Redhawk Caldera I'm more than meets the eye
817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
All Welcome 
tag is optional, this is aw! Needed a fresh one for her <3

Bridget was completely soaked but also very pleased with herself as she carried her catch to where she knew @Teya was now staying. They'd moved from the island to a place with a bit easier access and Bridget was grateful - swimming across had been fine but visiting this way was far easier.

It looked like she'd swum here from the state of her pelt, though. She'd managed to bring down the duck that swung from between her teeth now, but it hadn't exactly been a graceful catch. She'd launched herself at the thing to snatch it before it could take off, but she hadn't quite managed to compensate for the landing. Both of them had gone under and it had taken a fairly undignified scramble to get back on her feet. The other ducks probably got a good laugh in but she didn't even care. Fuckin' killed it, hell yes! The catch and the duck! She was on cloud nine.

She wanted to share some of those happy vibes, but if Teya wasn't around, she'd drop it for her to find later. Maybe she'd see then if she could go for round two, find something for Eljay and Maia's family too? She was already wet... and it was hot enough that the dip actually felt pretty good! Maybe.
1,179 Posts
Ooc — ebony
bridget was filthy and ecstatic when teya came across her. the raven had been fishing in the river, and she too was dampened by her efforts. 
she saw the fowl and waved her tail. "congratulations!" teya called as she approached. she nosed the soaked feathers of the duck and then grinned toward the red-masque. "tell me story of how you catch it."
bridget was vibrant and thrumming with energy. teya felt herself responding in kind, warm and quick and immediate, like it had always been. she tamped that down. her own focus must be kept now into staying a good friend to the woman she adored.
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817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget beamed and then laughed as she dropped the duck, shaking a bit of muck from her forepaw as she did. She was clearly pleased with herself and, moreso, she was glad that they'd gotten back to this. Things should be easy, with them - anything else felt wrong.

I had to fight my way through at least six pond monsters, but I sent them running, of course. Bridget flicked a bit of water from her tail in Teya's direction playfully, a small array of droplets.

Honestly, though, I managed to jump it before it flew off! First catch since - and definitely not the last! It's for you, if you want it. It was no rabbit, or deer, but it was something. It felt good to have a win and, even more, to be able to share it.
1,179 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"six monsters? you very brave, bridget." teya smirked as they leaned into the joke, both of them. but she was exceedingly pleased that the cardinal had succeeded. the loss of her leg on those islands had been a great adjustment, as was coming to the caldera with its much steeper walls.
teya nosed the duck.
"we eat it with blackberries, hm? you and me."
reyes could hunt for sorana; teya wanted this meal, selfishly, to be only for she and bridget.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget was caught for a moment, glowing, and let her gaze linger. Then she laughed and the instant broke. She could see through her jokes now but the comment wasn't sarcastic. It felt exactly the way Bridget felt - proud.

If you insist. I think I know the perfect place, if you don't mind sneaking out the back. Bridget shot her a conspiratorial smile, then picked up the bird and led the way.

Teya probably knew the place too. There was a spot, to the north, where a thicket grew among the trees. Bridget figured it was a result of the birds that likely roosted in the trees while frequenting the meadow that was a ways outside their bounds. Right now she was just grateful it meant lunch wouldn't come with a climb - the hunt had been enough for the moment.
1,179 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya had a faint idea of where bridget indicated. the raven took a moment to cache the duck loosely; then she smiled and gestured for the cardinal to lead on, thankful for the opportunity to leave her tasks behind for the moment. the sun was warm upon her back, and its welcome touch had the kindling effect of a more languid stride.
summer was in full bloom and gleam; she stopped in a swathe of soft velvet grass to watch hares frisk and leap in circles around one another, grinning toward bridget with the delight of the moment.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
It was good to just run together and enjoy the sun and the day. Nothing was so important that it needed to get in the way of this - even as responsibilities shifted and changed. It was good for the body, and the mind, to let those things go for a while.

She couldn't be a medic every moment of every day. And Teya could not be a mother.

As soon as Bridget saw the rabbits, she bounded after a pair of them on a whim. It was more awkward with her three legs, but she laughed and didn't really care. She was doing it for the fun of it and did not have much hope of catching up.

She hoped to infect Teya with a bit of it. Together they could wreak havoc on the hunting grounds - but only for today.
1,179 Posts
Ooc — ebony
bridget had adjusted her running well. teya danced after her friend. the hares scattered, and laughing, she veered after it. the instinct to hunt was quelled for now; the raven only meant it in good fun.
she was suddenly and desperately glad for the cardinal; for all that she brought.
for all that she was.
teya stopped for a moment, panting. "i have fished too long! not fast enough for rabbits," the little violet declared with an encouraging glance toward her companion.
817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget laughed breathlessly as she stopped too. The rabbits she had originally chased were long gone.

I wonder if they are laughing at us too? Thinking we can run like rabbits when we're so full of fish. It might have bothered her a while back, to think she couldn't keep up, but it didn't now. Eventually she would - or she wouldn't. Either way, she was elated with the progress she had made, which was more than she could have ever expected.

She allowed herself to fall over, stretching her legs theatrically. You may need to leave me behind. I'm not sure I can make it. Tell the blackberries that I loved them. At that she couldn't help it, and she burst into another fit of laughter around the (obviously) dramatic statement. The grass here was so comfortable compared to back home that she was willing to delay for a short break, especially since they had nowhere to rush to.
1,179 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya too dissolved into laughter. bridget's words were goofy enough, but seeing the rest of the theatrics was enough to bring her own amusement. "you too much!" she declared, swiping a paw impulsively at the cardinal.
the raven flopped down nearby and groomed water from her chestfur.
"i thinking, sorana be old enough to make short trip soon. maybe you and i take her somewhere, maybe lake."
her tone was casual enough to hide the hopefulness, but she could not quite look toward bridget.
817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She waved a paw airily back as Teya proclaimed her as 'too much'. She wore the title with honor!

The invitation, though, took her by surprise. It pulled her from her playfulness in a way that wasn't bad. Bridget couldn't help her first thought being that Reyes definitely wouldn't like that. He hadn't even liked Bridget being around while he was there... imagine his reaction to being left off the invite altogether?

Her second though - she didn't give a single shit. That wasn't her job to worry about, and if Teya wasn't bothered, she sure as fuck wasn't. She could admit to more than a little petty satisfaction, but it wasn't because she was 'winning'. It was more the fact that she resented, since her return, how much it felt he tried to control. How little respect he had for Teya's relationships outside of their mateship.

The same question, over and over.

Yeah. I think I'll recover by then. She smiled, rolling to her stomach to lie sphinx-like instead. Though... do you think she'd like the fireflies? It's been a while. They weren't out yet when I passed through there last. A nudge in another direction. They could visit the lake, but Bridget had the notion Sorana might enjoy it less than other options worth exploring.
1,179 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya was unwilling to admit it to even herself, but the hope had not stopped.
it was why she had always chosen outside the pack for her tense liaisons. and she felt guilty for considering that. for thinking of anything along those lines at all.
teya gathered the proverbial mess of thoughts, stuffed them into a metaphorical box, and shoved them to the back of her mind. bridget definitely deserved better than teya who only considered her —
teya willed herself back into the playfulness of the conversation. she grinned. "yes, i think she would love that." they would have to do a trip with all the kids at some point, but for now it could just be them.
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
I think this is before he disappeared. Which is only important bc.... this post XD. I can update if we want to change that

Teya seemed to like the suggestion. Bridget had noticed, in her interactions with Sorana, that the girl tended to avoid the lake with a purpose now. She didn't know what exactly had happened, but something about the water seemed to turn her off. Chasing fireflies sounded more her style and, selfishly, would give she and Teya a little less need to keep such a close eye on her.

That thought certainly came with its own measure of guilt. Then frustration. It was kind of fucked, actually, that she was keeping her mouth shut out of some kind of deference to whatever relationship they had. Teya was her friend. And she deserved better than that from Bridget too.

I'm going to be honest, okay? And then you can tell me to fuck off an never bring it up again, if you want. As your friend, I have to say it. Damn, she was nervous. She had no clue how Teya would take it, but she kept her words loose and matter-of-fact. The last thing she wanted this to be was a lecture.

I don't think he's good for you and I don't know what you see in him. And it's frustrating, watching and feeling like you don't understand that you're worth more than that. I wish you'd find someone who actually makes you happy.

They'd danced around this before, when Teya said she wanted to give Sorana a life that was normal. Bridget didn't see that as anything more than an excuse for things to stay the way they are.

Friends. She couldn't say more than that, because this wasn't about her. This was about how Teya saw herself, and how Bridget was tired of watching, over and over again, as she came out on the worse end of her relationships. She could do better than secret affairs and cold marriages. She just had to recognize that herself.
1,179 Posts
Ooc — ebony
i edited! <3

bridget spoke. it was not anything teya had not expected. but it haunted her to hear all the same. the longer the cardinal spoke, the greater she grew into herself. and yet it was all true; yet it was things she must confront and understand and learn to bear, for in bridget's direct nature was her own pain.
for a long time teya had no words. it might appear as if she were angry, her face gone cold for the time being. but when she looked at her friend again, it was with tears in her coolwater eyes, and beneath the veil of salt, acceptance.
"we agree on a year. for sorana." and in that bridget would hear summed up all the arguments, the lack of resistance, the confirmation of all that had been said.
teya shrugged, pulling her gaze away as her mouth trembled.
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817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight

She did worry for a moment as the silence hung between them. It wasn't enough to make her regret finally saying the truth as she saw it, but knowing it was right and recognizing the upset it caused could be two different things. Fortunately, it didn't seem like the reaction was directed at her after all.

She could stop there... but no. She couldn't.

Are you staying for her, or are you staying for him? Bridget suspected the latter. Whether Teya knew it or not. Her voice was softer as she asked, then continued. Even if that's true, it isn't right. If she ever finds out, all it's going to do is make her feel like it's her fault. Maybe you can hide it from her, but I doubt it. She'll blame it all on herself. Maybe she already did. That wasn't fair, when the only wolf with a real choice here was the one standing in front of her.

Pushing wasn't going to do any good, but she did wonder if Teya had stopped to even consider the effects this choice might actually have on her daughter. She was pushing this image of a happy family so hard - regardless of the individuals who made it up, whether they bought into it as well.

She wasn't a mind reader... but Teya had never been good at saying what she needed. She was staying with Reyes because she was afraid to leave him. Bridget would stake her trade on it.
1,179 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya sniffled hard, a hiccup wrapped around a sob. "for her. but — maybe for him too." that hurt to admit out loud. "i not think he not love me. and i love him. so — a year. why can't we make it work? why not just for sorana?"
teya did not expect bridget to have an answer for any of these questions. and she was not sure she even wanted them to be answered. she stared off and off, beginning to cut out from reality if only for a blessed moment.
bridget was right about sorana. but she was angry now that the cardinal had even said it. she didn't have kids, how could she possibly know? but that was unfair. and she recognized it as unfair. "not sure what to tell her now. best for now, bridget. when she older, maybe."
[Image: zTO57rj.png]
817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
She didn't like hearing it but she needed to. It was all confirmation of things she already knew, regardless of her inability to understand the reason. Teya loved Reyes still, even with how he treated her, and so she wasn't going to listen. What was Bridget's advice worth? She wasn't family.

There was a bitter note to the thought, but mostly, she only felt defeated. She just had to watch then, while this all unfolded.

You can justify it however you want. But no one deserves to grow up and find out that their life has been a lie. I can only say what I think, and I don't see how this ends well for any of you. Bridget replied evenly. Life really is easier, when you figure out that the ones who matter actually want to hear how you feel. Maybe Teya would never change.

And maybe this conversation needed to be over, because Bridget sensed the boundary she had likely already toed her way across. She stood up without looking at her friend. We should probably get back, before someone else finds those ducks and decides to eat them first. Her previous high was gone, but she let a casual air overwhelm her words again. She'd said what she had to say - and now she'd drop it.
1,179 Posts
Ooc — ebony
teya's mouth trembled. she took deep breaths, for despite bridget's even tone, she did not think she had ever felt so judged. and it meant so much more, coming from the cardinal. coming from a face she loved. how much of it was pain? how much of it was bitterness? how much of that was fair for her to consider?
the raven nodded numbly. if she opened her mouth she was going to cry. the day had begun so well. but better to know bridget's true thoughts than have them held back.
better to know.
she walked on, shoulders tense and head lifted high.
817 Posts
Ooc — Starrlight
Bridget let the silence linger and follow them as they went. She'd wanted to provide a break for the both of them, and she couldn't help but feel a bit responsible for ruining that. Regret wouldn't come until days later, however, when she recalled the words after Reyes had disappeared. I don't see how this ends well for any of you.

Sometimes she felt like she knew Teya better than anyone. But most of the time she felt as if she barely knew her at all. The quiet was frustrating in its own way - because she'd shared her thoughts, again, and again she'd run headfirst into the wall that was Teya's silence.

Well, one thing was clear. Nothing would change. She would continue to watch, and it Sorana ever asked, Bridget would have to decide if she herself was willing to lie. She didn't think she could - hopefully Teya was better at pretending than she imagined.

fade here? Perhaps another up to date one soon ^^ if I can manage to catch up a bit