Wolf RPG

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I started this thread with the intention of making it private for Iqniq, but It didn't quite turn out as I expected and it's AW now! :D
This is to explore the new Internal Territory I came up while writing, hope it's ok with the leaders!

It was definitely a paradise, although maybe that new guy wouldn't have agreed...

The place was like a sanctuary for the pack. Flanked on all sides by rocky mountains and vibrant with life inside. Forests ancient just like the Ouroboros' and all the more beautiful felt so much like home that Aariak had taken his time since his arrival to explore it's depths, and he wasn't disappointed in his findings.

A stream of water ran down the mountains and right across the forest like a winding snake. It's rushing waters were loud, almost like rapids, and it was wide, enough to be a danger to cross. But there was a way. Like a bridge, a formation of rocks arched over the rushing water. Vegetation grew on top of it, almost like an extension of the forest. A marvel of nature.

Aariak observed the bridge, wondering whether it was safe to walk over it, but by the looks of it the thing was pretty resistant.The trees that grew on top of it were almost - if not just as big as the rest of the towers that made up the forest.
You gonna use this thread for anything? Aside from discovering the place. ;) Also HI. 8)
Given recent events, Kapvik thought it wise to stay put. The pack needed consonance now more than ever. The wolverine was not going to be a chink in the armor. Not to say Tyrannus had been weak, just caught off guard. Shaking those ruinous thoughts from his head, he moved on. Days have passed since then. In unlit separation Kapvik languished. Wretched was he in hours long since passed. Pain has not  dulled in Arverk's absence, aged wounds ripping open to hemorrhage anew. Like they never healed, never scarred.
INDENTAnother day passed and he pushed them aside. Rubbish. How easily depression hollows, how quickly emotion saps. There was work to be done. They could ill-afford one of their own tending to themselves, selfishly seeking respite when there is none to be had.
INDENTKapvik patrolled, tracked (unsuccessfully), and prodded some of their caches throughout the day. While policing the borders, he came across some worthwhile footnotes: two wolves have since joined their ranks. A female and a male. One was unknown to him while the other was familiar. He pursued that scent to fill the void Arverk and Tyrranus have left behind. But this task he did not actively wish to follow up on – fatigued by meaningless exchanges. Kapvik left Aariak's trail to peruse the plant life here, heedful of the waterway. It was loud. Annoyingly so. A solitary plant dared to grow near the rushing waters. It's pastel pink cup-shaped flowers charmed him. Kapvik gazed upon the pretty plant from afar, fearful of the thundery rapids.
HI! :D
Not really... I just wanted Aariak to meet someone new :P
It would be nice to use it for whatever trades shown in my signature ;)

I was definitely resistant enough. Aariak stepped up the bridge, cautious at first, but growing confident as he walked on. The surface of it was wide enough for two or three wolves to walk alongside safely, and it was as solid as the earth itself. He jumped on it to prove it. It was actually a nice spot to get lost in your thoughts, carried away by the deafening sound of the rushing water. But he was not looking for that at the moment, and when he got to the other side of the river he decided to walk on and keep exploring the depths of the forest.

He walked alongside the river, but the silhouette of a wolf across it's dangerous flow caught his attention. The male, of a dark color and impressive size was gazing fealfully at the rapids.

"THERE'S A BRIDGE OVER THERE!" he shouted convinced that the wolf was having a debate with himself of whether he should cross swimming, which he wouldn't do in his craziest dreams.
The Mountain Hollyhock swayed to and fro enticingly, beckoning him. Huffing, he made to leave...before Aariak called to him across the way. Ears cupping forward, he zeroed in on his pack mate. The woodland here was plenteous – far more than Kapvik first anticipated. Even so, Aariak could be easily spotted because of his ermine coat.
INDENTTrotting further up the riverside, he saw it – that overpass Aariak spoke of. Kapvik gazed upon it, taken with this peculiar formation. How this construct came to be, he could not fathom. Never has he seen anything quite like this. Greenery and moss grew upon the stone. Imposingly, trees have taken root here as well. If it was sturdy enough for that, it should withstand his added weight. Kapvik tested it nervously, moving this way and that to scrutinize the bridge's sides for signs of deterioration. Time has not lessened his fear of quick moving watercourses. That commotion involving Whitewater Gorge was still fresh in his mind. It was an occurrence he had no desire to experience twice.
INDENTKapvik shot across the bridge like a bat out of hell, almost barreling into Aariak. Fortunately for him, the wolverine put on the brakes just in time. Still, they were too close for the Gamma's liking. Backing up, he looked behind him to see if the bridge was still standing. It was. Kapvik rested his sunburst eyes back upon Aariak, looking him over. He was none the worse for wear and he was, indeed, the Aariak he knew before that beastly storm. They met during a hunt. Not the happiest moment for the Gamma. The flashbacks started rolling in. Anger burned hot within him, rippling across his spine in erose peaks. Lips twitched, pinching in exasperation. The wrath and disgrace was not reserved for Aariak although it looked like it.
Aariak watched as the dak male sprinted over the bridge as if he was being chased by a demon. He got out of the way just in case Kapvik ran over him, but the bear-like wolf put on the brakes just in time, and even backed up when he stopped completely. And then the weirdest thing happened. Kapvik snarled at Aariak, so full of rage and frustration that the Inuit did not know how to respond.

Aariak took a single step back and set his senses on full alert. "Are you alright?" he asked, looking at Kapvik's spiked back. He remebered having seen the dark male on a hunt before the storm, but he had never acquainted him officially. He did not know his name. He did not know his story. And surely he did not know what was going on.
Aariak's reaction promptly flipped the switch back over to normal. The creases along his muzzle smoothed, his fur lost its prickly texture; all aggression vanished as soon as his pack mate uttered, “Are you alright?” The Gamma looked away from the male's red-orange eyes to favor the ground, baffled by his actions. Safe to say that whole incident haunted him still, but Aariak did not seem to care. Inwardly he was grateful for this tiny blessing, yet outwardly, he was apologetic. Pushing those feelings of inadequacy on another was inexcusable.
INDENTLooking back into the Inuit's ruddy orbs, he grunted, “'M fine.” But his eyes – usually so spirited, so emotive – spoke volumes about his condition more than words could express: I am not fine.
The dark male switched to a more relaxed stance, but there was something off about him. Aariak was good at getting even the slightest hints of discomfort in others, and he felt it was his job to help those who needed it. It was like his purpose in life. Kapvik was definitely not fine, and his eyes were not doing a good job at concealing it.

Aariak decided to keep silence for a moment. He knew that if there's something you want when you're in a bad mood is space. He did not want to make Kapvip more uncomfortable. But sometimes it was the opposite.

"Would you like to walk with me?" he offered with a kind smile. If a shoulder to cry on was what he needed, then Aariak would be happy to become that shoulder, but he knew that it took confidence to get there.
Aariak was quick to offer succor. Kapvik considered his inquiry with a grimace, igneous orbs bashfully averted. This he did not do out of respect. Nothing so elementary as that. Simply, he felt assailable enough having wronged his pack mate. On top of that, he did not need his eyes to reveal the pain that swirled finitely within him. The Gamma found comfort in keeping some things – be it motive, desire, or emotion – secret. It made it easier to recover from negative stimuli; to move on from those instances. Now, if only he could use that in the real world. Baby steps.
INDENTYeah,” came his acquiescence. “We can...mark along the way. Better.” So much for social eloquence. “And chat. Maybe.” He was trying. That should count for something. And if on their jaunt they find an area or flora of interest, the trek will not have been in vain. Turning downstream, the Gamma began to move. They would follow the rapid along to the fringe of their territory bordering Sleepy Fox Hollow. During that time, poor Aariak would suffer Kapvik's interpersonal fumblings.
Luckily for Kapvik, Aariak was happy to try and cheer him up. To him, maintaining stability and peace within the pack was just as important as filling the caches or patrolling the borders. In fact, all of those things depend on the former.

Aariak nodded, still smiling, when Kavpik agreed to walk with Aariak. For obvious reasons, the Gamma gave the stroll a less deep meaning and suggested marking the territory as they went. Aariak agreed and walked beside him along the riverbend, keeping silence for a while until he thought Kapvik was in a more peaceful state of mind.

"There is something so charming about this place..." the male commented almost whispering, indeed, taking those very necessary baby steps to make Kapvik feel comfortable around him. Sooner or later, the dark Gamma would break into tears. They always did.
I'm getting secondhand embarrassment from Tatsuya here.
The peal of rapids influenced his steps, thoughtlessly delving into the forest's verdure clutch. It served as a stressful reminder of his near death experience at Whitewater River unremitting. Even as they moved farther away, the sound remained. Not as earsplitting thankfully yet still ominous.
INDENTTogether they meandered through the boscage wordlessly. Company was enough to make Kapvik feel more integrated within the pack. Although he would not ostracize his company should they decide to speak up. Words – as useful as they were – had little value with the Gamma. Kapvik's words could mesmerize if he willed it. But then, his verses would have meaning. Pitiable exchanges do not. The wolverine did not use silence and sound as interchangeably as he thought. Silence had depth and timbre just as fathomable as words. Ears flicked at the Inuit's words. An invitation to ease him into speaking.
INDENTYeah.” A husky, impersonal retort. It troubled him as the silence returned. Kapvik marked a tree in urine. Here, he decided to expand on Aariak's statement. “This forest is, hm...healthier than normal.” It seemed that way to Kapvik. Was that what the Inuit was referring to? It is home to a lot of pretty flowers is what he was going to say next, but the wolverine did not like how oafish it sounded. “That bridge back there – never seen another like it.
lols he's awkward af xD
I'm loving this thread

Aariak took Kapvik's comment silently and nodded in agreement. Although the caretaker didn't quite get what 'Healtier' menat for the wolverine, he couldn't disagree. The place was vibrant with life, and even on the bleak and cold peaks there was something magical about the air. The place was wonderful, and the rock-bridge only added to the awesomeness.

"It reminds me a lot of the Spine..." he commented. How the forest was surrounded by peaks and rocky mounts, how the forest inside felt so ancient. There were a lot of similarities, but it was so different at the same time. "It's a shame what happened to it, but I suppose it was all worth it. We will thrive here."
Words misplaced, their meaning skewed. Kapvik was distressingly aware of these 'mistakes.' Aariak – bless him – did not poke fun. The Inuit was good at keeping the conversation alive while the wolverine loused up. Embarrassing. The sentiment bled through much to Kapvik's alarm.
INDENTAariak carried on, altering the subject. Ouroboros Spine was mentioned to his dismay. Touchy topic. Mental defacement frequents him since they were ousted. Kapvik loved that place. It was a passion that came to him in wistful bouts nowadays. Tonravik preferred cooler climes. Ouroboros Spine was a natural elevation like any other, but it was more diverse geographically rather than Sawtooth Spire. Also no snow capped its peaks.
INDENTIt's colder here. Bigger, too.” Like listing off the spire's noteworthy qualities would dwarf the spine's grandeur. A melodramatic sigh left his lips. Who was he trying to kid? I miss the spine. Trimmed, offhand admittance muttered under the Gamma's breath. Not wanting to draw attention to it, he hurriedly tried to cover it up with “Um. Tonravik and Nanuk – they speak a language I've never heard before. Are you familiar with it?” That curiosity has been gathering dust in his memory banks for too long. Though the query itself was strained, the peculiarity was unfeigned.
Aariak never considered himself to be good with words, but he was good with people. Pulling strings until one of those revealed someone's emotions was his talent, and he hadn't failed this time. Aariak knew that Kapvik was upset about something, and his first step to figure it out had been reviving memories.

Ouroboros Spine seemed to be a sensitive subject, and Kapvik's body language changed almost immediately upon mentioning it. “I miss the spine.” muttered the wolverine, and Aariak was quick to pick up on it. He sot a glance at Kapvik, one that showed his interest and openness that he thought the male needed. But the subject was suddenly changed, to which Aariak couldn't intervene.

"I am," he responded, "Are you interested in learning?"
Of course, Aariak heard him, pressing the issue as soon as it came up. Even so, he accepted the alteration without fuss. Whew. There was nothing inherently personal to be revealed about the spine. Well, except for that time when Tonravik taught him how to fish. It felt like ages ago and he could still feel her reprimanding nips. The flesh on the side of his neck twitched at the memory. Through pain, he gained a new skill. Tonravik's teeth would not always be the answer, but back then, it was.
INDENTAariak's assent did not come as a surprise, but the invitation to teach him did. “That sounds wonderful.” He paused, the cogs in his mind turning. “Before we begin, can you tell me what “kapvik” means?” And Nanuk had told him “you will understand.Yeah. 'Cause this guy's gonna tell me. Heh.
Kapvik seemed excited about learning the language, which was a good sign. It was known to all Tartok that those who run alongside them are to forget their past to accept Tartok as their only future, and the dialect spoken by them is a key part to truly adopt the Tartok identity. Perhaps Kapvik was not about to disclose what was bothering him, but Aariak had no intention to make him do so. Actually, opening his own world to Kapvik would probably help Aariak step into his.

Aariak laughed. "You don't know what your name means?" he grinned. Aariak knew that 'Kapvik' was not the name he'd gotten from his mother, but that did not matter now. That name was to be forgotten along with everything about his past if he really wanted to become Tartok.

"Kapvik means Wolverine." the male explained, "You do look a lot like one..."
When do you wanna end this? I'm fine with continuing beyond this point if you are. :)
Kapvik might have protested in knowing of Tartok's principles. While his past has given him nothing but grief (and nightmares, anxiety, depression), to drop one identity only to take up another would minify the good that has formed in the storm. Were it possible, Kapvik would do away with the bad; his time with Sakuya and his pariahs – though short lived – has scarred him. So wakeless his wounds did they mark his soul. No amount of devotion or “cleansing” could wash away the defects.
INDENTHardy har.” Wry words for Aariak's jab, spoken with a straight face before cracking into a chortle. Harmlessly, he made to shove the Inuit in a fit of mirth. He may have gone overboard with the force exerted, but Aariak was a stout wolf; he would rebound well enough.
INDENTUpon hearing the meaning of “kapvik,” the Gamma gradually fell from joy to deep thought. Kapvik was cognizant of his unique decorations. To think he had been expecting – hoping – for a meaningful title. I should have known better. From what he has heard of wolverines, they were ferocious; taking down beasts many times larger than itself. They snarfed down meat like it would be their last and they claimed regions large enough to house a wolf pack of ten or more. They scavenged more than they hunted, stealing prey from other predators. In a way, “kapvik” is a substantive alias. To be associated with such a beast...Kapvik felt some pride and attachment to the name. Never mind. I like the name.I've never been face-to-face with a wolverine before. From what I've heard, I hope I never do.” If hearsay is true as hs sources might have been exaggerating.
INDENTSo...how 'bout those lessons?
I'm ok with fading here :)

Though Aariak was not familiarized with the meaning of Kapvik's response, he supposed it had no ill intentions behind because he joined the laughter afterwards, to what Aariak reacted with a prolonged grin. Then Kapvik commented about never having encountered a wolverine face-to-face, from which Aariak concluded that he was from further south, wolverines being a common encounter in the north. It was true all they said about the little beasts, and Kapvik was right not to want to deal with one himself. "Imagine a rabid small bear..." Aariak explained, and grinned.

"What would you like to start with?" asked Aariak when Kapvik moved the topic back to the Iniktitut lessons, which Aariak was happy to help with. He would spend the afternoon teaching his pack-mate a little bit about his culture, which was a kepy part for the Anneriwok to get closer to earning the Tartok name.

Ok I suck at fading but that's my last post :P
Thanks for joining, I really enjoyed this thread :D
Yay! I'm glad! :D We should thread again soon! <3 (ur fade post does not suck omg stahp)
A small, rabid bear...No thanks. They were as bad as he heard, then; his sources having relayed practical information. Aariak's words solidified Kapvik's beliefs of the famed skunk bear. It would be best to not engage one. Not alone, seeing as the beasts themselves were capable of killing wolves. Kapvik was monstrous in size, but that does not discourage a wolverine. Evidently. The Inuit's grin was infectious. Before long, Kapvik wore the same expression...even though his thoughts on wolverines painted them as murderous ogres and nothing else.
INDENTHmm,” he droned. Where should they begin? Looking around as if the answer lied hidden in beryl leafage, Kapvik thought back to the time of Kou's teachings. Father's tuition was hands-on from the get go. However, his young mind did not absorb the knowledge as readily. It helped, yes, but the real learning began when he associated memories and feelings with certain herbs. Which was a major pain in the ass. And yet he learned of medicinal plants and their properties at a good clip like that. Looks like we're gonna have to do this the hard way.Let's start with 'hello' and work our way on from there...