Lion Head Mesa Anísychos
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Preparations for the wedding as well as preparations for the war seemed to have split everyone’s time in Akashingo. If the lady Satsu was not attending meetings with her followers, her doting maids and servants, she was spending her days with her betrothed. The Pharaoh seemed to split his time evenly between preparations and treating himself to his treasures. Arsenio did not know the extent of the ruler’s plans or efforts, he only watched silently from his post as they moved about the mesa.

Ever since his last conversation with Tamar, the Greek had been in a foul mood. He had stood at his post with a frigid scowl, greeting any who approached the queen with a sharp look and a stiff figure. The happy smiles he had worn had been replaced by a mask of duty. The misthofóros’ former pleasures had been swept away. While he waited for the queen, while he stood guard, even when he sought his few moments of peace, Arsenio felt that he was being watched.

Even in the privacy of the caverns, he could not shake the sensation that there were eyes on him.
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Dismissed from the pharaoh's presence and unsure what to do with his free time, Sayf had settled on exploring the mesa—although it didn't excite him too much. He'd much rather be exploring the god. 

But to his surprise and relief, he stumbled upon the queen's personal guard. Arsenio looked more stiff and unyielding than he normally did, which only invited the coyote to move closer. The giard looked as if he needed to release some of his tension, and Sayf possessed the skills to help him with that if he was receptive. 

He trotted forward and stopped near the tower of a man. He was strong and capable, and Sayf wondered if he ever did anything for himself here. He dipped his head respectfully. Good evening, he greeted softly. You look more tense than normal, Sayf gently pointed out. I hope everything is okay?
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A male’s voice sounded softly, drawing the gaze of the burly guard to a figure painted in colors of auburn and stone. They were sleek, built like the beautiful wolves that the Pharaoh kept hanging around his figure at all hours. Arsenio realized that he did not know this wolf’s name. He did not know how long the fine-featured man had resided in Akashingo.

Did it matter when he sole task was to protect the queen? No, but it did not stop the misthofóros from being curious.

Kaló apógevma, Arsenio returned in greeting. The Greek drew his head upward and blinked softly toward the other man, tracing the outline of the wolf’s frame with a sharp glint in his eye. The Pharaoh was fond of pretty things, this much was evident. It was remarkable how many the ruler had found to fill his halls. Were fair young wolves seeking to pledge themselves to a greedy king or was Ramesses truly that charming?

Should a guard not be tense? Arsenio laughed rowdily.
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The guard's laugh pulled Sayf even closer—close enough that he could reach out with his nose and touch the man's cheek if he wished to do so. For now, he just sat calmly in front of Arsenio, looking up to study his face. Surely not all the time, he answered with playful curve to his lips. Do you ever want a break from being on guard? Even just a short one? Sayf hoped his answer would be yes, but if not, he was willing to coax the the tension from his muscles. He had a feeling this one wouldn't let go very easily.
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The fine-boned wolf drew closer to the guard.

Arsenio drew his chin upward, breathing in the scents of the coyote and noting only one of importance – the Pharaoh. Like spoiled fruit, the man’s scent was one that belonged only to him and his harem. The Greek was shocked that they would be there, with the queen’s personal guard. Was the spoiled king indulging in another member of his pack?

The mercenary laughed again, shaking his head at the sharp features of the other man.

I wish only for a day in the sun, beside the ocean of my home. A wish that can never come true, he spoke sweetly and his smile settled onto his features with warmth. A break pales in comparison.

Then, where is the Pharaoh? He does not desire your company?
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As suspected, he would not let go of his reticence easily. The guard longed for the sun and the ocean—his home. Sayf did not know what it meant to miss home as he wished never to return to his own. But the harlot could hardly believe that was all that he longed for. Not with so many packmates to choose from, ones that would be more than willing to help him blow off some steam. He was about to say as much, but then the statue asked him why he was not with the pharaoh. 

The pharaoh has many desires, Sayf pointed out. So many that only one man can not be expected to sate them all the time. He smiled again. Maybe you have desires as well? he asked. Sayf stood and stretched languidly, seductively before Arsenio. Maybe I could help sate them, as well?
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Arsenio could not help but to snort at the pretty wolf’s remark on the Pharaoh.

Many desires, indeed, for the Greek man had seen for himself just what the lust of the ruler could do. The man had built his own place of worship, had surrounded himself with items and bodies, coveted all the pleasure that he could. Instead of allowing the fair young man’s statement to slip by, not without getting a word in, himself.

Ah, well, I would assume the Pharaoh is unopposed to more than one man sating his desires, hmm?

Arsenio chuckled and shook his head.

I do not need you to tend to my wants. You may be lovely to look at, but you are not for me. My heart is for my wife who is far away… and my daughter who is with her.

The icy blue of his gaze locked with the other man’s in a daring display of his confidence. Arsenio was not there to play games with the Pharaoh’s toys.
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Sayf chuckled, a playful smile curving his soft lips. That is okay, Statue, he offered calmly, straightening and moving to sit before the serious guard who was so loyal to his family. I'm not used to such fierce commitment, he commented. Perhaps we can just talk? Be firends? His offer was genuine. He could please in many ways; if friendship was more appealing to this man of stone, then it was what Sayf would give him. 

You are allowed to have friends, yeah? He raised a thoughtful eyebrow, his golden eyes filled with playful temptation.
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The delicate beast wanted only to talk, to become friends.

Upon hearing it, the Greek man drew his chin up and smirked. Then, his broad shoulders shrugged carelessly, and he slipped down so that he could rest upon his belly, head on his paws. The icy blue of his eyes drifted to the Pharaoh’s toy. The mercenary realized that he did not know the name of this fair creature.

What are you called, then? Arsenio inquired roughly. We cannot be friends if you have not shared your name.
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Sayf, he answered with a brief nod before stretching and lowering himself to the ground to copy the other man's position. He kept his head up, though, his gaze searching the guard. He was intrigued by this man.

And what can I call you? Sayf asked. He would probably continue to call him statue because it was so fitting, but it would be nice to know the man's actual name. Before now, he had just been the queen's guard.
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The Greek watched as the slender figure mimicked his posture and slipped into a comfortable position at his side. It did not bother him.

The name Sayf was a curious one, but it suited the sleek figure. It was soft on the tongue. The auburn wolf nodded his head and offered a small smile. I am Arsenio, he then offered. Whether the Fellahin used it or not was of little concern.

Icy blue glanced toward Sayf, taking in the young man’s figure with small interest.

What was your home like before Akashingo?
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Before Akashingo, I was alone and roaming, Sayf answered, trying not to let his muscles tense at the question. His past was not something he talked about. He needed to avoid thinking of it or his mind might get messy. And Before that I was also a servant, to cruel wolves who were far less deserving than the pharaoh. he shook his head. But that is in the past. It was all he would say about it.

Have you always been someone's guard? Sayf asked, clearly changing the subject.
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Sayf told only a little of his past. What he offered was not done so in positive light. Arsenio nodded his head slowly, understanding. It sounded as though being allowed to live in Akashingo had been a blessing to the slender thing. What a pitiful life, if this was the case.

It was clear that Sayf did not want to continue speaking about his past. He changed the conversation back to the auburn wolf in a single question. The slight wolf wanted to know if Arsenio had always been someone’s guard. The redstone wolf smiled carefully and nodded.

Guarding, fighting, running, where there is work to be done, I too will be there. To provide the possibility of a better future for those I love.

As he spoke, he knew that the mesa wolves would believe he had a wife and child in a faraway place, the remnants of a family that he spoke fondly of and prayed for nightly. His time within Akashingo had changed the image in his mind. He did not think of a wife or daughter. Arsenio thought of Tamar and the sea. He fixed his eyes to his paws.
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Sayf listened quietly, thoughtfully, as the statue answered his question. His answer was predictable, but the fellahin's mind lingered on his last words—to provide the possibility of a better future for those I love. It made him wonder. Who here do you love and want to provide for? he asked, his curiosity genuine. He said he had a wife and child far away, yet clearly someone here held his love as well. It could be a different love, of course, but Sayf was intrigued. He wanted to know more, about who had earned his love and about Arsenio in general.
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Arsenio laughed at such a simple question.

For the Pharaoh and for his lady, of course!

Such a simple question with a dangerous answer. The mercenary would answer for the ruler, first. He was the most important figure there. Then, his queen-to-be would be immediately after, her name voided to be certain that she did not carry the same manner of importance. When Arsenio smiled, he hoped that it would appear genuine. He hoped, too, that he would not appear as interesting as he might have before.

The redstone man was nothing more than brawn placed there to protect those vastly more important than he.
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The expected answer—the right one. Not the Sayf was hoping to catch him up in a lie or anything, but he felt it was within his orders to make sure. Of course, he said quickly. The pharaoh and his lady are lucky to have such a loyal guard. But he desperately wished to know what went on in the statue's secret mind. Something about him drew the fellahin to him. 

His soft, interested gaze searched the hard lines of the giant's face. Who provides for you? he asked. And before the guard could give him the 'correct' answer, he added: Beyond your basic needs surely met by the pharaoh and his servants. He smiled; it was soft and friendly. What if you need to talk or unwind? Such a job is sure to have a lot of stress and pressure.
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Arsenio beamed proudly at Sayf’s words. His tail wagged in a pleasant motion for a few moments. The man knew that it would be good to show that he was prideful, that he considered himself honored to be guarding such important members of Akashingo. It would do well if Sayf ever whispered words to the gold-furred ruler.

I do that for me, he feigned confusion. The man’s redstone head turned, first to the right and then back to the left. He searched the other figure questioningly, hoping that he could get the Fellahin to stop playing coy with his words. If I feel the stress, I will climb the mesa and sing a joyful song. You wish to hear?

Arsenio did not wait for an answer. He hummed roughly and allowed his eyelids to bob heavily. The sway of his muzzle moved with the sounds he made. The man’s expression was serene.
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Sayf had never met someone so intent on taking care of themselves—on turning down any offers for help. The fellahin suspected it was not entirely the truth. Everyone had needs that were unable to be met by just themselves. Surely he felt lust or loneliness? But he knew he was unlikely to get those kinds of secrets from the guard.

The song Arsenio began to hum was lovely, though, and it distracted Sayf from his thoughts. He closed his own eyes and let the music drift slowly into his heart. That's nice, he said softly. I can see how that would sooth you.
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The independence of Arsenio was, perhaps, the only honesty he had offered to Sayf. It was the only thing genuine that had found its way to the Fellahin’s ears. What he would make of it was beyond the guard. Arsenio was a man who liked to be known as a loner. It set him apart and allowed for little obligation.

There had only been one or two flukes in such a system.

It can soothe you, as well. You come to find Arsenio when you want to ease the tension, yes? I will sing for you and it will be cleared away.

The Greek smiled at Sayf and nodded his head eagerly.
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Sayf couldn't help but smile at the man's offer. No one yet had offered to ease his tension. It had always been the fellahin doing that for others. Not that he minded. He found joy in relieving the stress of others. Thank you, Arsenio, he said softly. 

And if you want someone to listen, you can always come find me. I will gladly do that for you. His words were genuine, as was his gentle smile.
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Would you care for another? ^^

Sayf appeared grateful for the offering. Arsenio felt he may have removed some of the pressure with his gentle song. At least, when the Fellahin spoke again, it was only to offer to lend an ear if the Greek should ever need one. Tempting as it may have been, he did not know if he would ever accept such an offer from one of the Pharaoh’s love things.

Arsenio still nodded his head and offered a dumb smile to the gentle Fellahin.

I sing another and you will relax with me for a short while, the guard instructed. He began another and allowed his voice to fill the space with rough melody. Arsenio would share that spot with Sayf until the Fellahin desired to return to his duties. The image of the kind creature would remain with the Greek man for a while after his departure.
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yes pls! i can start one <3

Sayf smiled and nodded, happy to spend more time here, listening to the soothing songs of the mazoi. 

Nothing so innocent had ever given him such peace. Eventually, he would lay his head on his delicate paws and close his eyes, so he could imagine each note in his head. It would likely grow to be one of his tools to clear his mind when everything got all jumbled up. 

He appreciated the guard for such a gift.