Moonstone Quarry good job, dagger
30 Posts
Ooc — Fira
All Welcome 
Daggerjaw had never seen a place like this before, this strange white-walled bowl in the earth with shimmering pools of water below. She stood at the edge and stared downwards, wondering if it were possible to get to down there… It seemed like a stupid idea, therefore she’d definitely do it. She looked around, trying to find the safest spot to begin her descent, wondering what the water would taste like when she got down. She began to slowly, carefully, find places for her paws and —

And then she was falling down into the quarry and landed hard on her side before she could even scream. The landing knocked all the air out of her and she gasped to try and breathe but that hurt so she cut off the airflow halfway through. Now starved for air, she took another gasp, ignoring the pain for that sweet, sweet oxygen. How could she have been so fucking stupid? 

Slowly, she attempted to get up, but everything hurt, so she just lay there. This is how I’m gonna die, she thought to herself. Great.
84 Posts
Ooc — ebony
like a pallid rat, buffalo knew the quarry only for its glint of moonstones. their glow he coveted — it was the idea of them that drew the bloodstained wraith to its edge once more. the pale man chose careful steps along the stone ridge until he discovered the slope inward. 
a tuneless hum droned in buffalo's throat as he paused to drink in the sight of the half-buried stones, choosing already within his mind the ones that would be liberated from their earthen beds. but here a tight breath. the madman turned with an almost comical expression of surprise on his bloody countenance. two-toned eyes regarded the downed coyote-thing, and buffalo clucked his tongue with faux chastisement.
"now look what you gone and done, martha," he muttered, drawing closer beneath his conversational tone. "did you hit your head?"
30 Posts
Ooc — Fira
Dagger was drifting somewhere on the clouds, lost in pain, wondering how long it would be before she died, when she heard a sound floating towards her. “Martha?” she wheezed, questioningly. “It’s Daggerjaw, ya dumb cousin.” Actually, Dagger had no idea if this was a wolf or a coywolf. She called them “cousin” because she assumed only a dumb wolf would call her by a name that wasn’t hers. But the act of talking had drained her of energy and she now lay completely slumped on the ground, her eyes closed. Had she more energy, she might have attempted to get away from the wolf, but she was in too much pain. Once again, her mind wandered in the clouds.
84 Posts
Ooc — ebony
"mm, no, you're martha," buffalo tittered at martha's insistence she was someone called daggerjaw. cousin? his sharp gaze traveled along the detailing of the downed mutt's flanks and shoulders; buffalo's lips skinned back from his teeth in a horrible grin. "well, how 'bout that, martha. martha the halfbreed!" the madman hollered, prancing nearer until he could thrust his muzzle into her personal space.
"are you dead?" buffalo whispered in a waver, blinking rapidly as he drew away. byll. byll byll byll byll — she would know what to do. "hey, sis," the bedlamite muttered to no one in particular. "i think i killed martha."
30 Posts
Ooc — Fira
‘Are you dead?’ was what brought Daggerjaw out of her second bout of half-consciousness. She jerked awake with a snarl but the white menace had already pranced away and was talking now to the air. Daggerjaw was lying helpless beside a fucking madman, clearly. What to do, what to do? Well, she certainly didn’t want to get torn apart by an insane wolf if she could help it… Maybe she could distract him. “Hey, cousin,” she called weakly. “I think your… sister… wants you to go find me some herbs for this pain in my side. Ain’t that right, other cousin?” Here, her yellow eyes wandered over to… somewhere next to the white male, as if looking to another wolf nearby. Please go away, please go away.
84 Posts
Ooc — ebony
buffalo stared between martha's lemony eyes and the empty space alongside himself. "byll?" he murmured in disbelief, two-toned gaze widening. "is that so?" letting out his breath in a polite little gasp, buffalo gathered himself to his feet. "i'll go and fetch them right away! we can't let martha suffer."
his voice had begun to hang heavy with sarcasm; at length he tittered and stropped vigorously at the ground with his forepaws. "you can't see my sister, you ninny." he swept his lips with a tongue that continued to loll from parted jaws, until the man saw fit to go on. "i know how i look,  dagger, but i'm really a swell guy. and good with herbs." buffalo's chest puffed a bit as he tooted his proverbial horn, gaze sliding to the downed coywolf to gauge her reaction.
30 Posts
Ooc — Fira
If he gets angry, PP is allowed, but no killing or serious maiming (gouging eyes/breaking bones/etc.)

Okay, Daggerjaw’s patience with this dude was just about up. “Listen, you crazy wolf!” she hissed, unable to take a large enough breath to yell due to the pain that she was in. “I don’t know why you’re here or what you plan on doing to me, but just get it over with and then leave me in peace, will ya? Or heal me, or whatever! Just stop talking to invisible wolves, ya fuckin’ lunatic!” This could end up being a terrible idea, insulting a full-blooded wolf while she was on the ground and unable to defend herself, but she just wanted this wolf from hell to leave. Any care for her personal safety had gone away about a minute ago when he’d brought in his sarcastic tone of voice. She’d just have to see how he took her insults now…
84 Posts
Ooc — ebony
noted! what are her injuries currently?

buffalo hooted a low spurt of laughter to himself, settling himself down with intense interest. his two-toned stare speared the downed wolfess until she had finished shouting in his direction. "no need to go all to pieces, martha." the man worried his lip between fangtips, then parted his jaws in a sharklike grin. "just sit tight. i'll be back." with another trill of maddened tittering, buffalo swept off.
he returned some time later, mouth stuffed comfortably with herbs. spitting them into a moist green pile alongside the woman's head, buffalo hovered over her, muzzle searching rudely for breaks or blood. "don't see nothin' yet," he muttered, "but let's go ahead and get you on that blissful soul train." he riffled through the pile, extending a tiny sachet of poppyseeds to the invalid. "take a few of these. gonna make you feel real nice."