Wolf RPG

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Set in Panther Park couldn't find the prefix,  @Nanuk  wanna come meet ma man? They could meet and chew tobacco and talk abnormal animal behavior XDDD

Now that he had done what was asked of him, Akela felt the need to investigate that cougar trespassing. He had followed the old trail back to Panther Park. Logically. He wondered just what had caused the animal to go to the woods. It was not like a cougar to risk trespassing on a pack's ground.  They were solitary animals, who did not match the strength of a whole pack. He knew he was exposing himself, entering this territory, but he needed to find some answers, mostly to prevent it from happening again.

He stumbled on a cache, it smelled faintly of the cougar's scent. The carcass was already quite rotten to the bone. He wouldn't find anything here. Alert, in case he was not alone, he moved on, to then find some tobacco plants. Damn them, damn them, damn them. Just how careless would it be to get distracted right now ?
short post, let's do this! also thanks for the thread!

@Iqniq had asked her to do something specific today; check out Hoshor Plains and see what was going on there. Just because the idiots had dispersed didn't mean they wouldn't reform. With Kivi having appeared on their borders, the leaders were suddenly guarded once more against these fools. So, the she-beast had left with murder on her mind in the event that she ran into one of them. Savik was fine; he was theirs now, but no other wolf from Hoshor Plains would escape with their life this day.

She was so intent on her mission that she ignored the faint scent of cougar as she passed into a new area and set about starting to look. Only when she saw another wolf did she stop and bark out to him. "You. You know anything about the shitheads that used to live in the Plains nearby?" Because that would tell him exactly who she was looking for. At least, to her it did.
Akela lifted his head to look at the newcomer. A female heavily built. He looked towards the hoshor and wondered why she wanted to know about them, but then again, everyone had their own reason. "Darling, last I heard of that name, it were crows saying it disbanded. I've been on the look out to see one of them eventually make their way south, but that never happened. "  he answered. " Have you witnessed cougars trespassing into pack territory recently ?"  he asked her then.  Information for information after all.
Her nose wrinkled at the pet name, a glint of teeth displayed before she corrected him, strongly. "Use Kroc, for fuck's sake. Shove that darling shit back up your ass." She was no dainty flower, nor was she even remotely feminine beyond genetics and her biological nature. "And no shit they disbanded. A noseblind moron would have known that." It might have been all he knew however and so, she looked ahead to move on. 

The additional question stopped her, an ear flicking in acknowledgement as she thought about it. The fact that "No."Arverk had been attacked by something went unmentioned; it wasn't his business after all, being an outsider of the Spire. "What happened?" Judging by his question, his pack had had a feline problem recently, though she was curious as to the specifics.
Akela cocked an eyebrow.  " Interesting how you invoke fuck's sake, then ask me to shove a pet name into my ass. " he pointed out with a sly smile.  Love me some violence in a woman was a motto Akela truly liked.  " Yeaaaah , with a little luck, you'll find one to chew on, on your mission around here...if you have bad lack, you'll find a carcass" he shrugged not giving any more interest to the matter. Actually he did not really care for that pack.

Akela remained where he was, keeping the respect distance between them.  "It trespassed our territory and attacked a mother with her pup. Left me a present when I stepped in. Was killed by the back up. I wish to know why a cougar would go that deep into a pack's territory,it's unusual as you may know"
"I didn't ask you, I told you," She stated bluntly, having no problem showing her shitty attitude to anyone she came across. She had no respect for this wolf; he hadn't earned it, so why would she? Even so, neither her tone or words were malicious, just shitty. But he didn't know anything more than he had already told her. "Probably better to find 'em rotting anyways." For sure, since she didn't want to catch whatever contagious form of stupidity they had all shared for one reason or another. 

She listened about the cougar though, interested to know that a lone feline had attacked a bitch and her parasite. Coyotes had attacked similar targets just about a month ago. They had failed, of course, but that the other predators in the Wilds were getting daring enough to try such things with a wolf pack was a bit foreboding for the coming months. It was something she noted and stored away to tell Iqniq later. 

"Wish I fuckin' knew." She responded with a shrug. The thoughts of a cougar were unknown to her, though she was interested as well. Was it the coming Winter? The predators in Seahawk valley had never acted like this, so what was the deal? "They live?"
Akela smiled, amused by her behavior. Her character could have scared more than one away, but he did not feel threatened, even with her massive body and harsh attitude. It was what made her unique and the more interesting. Her views on that pack that had disbanded were clear, and Akela made a mental note of that rivalry. While curiosity poked him to ask further about this , he refrained. It was uncalled for and she would not reveal anything more , or so he thought. "Don't wish too hard, you might bite your tail afterwards" he warned , it was just an idioms, something his native pack always said when wishing something back upon someone.

Taking a step to the side, he sat down, still facing her.  " They do ...ungratefully, but they do. " he spoke, thinking she was asking about the mother and her pup. He had not seen her afterwards.
Wolven eyebrows raised at the expression, really not sure what the hell he meant by it. the bearish female was not a wolf that could talk her way around a bush. Things like that escaped her as easily as a hare would escape a crippled wolf. So she said as much. "The fuck does that mean?" This time, there was no growl accompanying her words, despite their vulgarity. Hey, she'd never claimed to be a pleasant creature.

"Unrest in the ranks, eh?" She didn't want to know the details of their drama, so really it was more of a comment than a question. "You injure the fucker, at least?" If the feline had scars, it would be easier to tell apart from any others of its species. If she saw it out here, to be honest, Kroc would leave it be. Yet, if it ventured too near the Spire, she and her pack-mates would take it down if it proved itself a threat.
"It means, sometimes when you wish or want something to happen, if or when it does happen you may not like it , hence bite your tail "  he explained calmly. He did not judge a wolf by its incapacity to catch a more subtle language. Everyone had its strength and weakness and while Akela was a more eloquent wolf, Kroc was more physical.

"Yeah, drama queens, and their wish to always have the last word when really they should just shut up and say thank you. " he admitted.  He licked its lips.  "Won't be a bother to us or you. My alpha and I killed it... it joined the blood of trespassers on the border. Really nice decoration "
Dissension within their pack. Could Blackfeather not control their followers? She had to wonder, remembering the foolish bitch that had fought herself and Tonravik near to their own borders, unaware that he was actually talking about the very same creature. A cretin that she would run into a second time in the weeks to follow. Perhaps they did not have a large amount of intelligent wolves.

Or perhaps they at least had a few, if they had left the blood and remains of their enemies on their borders. It was something the Spire wolves did with any threat to their own, and she could respect that of him, at the very least. There was something odd about the way the other predators of the lands had been begun to attack the local packs. She would keep it in mind when she reported back to her leader. That would need to be soon, too, so she'd have to get going shortly to check out the plains for herself.

"You got a name?" She had given hers earlier, after all.
How funny that conversation would have ended if Akela had revealed that in fact, they were talking about the same foolish bitch. But as they were not on terms of exchanging more information (aka names) he did not feel obligated to tell her anything, not that he would. He liked her attitude, it was raw and honest.  He had smelled her pack , crossing the lands, but had not seen a wolf or learned about the name of the pack before.  "Akela. " he replied promptly.
Closing this up! Thank you for the thread!

And once he gave his name, that was about it. She had what she wanted and now, she would be on her way. Giving a single nod in response to his name, the Sawtooth wolf left it at that and took her leave. There was little sense in saying goodbye or see you later; she had no intention to see any other wolves again than those of the Spire. She would explore the Plains for herself and then return to her treacherous home, and the wolves she considered family.

Fade thread!