Dragoncrest Cliffs You just wanna know those peanut butter vibes
265 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
All Welcome 
A grumble in Sobo's stomach was the first ominous portent, but the pup put on a brave face and tried to ignore it. He was sprawled in the middle of the meadow under the weak morning sun, panting. It felt like many crabs were writhing in his belly and pinching his insides with their little claws. He grit his teeth against it and trained his eyes on the distant red tree, trying his very best to hide his pain, and failing.

Sobo desperately wanted to seek an adult for help, but doing so would mean admitting that he'd eaten the curious jade leaves wrapped around the trunk of a tall pine tree on his way over here. He suspected he would get in trouble for that, so he meant to stay mum, but the pain was getting worse and drool was beginning to drip from his jowls. It would be worrisome for an adult. For a cub, it was downright nightmarish.

Following a particularly nasty punch to his stomach, Sobo lurched to his paws and staggered several feet, only to hunch over and vomit noisily into the grass, sobbing all the while.

"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
893 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"qu'avez-vous fait!" mireille hissed. she certainly felt older than her siblings on more than one occasion. the cherub had become their self-appointed nurse. she rushed to sobo's side.
"chamaco," she murmured in one of rosalyn's words. she pressed herself against her brother's heaving sides, and began to whine. "mwen ta dwe jwenn manman?" mireille cried, her eyes beginning to well with terrified tears no matter her tone before. "sobo!"
265 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Oh, great.

The last thing Sobo really needed right now was to be chastised by his holier-than-thou little sister. He knew he messed up, okay?! But other leaves had never had this effect before. He missed the words she hissed on the tail end of a retch, but he caught the mumbled Spanish. Pa rele m'konsa! he snapped at her, swallowing thickly against his nausea. He turned swiftly from Mireille, afraid he would splatter her with vomit when his body heaved again.

Non, he said after gulping several steadying breaths and stepping away from his sick in the grass. Despite his earlier words, he leaned into Mireille's support willingly. Mwen byen. Besides, Erzulie would only chide him like a little boy, too. He was a little boy, but craved acknowledgement, not admonishment. He would take it better from his mother than from know-it-all Mireille, but that didn't mean he wanted to. Besides, he really was feeling a little better.

Was. Then his stomach lurched as the ivy hit his guts and he groaned, waddling a few steps away before needing to squat when his rear end exploded.

"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
893 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille kept close, her eyes fixed stringently upon ailing sobo. she did not agree that their mother should not be called, and several times she wanted to do it all the same. 
sobo continued to suffer.
mireille covered her nose with a delicate paw. "si ou pa vle li konnen, ou pral bezwen benyen apre sa." her tone was matter-of-fact, but her expression was not. she still worried for her brother, and braved the stink to creep closer, around, until she could lick sobo between the ears.
265 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
It happened so quickly and so suddenly that he could only groan from the ache left behind. His guts were rank, and even after being emptied twice over, Sobo felt like there was something churning inside him. That was the last time he would ever eat an unfamiliar leaf.

At least now he knew what they did, and knew what shape to avoid in the future. It was not the poison variety that made the skin itch, for he had experienced that as well several days prior, but a different and seeming innocuous sort of ivy. How cruel that something so lovely and innocent could have such a profoundly negative effect on his digestion!

Mireille piped up with another suggestion. Sobo wrinkled his nose, hastening away from the twin messes he’d left in the grass. Hopefully it rained soon and washed that all away. Mwen konnen, mwen konnen, he grumbled, licking his chops with a disgusted grimace at himself. Sheesh. You’d think he was born yesterday and Mireille was delivered into the lap of stuffy royalty, the way she carried herself sometimes. What a pain in the butt she was!

Èske w ap vini nan dlo a? he asked, pausing in his awkward sore-bum-waddle to peer back at her.

"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
893 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille huffed at sobo, but it was only a sound of self-importance. of course she would come, and skipped to his side. he stank, but that would be rectified once he bathed. "kisa ou te manje kanmenm?"
she would not insist that her brother see his foolishness again. he had suffered enough and did not need it at her hand. and so she only walked supportively beside him now, relieved when they had finally come to the water.
265 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Mwen pa konnen, admitted Sobo, grimacing. Fèy vèt ak senk ti pwen. Se pa kalite ki grate. They were similar, but the ivy Sobo consumed had wider leaves with less pronounced points than the poison ivy, which was more narrow and sharper-looking. Still, after encountering each type, he would never run afoul of ivy again.

He had to admit in his head that it might be a funny prank to convince Loko to eat it, but after another ominous rumble in his belly made him falter, he decided against it. Loko would find that kind of thing hilarious, but Sobo wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy.

They made good time to the water. Sobo hurried ahead to slide into the shallows, sighing loudly when his sore bum sank below the surface. Sa santi bon, he said to no one in particular before turning his dark face back to his sister. Mwen si ke ou te manje move bagay avan tou, he goaded.

"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
893 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"se pa konsa!" mireille shot back, primly looking down her nose at the soaking sobo. "mwen pa mache otou, mete bagay sa yo nan bouch mwen." she arched an eyebrow, a delicate imitation of some high-blooded parisian relative.
however, she began to grow more sober for her brother, and eventually slipped into the water to join him. along his shoulder, of course, keeping well away from whatever mess might trail at his hindquarters.
"kounye a ou konnen." she looked curiously at him. "ki sa ki fèy yo pou lè sa a?"
265 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
The boy smirked back at her, at the way she lifted her brow like some noblewoman looking down upon a dusty commoner. His was the haughty expression of doctor fresh from his first successful surgery and full of the holier than thou energy of it. Pa gen anyen ki ta anfòm, he taunted, paske bouch ou twò plen poupou!

Oh, he knew Mireille did not eat shit. Neither of them did. Sobo only put the green things in his mouth because he had the pleasure of observing Erzulie at her craft, and because most of them did not have ill effects on his system like this one. Much as he wished for a swift end to Mireille's boastful attitude, he was glad she was there with him while he learned this valuable lesson. It took his mind off it, even if sometimes she grated his last nerves.

Petèt anyen, he guessed, drifting closer to rest his muzzle lightly on the small of her back. Maybe some plants just didn't have any uses. Mèsi, he murmured.

"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
893 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille gasped to hear sobo's impudence. she would have perhaps raised a paw to correct him, had her brother not moved closer to cuddle her in their watery playplace.
the girl relented, and allowed herself to relax and drift closer. "youn nan nou dwe veye pou ou!" mireille muttered.
the words were not gracious but her tone was.
"ou vle konnen kisa manman fè?" mireille asked after a moment. she had always seen their mother around with all sorts of green things, but had not truly stopped to consider it. until this moment.
265 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
Yon jou, said Sobo, mwen pral veye sou ou. He felt rather confident about it. It was only a matter of time before he would grow and grow and grow until he loomed over his sisters. He didn’t mean it literally, though. Sobo was destined to follow in manman’s paws, he was certain of it, and one day would be the caretaker of all.

A huge yawn split the boy’s jaws. His stomach felt more settled now. Dòmi, he proclaimed, sloshing back toward shore. He knew what Erzulie did with the green leaves, but perhaps Mireille meant specifically the ones he had eaten. It wouldn’t hurt to humour his sister; after all, she was going to keep his secret.

Di m 'jan nou ale lakay ou?

"mireille?? more like misandreille *cackles*"
thank u val, very cool!
893 Posts
Ooc — ebony
mireille put out her tongue at her brother at his declaration, but the idea of it was rather pleasant. he was easily the sibling to which she had become the closest, and so he could say such things without her ire.
"byen yon fwa, li te gen zo yon pwason epi," she began conspiratorially, trotting at his side as she began to describe the use of magick and the odd sharpness of the medicine needles that their mother had once used.
sobo, she decided, was tolerable. moreso than tolerable.