Lion Head Mesa mace
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All Welcome 
crown prince returned, her husband would be busier and new faces danced along the halls.

akashingo was in constant states of life always. cycling through motions that she did her best to keep track of always. especially as she balanced the growing toula and sethnakht. granted most of the time they were entertained by lessons or each other.

but still she stirred her room with thoughts, until she thought she heard a voice in the hall.

for her?

it mattered not, she went to investigate all the same.
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
eagerly snags o  .o

The mesa had not changed. Granted, there were a few faces he did not recognize, but it was nothing he hadn't expected.
Content on remaining close to the palace, the jodai wandered the halls. Occasionally, a fellahin would pass by, ducking their heads toward the beast. Often he wondered if it was out of fear or respect. But to which, he could care less.
Eventually, he grew a gut to stop one of them in their tracks. I've some new critters in my quarters, Foxes and fawns alike, he told them. Have them skinned and the furs washed. He demanded, then sent them on their way.
Once preened and prettied, Khaba intended to deliver a few to the sōzokujin, and the remaining later to pharaoh and his bride.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

328 Posts
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"Have them skinned and the furs washed."

the voice reached her ears and she was delighted. it was not one she had heard before! who had come with a voice that had eluded her this far?

the jodai had been the last she had expected.

are you taking an eye to decoration, jodai? her voice was lively and brilliant. wondering if she may have a say in whatever matters he had found himself handling.
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
The shabti appeared. She questioned his intentions of the furs.
As it was expected of him, the beast lowered his head. I am not one for decor. He knew nothing of it. They are meant as gifts. But he would not say for whom, as she was intended as one of the recipients. 
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

328 Posts
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oh! jodai!

her voice became bright and warm at once. brilliantly taken with his idea of gifts.

you must tell me who has caught your eye for such a thing. her gaze became shimmering, vibrant. prepared to leak the answer right out of him if she must.
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
She wished to know for who the gifts were for.

But he could not say.

Shameful, the jodai bowed his head in subservience. Forgive me, shabti, but I cannot say. Even in your presence, I dare not give away the surprise.

With these words, she may have figured it for herself. But it would not be at his fault unless the words of truth came directly from his lips. She could believe whatever she wished meanwhile.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

328 Posts
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a woman.

she would decide for him, if he would not say!

or, perhaps a man... she could not judge in that regard. beauty came in the form of many. your gifts should be bountiful if you mean to show affections, jodai. her tone was warm, despite the teasing within.
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
As he figured she may do, the shabti fluttered on with her assumptions. And, of course, they were incorrect. Partially.

If the queen must know, these gifts are meant as no show of affection. He was reluctant to share more, but figured this was the only way of walking peacefully from this conversation.

Simple gifts. Nothing more.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

328 Posts
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her voice was warm and humored, even if she meant her words to be stern.

i will not have our highest soldier giving away simple gifts. tell the fellahin to give it their all, the queen demands it on your behalf.
Bearclaw Valley
382 Posts
Ooc — Decay
The queen was persistent. But he, even as jodai, was in no place to argue.

If it is what will please you. The beast would give in, later to find the same fellahin he had spoken to before and redirect their task.

Anything more I can do for you, shabti? He had the means to be dismissed, but would not be so bold as to walk off without the proper blessing.
silence at the
proper season is
wisdom and
better than any

328 Posts
Ooc —
fading! :D <3

she was pleased when he relented.

go, be free and gift as you please! a teasing tone but she meant it with warmth.

at once she moved to go find the long, gold arms of pharaoh.