Firefly Glen This is mine, everything you see is mine
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
ooc: for @Feyre <3 rolled here

she was hungry. shikoba could feel the knawing in her stomach like leeches were sucking the life out of her while whales grumbled in her stomach, splashing around and making her queasy. she needed to eat something before she want mad. but what was she doing all the way out here? she was far from home where catches were easy, far from her tribe members and such. not to mention there was probably still food in their caches from the big pronghorn hunt. well, no means in turning back now, she was already somewhere where food looked to be evident. she saw rodents scurry around, squirrels dash from tree to tree as birds flapped their wings through the leaves.

shikoba shoved her nose into the dirt, hoping to pick up a scent of something she could eat. shikoba walked around for a bit before she smelt somethig fresh, something new that brought her attention from the ground to the sight in front of her. golden irises widened at the luck upon her- it was a fawn laying down, abadoned. for a minute, shikoba had to take a another look before nodding her head to herself, it really was a fawn. but why was it laying down, and where was its' mother? shikoba hoped that the fawn wasn't hurt or sick, but she couldn't help but lick her lips at the opportunity in front of herself. whether the fawn was hurt or not, she wanted the meat inside her, not to mention she felt the need to put it out of its' misery. it looked quite young and without its' mother's guidance, it would be dead before it knew what hit it.

shikoba decided it would be her act of mercy for the day. with the thought in mind, she went into her hunting mode of slinking down towards the ground, letting the grass' secnt cover up her own as she began to creep forward.
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Beauty is power; a smile is its sword
153 Posts
Ooc — Aliea
Didn't want to just jump out and take the kill, so I left it open :3

The smell was intoxicating.

She tracked its scent from a mile away, her hunger guiding her in a haze. Breaking through the brush as she ran, she wondered if it was not but a figment of her hunger's imagination. As luck would have it, the small deer lay out in the open, ungaurded by its herd. My, how this is deserved. 

With her instincts sharpening, she lowered herself down upon the compact soil. Her eyes scanned her surroundings with keen intereast, not seeing the fae crouching just poopsite of her. Her maw pulled back into a vicious snarl, exposing her wicked canines. Oh how she cherished this small gift, therefore she would make it easy on the thing, for it was merely a child. Having set her mind, she raised her haunches up into the air preparing to pounce. A frightening snarl tore from her lungs as she leapt out, snapping her jaws at the fawn.

Mercenary: 5/5
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
ooc: i'm getting too excited >< also, are you okay with modeling their spar alike to kryp's and Fey's?

slow and steady, she came into the scene, ready to push herself into action at any moment. yet, something held her back, something told her not to go quite yet. her gut feelings told her to wait, and for the first time in awhile, her gut was right. before her, dead ahead on the other side of the fawn, was another female, obviously after the same target shikoba was after. this made the native spike up her coarse fur, her scarred muzzle bundled up as her teeth became exposed to the sun and breeze. she was not going to lose this kill, she wasn't going to give up. she was starving and wasn't going to go empty-handed.

this time she pushed forward like a bullet from a gun, springing into action with her jaws wide open like a crocodilian. she was unsure if she could reach her in time to stop her reaching the fawn, but she was sure as heck that she was going to fight for the privaledged kill. her landing was unknown to her, she was afraid she would either run smackdab into the other or land ontop of the fawn and protect it with her belly, knowing it couldn't do much except maybe nibble at her or attempt to run away, which it most likely couldn't even do. it was a reckless move, but shikoba's original tactics of fighting would return to her soon enough, hopefully once their leaps of faith were over and complete.

ooc: left it open for any kind of reaction/action
[Image: giphy.gif]
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword
153 Posts
Ooc — Aliea
yeah whatevs XD

Her suprise was evident as the other fae leapt out from the foliage of the land. With a shuddering gasp, quickly ripping into a snarl, she attempted to skidd to a stop. Her sharp claws dug into the ripe earth, slowing her just enough that the other fae landed upon the fawn. With a feral snarl, she leapt on to the woman, planting a bite on the back of her neck. This left her vulerable, open to the woman throwing her off if she wasa strong enough. There is no way I'm losing this kill. I need it too much. She took the time to glance at her own body, grimacing at its no longer volumtuous appearance.

Mercenary: 5/5
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
she felt teeth on her neck, she could feel something drip and soak into her fur. the native twisted her body out of the hold, pulling herself back before propelling forward with open jaws. she aimed for the side part of the neck to hold the female down, but through rushing her movement, she failed in grabbing the neck and instead rammed into the female's side head on. unsure of what to do, she rebounded from her failed attack, pulled back a few steps, and awaited the next wave of attacks. this time she prepared to be on the defense before trying another offensive move.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword
153 Posts
Ooc — Aliea
She felt a sly grin spread across her maw as the woman barelled at her. With swift feet, she dodged the attack to her neck. Unluckily, she was slammed into by the other fae as she turned. With a bark of unkempt anger, she twisted attempting to latch her jaws onto the fae's shoulder. Yet, the woman had already propelled herself away from her, causing her teeth to close with a disturbing grind of her jaw. 

She could feel the burning haze that clouded her vision. The red growing from her peripherals. She knew better than to let emotions like anger into a fight, they only harmed the user.

Mercenary: 5/5
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
shikoba's focus on defense proved to be her advantage, she managed to escape the hold of her shoulder by a pair of nasty jaws. she heard nothing but the grind and chomp of the two bones meeting each other instead of flesh. the native could see steam practically pour from her ears and the growing anger with each second flying by. shikoba tried to stay calm, but she felt herself get sucked into the fighting mentality. she couldn't help but let out a deep growl from her throat, a growl that sounded like it belonged to a hell hound than a small wolf.

with her eyes set on her target, shikoba once again dove for the neck, this time, she succeeded. the taste of fur and blood coaxed her into holding on, though she was aware that her hold wouldn't last forever, she would eventually get thrown off, but until then, shikoba let her teeth sink in as she tried to get the female down, though the pla was bound to fail due to her light weight.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword
153 Posts
Ooc — Aliea
The scrape of bone on bone proved enough for the vocal cords of Feyre to decide it was time to make themselves known. With a yip of suprise and pain, she witnessed her own blood spill to the ground. Quickly, as if in a haze, she wrenched herself from the bite, leaving her apponent with a piece of her flesh. With an intense growl, she launched herself at the other fae, biting the scruff of her neck in revenge. She hung on to her point of impact, wounding the fae in a similar fashion to her own injury.

Mercenary: 5/5
breathe fire
638 Posts
Ooc — H2O
the arctic managed to free herself from the death grip of the warrior with violent wrenches, making shikoba finally release after she lost most of her grip. it was then out of the corner of her unaware eyes that she felt teeth on her scruff as her weight added on, she was copying the way shikoba had attacked before. growling, snarling, snapping, wriggling- the woman did everything in her power to free herself from the hold. as vermillion liquid messed her appearance, shikoba sprang forward once more.

she avoided the neck and the scruff and instead went for the shoulder, a valid point in the body that could cause a wolf permanent damage in the movement if tampered with too much. her crocodilian jaws opened, frosty pearls gleamed brightly before sinking into the ghost's figure. this time, it was not a matter of just hanging on but instead thrashing her head about, unsure if she was actually trying to tear or just pull her towards the earth. whatever it was, it was a move without honor and dignity. she wouldn't forget this moment.
[Image: giphy.gif]
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword
153 Posts
Ooc — Aliea
The agutui woman's next move was a cruel, feral thing. She frozen as the femme latched onto her shoulder, fearing that the teeth scraping along her bone would sever a tendon. When the other fae started to shake her head, she felt black dots burst across her vision as she cried out in pain and anger. Quickly crumpling to the ground, she practically emulated a ragdoll in the maw of the other wolfess.

With a sharp, pointed strike to the woman's leg, she freed herself from a potentially permanent injury. Her teeth screaped upon bone before she released, scrambling away as fast as she could. Fine. The woman could have the damn fawn for all she cared, it was not worth it for her to reap a potentially fatal injury for the sake of a meal. With a huff, she froze at the edge of the treeline after backing away slowly.

Mercenary: 5/5