Stavanger Bay No such thing
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Ash Paw had left the shoreline of the islands, where that dreadful wolf DreadFather had existed. He claimed she was in the wrong, when it was the other way around. A gentle feeling of discontentment had risen inside her at his overtly mocking at least to her, of her gods Atka and Sos. It was with this thoughts in mind. That she stirred around where her Auntie had raised and birthed babies. Thistle had told her of the place, and what it looked like. Though to be fair, it wasn't much.

 At least not right now, but she'd have it up to looking good. She had followed Thistle's scent, having found the body that her Auntie no longer lived inside, and had quickly buried it. Laying offerings upon the grave for both Atka and Sos, though just a few more for Atka. After all, her auntie had coveted plants and herb life and Atka was the mother of all life, wolves and rebirth, maybe her auntie would be born again some day.

Now between her teeth she worked a bone. Scouring it with her sharp teeth, to make a design of some sort. She would find a way to put it upon her leg. Perhaps she could bore holes in the ends with teeth and claws, and poke seaweed through. Or Willow branches maybe better, a bit smaller to fit the holes. 

She didn't know, but for now she was content to slaver away at it. Her thoughts always on far reaching things.
136 Posts
Ooc — Bees

his nose was firmly to the ground, but he found no scent of the handsome wolf the dog once had such a pleasant conversation with. had he left?

but no, the scent of other wolves was wisp-thin too, and scattered in a way that probably wasn't an attempt to mark a consistent border. had they left?

занимљиво, занимљиво.

he continued passing by with a pressed nose, ignorant to a nearby artisan.

can be a single post if this is too old for you:D
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Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
I don't mind

Ash lifted her head at a shuffling sound. Like the noise of whispering branches or something similar. It was not the same, and it did not belong. Blue eyes fell onto white knotted fur and she gave a quiet wuff. While she tried to puzzle out, what in the name of Atka and Sos this beast was. 

His fur fell around him like ropes of seaweed, but white like winter down. She could barely see it's face, it was clearly male based on body structure and anatomy alone.
136 Posts
Ooc — Bees
a little whuff, and the bard stilled. had his ears not been weighted down, they might've perked up.

his bearded head rose and turned, and slavuj saw a natural beauty, bright blue of eyes visible even trough the venetian blinds of his vision. immediately, cheer overtook him, and his tail first raised, then leveled to the back and begun to enthusiastically wag.

"goo-ed morning!" the wanderer exclaimed, approaching with a smile and bouncing step. "do yeau perhaps knouw vhat fate befell di inhabitants ouf dis lend?"
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Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash lifted a brow and lay reposed, looking down in a way.

Hello. she sniffed gently.

Depends on whom you speak of. Do you have a name?

She imagined he meant her auntie and uncle.pwrhaps Gunnar had been here. His scent was around though stale. He had met her on his trek to see the female but hadn't seen him since.
136 Posts
Ooc — Bees
with a most flourishful and decorated string of fluid motions, accentuated by the flow of his tassels, slavuj gave the beauty a deep bow.

"ah! ae aem славуј, wanjerer aend bard, ouf nou peck or creed-" he raised his head, and as his bangs flowed away from his face, the smile in his glinting eyes could be briefly seen. he continued in a lower, more sincere voice. "-bat ouf aen honest appreshiation foer th' beautiful tings ouf dis lend."

his eyes were covered again, but still he winked.
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Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
A small smile colored and painted her maw. Quickly to flit away. He was an interesting dog wolf this one. His hair all roped and tangled and long.

Well met Slavuj. I am Ash Paw. Might the group you speak have names of Ragnar, Thistle Cloud or Gunnar?

There were other smells here, other wolves that had tried to make a home in the harsh environment, and all had failed. Ragnar had lost his life. Her auntie had lost her drive. So much was lost in the bay.
136 Posts
Ooc — Bees
he looked out at the sea, raised a paw as if to stroke his beard. 

"hm, ai don't akshually know th'eir naems." he looked back to ash paw. the daintily gloved lady. "bat, wan was ae maen ouf age, wait fur aend beachsand boots!"

"ief noun ouf those match th' descripshan, then..." slavuj languidly shrugged. "wolves."
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Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw, quickly ducked her head and put a paw over her muzzle for a moment. She found this beast dog, amusing. And she wished to hide the small titter, that had almost fallen from her lips. She meant him no ill will. He was just different than she was used too.

Ash Paw's tail wagged once then twice. That was Gunnar. He is my cousin. He got his boots from his father and the color from his mother. He was raised by the sea.

Ash Paw stood gently and moved towards the other, slowly, but with an air of of something she always had. Ash Paw was a different type of wolf. Deep, strange may say.

He has joined a female that way. Someone he wishes to care for. What brings you here?
136 Posts
Ooc — Bees
he caught her amusement trough the vertical slits of his vison, and smiled in kind.

"ah, gooed tchu hear, aend tchu haev ae name tchu apply tchu such handsome feachures." then he tilted his head to make his approving, admiring expression visible. "aend ai see jose qualities aere in th' blad."

then the komondor straightened again. "aes four mi! ai merely valk vhere th' etheral vind -" he gestured with his paw towards the many directions available to them. "aend th' promise ouf food guide mi."

now with all fours on the ground again, he smiled warmly at the gloved love. "aend yeau? caeme here tchu clean up aefter yeaur family? if yeas, knouw that ai aem ai distinguished maid!"
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Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw felt a momentary flare of guilt as he caught her smile, but when he returned it she realized that he hadn't minded. SO there was that.

Ash chuckled. Well I wouldn't say he's handsome, but well we're family so that would be a bit strange. Yes?

Ash Paw chuckled a small blush staining her face. Well thank you. You have pretty eyes. Of what I can see.

She lifted her head just a smidgen taller.

Ach no. I am here to learn, to heal, to help. I followed my family. I lay my auntie to rest. Now I search for my own path, my journey.
136 Posts
Ooc — Bees
he chuckled at being complimented in kind. he thought to retort that her own gaze was unfathomably deep and enchanting, but quieted his flatterer's tongue. 

"vell. vhile tchu search four yeaur road ouf fate, vhy not let thies bard accompany yeau?" he grinned. "ai know th' region like mai own fleas, vould be nou tchrouble tchu guide yeau."
[Image: MOP6.png]
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw smiled kindly. You are more than welcome to accompany me, but I plan to join one of the packs near the coast. So it shant be far. At least not right now. Do you want to join a pack too?

She was curious now, perhaps he did, perhaps not. She wasn't certain. She didn't know entirely what he wanted.
136 Posts
Ooc — Bees
"nou, nou." his tasseled head swayed. "ai em wanjer-ah, walk-ah! ai gou vhere  di vind taeks mi~" and as if blown by the same, slavuj rose to his paws. 

he took a few steps past the gloved woman, then turned his head to her, one smiling eye visible. 

"nouw, come accompany mi on di journey tchu yeaur new pack. ae gentleman muest all-ways walk ae lady tchu her doorstep!" 

his heavy tail flicked, inviting her.
[Image: MOP6.png]
Qeya River
706 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Ash Paw stepped into footfalls with the strange beast in front of her. A smile on her face. 

Thank you. I appreciate it. Tell me of yourself.

They would pass the time with interesting conversation and lively conversation. And he would deliver her safely upon the doorstop of a nearby pack.