Blacktail Deer Plateau I'll fight the world like ten thousand soldiers
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Dere is no such a t’ing as after second chances chile. Blue thought about those words of wisdom from her father as she sat and stared down towards the plateau’s gently sloping hills. He was right you were extremely lucky if you even got one chance at different situations, and sometimes if you were really very lucky you got two, but never three or four only ever two and even that was rare. She wondered at this very moment if she would have second chance to love Atticus and have him for her own. Would he finally wake up and look at her with his pretty eyes and talk to her in the deep voice that soothed her like a caress. Would he? Or would she lose this chance and have to have a second chance at love, could she even do that if the time came and she had too. She wasn’t sure, this love was like the love of her father and her mother, and this kind of love well it only came around once in a life time.

She sighed and bowed her head as the sun’s last rays caressed her downy head and her green eyes sparkled and shone as she looked out over the world, wondering was this all there was. There was a dark sadness that hung heavily on the pack like a shroud with Atticus’s accident and Junior was missing again. Gods what were they to do. She hung her head heavy with sadness, and the moon began to rise as the sun began it’s descent and the moon she showed her white face and Blue lifted her muzzle to the sky and cried out her sadness and her longing and her truth to the moon to hear, letting the world know that she was still alive and she was still fighting and she would fight until the last breath left her body. She would fight against the sadness the world wanted to give her, she would fight for the happiness she deserved just as everyone else did.
Shattered windows and the sound of drums - People couldn't believe what I'd become
1,357 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I know we already have a thread going but this guy looked lonely and I love Blue! hehe

Dante was ambling about aimlessly, without a real goal in mind. He had been contemplating leaving the plateau for a tad and hitting the mountains, seeing what he could find, but hadn't quite worked up the motivation to do so. He was a homebody, and leaving the borders just didn't appeal at the moment. Yet sitting around all day did not appeal either, hence the aimless wandering.

Eyes lighting on a figure standing on the crest of a hill, Dante approached eagerly, ready for some sort of productive activity that didn't involve leaving. As he approached, he could see that it was Blue Willow, the sun's dying reflections lying beautifully on her form. She really was a gorgeous wolf, and he felt a pang. She and Atticus had made a fine pair, and the Beta's plight resonated with Dante. To be there, and yet not... there were few fates worse. If it were he, he would almost prefer death to the half-life that Atticus was living right now. Hopefully he would recover.

He watched as she lifted her muzzle with the moon's rise, sounding a heartbreaking call, and stopped, closing his eyes as a shiver went down his spine. For a moment he thought to simply walk away, for to approach her now almost felt an intrusion. But sometimes the best way to treat heartbreak and to stay strong in times of strife was to keep in touch with those around you and draw strength from them. So he continued on. "You know, where I come from, the moon is the goddess of the hunt. She is also the goddess whom most women pray to, for she protects them as well as the babes they carry." He looked up at the heavenly body, it's silver light setting his eyes alight with a ghostly glow. Perhaps the goddess would hear Blue's suffering and help. She had been Dante's sister's patron, just as Dante's own was Apollo, her twin of the sun. Tarin had always been a devout believer in the power of the gods, and while Dante wasn't quite so blind with faith, he did believe there was something to it.
aiming for Warrior, Guardian, and Advisor specializations
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I don't mind :D I love Dante <3

Blue's ears tweaked backwards as she heard footfalls coming closer to her. She canted her head to look into the white orbs of Dante. Hello Dante It was her only greeting soft spoken as it was. He had probably heard her call, but she was calling for her survival, she was not ashamed of that. She was letting the world know that she would be fine, no matter what it threw at her.

She smiled Ah the maiden Goddess Artemis. Yes she is a good goddess. She grew quiet then, happy that she knew of whom he spoke. you are greek origin then Dante? she thought it was Greek, she could be wrong, it very well might be roman, sometimes she did get them confused, but she was fairly certain she wasn't mistaken this time.
Shattered windows and the sound of drums - People couldn't believe what I'd become
1,357 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I'm glad ^^ sometimes I worry he's a bit dull, but then again, that's kinda how he's supposed to be XD too much internal action, not enough external

Dante nodded in affirmation, for he knew of their counterparts. Artemis was indeed her Greek name, but Dante knew her by another. "Nay, my lineage was born of the stones of Rome. It is said we were once a mighty pack, but infighting split us down the middle. That was when my line came to be upon this land, though I am not sure how." That was far before his time, generations ago.

"Thus I know her as Diana. She does have a beautiful representation, though, does she not?" He had always loved the light of the moon, even if his patron god was one of the sun. The moon's soft glow spoke of gentleness, an understanding that reached beyond the harsh light of the sun. Ethereal, mysterious, and inspiring, she could gild the harshest sights with silver and turn them beautiful.
aiming for Warrior, Guardian, and Advisor specializations
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue smiled Ah Rome, the cornerstone of most civilizations equally as prosperous as Greece. she chuckled as he talked. Well as terrible as this may sound. I am glad you were split down the middle, and your lineage brought you here to us. She hummed gently in her chest, content at the moment. yes she was sad, and yes there was some burdens she had to bear, but she could enjoy her moment with a friend too, and she was a survivor, so the sadness and the road blocks did not mean much more than something for her to work hard to get over.

Ah sweet Diana. And yes she does she is beautiful in her silver skin. She grew quiet and simply watched as the silver rays of the moon touched on the dark ground, lighting up everywhere with it's special light.
Shattered windows and the sound of drums - People couldn't believe what I'd become
1,357 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
He chuckled as well. "Yet torn down by their own power struggles. Amazing how even the strongest can fall from within like that." One would think his family would have taken that as a precautionary tale. No such luck. "Not terrible at all. I'm glad you feel that way." He hadn't doubted it, for she had never made him feel unwelcome, but the words were appreciated anyway. Sometimes it was nice to hear things spoken. "I feel the same."

"It is said that at times she will take the form of a silver doe, under the moonlight, and to lay eyes upon her is good luck for the hunter. But beware they who try to chase her down, for they will earn her wrath." Dante laughed. "Though who would try to take such a beautiful creature is beyond me." His father had preferred the omens of war and tales of conquest, but Dante enjoyed the lighter tales of fortunate hunts and heroic quests. Those were the ones that he remembered most.
aiming for Warrior, Guardian, and Advisor specializations
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue shook her head not really, it used to be that the cruelty and greed of other surprised me, but unfortunately it doesn't anymore. But I know there are those out there good enough and strong enough to fight against it. Now those stories are the ones worth telling. Blue gave him a smile, happy to share her own thoughts, and she was truly glad he was here, helping them, being part of their family.

Blue chuckled YOu would be surprised some want that beauty all for themselves and no matter what they continue to want nothing satisfies, but those ones usually end up in tragedies. She grew quiet then and just enjoyed the companionable silence.
Shattered windows and the sound of drums - People couldn't believe what I'd become
1,357 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Dante had never had too pessimistic an outlook on the world, but he was not naive. He too knew that there were those who sought only their own gain with little thought to how they hurt those around them. After all, for a while and before he knew better, he had been one of them. "I like to think that the good outnumber the bad," he responded with a smile. "And yes, those stories are definitely the ones to hear. For those are the ones that hold the best lessons."

Those definitely were the stories that ended in tradgedy. He knew that very well. In many of the stories of his youth, poor mortals had reached for too much, or spoken too highly of the things they held, and they were struck down and punished for doing so. Terribly things happened for those who presumed too much. If not to the individual doing the deed then to those who they were close to. The stories of bystanders in the person's life who were hurt due to their decisions always struck Dante as the worst. He had never liked them, not even as a pup, for they reminded him of the injustices those with power could wield on those beneath them. Good lessons in caution, but not pleasant.
aiming for Warrior, Guardian, and Advisor specializations
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow was and would always be an optimist. However, she would be lying if she said that those who only wanted things for selfish reasons did not make her take pause. They sometimes made her doubt a little bit about the good nature of others, but she always managed to not dwell on it so much, that it caused her natural optimism to depart.

Blue tilted her head as she watched him thinking of different things. There were those who strove for too much, those who burnt out like an old star. Hot and lava like, only to burn out as they hit the ground and reduced to ash. Yes that is true those are the right stories. So tell me Dante? Do you often tell stories? I remember your story from the pack revelry?
Shattered windows and the sound of drums - People couldn't believe what I'd become
1,357 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
"As I remember yours." That pack meeting was a memory he would not soon forget, for it had been one of the first times here that he truly felt like he had found his home. Besides that, her story had left quite an impression. He enjoyed watching a master work, and while she might not hold the official title yet, a master she was. "It was very well told."

"I do enjoy weaving a tale or two, but do not hold the creativity to fabricate my own. Those I tell are the ones that were shared with me in my youth." He was a large fan of passing on oral traditions, stories always having been a great love of his. He would never hold the trade of Chronicler but that did not mean he could not have a healthy appreciation of it all the same.
aiming for Warrior, Guardian, and Advisor specializations
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue bowed her head in slight shyness, Thank you I wish you could have heard my father tell a story. Now then it was an art. Her father could tell a story far better than she ever could. That was one thing she would miss badly, was her father's stories.

Blue nodded As are most of mine, simply stories that are passed down for generations. Now Osprey, Peregrine's sister she can make up stories like nobody's business. She smiled proud of her friend, she wished she could do that, perhaps she could if she really tried, but her friend was far better at it than she was.
Shattered windows and the sound of drums - People couldn't believe what I'd become
1,357 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
"I should have liked to hear it," he said truthfully. It would have been an honor to hear her father give a story. "And perhaps one day I will be treated to the pleasure of Osprey's tales." Maybe they would have another storytelling night.

He had no way of knowing that in just a short time he would meet Osprey and have just that occur. There was nothing wrong with tales passed down, and it still took rather a lot of talent to do them justice, but there was something about a new story that couldn't be beat. Especially if the same mastery was displayed in the telling.
aiming for Warrior, Guardian, and Advisor specializations
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue smiled and he would have liked to tell it. She chuckled to herself as she thought of her father. It was a sad thing this missing him, but she had so many happy memories that frankly there was not time to be sad, with all the good thoughts she had.

Blue chuckled again Osprey will offer you a story without you having to ask. That is one wonderful thing about her. She gives with her whole heart, and she's so imaginative. Sometimes I envy her that, but I would not have her any other way. She is one of my dear friends. Blue grew quiet then, she loved her friend, she loved her imagination and her grace, she was proud to call her an adopted sister.
Shattered windows and the sound of drums - People couldn't believe what I'd become
1,357 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Funny how most often those we envied weren't enemies, but friends. If one wasn't careful, that envy could poison a relationship, turning friendship to resentment and bitterness. He was certain Blue Willow wouldn't ever partake in that, nor had he ever had the experience. But he had seen it happen.

"I'm sure that one of these days I will meet her. Any friend of yours is sure to be wonderful." He looked forward to it. It would be nice to get to know more of Peregrine's family as well. Atticus and he were lovely, so naturally their sister would be as well.
aiming for Warrior, Guardian, and Advisor specializations
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue may feel slight envy for Osprey's gift, but she would never act upon it, or wish her ill. It was good to have your own skill you were good at and Blue would never wish to take that from someone, nor would she want any wrath on her head from the heavens from whomever, for being envious.

Blue chuckled I don't know about that, I get the feeling that most do not care for my friend, no he is more of an acquaintance Ragnar, and I find him fine. He was a harsh man this male Ragnar, but he had never treated her badly. She got along just fine with him.

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