Wolf RPG

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I'm not entirely sure whatever happened to the bears...? So this can be one of the originals or Bear #3!

She missed Floki. Since becoming Beta, he hadn't had as much down time to spend dithering with her. She understood and accepted this without qualm. But it didn't stop her from pining for him sometimes. For instance, the young Delta missed him in this moment particularly, as she sat on an outcropping just above the treetops and watched the sky begin to darken. Twilight was encroaching but that was only one part of it. Although no longer a naturalist, Wildfire recognized the signs of changing weather. It was going to rain... or snow, possibly, if the temperature fell a few degrees. If they were particularly unlucky, they would get some freezing rain and the entire mountain would become a precarious slip-and-slide.

For her own safety, she would have to hole up somewhere and stay put until the treacherous, slippery ice melted. But she didn't want to hole up alone. Sighing quietly, she turned and began padding down a familiar footpath, hoping to seek out a small nook or cranny to spend the evening. When she hit ground level, she first sought out a cache and plucked out a small hare she had deposited earlier. Then she began to slink around the mount's base, eyes roving over the rocks as she searched for the perfect little niche.

She spotted one, perhaps twenty feet upward and practically obscured by an overhanging rock shelf. Good eye, Wildfire thought to herself, glancing around for a good foothold. It was a precarious climb—especially with the carcass swinging from her mouth—but somehow the usually graceless she-wolf hoisted herself up toward the small fissure. She stood on the narrow shelf just outside a moment, breathing heavily from the exertion, then ducked inside.

There had been no scent to warn her but the instant she paused and gave her eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness, the breath slipped from her body in a slow hiss and she felt as if she had gone boneless. She stared at the hulking shape tucked against the far wall, briefly wondering how on earth it had crammed itself through that small entrance. But Wildfire didn't linger on the impossible physics for long. Her limbs slowly thawed and she backed away, scared to death the bear would awaken and maul her at any moment.

But it didn't so much as stir. Once on the narrow ledge outside again, Wildfire very slowly dropped the dead rabbit. Her heart beat rapidly in her throat as she pondered what to do now. She should call the pack—maybe they could kill the thing as it lay helpless in hibernation?—but Wildfire was afraid that if she made a single further sound, she might wake the giant. And in the last few minutes, the freezing rain had begun to fall after all, turning everything into an ice slick and essentially trapping Wildfire on the ledge with the sleeping bear.
The bears aren't forgotten. In fact I have a few plans set up for when I believe it's a good time to put them into play. Just got to wait for when everyone is ready :P

As usual he patrolled around, seeking out any threats or unusual sightings. Due to the ice around the mountains he had to move around slower than he liked. He slipped countless time that it was enough to force him to be more careful. He still had the goal of discovering the bears' hide out but for some reason it has become a real challenge to find them.

When Nishu was standing on a ledge he caught sight of Wildfire who seem to have some prey in her mouth. The sky was dark which made it feel like it would rain soon but Nishu was stubborn enough to continue going around even if it rains. He decided to at least say hi or something like that. He was more interested in learning about her progress in her hunting skills.

It took some time to get to where he last saw her. He looked around wondering which way she went. Her scent lead upwards to another ledge, although he didn't see that there was a hole up there. He started climbing carefully upwards. The climb was more challenging than it looked. Wildfire was definitely a good climber.

The moment he reached edge he struggled a bit to pull himself up but finally making it right when the rain begins to fall. Once he was able to stand he saw Wildfire stepping back towards him. "Don't step too far back." He said, wanting to warn her that she might slip off if she continued. The rain was surely going to make everything quite slick once it freezes. It would be best for her to go into the cave and wait.
It wasn't just the slipperiness that made things precarious. It was only moments before Wildfire was drenched in freezing cold water, her teeth rattling and her muscles shivering. She was so distracted that she didn't notice Nishu right away. By the time she did see him scaling the mountainside to join her, she hissed between her chattering teeth and scooted to the edge of the ledge, blocking his path for his own safety.

"Nishu, no," she warned quietly, not wanting to awaken the beast behind her. Just in case he couldn't hear her over the slosh of frozen rain, Wildfire shook her head vigorously at him but he still kept coming, practically shoving her out of the way to join her on the ledge. Stubborn old fool, she thought with uncharacteristic ire, her lips pressing together.

"There's a bear in there, Nishu," she hissed at him, motioning mechanically toward the cave opening behind her. "It's asleep." She looked him in the eye, trying to get him to understand her plight, as well as the potential opportunity to take advantage of the slumbering giant.
It took a really long time for him to understand the situation. Wildfire did everything she could to pass on a message discreetly but it was a bit too late now that he is in the same boat as her. She said something about bear and pointed towards the cave. As experienced he may be he didn't believe her.

For some reason he decided to whisper just because she was whispering. "A bear wouldn't come up here and try to squeeze through a hole like that. Impossible."

With the freezing rain falling he was sure she didn't want to stay out in the open. So he was going to go into the cave first since Wildfire thought that there was a bear in there. "I'm sure it wasn't a bear you saw in there." He said with confidence before marching into the cave.

Just finished all my exams so I should have much more free time now
When Nishu brushed her concerns aside, Wildfire's lips parted. Before she could decide how to feel about his blatant dismissal and skepticism, he marched right up to the doorway—and made to go inside. "Nishu!" she hissed again, whirling to tail him. "What are you doing?!" Although he was being as foolish and stubborn as always and probably deserved to walk into a bear's lair to learn his lesson, she genuinely feared for him and darted forward in an attempt to clip his tail with her teeth and tug him backward.

Inside, the bear remained fast asleep, oblivious to the bickering wolves and the icy rainfall. Its breaths were slow and deep. It would take more than background noise to rouse it from its hibernation, though its big, black nose twitched faintly.
He stepped in, trying to see what was inside but he didn't have enough time to spot whatever was inside. Wildfire was tugging on his tail which quickly aggravated him. He wasn't afraid to go check what she saw but really disliked being held back. "Enough!" He said in a loud aggravated tone. The noise he made was enough to make something move in the cave, he caught sight of that.

Wildfire was right, there was a bear. Nishu was too surprise to make a move. The bear shifted and turned then laid down it's large head right in front of Nishu. From the looks of it, it was still sleeping but with it so close to the entrance there was no way to even share the space to get out of the rain. Everything would have been fine as it is if the bear wasn't picking up the scent of wolves.

The bear's eyes were slowly opening while blinking quite often, it was waking. Nishu now decided to take a few steps back. There was no way to take on a bear here, there was no room for it. Being on a ledge wasn't any help either. The situation was taking a really bad turn, the only safe choice was to go back down but with ice coating the rocks it was likely going to be a rough ride. As things stand, it doesn't look like they could escape clean.

I suppose you don't mind having a difficult situation on hand :P It was your intention right?
He snapped at her, causing Wildfire to cease and desist. Her brow furrowed. He was older but she technically outranked him. That sort of thing didn't usually matter to her but Nishu's flagrant disregard of her—was it because she was young? a woman?—was really starting to rub her the wrong way. It took a lot to anger her or even displease her, yet she found herself momentarily hoping the bear would wake and clobber some sense into the stubborn, would-be knight. He deserved it.

But the instant she heard movement inside the cave, she felt terrible for having that thought. "Nishu!" she hissed again. "Get out of there." Wildfire's wild eyes fell to the slippery rocks underneath them. They had two choices: risk their necks trying to descend or stay here and take their chances with the bear. Her stomach clenched painfully as she heard a slow rumble resonate behind them. Suddenly, she decided she would gladly break all her limbs to escape the beast's teeth and claws.

But before she got herself killed one way or the other, Wildfire had the sense to tip her snout into the frigid, rainy air and howl for their pack mates. What did they have to lose at this point? The little red she-wolf then began to frantically scramble for purchase as she leaned forward, heart pounding in her chest as she began the treacherous downward climb... and immediately began to slip.

Yep, 100% down!

Tagging in case others want to join in the fun! @Charon @Amekaze @Floki @Thistle Cloud @Dash @Tevinter @Kaylan @Kamala @Ragna :)
The bear was trying to go back to sleep but with the scent of wolves around that was bound to be difficult. Nishu backed out into the rain. The stone ground felt frozen already. Any sudden moves and he and Wildfire could slip and fall down several meters. Climbing down was almost a guaranteed fall. The best any of them could hope for would be for the bear to stay asleep. That hope came crashing down when Wildfire howled for the others.

Sounds from the bear was coming from the cave. It wasn't happy and surely wasn't sleeping anymore. Nishu's attention was more on Wildfire. He wanted to complain about her actions but before he could she had already tried climbing down and had already slipped. "Wildfire!" He shouted with worry. He wanted to try to catch her but it wasn't possible. He had to stand firm to avoid slipping as well.

Nishu turned back towards the cave entrance. The bear was slowly crawling it's way out, pushing it's through the hole. It roared at Nishu and actually stood on his hinds with the upper part of the cave entrance supporting it. The bear was clearly large and strong, much more than Nishu.

Fear, It just wasn't something that stuck onto him in this situation. Nishu stood firm in front of the bear. There was no where to go besides joining Wildfire in the fall. The bear blocked the cave. Back up would surely be too late to assist him here. He was on his own on a frozen ledge with a bear that's poised to strike. It didn't even take seconds for him to decide what he was going to do. He remained in place and snarled at the bear. "Attack!" He demanded.
Dash had been a little ways away when the distressed call reached his perked ears. It was obvious some of his pack mates were in trouble, and he immediately headed towards them, running where it was safe to. He spotted another wolf above him, climbing the rocks carefully to get to the cave. Before Dash followed suit, he caught a glimpse of Wildfire sliding down the rocks.

It sure didn't look like a controlled slip to him, so Dash placed himself right under Wildfire, hoping to break her fall if she needed it. Once she had reached him, he worriedly asked, Are you alright? His eyes scanned her over for any signs of wounds.
Wildfire would never have any trouble getting Floki's attention, but the urgency and fear in her call spurred him to move faster than normal. He was a little reckless, paying the freezing rain no mind as it pelted his shoulders and caused his paws to slip on the slick rocks, but luckily he didn't lose his balance. As he drew nearer, he found Wildfire's scent and noticed that Nishu's and Dash's were present, as well.

When he finally arrived, it appeared that Wildfire had just fallen and Dash was tending to her. The young Beta skidded to a halt next to his packmate, peering down at Wildfire. "Are you okay? What's going on?" he asked, even as the sound of snarls from above drew his focus. He looked up in alarm, unable to see Nishu or the bear just yet but feeling fear clench his heart.
/whumps :)

There was someone there to break her fall. "Fl—?" she guessed, because if anyone was going to catch her, it would be Floki. She didn't even get the chance to realize her mistake. Although Dash managed to stymie her slide, the graceless she-wolf managed to lose her balance and knock her temple on the slick, rocky ground. She didn't quite lose consciousness, though it dazed her enough that she crumpled into a boneless heap at her pack mates' feet, unresponsive when her man did appear and oblivious to Nishu's shouting on the ledge above.
It seems that calling the other members was actually the better idea. Not once has Nishu never thought about calling for help. He would think that because He and Wildfire created this situation then that meant it was their problem and they shouldn't involve others. It was at this moment where he understood what packs really are. Nishu had always believed that serving one wolf was what a Knight was suppose to do. He had mixed up the priorities of a Knight. The highest priority should have been ensuring that the packs were strong and united. No wonder why he couldn't become known as a great knight.

Realizing the truth, he knew what exactly he needed to do but right now a massive paw was being swung right at him. Nishu saw it coming and even while others were trying to distract the bear there was just no way to dodge it without falling. Nishu had another kind of plan and it was time to put it into play.

Nishu took the hit head on. He was hit was so much force that it would look like he was simply tossed to the side. But he didn't let it be that way, when the bear's paw connected with Nishu's left shoulder he grabbed onto the bear's wrist with his teeth as tightly as he could. Afterwards he was forced of the ledge but at the same time was pulling the bear down with all his weight. The bear did what it could to keep from falling but the ice made that too difficult.

Both the bear and Nishu came tumbling down. On the first landing Nishu was crashed by the bear, definitely breaking something. It didn't end there, the mountain side here was too steep to hold them there. The second landing he was on the bear and took this chance to go for it's neck but he wasn't able to getting it. The last landing was on a flatter surface which ended with Nishu on his back and the bear on it's stomach. Unluckily the momentum in the bears right arm slammed onto Nishu belly, resulting of Nishu coughing out blood.

The pain he was in was unbearable but even that didn't stop Nishu from rolling back onto his paws, putting a small distance between the bear. Standing became a real challenge when he realized he couldn't move his front left leg properly and that his hind right leg hurt way too much to put weight on it. Nishu was barely standing with just two legs down. He was shaking badly but he had a grin on his face when he noticed the bear had trouble getting up with a broken right arm.
Dash did his best to break her fall, but it didn't seem to be enough, as Wildfire's head collided with the rocky surface they landed on. Dash scrambled to get up and see if she was alright. She laid in a heap and Dash whined, attempting to nose her muzzle, hoping the movement would awaken her.

Floki appeared and Dash lowered himself in respect, stepping back a few feet in case the Beta was able to attend to Wildfire better than himself. In that moment, roars and growls grabbed his attention, and Dash looked up in just time to see the bear and Nishu on the ledge above them. They fell, but their landing didn't stop with the ledge that Dash and his packmates were on. They kept rolling, until they finally they landed, Nishu obviously injured badly, but so was the bear.

Dash took initiative. He had plenty of experience going up and down the mountain, learning how to navigate the rocks. His fall early on in his pack life had made him realize he needed to learn how to catch himself, so to speak. Dash went to the ledge, looking down at the pair and what would be his own fall. He jumped, landing on the wet rocks paws down, coming into a controlled slide. Just a few feet above the ground, Dash jumped off the rocks, landing on the back of the bear, sinking his teeth into its neck. Blood poured into his mouth as the bear roared in defiance, standing up on its back legs. Dash was relatively safe, so to speak, as long as he kept his grip on the bear. He couldn't hold it forever, however, and couldn't bring this bear down himself.
As Floki blinked up at the ledge, there was suddenly a commotion from above. Without warning, two figures suddenly came careening over the side, plunging down the slope at breakneck speed. He snarled in surprise, his hackles standing on end as he curled himself protectively around Wildfire, blue eyes fixed on the grey and brown bodies -- even as they hurtled past, he identified Nishu and a bear.

With that realization, Floki's blood ran cold. He froze while Dash took action, navigating his way down the uneven side of the mountain after their packmate and the ursine. Knowing that the lives of both Dash and Nishu were in danger, Floki acknowledged that he had to do something -- but it was difficult to set his feet into motion. There weren't many things that he was afraid of, but bears topped the short list.

He reached down to nudge Wildfire, his heart hammering. She seemed to be out of it but still conscious, so he murmured, "Stay here." Then, Floki darted away, staying above Nishu and Dash and carefully keeping an eye on the back of the bear's head. He heard its fearsome growl and glanced down to see that Dash had valiantly attacked it. Floki was not that brave; he knew that he would be useless in a head-on battle with the bear. But he had another idea.

When he had put some distance between himself and his packmates -- still on the ledge far above them -- he began to scratch at the stone with his forepaws. He dislodged enough rocks of varying sizes that he hoped they would cause a distraction to the bear when they went tumbling down the mountainside. Perhaps it would even be loud and surprising enough to scare it away, at least long enough to get the injured Nishu and Wildfire out of there. The rocks began to clatter and he turned to watch the bear for its reaction.
She didn't hear Floki's soft command, nor the commotion as the three males faced off with the grumpy bear. Her ears worked perfectly fine but she was still very much out of it, drifting in some ethereal plane between conscious and unconscious. If not for the frozen rain, she might have stayed there awhile, oblivious to the danger nearby. But it splattered her face and chilled her back, cold, cruel fingers dragging Wildfire up and out of her reverie with a loud groan. Her head hurt.

She shook it absently, which made it feel like her brain was just rattling around in there, loose. Wildfire clenched her teeth, eyes pressed closed against the onslaught of freezing rain as she slowly tried to climb to her feet. She shivered and trembled, temples pounding, eyes suddenly snapping open when one of the pebbles Floki had loosened came careening down the slope, pinging her square on the hindquarters with a sharp sting.

A muted cry tumbled from her mouth and she looked up at him, brow knitted both from confusion and pain. "What—?" she began to call up to him when the noises of the nearby skirmish finally registered and she whipped her head around—with an accompanying blat of pain—and saw Nishu and Dash facing off with the very, very grumpy bear. And suddenly her insides were colder than her outsides.
Nishu had some time to think but his own body was the greatest distraction that he couldn't think properly. His vision was too hazy for him to see anything clearly, he couldn't identify the wolves who came to help. He couldn't even figure out their numbers. He understood one fact, the wolves where here to help so that is what he counted on. There was one who jumped onto the bear and made the beast stand. When he noticed that, he saw a way to end the bear.

Before he could say anything he coughed up more blood. His insides hurt with agonizing pain. Every where on his body was in pain. He wanted to just lay down for a while and hope that he could recover over time but that was out of the question. This can't end like this, the bear must go down first.

He took a deep breath before yelling out the plan. "We have to knock the bear on it's back then everyone has to jump on it!" Right when he finished he coughed even more blood out. This was a clear bad sign, hopefully they could end this bear here and now so he could rest.

Nishu decided to take advantage that the bear was standing. His stubbornness allow him to force himself to dash forward with the use of all legs but his front left. Once close enough he jumped up at the bear's throat and sung his teeth into it. Thanks to the other members the bear was distracted and off balance, it was a piece of cake to bring it on it's back. He hoped that his fellow member took the chance to jump off before the bear lands on him.

Once the bear was on it's back, that should be the end for it if everyone attacks it now. With it's right arm out there was no way for the bear to toss everyone off. It's now or never. But Nishu was feeling very weak and his body wasn't responding the way he wanted it to. He couldn't keep his grip on the bear's neck that he lost it. He was sliding off slowly, unable to keep himself on the bear for much longer. Why couldn't he move anymore?
The call's haunting urgency matched the weather, but despite the chill of the icy rain Charon came into motion when it sounded. As he wasn't very nearby, it took him some time to get there. From below he watched some of it as it happened and while he tried to find a pathway towards his pack mates so that he could help them. It was frustrating to find that the first path he tried didn't lead the right way, and he had to double back and take a different route. His heart soared with relief when he came around the corner and saw Dhole there, along with Flóki, who appeared to be scratching at the loose rocks.

From below, Charon hadn't seen the monstrous appearance of the bear. As he slid towards the commotion and hear Nishu's voice call out to his pack mates to knock the bear on his back, his heart rate doubled and with fear in his heart, the young Alpha moved forward, feeling numb all over, and not just because of the icy rain. As they came into view the bear had just fallen to its back, and while Charon would've preferred it on its stomach — those claws and teeth of death out of reach — there was little that could be done about it now but react.

And so he leaped in, teeth bared and ready to attack. While Charon had gotten some experience fighting other wolves in his life, he had no experience fighting bears. He would've preferred going for a better plan than, well... this, but he had little time to think about how his pack mates had gotten themselves in this position.

Charon attacked the other side than the one Nishu was on, figuring that bear'd be distracted by the mortal grip on its throat, but just as he leaped Nishu's grip was slipping. And so just as Charon sprang forward and sank his teeth into the bear's soft stomach, he was swatted away by a giant bear paw. The taste of blood was in his mouth, but as he dizzily got back on his feet, Charon knew he — or someone else — would need to dig their teeth a whole lot deeper to make a difference. He could only hope that his attack might've been useful as a distraction for someone else's attack so that they could get a better grip.
With the weather on the poorly side of things and her caught lurking the higher elevations, she'd planned to stay up there and just wait it out. She was keeping herself occupied anyway by tracing the landscape and enjoying the thinned air to an extent. Overall, she was liking the clarity even if the icy rain was atrocious and one necessary inconvenience. But, a howl had risen up and its urgency had not set well with her.

That suggested a change of plans.

She'd taken a moment to dwell on it with several grim possibilities coming to mind as she did, but soon after she began to make her way downward. The paths were not easy and her travel was severely delayed. She swore under her breath and determinedly made steady enough progress to get her there not much behind Charon.

The scene was a lot to take in but the focus was clear enough. There was part of the pack versus a single bear -- Dash and Nishu leading the charge against it, it seemed. Already, members were bloodied and wounded -- some more incapacitated than others. The sound of the rocks of the mountain shifting didn't bode well either. Her chest felt tight and her skin far colder than it had been already. Her fur, wet from the chilling rain, rose into a bladed ridge. This was ugly.

She zeroed in on the bear and came it at from the side opposite Charon. As she gathered her momentum, she saw Nishu's grip on the throat slipping, and the rest of him looked like it had seen something terrible. Charon was then removed from the immediate skirmish by a paw and her heart was twisted with a renewed, angry viciousness now seeing them up all close.

She ruthlessly dove her teeth for its belly where Charon had first made contact just after he lost it. Ame aimed to rip everything she could -- be it just a bigger hole or what laid beneath, all to ensure a fatality. Best case scenario, she'd aim to disembowel the bear, and finally when she felt her attacks puncture more than just tough skin and fur, she knew she'd done damage when the bear thrashed angrily in response. She managed to narrowly dodge the first paw swipe, but the second swing (which looked to pack less force behind it thankfully) dug bear claws into side. She refused to let go and dug deeper with a vice-like grip, hoping to keep the bear's attention by causing it as much pain as she could long enough for opportunity to strike somewhere else. At least a paw dug into her was one not ripping at her packmates -- for the second, anyway.
Dash used his entire might to keep his jaws clamped down on the bear's thick hide as he heard the other male calling out that they needed to get the large attacker on its back. Dash knew that meant he was in more danger of the bear crushing him, but if it meant the others would be safe, then so be it.

Dash thrashed his body around, trying to jerk the bear backwards as someone else pushed it from the front. The plan was working, and Dash felt the bear begin to lean back. One more quick thrash, and the bear landed on it's back, paws flailing about, while Dash landed beside it, letting go of his grasp for a moment. He was back up quickly, grabbing one front legs of the bear between his jaws so that it had less of a chance of attacking anyone with it. Dash couldn't very well control the other three, however.

Charon and Amekaze arrived, then, and helped the others in ripping apart the bear. Dash felt that with their combined effort, they would soon be victorious in this battle.
The falling rocks did next to nothing to distract the bear and Floki felt a distinct sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. How would Dash and Nishu contend with their foe alone? He knew that he needed to help them physically, but he just couldn't force his paws to carry him down the mountainside.

Luckily, there was a belated response to Wildfire's call. Both Charon and Amekaze materialized, zeroing in on the bear fearlessly. Floki watched breathlessly for a moment before making his way back down to Wildfire. Tensely, he paused next to her, watching as the bloody scene unfolded before his very eyes. It seemed that the four wolves were slowly gaining the upper hand, but it was too soon to tell.
Her body felt like it was made of ice, from the surface of her cold, wet skin down to the very marrow of her frostbitten bones. Her amber eyes looked like nothing more than dead glass as she watched the scene unfold, as the battered Nishu barked an order and then other wolves appeared to join the assault. Wildfire's ears flicked ever so slightly at the would-be knight's command, though it barely penetrated her consciousness. Later, perhaps, she would wonder at the absurdity of the idea of getting a bear onto its back.

She felt something brush her side, something warmer than the freezing rain, and she whipped her head sideways with an accompanying hiss as she nearly blacked out from a pulse of pain in her skull. "Fl-Floki," she stammered, raindrops clinging to her lashes. Wildfire stared at him a moment and felt her body and spirit thaw almost instantaneously. Her head jerked again—her teeth clenched—as her attention returned to the skirmish.

They should help. She should help. For the longest moment, Wildfire didn't think she could get herself to move. She felt rooted to the spot, pinned by fear like an insect in a box. She was no warrior. But she was a hunter and Nishu, Dash, Charon and Ame were falling on the bear now like prey. She could smell blood and that was finally enough to compel her forward. She stopped and started a few times, then rushed forward, ignoring the pounding in her head.

She had no idea which part of the bear her teeth sank into, only that her fangs sliced and sank deep into thick flesh, even thicker fur tickling her throat. A growl guttered out of her and she closed her eyes as she began to shake her head, picturing that it was nothing more dangerous than a fumbling fawn.
Nishu was a rope's end due to the severity of his injuries. He couldn't understand why he wasn't able to shrug this off. The pain was overwhelming but pain has never stopped him before. Nishu lost his grip and fall off to the side. He managed to make himself tumble a little to create a little distance from the melee but he couldn't go far and came to a complete halt.

Just breathing hurts a bit too much. It made him wonder what kind of injury he had. Sure he may have some broken bones somewhere but it didn't feel like it should hurt this much in the inside. Laying down was hurting much more than when he was standing. He decided to try to stand again. It took a lot of effort but with his determination he got back on his paws but ended up coughing out blood again. Surely broken bones didn't lead to coughing out blood. It was something else and that something else could explain the weakening he felt.

While breathing in and out slowly he took a look at the battle. He really couldn't see anything with the rain. He could tell where the bear was but that's about it. He could tell others came to help. The Alphas are here now? That meant the bear was likely to get killed here, once that is done the other bear shouldn't be much of a problem later.

Nishu stood there watching, even if he wanted to move he couldn't. He was locked in place only because it hurts less to stand. Who knew that this was going to be a rough day. He could only hope the healer at something to ease this pain. He didn't feel could handle this pain all day long. he might end up going crazy if he did but a Knight should be able to pull through.
Charon saw the other wolves join in before his eyes, while he tried to shake off the dizziness. He joined in again then, though little needed to be done to finish off the bear. It soon fell limp by their collected efforts, and although the start of the encounter had not been in their favour at all, at least the ending was.

Charon's breathing was as rapid as his heartbeat, and he licked the blood off his lips while he looked around at the others. Charon hadn't seen the bears for a while himself, and he wondered what on earth had happened here to provoke it. But then again, bears were murderous bastards, so maybe nothing specific had happened at all.
just woke up so this is probably really vague oops

The claws across her ribs slid away to leave angry marks in their wake and she refused to relent while the overall happenings around her were not exactly clear. She knew wolves were coming and going, some able to make their impact, and some presumably edged away from the fray to nurse their injuries. Her focus was singular in this moment, and while motivated by the presence of her packmates, she put all of her energy towards the destruction of this bear. It didn't matter where she dug her teeth, so long as she could cut and maim until there would be nothing left.

Somewhere in the midst of it all, she noticed the tides beginning to turn in their favor. They'd successfully overwhelmed the bear, it seemed. The bear's struggles lost strength steadily and the scent of blood burned her nose. Together, and with enough time, luck, and sheer force, they did what had to be done.

Only when it went limp and shuddered its last breaths did she back away with a low rumbling snarl. Her fur was still bristled and tail rigid while she kept to herself in these first moments of catching her breath. While she worked to regain herself, she began to survey the wounded wolves and take stock of her own issues at once. Nishu captured her attention most of all and a worried whine hitched its way into her throat at the sight of him.
Each able-bodied wolf did their part in taking the bear down, and in the end they succeeded. Dash knew that at least one of them, Nishu, was injured, but he wasn't sure if anyone else had gotten hit by the bear. That would be additional work for the healers- something Dash knew extremely little about.

A few moments after the bear went limp, and Dash was certain it was dead, he released its paw, looking around at the others. They all seemed a little taken aback at what had just happened. It was out of blue, after all, but each one had reacted to the surprise with great teamwork.

Dash's instincts were not done just yet, however. He eyed the others, contemplating what he wanted to do. Would they mind? Would they join him? No one else seemed to be thinking of it. He knew he should wait, but his body screamed for it. He held it off a few more moments, hoping one of the Alpha's would start, as was custom.

In the end, he could not fight his instincts any longer. His eyes still on the others, in case someone took offense and decided to run him off of it, Dash sunk his teeth into the abdomen of the now-dead bear. He ripped it open with a satisfied growl as the blood poured into his mouth and onto the ground.
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