Redhawk Caldera I know the world outside seems different
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Maia went into labor in the wee hours of the morning.  She woke @Eljay when the contractions began and set @Sylvie on guard outside of the den.  She'd have loved to have both of her daughters to help but Sylvie was sensitive to things in a way that @Hymnal wasn't.  Maia thought it would do her better to have some space when things progressed.

The birth was difficult, but it was not as bad as she had feared it might be.  The first two pups came fairly easily.  Both were girls and both were a beautiful shade of silver, light like their dad.  She admired them as long as she could, (@Ceridwen, then @Chickadee) but before long, the third was arriving.

He took longer than his sisters had.  By the time she managed to deliver him (@Jay), Maia was completely spent.  She thought for a moment she was done, then knew she was not.  The last pup she ended up needing help with.  When the last round of pains came rippling through, despite groaning with effort, she wasn't making any progress by pushing.  It took some gentle pressure from Eljay, coaxing her muscles to do what they needed to, for her to manage the final pushes.  Another beautiful baby boy - @Aiden.

As she lay there afterward, Maia felt a bit like she'd melted into the den floor.  Everything seemed surreal, filtered by exhaustion, joy, and relief that it was over.  She couldn't wait to meet them as soon as she caught her breath.  She just needed a few moments first.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Time seemed to have flown by and before he knew it, they were already here. Eljay blinked in confusion when he was awakened, but soon he realised what it meant. Either something was wrong, or, (he found out soon after it was that one) they were coming! Eljay quickly managed to dive into the role of midwife as he helped Maia through the labour. He could tell that it was more difficult this time. There were more pups, too; the first two went relatively easily, but the third seemed to take a while and then the fourth was surprisingly big considering it was the runt of the litter.

Eljay helped them all to nurse at their mother's side and then he checked to make sure Maia was healthy and there was no excess bleeding or anything of the sort.

Once everything was in order Eljay took the time to nuzzle Maia. I'm so proud of you, he said softly. The midwife had experienced many births, but none were as special as those of his own children. Then he looked at the children, ready to admire each of them.
63 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bluejay came into the world third and, of course, he came on his own time.  He was a roly poly of a pup, chubby and stout, and he set out in a consistent squealing whine as soon as he was released into the world.  That is, until he discovered food - and the competition

He could feel them squirming next to him right from the start.  He wasn't afraid to shove his way in and displace a sister in the process, but as soon as he got what he was looking for, he settled in contentedly.  Everything about this place, and the company, was warm and familiar now.  Every once in a while, while he ate, a little growl would follow.  Just in case they forgot he was there, apparently.
40 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Though the last to arrive, Aiden was hard to decipher as the runt of the litter; he wasn't smaller than his siblings. He started off by immediately demanding to be seen and heard as he cried out, but as soon as he was guided to a teat Aiden calmed quickly and leaned into the comfort it provided. He would not let his siblings push him aside, but neither did he push them, seemingly acting almost like the arbiter of this playground for the time being.
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
no posting order!! I'll give everyone plenty of time to hop in with at least a post before I close this out ^^

It took a while for the static to die down and her mind to clear up after the effort of bringing their newest kids into the world. Her first question was how they were, but Eljay's nuzzle and quiet praise answered it without her needing to ask. He wouldn't have sounded so relaxed if anything was wrong. She could feel them against her and still could hardly believe it. Four!

Maia opened her eyes and looked at Eljay, smiling. I just have the best help. She replied softly, directing that at Hymnal too. She wanted to reach out to her daughter, to thank her, but didn't think she was ready to get up quite yet. Now that the pups were here, thankfully, she'd recover her strength pretty quickly over the course of the next few days.
120 Posts
Ooc — Hela
Hymnal had stayed close to her mom that last few days. She had heard papa saying that the babies would be here soon, and she didn't want to be too far if something happened. 

She was sleeping, snuggled up with her sister, when she was woken by the voices of her parents. It didn't take long to shed the fuzziness of sleep for a worried and excited alertness. Sylvie was sent outside to keep watch and Hymnal remained at her dad's side, helping in anyway that was needed. 

Soon the first two pups were here, two little sisters. Hymnal stared at them in awe. They were so tiny and helpless; she already felt fiercely protective of them. 

A little while later, her first little brother was born. He was her first brother ever, and she couldn't wait to tell her sister about him. 

Mama seemed to have some trouble with the fourth puppy, and Hymnal hovered worriedly near her father, watching what he did to help make sure her second little brother got here safely and that her mom was okay. 

When it seemed everyone was doing well, she moved closer to Maia as her dad told her mom that he was proud of her. Mama said she had the best help, and Hymnal smiled. She nuzzled Maia's cheek and then looked over her four baby siblings. I love you babies, she whispered. Then with a nuzzle to her papa's cheek, she trotted outside to update Sylvie on their new brothers and sisters; she felt like her parents deserved some time alone with the pups. She would check on them later when she could no longer stay away.
345 Posts
Ooc — ebony
secondborn and silvertipped, sorcha chickadee blackthorn was destined to be a comfortable middle child. her birth was not eventful, save for a piercing squall as the air struck her tiny damp figure. that was uncalled for, chickadee declared in high-pitched eloquence until she was guided to a nipple.
mother father older sister — all gathered around the quarter of newest babies born in brecheliant.
chickadee burped. she slept.
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay felt so overwhelmed by feelings that it felt as though he could burst. They were all so perfect; the babies, the older children, Maia. Sylvie and Roswell were missing, but Eljay understood that Maia needed some space and he also understood that maybe it would be a bit much for Sylvie (even though Eljay, recognising much of his younger self in her, would've preferred if she was at least invited in if she wanted to, as well). Hymnal added to the overwhelming good feelings when she whispered to the babies that she loved them.

As Hymnal went out to inform Sylvie, Eljay smiled encouragingly at her, glad that she took that upon her. Of course, Sylvie was welcome to check now, if she wanted. Eljay settled on the ground beside Maia, snuggling his head close to hers; the hard work was done, mostly hers, and now they could enjoy the moment — especially with having their older children to take care of some of the practical matters. I love you, Eljay whispered to Maia, his voice tired but content. All of you.
736 Posts
Ooc — Me
At present - not much could be said about the first-born. Small, furry loaf of a puppy with a disproportionately large head in comparison to the rest of her body. Blind, deaf, grey. Doing stuff all infants do: cry, eat, sleep and repeat. Summed up in a single word? Ordinary. 

Given a chance to write her story, it would probably start like this.


I am here!

*Fanfare and confetii emoji*

*Head-exploding emoji*
Promising much, eh?
1,538 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She couldn't wait to have all of their childrens' help in raising these new ones and she marveled again, as Hymnal spoke quietly, at how lucky she and Eljay were. These puppies didn't even know yet how loved they were and they wouldn't know what to do with all of it once they did.

Eljay joined her and Maia smiled as she felt his head press to hers. I love you. She was too tired to name them right now and it sounded like Eljay might be too. They could worry about that after they'd rested, and maybe by then the pups would even have given them some clearer ideas. We make some great kids. She would take some of the credit if he took some as well, though in the end, she knew it wasn't them. It was the kids themselves.

Maia let herself relax against the warmth of Eljay and let herself enjoy the gentle prodding, and movements, of the puppies against her. She didn't recall ever being happier.

can be last for me! <3
a hundred mini dreams and a healing scar ♥
2,125 Posts
Ooc — Iris
Master Medic
Master Midwife
Master Sitter
Eljay felt content, knowing that Hymnal and Sylvie were out guarding and that he could relax. After Sylvie and Roswell had visited their baby siblings too, Eljay could feel his attention slack even further as he melted into Maia's side. Hmm-mm, he agreed softly to her statement and he sighed in contentment before slowly slipping into sleep.