Blacktail Deer Plateau Discretion of the Mind · PACK MEET
<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
561 Posts
Ooc — Sam
ooc: This is the first round guys! Next round will be start Wednesday with Hawkeye's reply to everyone who joins :)

p.s. Hawkeye and Peregrine are going to converse until others arrive ;p!

Hawkeye had found another clearing like her precious ledge (that contained the altar Lecter had touched and fixed days before). Since meeting with him, she had been on her own, journeying to the river to bathe herself, even if it was damn cold.

The black beast wandered about, avoiding any and every scent that came her way. She was ravenously hungry, but a feeling of depression ate at her conscious. Sighing and wondering how many days had passed, she turned around in the little spot, making herself the first thing anyone would see.

Lifting her large head, Hawkeye let out a song of beckoning and sorrow, a question of who they all really were inside tipping the end. Searching around for who came first (probably Peregrine), she waited.
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Indeed, Peregrine came skulking through the trees to find Hawkeye alone. He stopped several feet away, fighting the urge to run up to her and greet her with licks, nuzzles and whispered I missed yous. Instead, he glowered at her. Where had she been? Why hadn't he been able to find her for the past several days? He'd been keeping tabs on her then—poof! She'd made herself incredibly scarce. And, whether real or imagined, Peregrine fancied she smelled of other males.

Finally, he grated out a cool, "What's up?" Then, because his kind—the Redleaf-DiSarinno kind, that is—had never been very good about keeping tempers in check, he accused, "Where have you been—off screwing around?"
<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
561 Posts
Ooc — Sam
Hawkeye peered at Peregrine, wondering if he was truly speaking to her in such a manner. "You would be wise to know your place, Peregrine. I am not your mate, no, not yet, so you should watch your tone." She spoke through her teeth, annoyed that he would greet her in such a way.

Softening her look into a pout, Hawkeye looked down. "I'm sorry. I am just having one of those weeks." She looked up, key-lime eyes meeting dusky blue-green ones. A jolt went through her as she walked over to him and licked his maw.
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He bristled when she reminded him of his place in the grand scheme of things. "No," he answered slowly, "we're not mates. But I treat you with the same honor and respect as if we were." His mind flicked over all the gifts he'd left on her doorstep and he felt a bolt of indignation. "I guess it's good to know where you stand," he added sulkily, the implications clear.

When the Alpha female apologized and moved to lick him, he moved his head aside to avoid her. He felt bad instantly, though, and he returned her gaze and sighed. "I do not like losing track of you. How am I supposed to win you over if I never see you?" he rumbled softly, slowly nuzzling the velveteen fur of her cheek. "I just can't stand the thought of you spending time with anyone but me," he said with a possessive growl.

And though it wasn't his place—they were not mates and he was her subordinate besides—he gruffly questioned, "So? Where were you? Who were you with? What were you doing?"
<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
561 Posts
Ooc — Sam
Hawkeye was hurt by Peregrine's movement away from her, and slightly backed away once he apologized and tried to nuzzle her. What the hell was he doing, reciprocating the emotions she just had?

She backed away, giving them space. "I do not like the way you question me, Peregrine. There is a point where possessiveness becomes too much. I was wandering the lands, and the shaman from my old pack came. I let him into the lands to help with my altar, and then I walked the lands for a few days. I avoided everyone, not just you. Sometimes I need to be alone." She felt irritated at the fact that he was asking her to explain, and also that she was answering him. It was not his place to be questioning his Alpha, courting or not.
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
He was about to snap at her, telling her to accept him and his questions as part of who he was, when Hawkeye actually gave him the answers he sought. Placated by and satisfied with her response, the tension in the Gamma's shoulders eased. A moment ago, he'd felt jealous and in the dark. He felt much better now, especially after deciding to take her answer at face value.

"I understand," he purled calmly, despite his actions to the contrary a moment ago. "You're your own woman, busy and strong... you're an Alpha female." Peregrine placed an admiringly suggestive emphasis on the title. "Forgive me for being short with you, Hawkeye. It's just that I already care for you as if you were my partner. I know I should mind my manners and my place," he acknowledged in a very roguish voice, "but I just can't help myself."

Forgetting she'd just called a meeting and that others would be arriving soon, Peregrine suddenly pressed his chest against her shoulder, then swerved his hip into hers so that they stood side-by-side, their flanks pressed together. He nibbled along her neck, skimmed his nose along the peaks of her shoulders, then gave her a very savage love bite directly to the ass.
<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
561 Posts
Ooc — Sam
A soft moan came from her mouth at the enjoyment of their bodies being close, and then a surprised yelp came from her when she felt a bite on her ass. Apparently it was a nice one, because Peregrine obviously could not stay away from it long enough not to do something with it.

She turned a pulled up beside him whispering invitingly in his ear. "What if we make it official today? You and me." She added on the last part just in case he misunderstood. They could make something else official later on when they were truly alone.
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
When she yelped, he soothed the area with his tongue, then let his chin rest comfortably on the curve of her hindquarters a moment. "You don't like it rough?" he questioned playfully, his voice suddenly deeper and more husky. "I thought you would..." he teased even as she whirled suddenly, put her nose in his ear and whispered something unexpected.

For a few beats, he looked at her speculatively, wondering if she was just teasing him in turn. He then slid his muzzle alongside hers and rumbled in her ear, "I'd like that very much." Both excited and impatient, he added, "When? Can't you just—call off the meeting or something..." He groaned, remembering her summoning howl and what it meant.

As a matter of fact, he could hear footfalls approaching them. Although propriety told him to spring away from Hawkeye, he instead pressed himself nearer to her, littering the bases of her ears, her cheeks and the swan-like curve of her neck with his affectionate, possessive ministrations. She was his now and he wanted everybody to know it.
214 Posts
Ooc — Houkie
LOL. Atticus right now:

He had heard his Queen's howl and was quick to respond. Galloping across the russet grasses and past naked trees that clawed at the grey sky, Atticus's heart soared at the prospect of seeing his Alphess again. There was a mystique to the enigmatic female that captivated him, and he couldn't help the little flutter he felt in his heart, the squirrelly tickle of anticipation that danced in his belly as her alluring scent grew stronger in the air.

He slowed his pace as he neared, a grin playing wide upon his face, ready to crack some tasteless joke in the hopes of making her laugh. But, as that bitch Lady Luck would have it, he arrived in time to hear his brother suggestively purring things to her, to see them practically humping one another. The flower of exhilaration and affection that had bloomed so brilliantly within him now withered and blackened as a dark, dismal miasma of jealousy swept through him and clenched his heart. Peregrine had mentioned that he was courting Hawkeye, sure, but "we're courting" and "we're already a fucking item" were two very different things. He had thought he might have a chance. He stood staring and silent, feeling rather awkward, wondering if he'd been mistaken in his interpretation of Hawkeye's howl.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow had been familiarizing herself with the area yet again. She had much to learn, she was busy looking and finding caches of food and the borders that their land held as she was sure she would have to patrol them eventually. She soon heard the howl of her alpha beckoning them to come to the area she was at and the sorrow that played throughout the dark leaders song touched a small chord in Blue Willow's heart.

Blue Willow trotted into the clearing to stop and quickly avert her eyes. Her leader and the gamma Peregrine were very friendly and she did not wish to intrude. She noticed she was not alone and stood waiting at the edge waiting but not watching. Her parents had often played like this, it made her happy that her parents had still been so in love, it was nice that the other two were as well.
<p style="font-size:12px;color:#fff;text-shadow:1px 1px 8px #000;"><span style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px;"><i><FONT COLOR="#1f1f1f">v</FONT><FONT COLOR="#271f1f">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#2f1e1e">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#371d1d">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#3e1c1d">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#461b1c"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e1a1b">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#56191a">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5e1719">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#661618">g</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6e1517">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#751417">u</FONT><FONT COLOR="#7d1316">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#851215">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#8c1114">s</FONT></i></span></p>
65 Posts
Ooc — Tokio
Hawkeye’s howl rose into the frigid air, breaking the serene silence that Crete had settled himself into, in a form of meditation. Maybe it was all in Crete’s mind, but meditating seemed to help his abrupt and nasty mood swings that tore through him - unusual for such a benevolent creature such as himself. It did not help him summon the selflessness to forgive Tyrannus from exiling him from the only home he had ever known, from the bulk of his family all because he felt humorously threatened by the mute Redleaf-DiSarinno. No. Crete was too selfish, too unwilling to forgive. Not at least, while the betrayal still festered fiercely like an infected wound inside him. Meditation did not take away everything - but it helped to cease the mood swings and the brooding tendencies (that though he was not aware of it made him extremely similar to Aether). With the mood swings under control, and his tendency to get aggressive (even though such a thing appalled him for he was not aggressive by nature) when he wanted to be left alone under something of a grasp, at least his chances of being kicked out of Blacktail Deer Plateau decreased. Rising from the sphinx like position he had settled himself into, he shook his coat free of the snow that had clung to the silken tendrils of his fur.

Lurching into a quick paced trot Crete hurried to the origins of the Alpha Female’s summons, paws giving pause when he glimpsed at the closeness between Peregrine and Hawkeye. Sea green eyes studied them for a moment, for the first time in his life, hesitant. Hesitant because he suspected things, but had no idea what to expect. Crete, like Atticus, had been aware of Peregrine’s efforts to court Hawkeye - though the mute brother had disapproved in his own way. He thought it was too quick, and in one of those instances in which he was half glad and half disappointed that he was mute, he wasn’t so sure it was just because Hawkeye would likely be in heat soon. How could they possibly love each other? They barely knew one another. It was out of concern for Peregrine that such (possibly horrid) skeptic thoughts swam around Crete’s brain, because despite all Hawkeye had done for him, all of which Crete was indebt to and grateful for, he still could not say with a clear conscious that he fully trusted her. Of which was a byproduct of his own blood’s betrayal more than it was anything personal.

Yet, Crete’s eyes landed on Atticus - touching briefly on the female he did not know who had also arrived as he lingered a couple feet away from the scene, silent as was his custom - reading his other brother’s body language, feeling something cold settle in his chest. Atticus’ body language did not suggest violence or anything of the sort, but there was a sadness that Crete read there, coupled with what he detected might have been jealousy. Atticus had seemed rather taken with Hawkeye upon their first meeting. Sea green eyes flashed back to Peregrine quickly, unable to help but think that Peregrine had to have seen that. Perhaps it was the pessimist in Crete but he had a uneasy feeling. That in itself was sort of like a betrayal, wasn’t it? After a few more moments of observing, he ghosted to Atticus’ side, hesitating for a fraction of a second (unsure if his gesture would be welcomed by his littermate or not) and touched his nose to his cheek in an understanding manner. He could not fully sympathize, of course, he’d never really found a girl he liked enough to consider being with her, but he imagined it probably stung to see her with someone else (your own brother no less). Breaking away from Atticus - though lingering at his brother’s side - Crete turned his eyes to Hawkeye and Peregrine, staring in a detached manner, not wanting to show any of what he thought in eyes or body language, even though he was running off of assumptions at this point.

table by houkie
18 Posts
Ooc — Amy
The territory was becoming familiar to the male. He made sure to walk every pack twice, once from each direction, so his mind could learn both sides of it. It was often difficult the first time around, as he was only seeing half of what he needed, but he managed. Eventually, he learned the paths he felt he would be using most; to and from the river, to and from a small overhang he was using as a makeshift den, and a few various other places. The large male had been resting beneath said overhang when a howl rang out. His ears twitched a couple times before he reluctantly lifted his head, his maw separating as a yawn escaped from his tired body. Stretching, Kuno stood from his small nest and looked in the direction the call came from.

He sighed once more, shaking his head slightly. He was really not looking forward to a pack meeting. All he needed was several wolves who he hadn't met yet seeing his fucked up eye and scarred pelt for the first time staring and whispering about him. Even so, he wasn't sure if this was a mandatory event, so to be safe he went with it. Thankfully, the route was one he had taken a few times and could navigate without poking his blind eye out completely or tripping over a tree root.

After a few minutes of silently padding along with a few huffs of annoyance, Kuno caught the scents of a few other wolves. One of the wolves he had briefly sparred with was here, but he hadn't caught the male's name at the time. He also caught the scent of Hawkeye and Blue Willow, but there were a couple he did not recognize. Stepping out of his small bit of cover and into the meeting, he decided to sit with the one wolf he could trust so far. He settled next to the black and blue/grey female he had met a few days earlier, giving her the tiniest smile in greeting, and lowering his head in greeting to Hawkeye and the male next to her.

set by Emy

sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Ax's obedient response to the beckoning did not take much longer than the others. He arrived in solitary company that seemed counter intuitive to the bouncy steps in his gait; he'd woken that morning feeling particularly refreshed and definitely looked it. His entrance into the grouping of pack mates was one done without verbal greeting or particular attention paid to a single canine...though he did exchange glances with the scarred Kuno and smiled inwardly when he noticed he'd chosen not to sit alone.

The sight of Peregrine standing proudly next to Hawkeye made the male's head cant with subtle curiosity...the rising of his brows an unspoken illumination of surprise. The self-promoted hunter seemed incredibly comfortable in his spot at the pack's forefront...but the onyx sibling, the one he'd not interacted with personally, appeared utterly deflated by the pairing. Apparently it took just the slightest window of opportunity for a lot of things to occur in just a brief period of time. Interested in the development and eager to get started the pallid fellow seated himself on the fringe of the gathering and nodded amiably at Hawkeye to acknowledge her presence.

set by Emy

<i>avatar by Tokio!</i>
88 Posts
Ooc — Sammi
Robur pulled from the trees into the clearing and trotted up happily, dropping a rabbit at the feet of Hawkeye and bowing to the Alphess.

"I see Perry here finally captured you, my lady. Well on him!" He bowed to Peregrine as well, and then circled around to take a seat next to some babe he'd never met before, wrapping his tail around his honey brown paws.
<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
561 Posts
Ooc — Sam
Hawkeye's eyes rested on each of her subordinates as they came.

A jolt and a catch of breath was the only physical response to Atticus' arrival. She connected her green orbs with his light eyes and felt shame overcome her being. Was he truly who she should be with? No, she thought harshly. I am with Peregrine, and I will not allow my loyalty to falter.

A simple nod to Blue Willow was all she needed. There wouldn't be any trouble with the female.

Narrowing of her brow was all that was present with Crete's approach. She wondered if he had tattled on her yet to Peregrine. He was mute, but his looks spoke many words. He was mouthy even though he couldn't speak, and pathetic when it came to his fear of Peregrine giving him the same treatment as Tyrannosaurus. She watched him watch Atticus, and feared that he would somehow figure out what transpired between them; she calmed quickly, though, knowing he was not a prophet.

A small smile for Kuno and Ariston came, but a look toward the latter with a question to herself as to where the white male had been.

A larger smile appeared on her face with Robur Aqua's gift and pleasant, fun words. She noted that he sat next to Blue Willow and almost rolled her eyes.

Okay, she told herself with a sigh. "We are gathered here today to discuss the matters of the pack. ....And Peregrine being your new Alpha," she added offhandedly, but this was not what the meeting was about. "I have taken him as my mate, and respect will be given from all, including myself." She took a deep breath before continuing. "I feel as if we could be more of a unit, rather than individuals of a group. Work together, instead of for your own purposes. These are your packmates, not some random lone wolves. They were chosen to be in this pack for a reason."

Pausing a moment, she looked to Peregrine, giving a look that said he would be allowed to speak his piece soon. "Also, if you were unaware, loyalty is expected when you are a part of Blacktail Deer Plateau, no matter who you are." Her eyes burned into Crete and then moved away. "I will not tolerate anyone talking back to me. You know me as a leader; I try to be kind-hearted and there when any of you need me to be. I would do anything for you; in this, I ask for respect. Any form of disrespect is not allowed and I have decided that this will be terms for immediate banishment. I do not ask much of you, but I do ask this."

Now she turned to Peregrine. It was his turn to say whatever he wanted. Hawkeye hoped that her words did not come across as cruel, for her voice did ring strong, but in a loving, gentle way. Many here would not know what she spoke of, or why, but she knew that their loyalty was strong. All but one.

edit: forgot a reaction to Robur showing up
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
The footsteps belonged to Atticus. As his brother walked nearer, Peregrine sensed the hurt his own nearness to Hawkeye inflicted on his brother. Although he gave Atticus an apologetic look, he did not step away from the Alpha female. She belonged to him—they belonged to one another—now and while he hated hurting his brother, he wouldn't push aside this new relationship just to spare Atticus's feelings.

The rest of the pack arrived, one by one, and Peregrine nodded to them without smiling. Although he enjoyed his new post beside Hawkeye, he would really rather they all disappear so he could have his way with her. It made it very difficult to focus on the matters at hand when her sweet scent and warm body drove him to distraction. Nonetheless, he made an effort, assuring himself that as soon as they were finished here, he would drag Hawkeye into the bushes.

Rob and Ariston were among the last to arrive. Despite his differences with the two males, Peregrine bobbed his dark snout even to them. This acknowledgement seemed especially appropriate when Hawkeye launched into a speech reminding them that they were all moving parts of a single machine: the pack. Peregrine could agree with this. Even if he didn't like them all on a deeply personal level—as was the case with the two aforementioned males—he could appreciate their contributions on the whole.

Peregrine missed the glanced exchanged between Hawkeye and Crete entirely and blinked a little in surprise when she passed the spotlight onto him. He'd literally just stepped into the Alpha male position minutes ago and so he certainly didn't have an agenda, much less a speech prepared. He supposed this was all part of being a leader, though: having responsibility thrust upon you and showing grace under pressure.

"I'm going to second what she said about behaving as a unit. The strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack. Keep that in mind, everyone." He paused, his dusky eyes landing on Ariston. "Everyone brings something different to the table; we all balance one another. Play to your strengths and try to choose a co-rank for yourself to maximize your potential. Those of you who make the greatest effort to participate and contribute will find yourself in the highest ranks. We will rule fiercely but simply," he added as he met his mate's eyes.

After exchanging a long look with her, Peregrine faced the group again. "Hawkeye and I will hopefully be welcoming pups sometime in the none too distant future. It takes a village, people, so those of you who can offer support are welcome to do so. I am personally working on becoming a Gamekeeper anyway and anyone who joins me on my hunting and stocking efforts will be handsomely rewarded. Our pups will be the future of this pack and every effort we make will be for them." And with that, Peregrine nodded and fell silent.
214 Posts
Ooc — Houkie
…And Peregrine being your new Alpha.

He didn't hear anything else she said after that. A door slammed shut inside him, and only cold numbness remained. He felt breathless, as if he'd been kicked in the ribs. His eyes fell, unseeing, to linger on the ground somewhere between himself and the two talking heads that stood before the pack. Later, when he had a chance to process this, a malevolent and poisonous mixture of emotions would roil within him, but for now, there was only stricken silence. Emptiness and nothingness.

It was like having the same nightmare all over again.

He remembered Tyrannus rising to claim the Alpha position. He remembered feeling the happiness that every wolf feels when the mantle of power falls to a newer, healthier, stronger wolf. The same happiness that he was expected to feel now. When Tyrannus had risen to Alphaship, he remembered the security of knowing they were in good hands, that they would be fed and protected and valued.

...And then they were driven out. Banished. It had all come crashing down on him on the rest of his brothers. Finding them here had been a miracle, he felt. And since then, he'd done his best to pick up the pieces of his shattered life and his fractured identity and re-assemble them in some way that made sense. Things had been weird and awkward here lately because of the three-way tension between himself, Hawkeye, and Peregrine, but he would find a way to accept it. Losing a love interest to a bigger, bolder male was nothing new to him. But this…this Alpha thing…he couldn't just swallow this shit like the good little peon he was going to be expected to be.

In that moment, he hated his brother. He hated Perry with the same heat that drove his hate for Tyrannus. He had never thought he would be so disrespected, treated as if he were so insignificant and unimportant, by Peregrine. His brother had to know how this news would affect Atticus and Crete. The wounds inflicted by Tyrannus were still too fresh, still open and bleeding. And yet here was Peregrine, doing the same shit Tyrannus did. Why hadn't Peregrine taken his brothers aside before this meeting was called and told them first?

Because he didn't care, that was why. All he cared about was himself. Just like Tyrannus. And so, as anger seeped into him and began to fill his shell-shocked emptiness with its heady, intoxicating warmth, he looked at his brother for what he really was. He said absolutely nothing in response to their stupid drivel about togetherness and co-ranks and blah blah blah — silly, mundane little topics that paid no heed whatsoever to the damage that had just been done. He just sat there, silent, and stared at his brother with eyes that simmered with frigid blue fire.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow did not know many of these wolves that stood before being new, but a fool she would have to be to not feel the tension between hawkeye and two males that looked similar to Peregrine. Then the anger she felt enaminating off of the one and the stoic sadness of the other she was thoroughly confused and she was even more knocked for a loop when Hawkeye spoke up about disrespect. She was positive that no one would disrespect the leaders, but there would be times that some of them did not agree with her, surely she did not expect them to follow her blindly did she. It shell shocked the quiet she wolf, and she longed at that moment for her father's gentle nature. Her father was the leader they all knew that when she had once walked among her family, but even her father allowed disagreements and they talked things out. Surely Hawkeye would do the same yes. Surely, Blue willow was unsure exactly what to do or what was expected of her and she had a lot to process.

She by no means regretted her decision to come to this pack, but as she was starting to feel the tension among them, she began to question a few things. She also became worried of her livelihood, would the pack make it, she knew they were new, but still they were strong were they not. The tension surely wouldn't break them would it. She was fretting to herself, though she was glad there would be pups in the future hopefully and she would happily get a co-rank and help her pack mates, but the tension among them now that was cause for concern.

She listened silently nodded to affirm she understood and then waited to see what she should do now, should she leave, would the others talk? This was all very new to the she wolf and she was a little overwhelmed. Then realizing that now was probably a good time as any to introduce herself, she stepped forward slowly and looked around and began to speak afraid her voice might squeak or worse but surprisingly it came out strong and sure. "I'm not sure the proper way to do this, so if I flub it up I apologize. I just wanted to take the time to introduce myself to those of you who I don't know and who don't know me. I am Blue Willow. Hopefully, I will gain a healer co-rank. I am always willing to help all of you and though I am not the best hunter I will do my best to assist if someone needs a hunting buddy. With that she fell silent and backed up again, her one footpaw was shaking slightly the only noticeable thing that she had been nervous.
sorry for party rockin'
133 Posts
Ooc — Emy
Ax's initial face

Wat? he thought flatly when Hawkeye dropped an atomic bomb on the pack right from the starting gate. Alpha AND mate?! This situation was apparently not something the blushing bride felt required to elaborate on and Ax looked to the faces of the pack mates around him just in case he was the only one who wasn't aware - Atticus's face looked particularly Norman Bates for a moment - and came to the immediate conclusion that no...those tidbits were definitely new.

The rest of the speech did not seem to be in effort of lightening the mood either. Hawkeye spoke of a new zero tolerance policy that made the back of his neck prickle with anxiety. Banishment? He was taken back to his debate with Peregrine the day before and wondered if perhaps his flippant attitude had been the cause of this new law. What exactly was the definition of talking back?

His little insecurity was compounded by the special look Peregrine gave him; both of the male's audits slipped back in a sheepish sort of Who? Me? kind of way. Ax wasn't sure at all how to interpret the new alpha male's combo of bedroom eyes with ominous advice and he internalized it with a frantic type of uncertainty until a she wolf stepped up. He watched her while the panic of his future subsided...and he too stood and carried his voice over the dull murmuring of the group.

"I'm Ariston," he offered with a steady countenance. "I am seeking to be both your Counselor and your Caretaker." The latter mention was mainly for Peregrine and Hawkeye's pending brood. He pondered for a moment before boldly finishing with, "When the waters thaw I will be teaching any and all volunteers how to fish. I...think it would be a lot of fun and help build camaraderie between us."

set by Emy

<i>avatar by Tokio!</i>
88 Posts
Ooc — Sammi
Rob scanned the crowd for reactions to the Alphas' words, mainly Hawkeye; traveling so much had made him adept at reading others. The dark chick looked a little uncomfortable, a white male seemed taken aback by what Hawkeye had to say. If he didn't have anything to worry about, he would be fine. Rob smirked, wondering if he had a sharp tongue or something.

What was most interesting were the ways that two other black wolves held themselves, and away from the pack. One looked as if he could murder someone any minute, the other Hawkeye had given a momentary sharp look, which he figured to be the reason for her words. He looked severely uneasy, but Rob knew that he was in the clear so he didn't mind. They were giving him food and shelter, a pack to belong to — shouldn't he be loyal and not talk back anyway?

"I'd do well with being a Warden or a Warrior, whichever you need more of. I'd say Counselor, but it seems like wolves around here are offended by openness, and I'm not sure what it'd be like working with that guy." His eyes moved to the wolf who called himself Ariston, and then back to the pair of Alphas.
<p style="font-size:12px;color:#fff;text-shadow:1px 1px 8px #000;"><span style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px;"><span style="font-family:georgia; font-size:12px;"><i><FONT COLOR="#1f1f1f">v</FONT><FONT COLOR="#271f1f">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#2f1e1e">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#371d1d">a</FONT><FONT COLOR="#3e1c1d">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#461b1c"> </FONT><FONT COLOR="#4e1a1b">m</FONT><FONT COLOR="#56191a">o</FONT><FONT COLOR="#5e1719">r</FONT><FONT COLOR="#661618">g</FONT><FONT COLOR="#6e1517">h</FONT><FONT COLOR="#751417">u</FONT><FONT COLOR="#7d1316">l</FONT><FONT COLOR="#851215">i</FONT><FONT COLOR="#8c1114">s</FONT></i></span></p>
65 Posts
Ooc — Tokio
All of Crete's suspicions were confirmed by some of the first words the tumbled from Hawkeye's lips, as Crete's eyes fell upon his brother with blatant disbelief. Alpha male and mate? He barely knew Hawkeye. Sure, Peregrine have been there longer than Crete but it hadn't been that long; and of course, this is likely to drive an ugly wedge between them given that Crete did not particularly agree with some of Hawkeye's methods – as he felt he had every right to do, as her subordinate. Wouldn't she rather know what worried him instead of going along in a blissful ignorance? Crete have begun to zone out, numbly, really feeling Atticus' shoulder against his, idly, he wondered if Atticus have even realized that Crete was by his side. Crete's silent question was promptly answered by the last thing Hawkeye had to say, and hackles bristled ever so slightly as he met her eyes when she looked pointedly at him. So, what? Were they a totalitarian pack now? Were subordinates not allowed to have concerns? No, she had answered as much. Nostrils flared in subdued anger, his dislike for Hawkeye skyrocketing. She had quickly became a female Tyrannus and she didn't even know it (though she thought she knew so much about their brother - which proved to irritate him even more). Eyes flashed Peregine, wondering if his brother would even see it, and he quickly doubted it. Peregrine was probably too busy getting his lay to give two shits or realize. The other wolves introduced themselves, but Crete stood stone still, finding some kind of satisfaction in that he would have been unwilling to introduce himself even if he could've spoken. The peace of heart and mind if he came over Crete when he had been reunited with his brothers have promptly vanished. Instead he had went from the horror of one nightmare to another in a slim matter of weeks.
<font style="font-family:helvetica; font-size:12.5px; color:#4B0082;">Each of us can only deal with what’s in front of us.</font><p><I>Avatar by STEVIE!! :)</i>
561 Posts
Ooc — Sam
ooc: last round, guys!

Hawkeye nodded at the three who had spoken of their choices in what they would be trying to achieve corank-wise. They seemed to be good fits for the wolves, and she looked to Crete and Atticus due to their lack of response. A worried look came for Atticus, and she wondered if he would be alright. I mean, he knew that Peregrine and I were courting. Maybe he just didn't think this would truly happen... she thought inwardly with concern. She barely looked to Crete and huffed silently, finding that he was a drama-queen and overreacting. He was like a child that threw a tantrum because he was not getting his way.

"Very well, all of your choices seem to fit your character and personalities well, and I hope those of you who stayed silent will think about which suits you best." She smiled at all of them, including Crete, and then looked to Peregrine to see if he wanted to add any last words.

She would ask to speak to Ariston (about Neverwinter Forest events) after the other wolves had dispersed and before speaking with her mate.
3,373 Posts
Ooc — Kat
Peregrine knew his promotion would surprise everyone—himself included, really—and that his brothers might feel weird about it in particular. He did not anticipate the depth of their dubious anger, though he did feel a pressing need to pull them aside and speak with and reassure them. He decided he would do it as soon as possible after the meeting. He had a bit of an internal struggle as he tried to decide which was more important: consummating his mate-ship with Hawkeye or speaking to Atticus and Crete. Oblivious to Atticus's glare and fully entranced by the view of his new mate's buttocks, he decided on the former.

Catching himself, Peregrine shook his head as if trying to clear cobwebs from it and refocused on the conversation at hand as several of their pack mates voiced their plans for co-ranks. He smiled encouragingly at each of them, happy to hear their eager dedication to their respective callings. Hawkeye agreed that their choices seemed to fit them and Peregrine nodded, his black tail waving.

With that, the meeting drew to a close. As the pack began to disperse, Peregrine lingered, hoping to get his mate alone. Instead, she signaled him that she needed to speak to Ariston. Although this caused the new Alpha male to shoot the pale male an impatient look, he nodded. "Come find me as soon as you're done," Peregrine whispered in her ear before disembarking to give the two space, "and you can have your way with me." Perhaps it would've been more conventional for him to say and I can have my way with you but, if anything, he belonged to her. And, well, the Redleaf-DiSarinno was more than happy with that arrangement.
214 Posts
Ooc — Houkie
Whatever bullshit Hawkeye blathered on about went in one ear and out the other as Atticus continued to drill holes in Peregrine with a glare as cold as arctic death. His brother — intentionally or not, Atticus was not sure — wisely avoided looking Atticus's way. If they met gazes at that moment, Atticus wasn't sure he could restrain himself. There was a war going on inside of him that had nothing whatsoever to do with his lost opportunity at winning Hawkeye's heart.

He was the first to leave the meeting. He didn't even wait for an official dismissal. Hawkeye was casting a loaded glare at Crete, for some reason, while saying something about co-ranks or whatever, and Atticus just got up and left. There was no fanfare or drama. He was silent about it. And as consumed as Peregrine apparently was by his new conquest's ass, Atti seriously doubted his Alpha brother even noticed.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue Willow saw the other dark wolf leave without a farewell. She felt the tension leaching from most of the pack and it made her in turn tense. She smiled at both her alphas and then she also departed as quickly as she could, to think things through.

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