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for @Aria! tagging @Dante and @Blue Willow for visibility -- feel free to join <3

notwithstanding the transpirations between the pale gamma and the others of her age in donnelaith, lasher had thought greatly about his pack and their growing needs. still held in winter's grasp were his wolves, and while the children throve, emaleth had succumbed to a small sickness as of late. this remembrance brought a frown to taltos' lips, but his brow soon smoothed. the pack must be made strong; his little witch would be well, beneath the skilled healing of her mother.

presently, the man tipped back his crown and howled lowly for the pallid slyph. he himself stood at the edges of the territory, and when the last echoes of his cry had died down, lasher continued a slow tread along the borders, awaiting the girl's arrival.
tagging @Behati bc she's being dragged everywhere <3 slight pp just message me if you want it changed !! (:

The two girls were out on borders themselves. Upon hearing Lashers call the white wolfess gave a snappy bark to the caramel one and set off. "Hurry up," she muttered once or twice; not because she was falling behind but just for the Hell of bossing her around. Her personality shifted from kind, to passive aggressive, to borderline uninterested completely. It was probably confusing, but Aria felt each way about her very often- wasn't her fault really. 

They found Lasher and Aria approached with a curious expression. She dipped her head. "We were checking borders," she woofed, her head tilting to the side. Aria glanced to Behati curiously before looking to her alpha. "What could we help you with?"
the pale girl appeared summarily, her charge in tow. "hello," lasher greeted, pleased that aria had taken her role to heart. "behati," he acknowledged also with a kind smile. punished though the girl was, he had not forgotten about her want to please the pack and serve them well. "it is you to whom i must speak, aria," the man intoned. "behati, please feel free to do as you please for this time, providing you stay within the borders."

when the gossamer child had gone, lasher invited aria to his side with a nod of his muzzle -- they walked in a comfortable silence for a time before he spoke. "what are your personal aspirations for the future?" perhaps it was a strange and vague way to begin, but the druid felt he must make some inquiries prior to letting her ascertain why he had called her to him this day.
Behati avoided speaking unless spoken to, and was waiting out her sentence with gritted teeth - no sense making things worse by engaging. When Lasher summoned them (well, Aria, but surely he meant for Behati to come as well), her first feeling was relief. Was it finally time to lift the Aria-shaped yoke? Behati stayed back, preparing to bolt in the opposite direction when her freedom was finally restored.

But she was dismissed - almost immediately. With a furrowed brow and a heart full of disappointment, Behati left the scene.

Aria dipped her head to Behati as she went- kind of like a goodbye acknowledgement but she really didn't care if she stayed or went. Her attention returned to Lasher. Her curious peaked and she felt her head dip to the other side. 

"Aspirations?" She repeated, thinking. "I've uh," she paused, shifting her feet. Was he asking for her skill set again? She had regrettably given up healing as it was becoming boring, but she had decided to pick up the trade of a sitter. Perhaps he knew and wasn't really pleased with it. No.. No shed only recently decided this, and he wouldn't care; if anything it's help his pups. 

She went for a different angle to the question.

"Whatever the pack needs," she responded, her head dipping respectfully. Aria smiled sweetly, still curious of his calling her over. "But you know that," she added, amusement playing in her voice as she found herself extremely funny.  
behati departed -- lasher felt a sting of guilt at the suspicion he had hurt the girl. he would seek her out, he decided, at a later time. aria did not have anything of note to offer, but lasher smiled nevertheless -- perhaps his question had been confusing in its wording. 

"whatever the pack needs," he mulled aloud, continuing his slow trudge. "you out of many would know our strengths and weaknesses -- you have maintained the highest rank below our leadership for some time, and immersed yourself in the inner workings of donnelaith."

he paused. "i must ask you a personal question, but firstly, hw goes your stay with behati?" it had only been a few days, but if aria's report was satisfactory, lasher would take that into account.
As Lasher listed out all she had for Donnelaith, the girl felt her cheeks grow heated. It was true, and she agreed on everything he made note of; but hearing them allowed was so flattering. She shrugged as modestly as she could, but nodded in agreement with him. "Yes sir," she replied, the childish pride peering out through the glimmer in her pale gaze.

He shifted completely, but she wasn't really surprised. "She has been fine," she responded slowly. Lasher knew of the situation between the two girls and his son, so she kind of wondered if he had thought of the situation himself and grown curious. "She's done everything she's supposed to, acts like a pack member," she added. The two hadn't done much, but what they had done Behati tagged along reluctantly and pitched into whatever they were supposed to be doing.

Before Behati could disappear out of earshot, the conversation got interesting. Instead of sticking to her original plan of finding Casmir, she lingered, concealing herself inside one of the many vast trunks that guarded Donnelaith's claim. With one ear pressed to a gap in the wood, she continued to listen.
lmfao karm

he was enthralled anew, silently, but put the glissade of sensation aside. "that is good. she is bearing her chastisement well. it shows strength." behati was redeemable yet, lasher opined to himself. his murkwater gaze fell fondly upon the pale girl at his side. "i must ask; does your irritation with your personal situation ever cause you to desire to depart donnelaith?" if she answered in the affirmative, it would not change his opinion of her, but he must have her rejoinder.
screaming bc my local Chinese place changed sizes and prices so my large sweet and sour chicken was like 5 lbs of chicken and I just can't eat that much and IT WAS SO EXPENSIVE

Unaware of the dessert-like girl staying behind, she settled in the snow and nodded. As much as she wished to give Behati a bad review, she couldn't find the heart to do it. The girl really hadn't done anything wrong, and the white child fought hard to remember that instead of letting her emotions run ramped. 

The large males next question came as a shock, and her eyes widened to show that emotion. "Leave?" She questioned him, "I've found a home here, Lasher. Whatever happens I'll endure it... I don't plan on running out because of a silly boy," she told him firmly, although to her Casmir had become more than a silly boy. She fought back the need to correct this, knowing that he knew what she had meant. 
that is the worst!!! we moved and had to find a new chinese place and it was hard LOL #firstworldprobs

he too was unaware of behati's espionage, focused as he was upon the task at hand. aria's strong words caused him to chuckle, for casmir was indeed 'silly,' and it also soothed his heart to know that the young woman fully intended to remain a boon to donnelaith for the length of her days. "you have spoken wisely. i would like to elevate you to the rank of beta, alongside dante, if you accept."

his eyes found her own -- he smiled gently at her, perhaps hinting in some minuscule way at the affections he still bore for her. but that had not been part of his decision. aria's loyalty and competence had been the defining factors that shaped his offer.
Oh hell to the no. Behati's lower jaw unhinged and made a bid for the floor. She couldn't believe what was happening. Aria wasn't even a Plateau veteran - and now she was to share a post with Dante? Over Pearl? She would be able to lord it over Casmir and Behati forever more from her big ol' white tower.

The young wolf kept schtum and listened on, heart racing.
dude i know! ): ALSO schtum is the BEST word ever i love it... *slowly lets confusing info leak for the peeping tom*

For a split second the head of the white wolf was filled with screams of excitement- much like that of two teenage girls reuniting after a long day apart from her BFF. But her outsides remained silent and her only show of excitement were her gleaming eyes and thumping tail. "You really mean it?" she asked, her head tilting. "I would be honored. I wouldn't dare let the pack down," she dipped her head to him, hoping he made note of the fact she was referring to the pack; not him. But that's when her excitement drained. Her head raised and she watched him with a suspicion that could only be classified as dreaded. He hadn't, had he?

She had seen the admiration on his eyes when she accepted but until now she'd thought nothing of it. "This.. This isn't because of us.. is it?" she asked slowly, her ears drooping ever so slightly. "I don't think I can accept it if it's on those terms, Lasher. I know you wouldn't either,"
he was rather pained, once more, that she suspected him of such perfidy, and declined his offer until such a time as he clarified. "i will not deny my attraction for you, dear heart, but i would not place donnelaith in your hands based upon that. you are a loyal and dutiful creature, and it was upon those merits that i chose you for this position." lasher chided himself, that he should be so hurt by aria -- he supposed it was due to that aforementioned feeling -- but he would not allow it to taint this meeting.
The girl shook her head, "Of course. I apologize," she murmured. She didn't feel the need to explain herself, but added onto the apology with a few short words. "I know you wouldn't do that," she shook the thought. 

"Forget I mentioned it. I would of course humbly take the position, I will not let Donnelaith down," she repeated her previous vow, dipping her head to the male. When he head raised she gave him a soft smile and a wag of her tail. She wished to tell him that he wouldn't regret it, but somehow she knew he didn't think he would, and remained silent. 
lasher gave her a faint smile, suddenly wishing for no more than the crisp air of the beachfront and the company of his mysterious sea-priestess. he could not put a reason to the feeling, however, and so nudged aria's shoulder gently with his muzzle. "what shall your first act of leadership be?" it was natural to doubt, however, and he was pleased that she did not fear asking him such difficult questions, but in some regards it was rather overwhelming to the druid. lasher enjoyed her company nevertheless, however.
He asked of her first action as Beta. What would she do? Soon the thought became clear in her mind- she'd tell Casmir, of course! But she wouldn't tell Lasher of this, and instead she smiled and shrugged. "I think I'll go mark some borders, with Behati of course, she couldn't have gone far," her tail wagged behind her and she looked around to see if she could see the caramel wolf through the woods. 

With all the drama of the two other young wolves (and soon Pearl) Aria had become a bit more ditzy and occasionally lacked a filter. Lasher had apparently caught on, but hopefully once some of it settled down she'd be back to her normal self. "Or maybe I'll organize a hunt later," she added, her tail wagging curiously as she thought. "I'll find something," she finally said, eyeing him happily and returning his gentle nudge. 
Behati couldn't believe what she was hearing. It was so disgustingly juicy - Lasher and Aria? He was at least five times her age, and had a family. The girl's glee was plain upon her face, pulling lips taut over her teeth - the grin of someone with a very big weapon at their disposal.

But there was no time for that now. The conversation fizzled out into small-talk, and Behati took her leave, moving far enough away that she could not hear the pair's voice any longer. When Aria found her, she would be pretending to dig for cached meat. Maybe even chat pleasantly about how she was going to refill them - be a contributing member of Donnelaith.

And then, she would crush that ho.

I just love you guys. That this whole thing grew organically.. :') So happy.
last from me! <3 i love u all too -- this has been so fun!

lasher nodded at the newly titled beta. "a fine choice of duties," he told her with a gently teasing grin. "and a hunt would be welcome also. our larders are half-full these days." there was a herd of elk not far from their northern border, and a lone moose he had spotted three days prior on the coastline, but aria was intelligent enough to know these things, and act accordingly. "spring will be upon us in a short while. an activity to bring our wolves together may be in order," he suggested quietly, before giving the girl a wave of his plume. lasher turned then and began a trek for the whelping den.
ffs. i got the two lasher/aria threads confused. to save myself from further embarrassment i'm just going to copy and paste the previous reply here because it fits well. I'M SORRY I SUCK.

"Of course," came the reply of the white girl. She dipped her head to him and when he turned to leave, she did the same. She gave a loud call for Behati and then set out to follow her trail. 

She was at first a bit confused at why the scent seemed to linger, but it eventually moved out and Aria thought nothing on it anymore. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary- whatever. Unfortunately this was the wrong thought, and she should have ran as fast as fucking possible out of that clearing and towards wherever the caramelly bitch had gone.