Blacktail Deer Plateau the dance floor is yours
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AW but tagging @Blue Willow. :)

Although the forecast was grim — cold, rainy and gray — Junior veritably bounced around the plateau. It was so good to be home! She'd slept like a baby and eaten like a king since her return. She had loved the road but this was a welcome respite from her adventuring. She had good timing too; the chilly air hinted at winter, a season she had never experienced personally but which she understood nonetheless through countless centuries of ancestral memories and instincts.

The youth helped herself to a cold breakfast from a stockpile, then took an even colder bath in one of the small brooks that wound through the woods. In an effort to dry off and warm up, she then began to zip around the plateau like the The Road Runner fleeing from Wile E. Coyote.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue looked around her, the weather suited her mood just fine. She was restless and anxious and for once in her life, she didn't have very much hope. It was strange really for the dark black and blue lady to feel hopeless, but she did. And she wasn't even really sure what she felt hopeless about, just that she did. It was so different than her usual outlook, she had taken to keeping to herself unsure what to do about it, and how to take it. She was lost in her own solitude as she wandered among the craggy spots on the plateau, looking for something, but unsure what.

She was a healer without a purpose at the moment. As she walked she came across a veritable ball of energy and a small smile ghosted her face as she watched the Plateau's princess run around and around, and she couldn't help but laugh finally in the end. Hello Junior.
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Although Blue Willow appeared in her periphery, it took Junior a good minute or two to notice the black-furred, green-eyed she-wolf. When she did, she bounded over to her aunt and bumped her aunt's chin before giving her a few sloppy licks. She had become rather morose out on the road, the life of a loner jading her, yet now that she was home, it had certainly put a spring back in the youngster's step.

"Aunt Willow! What's shakin'?" the up-and-coming teenager asked, taking a step back. "You look like shit!" she exclaimed, then realized what she'd just said and said, "Oh, sorry. I mean... you look really exhausted." Junior paused, lips twisting thoughtfully. "Is it because of my dad and... all that?"
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Junior did not immediately notice Blue or she was finishing her lap before she acknowledged her. Which was fine for the healer, she would have just sat silently and watched her run. Completely overjoyed that the small girl, well not so small anymore that she was back. It made Blue so very happy, even if she couldn't voice it.

Blue chuckled Not Much Junior I am merely walking around. She laughed as the girl swore like her father. It made her laugh and want to cry. It was a strange feeling and one she was not accustomed too. She tilted her head then and shook her Yes I suppose I haven't slept well. What are you doing this dreary day?
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The Healer did not rebuke the youth, for which Junior was grateful. Perhaps she was just too tired to pester her about her language, though, a thought which made the juvenile frown. Her eyes pinned searchingly on her aunt's face, trying to read her expression. Naturally, she didn't seek to challenge the Beta female, so the moment Blue Willow returned her gaze, she dropped hers.

"Just running around like an idiot, I guess," the pre-teen reported. "I didn't realize I would feel this happy to be home." Junior paused and licked her lips. She wasn't usually the selfless kind, yet her good mood made her feel more generous than usual. "Anything I can do to cheer you up, Aunt Willow...? We can roast my dad if that would help," she suggested with a twinkle in her eye.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue had not rebuked her for her language, because she found in a strange way she missed hearing it. Probably because there was always a explicit in her best friends words. So she had gotten used to it, it still threw her for a loop. Especially, if a young one spoke in such language. And by the gods if any of her children, if she had children spoke like that she would probably roll over and die.

Blue smiled softly Yes it is always good to be home isn't it. I always am very happy to be home. And Junior I am very happy you are home. I thought you might go with your father and Fox. She grew quiet, she hadn't thought that Junior or even Saena would stay, being so close to Peregrine, but she was glad they had. She had a piece of Peregrine then, because she wasn't sure how often she would go that way, or how often he would come this way so it was a type of limbo she supposed. Willow listened and she was momentarily alarmed roasted? Why on earth would they eat the man? That sounded so barbaric. Blue knew a lot of things, she was not a stupid wolf, but sometimes slang words were lost on her and this was by far one of those times. Goodness Gracious no I don't want to eat your father Junior! What did they teach you in that pack? Cannibalism? She was so confused, and utterly appalled, but not at the pre-teen before her, but rather the pack she had joined. Roasting males goodness gracious.
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"No way!" Junior shouted, then shot Blue Willow an apologetic glance. She had been one of the first to think the worst of Fox, when Kaskara had brought it to her attention that her father's mate would want pups that would in turn replace Junior and her brother and sisters. "I hate that home-wrecking bitch," she said to clarify her stance on the matter. "I don't hate my dad but I'm mad at him because he lets that stupid, flea-bitten slut run his life now."

Junior didn't understand her aunt's reaction at first, though when comprehension dawned, she burst into loud, raucous laughter. The more she thought about Blue Willow's misapprehension, the deeper her laugh became. It wasn't long before she had sunk to her hindquarters, gasping for breath, tears rolling down her cheeks. She almost recovered when she suddenly pictured her father roasting on a spit over a fire surrounded by chanting females and lost it again.

When she was finally able to breathe again, Junior said, "Roast as in talk shit about him, Aunt Willow. I'm not a cannibal, oh my gosh..." She snorted, then bit her tongue before the paroxysms could start all over again.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue had been able to handle most of the language, but her eyebrows began to rise as Junior continued to curse like a sailor. Junior such language. It is not befitting of a lady you know. She did offer her a smile to soften her firm stance on it. She couldn't really blame the girl for calling Fox such names, when Fox had not done her best to get to know the children, and help them understand such things. Neither had Peregrine, by just telling them it was the way of things. Though in retrospect Blue herself had been guilty of that as well. She herself to should have explained things a little better, but she had felt it wasn't her place really.

Blue realized slowly that she must have said the wrong thing as Junior continued to laugh at her. She stared at her in stupefied surprise not sure what she was laughing at, but not saying anything against it really. Blue heard the explanation and then she began to laugh at herself Oh my I see. No thank you I do not wish to speak too ill of him. I am just very disappointed in the way he handled things, Fox too. I also think he is being selfish.
812 Posts
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"I figured you wouldn't," Junior said, knowing Blue Willow would never stoop to the level of badmouthing anyone, even the most deserving candidates, "but I don't care about being a lady, Aunt Willow, so I'll say what I know you're thinking: my dad is a horse's ass." She smiled like an imp and pushed herself out of harm's way should her aunt finally decided she'd had enough and try to swat her.

"I don't get what he sees in her," Junior said a little more seriously in the next moment. "When her first brought her around here, you should've told them to take a hike. That would've saved everyone a lot of trouble. Not," she was quick to add, "that any of it is your fault. It was my dad's decision to let her into the pack and all of our lives. That's why I think he's a giant butthole." Well, at least that epithet was a little more age-appropriate.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue looked at the girl Am I that predictable huh? She teased a small smile onto her face. She supposed the girl was right, she did not bad mouth anyone. She was a strong wolf both emotionally, mentally and physically, so she could take care of herself pretty well. She also stood up for herself and others if needed, but she did not see a point in treating anyone badly. She half heartedly swatted at the girl, chuckling to herself at the pre-teens impish grin.

Blue grew quiet No it is okay Junior I suppose I share some of the blame. I should not have given away my position so easily, but I did not like that Fox disliked me for keeping her spot from her. At least it felt that way, and I don't think your father really wanted me to stay alpha either, not that he said anything. But who isn't going to want their mate to be beside them in leadership? She grew quiet then and shrugged I don't know but he does love her and we have to respect that.
812 Posts
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Junior would've argued that they needn't respect anyone who didn't earn it, yet she didn't want to pick fights with Aunt Willow of all people. Besides, the woman looked... run down. Junior didn't easily feel pity for others, though she favored the medic with a sympathetic frown.

"Wanna do something fun? Like..." Her mismatched eyes flicked around their surroundings, as if a bright idea might jump out from behind a tree. What sort of activity would cheer up Blue Willow without further exhausting her? "Wanna show me some of your medical stuff? I've been thinking of going after a third trade but I haven't decided what yet..."
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue did not want anyone's pity, and she would get out of this funk soon enough, she was never down for long. The sharp pinprick of betrayal just tended to throw her for a loop she was noticing before most things. She imagined though it was a lot to do with everything happening in the last couple months, they were finally riding her to the bone.

Blue chuckled I will gladly show you my herbs if you like Junior. How about I show you the most used herbs for a cut and a sprain or break. That way if you happen to get hurt on one of your outrider missions you can easily heal yourself enough to get back home? She flicked her tail back and forth happily.
812 Posts
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Blue Willow seemed game and when she suggested they check out the herbs meant to be used for cuts, sprains and other minor injuries, Junior nodded. "Sounds like a plan. Lead the way!" she coaxed, smiling toothily when she saw the happy flick of the Healer's tail.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue chuckled I don't need to take you back to the den to show you what to do for a field dressing, most of it is right here. The only I don't have readily available is pain herbs. We can see them afterwards. She shifted her weight and strode over to some trees and nosed around. She dug up some moss, grasped a branch or two and then sat back. She looked around for a willow tree or at least some springy vines. Placing everything in front of her, she looked down for a moment. Okay so you've fallen your leg hurts and your side is bleeding. You take the moss for the bleeding, you just place it in the wound and bind it with cobwebs. That way the bleeding will stop. Now your leg is broken so you take the branches and if you can't set your leg. Which that means to shift it back into place. Then you take the two sticks and make your leg immobile like this. She showed Junior with her own leg, then she looked around. You can then either use willow branches, flexible vines, or seaweed and wrap around it.
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"Oh," replied Junior, then she obediently dogged the medic's steps as she led the way over to some trees and began to sniff along the ground. She followed suit, though she didn't know what they might be looking for. Her mismatched eyes fixed on her aunt, her head lifting when Blue Willow began speaking again.

After the Healer finished demonstrating, a thousand questions sprang to mind and Junior began to voice them. "How do I get the supplies if I'm hurt? Even if I have them, what if I'm in too much pain to treat myself? It all just seems..." Junior trailed off a moment, her tongue sticking thoughtfully in her cheek as she waited for the right phrase to come to her. "...easier said than done? I mean, do you think I should travel with a supply kit or something?"
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue smiled softly I will tell you the same thing I told Peregrine. Much of healing is mind over matter. You have to have a strong mind to get better. If you think you are going to die, chances are you will. You have to keep a positive attitude and you will need to tap into the tons of determination you have welled up inside you if this should happen. Or always travel with a buddy.

She grew quiet then and looked around, there wasn't much more she could tell her. That was one of the reasons so many died when they got injured they could not heal themselves. Or they lacked the fortitude to try, you had to have some serious determination to make it on your own.
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Junior's eyes narrowed slightly at her father's name, though it turned out it was just a passing reference. Honestly, that sounded like some voodoo advice. The youth understood that attitude and fortitude both counted, yet preparedness surely counted much more. She decided she would look into acquiring a traveling kit before she headed out on any lengthy Outrider missions, then show it to her aunt for her stamp of approval. She also decided it would be a surprise, in the hopes of impressing the Healer.

"Maybe I'll take Saēna with me when I go adventuring," she remarked with a secretive twitch of her lips. "Speaking of her, I wanted to catch up with her and Ty now that I'm back. You wanna come with me, Aunt Willow? We could all have tea together or something," the youngster quipped.
Do not mistake my kindness for weakness, I am stronger than you know.
1,499 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Blue would gladly look over any traveling kits for Junior. It was not usually that an outrider got hurt, but she supposed it was better to be safe than sorry. Blue would always marvel at the ingenuity of the younger generations.

Blue shook her head No I'll let the sister catch up first. I will see you all again soon. And hopefully Pura will make it home too. She grew quiet and looked around. She offered Junior a smile and chuckle. She had enjoyed the small impromptu healing lesson.
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She felt a small jab of disappointment when Blue Willow declined her offer, then another when she mentioned Pura. It prompted her to say, "Everything will be all right, Aunt Willow," and briefly meet her aunt's eyes. Then, with a parting lick to the Healer's chin, Junior trotted off in search of her sisters.

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