miss hester mofet
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46 Posts
Ooc — CJ
it's okay i forever lav u ♥ and mm a day or so after jinx/dawa??

Despite the death of his most beloved thing, the monk was not drowning in grief. He had come to accept Jinx's visit as an answer to his prayers. Dawa had been suffering greatly and there was nothing he could do for her. Unlike when she was a child, her recent wounds were beyond him. He could mend open flesh wounds and bleeding, but he could but fix her legs. He could not fix her spirit. He had been sleeping at Chenrezig for the better half of the morning and only just now stirred in his sleep. He opened his shallow-ocean eyes to gaze upon the white bark with a small, weak smile. Someone was here.

He pushed himself off of the roots and pressed his forehead against the trunk of the tree before turning and moving slowly into the Vale. He had been expecting Lecter, not because of anything Jinx had said (or hadn't said), but because he knew somewhere within himself that the shaman would return for him, regardless if the Dragon had left or not. There was a fire that sat in the belly of the bloodied wolf that Tenzin had to appreciate. With Dawa gone, the monk had been alone in the quietness of the Vale. He had avoided interacting with Creek wolves and others who ventured in to investigate except for Sky. Tenzin had always been keen on solitary life but did miss the company of his monk Brothers.

It wasn't long before he caught the sight of the bloodied shaman through the trees. "Mm, I thought that might be you," Tenzin called warmly, coming to a stop to stand tall. "I have healed up nicely, still a bit sore in some areas," he relaxed and let a soft grin melt onto his lips. "Thank you for your help, friend," he said with relief in his voice. Perhaps now the Dragon wished it had killed the monk when it had the chance, but the demon spared him. Tenzin knew it was for a life of purgatory and torture, but it was a life he was willing to accept for failing Dawa. His eyes flashed with sadness as he thought of her again. He had buried her at Chenrezig.

He stood in silence now. He expected to say more but he was just as content just being in the presence of the shaman again, despite their cultural differences. His tail moved gently from side-to-side against his hind legs and he laid his ears back, suddenly overwhelmed with happiness to see the fellow elder once again. "It is good to see you," the monk whispered with a smile.

Messages In This Thread
miss hester mofet - by Lecter - May 18, 2014, 09:56 AM
RE: miss hester mofet - by Tenzin - May 18, 2014, 01:28 PM
RE: miss hester mofet - by Lecter - May 18, 2014, 02:49 PM
RE: miss hester mofet - by Tenzin - May 18, 2014, 04:41 PM
RE: miss hester mofet - by Lecter - May 20, 2014, 02:13 PM
RE: miss hester mofet - by Tenzin - May 20, 2014, 08:19 PM
RE: miss hester mofet - by Lecter - June 02, 2014, 03:39 PM