Likely it was just so that someone else was passing through much like himself.
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I just drowned in a warm dream
85 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
Thank you for starting <3

It was strangely nicer out today than it usually was. The ground wasn't exactly what you'd call "dry",  but Fujiwara had no right to complain about such a trivial detail — it was much better than walking around drenched and shivering from the rain. 

Izumi decided it was time to wander some distance away from Seelie Court territory for a moment and gather the thoughts that have been jumbled in her mind for the past couple of days. Besides trying to find any remnants of family that managed to survive the massacre, her parents were now dead and Izu was now a rouge — meaning that she would have to start exploring her purpose in this world and any useful skillsets that she might specialize in. Only problem with this was that Izumi hadn't found a passion yet — and a lifetime spent running away from responsibility only deepened that burden. 

What would the damsel be able to bring to the table when it came to being an active member of her new pack? This was a question Izumi herself could not answer right now. But she was beyond determined to find something; it was only natural that she'd give back to the very place that accepted her as one of their own during a crucial time of need.

Just a stroll through the fields was all it was supposed to be at first, but now Izumi felt inclined to use this free time and search for her siblings. There were no duties stopping the she-wolf from doing so, and she had all day to spend before having to head back home, why not? Yet when her path led further into the feild, she'd start to noice an out line in the distance. They were tall — similar in height as she, but packed with muscle to show a difference in sex. Despite not getting acquainted with everyone in the court just yet, his scent alone already told Izumi he was not a fellow member. She did not tread forward, but only stared with observant curiosity.

The Tale Weaver
216 Posts
Ooc — Impala
Collision would be right in assuming he wasn't alone. As time passed he would turn his head and his eyes would settle on the white silhouette of another. Her body was painted with black and his head craned to her in mild curiosity. She was tall, though more slender, and it would appear there was an air of caution towards approaching him.

A friendly chuff reverberated from his chest and his eyes remained on her form. He folded his legs beneath him to make it quite clear he was no threat. He didn’t want her to run off or perhaps choose a path that was out of her way. It was possible that she simply needed to get past him and if that happened to be the case he wanted her to know there was no worry. He wasn’t the violent time. Furthest from it.

It seemed as though this was a regular routine for him upon meeting a new face. He had a tendency to be needed to make his presence less threatening and so he would regularly oblige. It was sad there were those of his kind with such ill intent they made others have to survive in fear. Caution was a great practice to be had. Unfortunately the bad guys didn’t walk around with signs on of assurance around their necks. No, that would be much too easy.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
I just drowned in a warm dream
85 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
[Image: 20200903-202247.png]

The young woman, who now stared at the male in mild confusion rather that caution, wasn't sure what to expect from them. For the most part, his body language expressed a friendly, welcoming aura to it — whether or not it was actually genuine was yet to be deciphered. Yet Izumi would never be able to find out by just standing there, so after a moment of hesitation, the damsel began walking towards them.

Her gait was long and graceful, like a doe walking through the fields, but was also slow and cautious with every step taken. In a way, she was testing them: If he were to suddenly rise up and attack, there would be enough distance between them to quickly bound off. The difference in muscle mass between them could also mean she was quicker than him.

Izumi stopped a few feet in front of the strange man to keep a good distance — just in case a situation like that were to arise. "Y-you, you are?" The dame questioned, tounge still stubbornly fighting with the common language she was attempting to speak.

The Tale Weaver
216 Posts
Ooc — Impala
His eyes swept over her figure as she approached. She was thin, tall, and breakable. She didn't need to be out alone--though he supposed (given his presence) she no longer was. Though, it would be suffice to say she had no reason to consider him true to the nature he were. 

 Furthermore, it was quite obvious that if she did decide to run Collision would not be capable of catching her. She was built to be a runner. He was built to be a wall. Her voice had a strange lilt--perhaps strained. It were tinged with curious tone and he supposed she was one that spoke in a first tongue he did not understand, "Collision Adravendi, miss," He offered her a warm smile, though not over bearing, "And I'm no threat to you. What is your name?" Her scent drifted towards him--delicate but muddled with others. She either wasn't alone or was on her way home. There was something...familiar...in the midst.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.
I just drowned in a warm dream
85 Posts
Ooc — Cheeto
[Image: dcdpdrp-47f21ded-0999-4b65-aeeb-d380ce73c641.gif]

There didn't seem to be any automatic signs of danger emitting from them. In fact, Fujiwara felt strangely at peace around him. Perhaps there were no hidden motives afterall. And assuming this, she relaxed her shoulders and sat on her rump to face him.

Then, A strange scramble of words and syllables would assult her ears. 'What? What did he just say? Coli......Colisi....."Collishan Adrenfen....de...?" 

Ouch. That was fucking atrocious. And hearing those merging of letters come out her own mouth was about as soothing as scrapping a fork against a plate. Her violet gaze quickly averted while internal cringe was being masked perfectly behind a still face. That was embarrassing; mabey even insulting in the native man's eyes to have his name butchered this badly. How couldn't be? Thankfully though, this Collision fellow gave her a chance to introduce herself afterwards. Good. The faster we pretend that Fujiwara didn't mess up his name, the better.

  "My n-name Izumi. Izumi Fujiwara." On the opposite side of the spectrum, the pronounciation of her own name flowed past her lips with ease. Almost unfairly. "I come from Seelie Court."

The Tale Weaver
216 Posts
Ooc — Impala
There was a delay to her speech. As though it were difficult for her to speak. His head betwixt in curiosity he stared at her. It didn't take much longer to realize it was no lack of hearing or even the physicality of speaking. It was a language barrier. Though, she was making an effort--he supposed it had been a long time since he had ran into someone whom spoke in a tongue so different. 

 "Izumi," The name rolled off his lips as he spoke it back to her and offered a gentle nod of his head. He was now acquainted with many wolves from seelie court. Honestly, he was impressing himself. It was possible to say he knew more of them than he did those within his own helm. Oh well, as unfortunate as it were, most of the wolves within the Vale didn't seem to count for much these days. 

Granted he wasn't adding to the case with his frequent disappearances. 

 "Reneian Empire," Perhaps she could recognize the name as an ally of sorts--if she knew anything about it, "What are you doing out here?" He kept his distance, a soft smile, and a curious gaze.
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 Please refer to Collision's profile for information regarding fighting.