Wolf RPG

Full Version: The Grand Tour
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After his introduction and requirement to prove himself, Macbeth found himself stood still outside the border to the forest with Nemesis standing more or less at his side. Burke had already left, but he must be a busy wolf, alpha's did not have tome for sitting around and chatting all day. However, Mac thought to himself, their subjects might. There was a lot of pressure on the young wolf to prove himself, yet how could he do so with no knowledge of the lands or subjects, flora or fauna. He had to learn the ropes and fast and maybe this Nemesis here could help. 

He edged over the border to the pack lands slowly, lest she change her mind about letting him in, but there was no retribution for his actions. Then with the best doe eyes that he could muster he looked upwards towards his new pack mate. "Erm, 'scuse me, but I don't suppose you could erm, show me around could ya? Seems I have a lot o' impressing to do and a head start would be good."
Sorry for the lateness!

She sent Macbeth a sidelong look, which answered for itself. She had planned on showing him around anyways, she didn't need the stammering mess. Though, she wouldn't blame him if he felt somewhat intimidated by her presence alone ,it happened quite often. Just because she looked like the devil in sheeps clothing didn't mean she necessarily was.

Yet, the next of his statements caused her to think. Impressions lasted a lifetime, in her opinion. Regularily, she worked to keep up her reputation though it was not for the reasoning that she cared what other's thought about her. It was to make sure she didn't slip, that her soul would never return light again. "Well, for starters I hope you understand that privacy is valued here," she began, wanting to get that out of the way before he poked his nose where it wasn't wanted. "We do not enter the Alpha den without permission, simple etiquette," She trusted that he knew what manners were, though one could never know for sure. "The same rule applies to all marked resting quarters though this is no different to any other pack," 

Instantly, she remembered Redgrove, the resting place of their Dark Queen. "Never, shall you enter Redgrove, by the title you can probably guess how to spot it. Jt is the final resting place for our late Dark Queen and Priestess, mate to Burke. I assure you, if you go anywhere near it, we will know," The graveness of her voice indicated the outcome if he were to ignore these rules.
My latness was worse so don't worry about it ;)

There was a long pause before she obliged in which Macbeth swallowed nervously. Nemesis certainly lived up to her namesake, even he was intimidated by her presence. She was beautiful to him but it was a dark beauty, drawing him in, but it wasn't lust, he was fascinated by her. This all ran through his mind as he waited for her response. Her tone was firm but fair when she replied and he nodded and each single piece of advice diligently. He couldn't help but wonder exactly how they would know where he would been, especially if he covered his scent, but something told him it was not worth finding out.

"Ok, stay out of Redgrove, got it. How about the other places round 'ere? Any tip on where I can make a decent den?"
There were many great places for a den, since the storm so long ago had created many opportunities for one. But often, they were overrun or just plainly not in good shape. Remembering the incident with Damien's "den" returned to mind before she winced, before shooing it away. They did not need another fox massacre, so she avoided mentioning that. "Underneath the span of Blackfeather territory is a network of caves, tunnels and alcoves. If you like that kind of thing, i'm sure you can find numerous den's or exit's that lead to good dens," She didn't make it specific, because currently her den was a rundown old fox den that nobody had touched in too long, but it was right near the borders, perfect for her job. 

"Is there anything specific you would like to know before we continue?" She asked, glancing at him. For an instant, she thought of Kove, for he was the only other male that had walked beside her. It made her heart ache, though she had not seen his presence in a while. It was silly to think that she actually missed him, though on the outside she was unapproachable as it could be. Turning away from Macbeth's gaze, she looked ahead, pushing away the thoughts of the Inuit who had claimed what little was left of her heart. It was no right to be thinking of that, now, of all times. "I could show you she swamps, since they're not that far away but I don't think you'd like to go there," She chuckled, almost nervously. The idea of the swamps itself made her agitated. The muck, the grime, the things, she hated it.