Bearclaw Valley MUCH HAPPY
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Working on Warrior trade :P Maybe @Raziel or one of the kiddies? <3

As of late, Leo thought his protecting skills were the best. So far he protected the den from snails, pebbles, wind. Okay, maybe that wasn't the most fearsome of items, but it was good for him. Everyone's gotta start somewhere. A tiny pup couldn't possibly defend such a big family, but Leo was willing to give it his all. After all, he was a knight after all. A warrior in gleaming shining armor. Just not yet.

Once again, the lion boy sat in front of the cave, watching the outside world. Same old stuff. There must be more out there. He had to find out. So he would wait until his Mama Scarlett took a nap to go outside again. All he wanted to do was protect his family! That wasn't bad right?

He had waited awhile until Scarlett fell asleep. That was his cue to leave, so he took that small toosh of his and kicked himself out! He sniffed out the air, tail straight up and stance strong. He would be the best of the best. The most loving sprite with a spirit of a warrior. That's what he was born to do.

His creamy paws took him over to a large rock. It would be a good place to practice. Leo went into a playing crouch and a amazing (not at all) growl rumbled from his throat. He lunged at the rock, tiny teeth trying to clasp down on the jagged sides. He went back and did it again. And again. And again. This wasn't working at all.
”the voices”
gone girl
87 Posts
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Leo was a stupid-head. Sesi had thought so from the very moment he arrived, yapping and squealing, into the middle of her life.

But try as she might, Sesi could not hate him. He fit easily into the homogeneous mass of Bearclaw Valley children, absorbing and contributing until he was just as much one of the gang as she was. This was confusing for Sesi, who had grown accustomed to working hard whenever a New Thing needed to be incorporated into the daily routine. Nothing ever came easy.

Against her better judgement, Sesi followed Leo when he escaped the den that day. She tip-toed after him, skinny body pressed low to the ground. Leo, on the other hand, was the very epitome of noise - he thump-thump-thumped his way to the nearest boulder (medium-sized rock) and lunged at it, making all manner of fierce noises. Sesi paused a short distance away, cocking her head in confusion. Had Leo sensed some Bad Thing that she - the proven queen of sensing Bad Things - had not? Sesi narrowed her eyes and squared her shoulders, siphoning bravery from some unknown source. "Bu!" she barked at her adopted brother, keeping her distance from his rock. "Brrr-uh!"
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The sound of barking was enough to pull his attention away from the rock. He turned around to see his mysterious adoptive sister Sesi. He barked back at her, though his seemed less intimidating. One day they will become stronger and... less squeal-ly.

He went into a traditional playing crouch, showing he wanted to have fun and play fight. "Pleema!" he squawked, before running forward, attempting to tackle her.
”the voices”
gone girl
87 Posts
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Leo was the very opposite of shy and cautious. He raced at his new playmate, causing her to leap into the air like a startled cat - but without the innate ability to land on all fours. She hit the ground with a splat, flailing and rolled, but ultimately failed to get out of his way. The two pups collided with a fuzzy thud, followed by a chorus of chat-like yowling from Sesi as she tried to remove the body that was pinning her.
252 Posts
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He was not aware that Sesi wanted to get out from under him. All he thought of was the fun he was having. He just thought it was all a game. Maybe a game of tag? Or a play fight? He leaned down until his nose hit her cheek, and nipped into it.

"Fun! Leo have fun with Sesi!" He jumped off of his older sibling, giving her a chance to stand up. He wanted her to have fun as well. "Sesi play Leo yes?" He took a few steps back, tail beating against his sides.
”the voices”
gone girl
87 Posts
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Leo made no connection between Sesi's indignant squeals and the fact that he was sitting on top of her. He took his sweet time, investigating his sort-of-sibling's cheek with his sharp little milk teeth. Sesi howled in anticipation of pain that did not come. Leo stepped away and the grey-scale girl scrambled inelegantly to her feet, assuming a defensive, hunched pose - the opposite of what Leo's body language was suggesting. Play? Sesi didn't think so. "No!" she barked, snapping her teeth at her temporary brother.