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Private thread! ;)

"Oh, @Peregrine!" Fox called from a small clearing. She was pretty sure he was near, and she was also pretty sure that he'd be able to find her without much trouble at all. There was an ounce of urgency in her voice, but there was no trace of concern. The week of madness had begun, and in two short months (if they were lucky this time), the second set of Firebirds would be born.
Fox's call caught Peregrine in the middle of feeding on the elk's final scraps. His ears pricked and he lifted his head as he noisily licked his chops. From here, he couldn't smell her, yet the tone of her voice sent a pulse of expectant heat through him. He stepped away from the stripped carcass, then began loping in her direction. En route, he passed no less than three caches. He thought about stopping to grab her a bite to eat, yet the Alpha sensed she had only one kind of appetite at the moment, and it wasn't for food.

The instant he set foot in the clearing, her perfume threaded into his nostrils. He drew in a deep breath. There was no mistaking it this time. She was about to go into season, if she wasn't there already. A growl began to rumble deep in the virile Alpha male's chest as he prowled toward her. Peregrine angled to latch her scruff and pull her into position, yet at the last moment, he remembered his romantic side. His teeth grazed her neck but he did not grab hold, not yet, instead tracing her soft fur with lustful swipes of his tongue.
As always, Peregrine was quick to approach her, and Fox braced herself for his embrace. Instead, he paused, licking her neck sweetly. A rumbling purr vibrated through her throat, followed by an impatient whine. Fire burned within her, and it would continue to do so for roughly the next week. Fox's back arched as she urged him to pull her close. This was by no means their first rodeo, and they would have plenty of time for romance in the coming days. Right now, she wanted one thing, and one thing only.
He grinned against her neck when Fox whined, squirmed and eventually arched against him. Usually she required a little bit of flirtation, just a smidgen of seduction. But when she went into heat, she was an entirely different animal. Her desire became a fierce need. Peregrine considered teasing her, yet her heady scent threaded into his nose and tripped the wires of his brain. He was really no more in control of his impulses than she was. Instincts had taken over, and they were demanding.

With a rumble, Peregrine stepped backward, his black flank sliding against hers as he maneuvered into position behind his slender young mate. He didn't take his usual moment to enjoy the view or savor the moment. The Alpha simply braced himself against her, clutching Fox's slim hips and drawing them against his own even as he rose and loomed like a giant, quivering shadow.

The first tryst was over as quickly as it had started, a searing, explosive heat that cooled swiftly. Breathing heavily, Peregrine slid off Fox to avoid crushing her with his weight, their locked bodies preventing him from going far. He nibbled at the crook where her leg met her hip, a silent promise that it was only the first of many more sessions to come.
It was true that she often needed at least a little bit of coercing for such things, but when nature took over, there was little Fox could do to stop the undeniable primal urges. She was his and he, hers. Their bodies rocked against one another greedily, likely focused more on getting to the finish line than the journey of getting there, but Fox had no complaints. The alpha pair would have plenty of time to woo one another with this and that tactic as the week went on. Right now, Fox was more focused on making sure that she got as many babies in her as possible.

Panting, she glanced at Peregrine when he nibbled on her. "That first time is always one of my favorites," she admitted with a not-so-sheepish grin. That didn't mean she'd be turning him down any of the other times, of course. She just had a particular preference for their first encounter when her heat came into full effect.
When she spoke, Peregrine's eyes flicked up to her face, even if only one could see it. He smiled. "How many first times have we had?" he teased in response. It made his mind wander back through time, to the first time they had actually done the deed. The memory was fuzzy at best. But he remembered the rawness of it. It hadn't been particularly romantic that first time, if memory served. The day when they had declared themselves official mates and consummated their relationship—now that memory stuck out more.

Shaking his head lightly, he drifted back to the present. "I love you," he said, mind unclouded briefly during this temporary cooling period between mating sessions. "I'm glad it worked out this way," Peregrine added thoughtfully, briefly thinking of the neverborns. If they conceived right this very instant, the litter would be born near the tail end of winter. He experienced a peculiar sensation, a giddy sort of relief that loosened his chest. This time, it was meant to be and everything was falling into place.

But the only thing that would guarantee success was coupling as often as physically possible. Their bodies came apart and all it took was a glance at Fox's curves to get Peregrine's blood hot again. The first tryst had taken the edge off a bit, leaving his head just clear enough for a few moments of foreplay this time. They wouldn't fool around for long, though, as this whole situation was about getting pregnant, which required a fairly specific lock-in-key method.

Playfully, the Alpha male mounted the smaller Alpha female again, albeit from the side. He was tall and broad enough that his forelegs rested on her other side, requiring only minimal arching of his belly and hips. It felt ridiculous but it amused him. And just for good measure, he bucked against her, essentially humping her rib cage, which he hoped tickled her bone(s) as much as it did his...
Fox rolled her eyes lovingly at Peregrine, though she did not attempt to give him a real answer to his question. Like him, she scarcely remembered their actual first time. Unlike him, it had been her very first time, making it a little more intense (she assumed) than it had been for him. Fox did not recall it being particularly... comfortable, if her horrid memory served her correctly. She had done it for entirely selfish reasons, and she'd lost a pack shortly after (or was that shortly before?) the deed had been done.

What she did remember was the first time they'd done it around this time last year. Although neither of them had realized it before then, Fox had never had quite as much bliss during their frequent lovemaking as Peregrine always had. After that, it hadn't really been a problem, and Fox had to admit that she enjoyed their couplings (both in and out of season) quite a bit more every time after that.

"I love you," came that voice that she knew so well, followed quickly by, "I'm glad it worked out this way." Fox mistakenly thought he meant their relationship, and she grinned. Frankly, she had all but forgotten about the previous pregnancy (something she still wasn't sure had even been a pregnancy to begin with).

The sentimental mood was quickly overthrown by Peregrine's antics (as usual), and Fox grunted in response. "I think you might have missed the mark there, deary," she said with a cackling laugh.
Although this act would certainly not result in pups, it actually felt good to him. He supposed that rubbing any part of his body against any part of Fox's body would feel pretty awesome, though, even her toe in his armpit or something even less romantic. They might have been together for a year and a half (which was over a decade in dog years!) but his love for her was still as enormous as the universe and all things that involved her were, well, swell.

Peregrine laughed quietly at his mate's wry remark, which was actually difficult to do considering his lungs were partially compressed in this odd position. With surprising grace, he reared like a stallion and backed off her, only to swiftly realign himself with her hindquarters and resume his mount, this time in the arrangement nature intended.

He lowered his muzzle toward her ear and murmured sweet nonsense for a moment before actually articulating. "What if I..." With each word, he gently nudged his hips against her. His voice trailed off momentarily as he breathed heavily against her red lobe. When he began speaking again, his voice was huskier than usual. "...fucked you in the butt?"

There was a brief pause, then he laughed quietly, hugged his legs tightly around her midsection and began the motions. Despite his jokes, he lined everything up where it belonged and it was only moments later that he carried them both (he hoped) toward the most sensational sensation of all for the second time in a quarter of an hour.
I honestly don't even know why I'm in the office this week. x_x

Peregrine rose and fell, repositioning himself where he was meant to be rather than the silly way he'd been humping her from the side. Fox licked her lips and tilted her head as he began to move against her, murmuring suggestions that would do anything but put babies in her belly. Just as she was about to protest, though, Peregrine ignored his own suggestion (thank goodness) and put everything right where it belonged. Instead of the intense hunger that she had felt before, it had settled to a dull ache which Peregrine slowly and sweetly began to satisfy. The first time had just been the warm-up, after all.

This time around, there was no race to the finish line (at least on Fox's part). She soon lost herself in the motion, rocking her hips back against the rhythm that her mate had set for the both of them. Her body shuddered in response with the final contracting of her muscles, and Fox let out a sigh of contentment. "Goddamn," she hissed under her breath. She knew they'd have to rest at least a little bit, but all that only geared Fox up for another round.
I know that feel. I left early to finish cutting ties with Kentucky today. \o

He rode it like a wave, rolling for miles before tumbling onto the beach in a crash of pleasure. Peregrine carefully dismounted afterward, his energy ebbing from him like the receding surf in this beachy metaphor. He sank down beside Fox, gently tugging her with him, his much larger body curling around hers. He touched his tongue to any part of his mate he could reach: her forehead, her ears, her neck, her back.

Exhilaration had changed to exhaustion, yet it was such a thoroughly wrung out tiredness that left Peregrine as content as a milk drunk kitten. He would nap for a little while. Fox too. Then they would rouse and repeat. The next week would be all about indulging their most carnal appetites above all else. The Alpha fully intended to enjoy every moment of it, for as soon as it was over, preparations would begin as they readied to welcome the newest members of their growing family.
I read "exhilaration" as "erection" several times, haha.

Fox slowly crumpled to the ground with her lover, though her journey from there to sleep was much shorter. In fact, it took her all of three seconds before she passed right out, snoring loud and clear. Dreaming, Fox would see brief glances of puppies (though she was no fortune teller) and other things that may or may not come.

When she awoke a few hours later, Peregrine was still beside her, but she made no move to stir him from his sleep. Instead, Fox nestled her head closer to him and promptly fell right back asleep.