Swiftcurrent Creek Still Remains
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,023 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Arric shifted into hyper focus. Limping he went towards the creek itself, after some ducks he heard moving about. The problem being he was still pretty beat up, like pretty bad. Chunks were missing from his shoulders, his face smarted and the pad of his paw was still torn and bloodied.

However, the growl in his stomach made him realize he was hungry so he tried to hunt. Instead of relying on the wolf Lestan. He got into a crouch and moved to intercept, unfortunately given his wounds and his current present exhaustion. He missed by a hair. The click of his teeth audible in the early morning light. 

He groaned and lay a paw into the water, letting the coolness ease some of the pain of his paw.
239 Posts
Ooc — Bees
she wasn't gonna get another chance.

four days now, or was it five? gun didn't bother to count. she was no rogue, no sneak-thief no fleet-footed ranger. the mastiff kept herself far away from the rot-black duo. peeping over high vantage points, sniffing the spots they were at hours after they left. got her nose full of acrid piss-scent, and what the piss told her, was that the pair were whizzin' blood.

but this one was big. big. capital "b" Big. gun's experience with his size range went from getting a mangled face, to the roughest six feet dance of her life. was more than enough to keep her cautious.

but she wasn't gonna get another chance.

gun stalked, like some sort of inbred lion, getting nearer. hazel green rimmed with wild pure white. all the while her mind drummed; don't turn don't turn don't turn.

can keep the dating a lil bit fluid for the sake of randomness. gonna reach out to you abt dice rolls in discord<3

[Image: FACEFUL.png]
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,023 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Noise of heavy breathing reached his ears. And he was up in a moment, body turned with a growl.  Pretty blue eyes on the femme in question. If she could even be called that. 

Maw wrinkled over pearly teeth and his shoulders smarted, but he quickly got into position to fly into her, if she stepped a moment closer. The noise he had hard, clear from the ripped and scarred muzzle that showed teeth. The scent that came off of her, was the ones that had already attacked him. She was part of the sorry gang that had gotten their asses handed to them.

Smaller than he, granted most were honestly.

What do you want? he snarled, eyes narrowed. His heart poudning, though he willed it slow. His thoughts slowly calming to better pay attention to her. He wasn't certain if he could take her, but he was damn sure gonna try.
239 Posts
Ooc — Bees

to her credit she didn't hesitate, no hovering over the trigger. she squeezed that thing firm and quick.

gun shot forth at the pitch-dark guy before his sentence was done sounding. he was fucked up now, but she knew she could fuck him up further. 

mastiff jaws sought to bleed the face, diving in dangerously close. whatever, a brawl was her area. she could handle herself.

HP: 30
DAMAGE: 4 + 2 = 6

[Image: FACEFUL.png]
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,023 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Holy shit she went straight for his face. She caught the already open wound and pulled it further. Crap. He didn't want to end up with half a face, but if the kept up he would.

He used her fury against her, using her own momentum, Body pitched forward with a snarl, and he aimed at the back of her neck. His aim, get her down and toss her away. He knew he wasn't able to go for a long haul right now, but he'd die trying if he had too.

HP: 14/30? or is it 20? I saw yours was 20 but i wasn't sure if that was because she was doggy :D
239 Posts
Ooc — Bees
his teeth held at her wrinkled scruff and tried to pull, but 100 pounds of pure woman wasn't gonna budge so easy. still, he got her away from his precious facial bits, and gun saw another target.

those shoulders looked awful scrumptious.

she pulled like a pittie on chain, until his grip slipped - from having torn into her. with full snarling aggression gun went for his right shoulder. as her teeth closed around scabbed meat, she grinned.

after swatting at anxiety for almost a week, it felt good to get in a scuffle.

yeap sorry, was a mistake ^^'
HP: 23 
DAMAGE: 8 + 2 = 10 

[Image: FACEFUL.png]
Swiftcurrent Creek
-Angels Don't do what he did-
1,023 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A snarl tapered into a howl mixed between fury and pain and he saw red and then his eyes danced with starts for a moment. The pain absolutely horrendous as she clamped down on healing flesh.

He ripped his shoulder from her maw, blood spraying in a huge arc. Then he used his larger body to shove as hard as he could, and run. His longer legs could take up more strides than hers could, and it would cost him some blood and some breath, but he'd run her on a right goose chase.

No worries. Alright. Arric is gonna hit the road. I'm not sure if @Akavir wants in this or not :D'
HP: 4 
239 Posts
Ooc — Bees
oh no. oh no he would not.

now she was enraged, past being able to articulate the reason why. gun watched his tail flit past her eyes, tempting her.

but for his new wrong? not a good enough target. 

so, she dove after him, under his tail, and bit.

whether that would be the inside of his thigh, or maybe a shriveled, coward's testicle, or empty fucking air as he made her eat dust, it wouldn't matter to the bitch. either way, she would snarl, maybe trough a mouthful of flesh, maybe not;


[Image: FACEFUL.png]
Swiftcurrent Creek
963 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
There was a commotion. It was hard to see—the snarls in their home echoed across the waters of the creek, no matter how loud the rushing rapids were. 

Akavir shifted his demeanor quickly. From resting guardian keeping tabs on on their borders to a wolf honed to maintain the trust of his comrade. 

He tore after them—when he finally arrived, the spray of blood arcing through the air, tainting their land further with the pointless battle. His snarl shaking with his rage.

Jaws agape, Akavir shoved forward, aiming for the dogs flank, aiming to force her to spin to him instead of Arric. 

roll: 17
HP: 18/30 setting the same as Arric
239 Posts
Ooc — Bees
jaws shut about empty air, not even a black hair stuck between the brute's teeth.

the new snarl was enough to make her turn, but she was far too lumbering to react properly. she was in his jaws before she'd the time to swear.

[Image: FACEFUL.png]
Swiftcurrent Creek
963 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
Small PP that can be changed if needed, love. But if memory serves me right, we agreed to something like this?

His jaws found purchase on her flank, teeth scissoring to flesh as he made to stop the bulldozer of a woman from moving any further—and stop her he did. The rendering of flesh was quick, and with her attention on him now, his snarl worsened, his grip fierce and his eyes flaring with absolute rage.

These clowns kept coming on to lands he was intent on claiming, and instead of acting with any form of decorum, they kept attacking. He was at his limit, now, and his anger was clear within his rumbling snarl and fastened jaws.

She was at his mercy when he pulled her back and forced her down, and when finally quieted, he pulled back, spitting the blood from his mouth as if it were foul. “Last fucking chance for you and your crew. This game is getting old.” He sneered, eyes flashing. “The girl isn’t prisoner here. She’s seriously injured. By all means, take her. And get out of our land.”
239 Posts
Ooc — Bees
back from hiatus, ya can archive this here if you so wiiiish~

like a flea just out of reach, shadow dove right past her range, and as she turned and turned to try and get him bit, he followed - slicing into her flank, right near the hind leg, into that thin skin connecting thigh and body.

no surprise at all when he got her down, surprising her by moving the other way and toppling her like strong wind a trash can. 

gun curled her lips in defiance. he spat at her. blood and bullshit spewed from his maw.

"hhhack oh." she spat in turn. wouldn't she be a stupider dog if she bought into his lies.

gun maintained eye contact, black of lips twitching off the stained teeth. kill me, motherfucker, the dog taunted with her gaze. 

i know you won't.

[Image: FACEFUL.png]
Swiftcurrent Creek
963 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
She was down—her life could be forfeit to him now. She would retaliate somehow, sure—but with barely fur to protect her, it would be so easy to do extensive damage in her vulnerable position.

But if he had been keen on killing anyone for these trespasses and antics, it would have been the red-eyed wolf he had thrown in the creek. And while it was possible the cowboy hadn’t survived from drowning or the rough currents, Akavir had wiped his hands clean of it—he had allowed nature to determine the man’s fate.

His eyes burned with contempt, stepping aside so the dog could get up—and snapping at her heels as she ran, not making contact, he would drive her in the beginning direction of where Indra was likely resting now—and after checking Arric over swiftly for the moment, he then took after her—ensuring she simply got the girl and got the hell out of the creek.