Wolf RPG

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Moonsong Glacier

This ice had confused him. He couldn't place where it had come from and that disturbed him. Had the storm deposited its refuse here or had the mountain tops secretly harboured the ice and the storm had encouraged them to shake it loose? He doubt he would ever know the answer to that question. Still, the naturalist inside of him wanted to know more about it.

So today he wandered onto the glacier and marvelled at the coldness of it. The tops of the mountains had never been the warmest but the glacier... The glacier was cold all around. It was like being in a constant winter, or so his feet said. His fur still soaked up the summer rays and the two elements contrasting confused him.

He stared at the ice, seeing his reflection in it as he did so. Was it moving? He didn't think so, but the natural gravity of the mountain - surely that should be taking effect? Stumped, FitzDutiful sat, deep in thought as to the consequences of this being here and how that was going to affect them - was it going to concern them at all?
After the storm blew through, Colt had stuck around a bit, weighing the benefits of visiting that pack.  As days passed, though, the idea swiftly lost its appeal in the novelty of instead, well, not doing that.  No use opening that can of worms before he'd shopped around a bit, right?  Denying others the pleasure of trying to woo him into their numbers was hardly fair.

So he took to the mountains instead.

Heights weren't super his thing, but he wasn't afraid of them.  He was cautious as he made his way up, having no interest in plunging off some ravine, but rather enjoyed the view the higher he got.  The air was thinner, but it granted a sort of energy with every breath. The heavy scent of inhabitants warned him from going too far and he banked right, reaching the edge of the slope to look out on a rather surprising sight.

What the hell was ice doing here?  Curiosity led him down the mountain's ridged side to the surface of the random field, and he skidded a ways out, purposefully gaining momentum to slide upon the surface.  Testing it wasn't something he bothered with, though he did instinctually keep an eye out for cracks or darker spots. The other wolf was unseen for the moment as he peered at the surface between his paws, then out at the valley below. Seriously random, but also pretty cool.
FitzDutiful wasn't used to visiting wolves coming from above. It was rare that anyone went up the side of the mountain away from the pack. If they came to the mountain range it was usually to find the Silvertip Mountain group, so he was startled to see a well-built wolf sliding around upon the ice. He looked at him curiously then, once the other had stopped, slowly made his way over - using his claws to grip the ice and gain traction.

"The ice fascinates you, too?" he asked, watching as the other wolf stared at it, much as he had. It seemed this male didn't really know what had caused the ice to arrive either. Maybe he had theories though. FitzDutiful wasn't on a recruitment drive at the moment, but he didn't miss the fact that this wolf wasn't spoken for in that capacity. If he was able to have some lively conversation he might be tempted to extend an invitation.
He was not alone, for the ice had drawn another admirer.  He turned to face the male, paws skipping lightly over the slick surface, but tail cast out for balance.  "I am a fan of it, for sure." He said with a grin, also digging claws in to hold himself in place.  "Strange to see it so far south, but since I'm new to these parts, couldn't really tell you how odd."  For all he knew they had buckets of ice. 

"Name's Colt."
The other male introduced himself as Colt and FitzDutiful took a moment to assess his age. He didn't seem too immature so FitzDutiful guessed around his own age and wondered why Colt was a lone wolf. Maybe he had let the adventure wait until later in his life. It was the smarter move, making sure that he was well prepared.

"FitzDutiful," he replied, "and it's very odd. We had a bad storm here, not too long ago, and this ice seemed to appear overnight." he realised that this was perhaps odd knowledge to have and added a qualifier, "My pack live on this mountain. We're lucky it didn't come down the side we chose to inhabit."
im sorry I forgot about this guy!
Looks like I'm going to be dropping colt again since obvs I can't handle 3 anymore :( but I wanted to wrap this up for you first! We can go until whenever you are good with stopping!

"I think I know the storm you're talking about.". He'd hardly be forgetting it anytime soon.  He was lucky to have gotten through it relatively unscathed, if a bit bruised.  "you are definitely lucky if you missed out".  Destruction was still evident in many places.

"I've never known one to drop ice, not this large."  He'd seen some hail but this was rather... Intense.  "I'm no naturalist, but that's not normal.  Right?"  

If this guy was an alpha around here, Colt was glad his presence was taken well.  He was more in the mood for fun than fight today and the ice would have made a scuffle rather difficult.  He couldn't believe how many packs there were around here... He could barely take a piss without hitting one.
Thank you <3 I'm fine just getting it to 10 so I can use it for his naturalist trade :D

FitzDutiful shook his head in response to Colt's question. He had never known a storm to drop ice either, not like this and he was struggling to think of places that it could have come from. He only had one possibility, "All I can think is it came from the top of the mountain, but it seems to be just as white as it used to be." He was a naturalist and he still had no idea.

He looked at Colt, then back to the ice before casting another look at the top of the mountain, "I hope it's safe if it did come from there, and I really hope it doesn't stay here long. Then again, summer's over and it's not likely to melt now is it? It seems quite thick..." He trailed off, looking worried and unsure of how this was going to affect his pack.
"Well, come summer it may come in handy."  He could feel the cold seeping into his paw pads as he stood and shifted slightly to alleviate it.  If it hadnt gone yet he wouldn't be holding his breath.

He looked worried, though Colt couldn't imagine why. The idea that such an event could have repercussions wasn't a consideration of his, for he rarely found worry unless the danger was immediate. He saw simply a neat feature with recreational use. "Seems pretty sound to me." If not quite ideal for standing around.
Thanks Starr!

Colt had the benefit of being unfazed by anything, FitzDutiful soon established. It was something that he would have to work on for as a father he couldn't be getting flustered by the smallest things. On the other hand, he was pack alpha and more than his own life was within his paws so maybe being aware of the bigger picture was a benefit?

Now more concerned with that dilemma than with the ice, FitzDutiful decided it was time to say his farewells and head back to the pack lands to muse on this. "Very true," he said, before turning to go. "If you decide you're in need of a pack for winter, come look us up." he told Colt, unaware that soon they have the privilege reserving space for only the best of the best or that Zaria would start to have a big influence on who he did, or did not, accept.
woohoo! No problem!

"Sure thing."  It was a noncommittal answer, but the Blackthorn was by nature a noncommittal wolf.  There were too many possibilities to tie himself down right now and he knew he would move on long before he chose a place to settle.  This place wasn't what he needed currently.  But this Fitz was decent to offer.

He hung out a short time after the alpha left, toying and sliding on the ice, before boredom sent him once more on his way. Maybe in going south he'd find something worth seeing. It was worth a shot anyway.