Wolf RPG

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He thought that if he broke away from the confines of the Wood, the voices would leave. He slipped away unseen and headed for the sandy Steppes. The whole time he traveled, there was still the giggles and hisses of the voices. There was no escape.
 As he stopped in the sandy enviorment, the voices became louder. A small whine escaped him. They hurt his ears and made his body shake with fear. You'll never escape, they chanted. We'll make everyone that loves hate you, they hummed. Leo lay on the ground, eyes shut and on the verge of crying again. His young mind couldn't handle this. He was confused to why the wolves around him could not hear the voices. They were so loud, how did they fall deaf to other's ears? He curled up in a ball, shivering from the continuous calls. He was ready to go home now. He wanted to be with Peridot and Baldur.
 The little lion forced himself to stand, trying to stop his body from shaking. Everytime he took a step, he felt weak. His head pounded from the chants of the voices. He should have stayed in the woods. It was clear now that everywhere he went, the demons would follow.

The spider stalked and coiled, slipping through the dust bowl as though a lynx. Sooty fur began to take on the color of tawny, adhering to the slake of water still dribbling from body. The scent blew up from the south, a flourish of something familiar that the Delta could not quite put paws on. It wasn't until a little shivering youth appeared on the horizon, nearly camouflaged amongst the scrubby terrain. Something was amiss. It was obviously sick or injured and was only familiar due to the interaction between Lusa and her cohorts. Ah, yes, the little thing had run off very quickly.

"Nobody loves you," he cooed over the din of silence, wide paws picking up a terrible speed. One, two, three strides and the spider was upon the animal, a leap of haunches sending the large wolf into a ravaging pounce. A snarl punctuated the movement, teeth snapping for the little monster's head and face. Anything belonging to Lusa and her family were to be destroyed.
His ears perked at the sound of another voice. Something different. Someone different. His eyes widened and his head whipped from one side to the other. "T-that's not true," he squeaked in a fearful tone.

Then in a flash, a wolf appeared from the dust, knocking him over onto his back. He glanced up at his attacker, dull eyes full of fear and worry. He had no time to react, so when the bigger male's teeth clamped onto his snout, he was stunned. At first he lay there frozen, not knowing what to do. Then pain spread through his body. He forced himself to rip his head away, the Sawtooth's teeth dragging up to the bottom of his eye before Leo pulled free. Though his face was free, the sandy colored bot was still beneath the larger male.

"Please! Don't hurt me!", he whimpered, blood pouring down onto his face from the scar. He tried wiggling free, but it was no use. "Please let me go! MOTHER HELP!" As much as he cried, there was no one nearby to save him. Not his mother, not his father, nor his siblings. He was trapped in the bely of the beast.
omg I feel so bad ;__;

Paws sank into flesh and bone, pinning the whelp to the ground in a savagery that was unheeded. The quivering youth attempted to deflate the spider with words, sounds that did not register or go noticed. Fang cut into flesh, the spring of blood on tongue satiating the need to break down that which defied. The wolves seeking the Haunted Wood had made a flaw in their plans by allowing one of their own to wander off. It would be a grave mistake.

Screaming erupted from the small body, a wrench of neck muscles thrashing from side to side to render the pup like a ragdoll. The maneuver was designed to beat and bloody the tiny adversary, despite whatever pleas for mercy arose. One paw swept up to pin the boy's body down, clutch on head relentless and punishing. Rips and yanks were thrown into the squalling brat, hoping to apply as much harm as possible.
More and more pain was bestowed unto the whelp. He was beaten senselessly by the large male. Whatever hope of getting away had diminished. He could not do anything to defend himself. His head and body were held tightly as the male bit and yanked at his fur. He started to sob, not wanting this pain. "Stop!", he pleaded once again, his words falling silent over his continuous whines and cries. This is your mother's fault, the voices cackled in a sing song voice. She is doing this to you! "Mother would never do this..," he whimpered in a weak voice. He could not bring himself to believe that Lusa was the reason why this was happening. It was.

The bloodied baby, for that was really what the little wolf was, shouted weakly against the onslaught. It was met with a shift of grip, releasing the little skull and snapping, instead, for a forelimb. This area could easily be broken and, with it, the pain and agony of never being a productive member of anything. It wouldn't be enough to just maim a paw as these could mend and renew, but poignant aim slipped upward for the joint at elbow and shoulder. A wound here would cause death or hardship until the little wolf took its last breath. Actions were stealthy and quiet, no growls tumbling from chest as the spider continued bludgeoning the kid.

Jaw pressure sought to break the limb — should attack come to fruition — not just mar skin, with a vehemency that did not quell at the mention of the boy's mother. Whoever that female was. Assumptions, of course, figured Lusa had birthed the brat but assumptions were not truths.
He thought things couldn't be worse. Things got worse. A lot worse. The attacker shifted his teeth from his body to his paw. The pain was like nothing he ever felt. He let out a high pitched howl as his bone shattered inside him. Leo immediately pulled his body away, stopping Aasivak from getting the sweet spot. "HELP! HELP!", he screeched. He did everything he could possibly do. Teeth tried to snap at the male's paws. Leo's body started to wiggle harder, his cries for help echoing through the air. He needed to escape before things could get worse.
That sweet, sickening sound of bone snapping beneath heavy weight echoed into teeth. A satisfied growl exuded around the broken appendage, narrowly missing the location desired but causing enough havoc to hopefully ruin the pup for life. The wriggling whelp broke free of grasp, paws seeking to wrap and pin the animal down regardless. Sharp, needle teeth sank into a paw, yanking away one inky extremity that soon rebounded with a sharp swat. Hopefully it slapped the little monster upside his screaming head and shut the horrible, resonating sounds up. 

"She doesn't love you any more. She did this to you. She didn't want you," he snarled into the heavy environment, spittle flitting from tongue as fangs were bared and eyes glimmered with danger. Another snap of jaws aimed to punch the child's face, hoping it blemished the boy further and opened up another wound.
He yelped at the impact of the male's paw. At this point, Leo was having a breakdown, eyes cloudy from sobbing through the whole attack. If only he knew how to fight. He would not be like this.

For the first time, he stared up at the dark male, his words bringing pain to his ears. He is correct boy, the voices laughed, You should make your mother pay for this. He had no time to react to this, for the attacker's teeth sunk above his right eye. He screeched louder, dunking down to rip the teeth away. The daggers scraped up over his head, leaving two long wounds over his eye. He lied his head to the ground, eyes shut tight. His body shook like a leaf. His tail was tucked tightly around his leg. Lusa did this, the voices cried out. When that poised through his ears, a new emotion rose through. Rage. "You're right," he murmured, mostly to the voices. If Lusa hadn't taken him away from Scarlett, he wouldn't be here. Maybe it was her fault.
Last one from me tonight. I have to open the clinic tomorrow morning at some stupid early hour. :(

Squeals of pain erupted from the new wounds, a rush of blood blooming upon serpentine tongue. The inky wolf dropped the pup there, a jagged breath inhaling through chest and teeth at the work that had been done on such a useless, defenseless little creature. No mercy. No remorse. The broken animal would serve as a lesson to its mother, and if it survived, it would be a constant reminder of the poor choices Lusa had made.

Without warning, jaws snapped again, yet this time it was an attempt to start dragging the little vermin back towards the wood. A gnash of canines clipped at the boy's haunches to break open new wounds and send it scattering for its mother. "Go home," he cooed cruelly, wicked eyes lifting to the horizon that opened up into their territory. "Go tell them they did this to you," he hissed into one of the tawny boys, another click of teeth coming dangerously close to removing it from head.

There was no questioning the motive. Go or be killed. The spider waited, withdrawing, welcoming the darkness that would surely befall the mauling of an innocent. Only if the crumpled heap of fur did as told would there be a retreat. "Run," he demanded at last, finality and weight delivered in that final syllable that left no other options.
Last post for me too! Ty for the thread :D

Finally, the onslaught had stopped. The boy was able to scramble to his paws and stare at his attacker. His dull eyes where wide with fear. His breathing was fast and shallow and he felt small and helpless.

The male grabbed him and started to drag him back to his home, only to snap at his haunches making him jump back to avoid it. He bolted between the male's legs, running the opposite direction of the wood. His running was awkward, for his broken paw was held up high in order to avoid more pain. We will make everyone hate you Leo...

-Chevalier exits