Wolf RPG

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It was weird to think that she was on her own now. No Dorthran wolf cared for her anymore. Zhavvi started to wonder if they ever cared for her. The slender yearling was glad to be kicked from the horrible Khalas. Although, all her traveling for nothing. For Zhavvi it was bittersweet because she was in a country where she didn't even speak the language. She was on her own. The only words she were; 'Helloww' meaning a greeting, 'Water' and 'Run'. Well you could say it were two basic things of life she needed. The slender girl trotted forward, she reached the edge of a forest and let her ears fall back. She wasn't used to being in a forest, having something above her other than the sky. She preferred an open sky.

Zhavvi wondered what she would do with her life, basically everything was open for her to do. The girl who liked poisons might continue with finding what herbs and plants were actually poisonous. Yet she didn't have anyone to try her poisons on. Maybe she should go to Kero's pack, but the last time he did they weren't pleased to see her. Other Khalas acted extremely different. They didn't move with their herd of prey, hell, they didn't even eat bison. She had to deal with not only a language barrier but also a cultural one. Her life was going to be very interesting on her own. At least she hoped so, she wouldn't want her life to be boring. With that thought in mind she stepped forward into the thick forest.
The animal trod through a forest. From forest to coast it moved. It had left the Bay and now was on its own. Cerulean Cape was hers. There was a bachelor male somewhere that tracked her. Thus far, she had avoided it. Not in heat, the bear was not interested. But lurking on its territory was a wolf.

Not interested in its company, Bear stood stock still and stared at it. Sniffing, the scent was quite familiar. She recalled the pack she had once been to... and stared on.
Zhavvi didn't expect to run in ... a creature like that. She looked up at the brown ... thing. She wasn't really sure what the other was, she had not ever met such a creature. Was it dangerous? Could be. Would it eat her? Could be. Her eyes fell down at the claws and then back at the creature's face.

Zhavvi felt really small compared to the other. She was a slender female and all alone. This really brought things in a new perspective. She wasn't invincible anymore. No pack to care for her. The female wolf kept her stance, not sure what to expect from this other creature.
Being a lone wolf now, Ayana strolled through unknwn woods and wide fields a lot more than she used to. Sometimes it felt like she was all by herself in this world, just her and her mind, which often screamed so loud she thought about jumping in a deep lake and never coming up again. But she was not a loner because she could not find a pack, no, she was on a mission. Basically, being a lone was part of her job.
One thing she noticed was her own scent. At the first day after leaving her home, she had bathed in the hot springs to cleanse her skin - it was horrible, she hated it - and later rolled in a puddle of mud. Now, she smelled of fresh woods and grass. She liked it, it was like being a new wolf. However, her mind and past haunted her more often than it used to when she was sill part of the pack.

Ayana let out a deep sigh as she wandered through a forest, in which she hoped to find her dinner, or at least a small snack to fill her tummy. She had just spotted a small deer to hunt when the scent of a wolf came to her attention. What made her worry was another scent though - a bear. Her heart sank for a second and she felt her mucles tighten. Bears were dangerous, their big claws could kill a small wolf like Ayana, let alone the scars they could leave on the pretty face of hers.
Don't even think about coming closer and see if the "wolf is in danger". Leave, or die. You need to take care of yourself and not act as if you were some kind of saviour or godess to resuce other wolves. Please, you dumb chicken, just leave.
Of course she did not leave. It was like her paws carried the female without her command. It did not take long for her to discover the wolf, who blended in with the brown tones of the woods perfectly, a huge bear standing in front of it. The wolf must be a female, she had a very slender and skinny body, a feminie beauty. For a second, Ayana decided to leave as she did not really like other females, but stayed instead.
"Hey, you! Girl! Run before that wild animal tears you into two pieces!", Ayana whispered loud enough for the female to hear her.
Thank you for joining! <3 Ignore the previous part about being a lone wolf. Updated to present day!

Zhavvi wasn't sure what to think of this weird creature. Then she heard another voice, but it was a voice she didn't understand well. She decided to turn the other way around and leave the bear. The slender little female trotted off, but in the direction of the wolf that talked to her. She wasn't sure what the wanted to tell her but Zhavvi decided that safety was in numbers if the bear went after her.

Her eyes fell on the golden female and she instantly was reminded of Vitihi. That female that her father took on as his new Khaleesi. She didn't deserve it. She was the new Khaleesi, sort of. Now not anymore she was before though. Her ears flattened and her green eyes fell on the lady before her. "Zhavvi no help," she pointed out in the language she was learning.

It was thanks to her new alpha that she was learning these words. She wanted to let the other female know that she was fine on her own, but she was not, not really. The healing wound on her neck was clearly a mark of her rebellion.
Ayana stared at the bear in disgust. What kind of bear would simply let it's dinner leave without any attempt to hunt and kill it? She shook her head. The female came closer to her and spoke weird words that did not make sense. No help? No, she was not really being helpful while almost letting a wild animal kill her. No help. The female had beautiful green eyes, which fascinated Ayana. She suddenly wondered why the girl did not speak her language. Maybe she was dangerous ... Yea, no. She did not make an attempt to fight that bear, she's weak.
What if the girl needed help? No help. Then Ayana understood, she was trying to tell her that she needed no help from her.
"Ok. Bye.", Ayana said, turning around and walking away. Who did that girl think she was? Ayana just saved her from being a free dinner for that bear and all she said was that she was strong enough to defend herself? She did not even show any sign of thankfulness! This female was truly rude, egoistic and dumb, she probably thought she was better than anyone else.

Suddenly Ayana stopped in the middle of walking. She almost fell over because she stopped so quickly. This female was exactly like herself.
Ayana turned around, looking at the female. Slowly, she started to trot back to her.
"Who are you?", she asked, hoping the girl would understand her.
Zhavvi watched as the female wished her a goodbye. Okay, that very very simple then. Zhavvi didn't understand the bear was dangerous because she never learned about such creatures. She was clueless about most things in this world because she was raised differently. Oh well. Alphas Fitz would help her. That was for sure. She stopped when the female turned to her and fired her a question. The small female frowned as she wasn't sure it was an insult or more a question. "Whoes me?," she asked. "I. Zhavvi," she retuned and raised her head proudly. She was a Khaleesi!

Or well, she was. The smaller female looked at the golden one fore her. She had pale blue eyes instead of Vitihi's golden ones. At least that was something better about her. She tried to sniff out where the other female was from but she seemed without a pack. Zhavvi glanced over her, not sure what to think of a loner. In her culture it was only something bad. Zhavvi had been a loner, it had been bad. Now she was with Alphas fitz. She was lucky he took her in. "Whoes you?"
The small female seemed like a nice company to be around. Ayana smiled at her weakly. Although she was not really the right one to teach stangers how to survive in Teekon Wilds - her social skilly were still ... bad - she wanted to spend some time with the female. She seemed to be proud, while other wolves might feel bad about themselves in her situation. Having to be told that a bear was dangerous must be an awkward situation, but Zhavvi did not seem to care. Ayana liked that.

"Ayana. I am from Blackfeather Woods.", she said and hoped the girl would not realise that she was lying; Ayana did not want to seem weak or desperate, and she basically belonged to Blackfeather anyway. It was her home...or had been. She still did not know if she wanted to return or be alone for another while. She smiled at the girl and sat down. She wanted to find out more about the girl, maybe she could learn something from her. Hahaha, seriously? You think you can learn anything from a female that does not even speak your language? And do not think that you can have friends. You were just rejected from th Caledra, you better go hide somewhere and die alone. But Ayana did not care about what the voice in her head said. This girl seemed to be a lot like herself, and a glance in the mirror was always a good idea.

"You are not from here, are you?", Ayana said, focussing the female a little more. Something about this girl was interesting, mysterious. And Ayana wanted to find out about it.
Zhavvi glanced over the other female that seemed to want a conversation with her. The slender girl didn't mind that. She could use some company now she was here in this forest. They were such a weird concept. Huge pants with thick and robust stems. She was used to the flowing grass, not these mega plants that had weird creatures in them. Zhavvi disliked the woods, she preferred the open skies. Zhavvi moved her nose when the girl named... Ayana said she was from Black Feather Woods. "You no smell of pack," she pointed out with strict green eyes. 'Ayana Trickster like Zhavvi?," she asked.

She then bared her teeth at her next statement. "Zhavvi Belong! Zhavvi from Silvertips! Alphas Fitz is Zhavvi's Alpha," she spoke and let out a offended huff. She didn't got the whole context. Zhavvi understood that Ayana was saying she didn't belong anywhere. It was a sore point for Zhavvi and she didn't like to face that idea yet. She was kicked out of her family and disliked to think that she had no where to call home. Well she did. Alphas Fitz was home. He was not keeping her on a leash.
Ayana smiled at the female when she asked if she was a trickster just like her. Well, was she? Probably yes. She loved maniplation, although it did not really work out in the past few weeks.
However, the female noticed a change. Zhavvi suddenly bared her teeth and Ayana felt a weird tension between them now. Something had offended her, but the golden female did not know what. So if Zhavvi was from Silvertip Mountain, why was she so offended by Ayana asking about her home? It was her language that made her think this way, and Ayana was not born in Teekon Wilds either, which is why she thought it was okay to ask. But she seemed to have hit a nerve by asking this question. It was as if the other female struggled with her past, just like Ayana herself.

"I'm sorry, Zhavvi. I am not born in Teekon Wilds myself, my father once ruled a pack. But I had to leave...", she said with an empty expression on her face. Why did she tell the girl that? She did not even know her, but something made her trust the small female. She shook her head and smiled at her. "I guess I just hoped I had found someone that feels a little bit like me."
Zhavvi looked at the other female and then decided that she might have misunderstood. Still apologizing was not in her mental capacity. Dorthran had not really any words for sorry or thank you, that was something her new language did have. Still she was not used to using them. Her ears perked up as the female spoke. "Zhavvi Father Alphas too!!!," she returned. "And Fathers not happy with Zhavvi. Zhavvi not happy with Father. Then Fathers kick Zhavvi away!," she explained feeling like they were both kinda of the same. They were stranded princesses, though Zhavvi had found a new home now and she liked living with Alphas Fitz.

Zhavvi then looked at her. "Wells! Zhavvi found new home with Alphas Fitz of silver tipped mountain!!," she explained and then looked at the other. "Heees mine tho," she then let out, more as in 'mine to protect'. But Zhavvi was kind of starting to grow possessive over him because she wanted to good and show that she did care about him. Zhavvi never cared about anyone. But Alphas Fitz helped her and he let her do her exploring and experiment with poisons. He was just the best. She could be herself.
Use her. Use her to get information. She can help you move on. She has experienced the same pain, the same rejection. What did her mother do? How did she move on? How does she deal with it? Manipulate her!
But her mind forgot about one important detail. Zhavvi was innocent, beautiful, she did not have a dark secret she carried around every day like Ayana. Yes, the girl might have experienced the same pain and rejection, but Ayana was bad. Her soul was bad, it was spotted with blood, dark blood. The blood of ...

Ayana smiled when Zhavvi talked about her new life. It seemed like the girl moved on and found someone to get attached to, maybe even a new father figure. Silvertip Mountain... could this be Ayana's new home? But Blackfeather was her home ... right? Ayana focussed Zhavvi. Could she imagine living by the female's side? Being pack mates? No, Ayana would not be able to be accepted anywhere but in Blackfeather, right? But she was a failure now that she did not get into the Caledra... Ayana started to feel ill.

" Zhavvi found new home". The idea of a new home excited the golden female, but did she even deserve a new home, or was it her fate to suffer and feel like a failure for the rest of her life? She shook her head. "Zhavvi, do you sometimes feel like...you are unworthy? Like you deserve nothing?", Ayana asked, hoping the girl would understand her.
Zhavvi stood before the other female and decided that this female might be a bit like her but not totally. She seemed unsure about herself, and Zhavvi was not like that. She loved herself. She was the best. Even though she was kicked out she just knew she was better than all the other Dorthran wolves. She was a proud creature. She didn't get the whole sentence but the woman talked about 'unworthy and Nothing' she knew those words. She raised her nose in the air. "No. Zhavvi never unwhortie or Nothing," she stated and then let her green eyes fall on Ayana.

"Zhavvi picks her life. Zhavvi not happy with Father Khal and I got kickeds out because I wanted," she stated with a nod. There was no hesitation there. But only in a few days she would realize that her Father had left Teekon and that she was all alone, all the wolves that spoke her language would be gone. But with that information there would grow a new flower instead of the rotten old one. But for now, Zhavvi was still clueless what would happen in the future.
Last one for me
When Ayana listened to Zhavvi's words, a weird feeling camed up inside of her. It felt like a mixture of envy and shame, which made the female want to leave. She stood up and looked at the other female. Her green eyes and the way she carried herself really made her look like a princess. Ayana smiled at her. "I hope that one day I can be more like you. You seem to be very proud of who you are. Stay true to yourself, Zhavvi.", Ayana said, still smiling at her. Maybe Zhavvi was better than Ayana in many ways - something Ayana would never admit - but that did not make the golden female hate her. Instead, it made her think about herself and maybe one day Ayana would think of Zhavvi's words and forgive herself for what she had done. But for now, Ayana had enough.

"You're a very good person, Zhavvi. I hope to meet you again one day!", the golden female said as she started to leave. She winked at Zhavvi and slowly left the setting. Ayana was confused, ashamed of being so self-consious, and happy at the same time because she met a wolf that had been through the same thing as Ayana with a completely different mindset. Ayana liked Zhavvi, and this was the first time she actually did want to meet another female again.

- Ayana exits -

I absolutely love Zhavvi, she's such a sweetie omg <3 :') I liked the thread, we should have another one some time xx
She likes to make other wolves think that she is sweet haha!! I will send it to archives! Thank you for jumping on this thread!!

Zhavvi listened to the other female blab, which most of it she couldn't really get. But it sounded positive so she wasn't arguing. The second sentence had good in it, but she really wasn't that good. But she was more than pleased that the other female would think that. The golden girl left. She would have amazing abilities to hide on the golden Hoshor plains. But she wouldn't fit with the Khalas maybe. They only spoke Dorthran anyways. It would be like Zhavvi fitting in at the mountain.

The girl said goodbye to her, Zhavvi only nodded a goodbye before turning her way and trotting back to the mountain. She had met a weird creature today, and it seemed they were dangerous. She noted that down and was certain that next time she would be a bit more careful. This golden Ayana she met was nice too, maybe she would join silver tip one day.