Wolf RPG

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Set after Seana is out of heat <3 @Reek

Finding members had proved to be quite the challenge- but perhaps he was not branching out so far. For now he was on the move, just praying that no one came and scooped up his territory. Wouldn't that be a shame? For now he took his chances and ventured out, looking for someone to join him. Where was he now though? He asked himself, glancing around the territory with cupped ears. Perhaps this was someone elses home, for he swore he could smell other wolves. But no one appeared just yet, and he was extremely cautious about crossing borders. Perhaps he was being a bit cheeky; there was no harm in that.

Aaron moved on, lowering his muzzle to sniff at the earth beneath his paws. Curious place, he thought.
Following Reek's return to the Maplewood, a new appreciation for life had been lit in the depths of his chest. A week of passion away from the trivialities of life was just what he needed to get his head back in it's proper position and to set his troubled soul at peace. Curiously, he felt youthful once more. There was a spring to his step that had returned in full after - unfotunately - being absent for far too long. No longer did Reek grieve for loss after loss, but he celebrated life for what it was... a goddamn rollercoaster.

He didn't settle back in at home for long.  The apathy he held toward replenishing his herb cache in the dead of winter fell away and gave way into hopeful ambition, mirroring his sudden change of spirt.  He set out towards the herbalists cache after a single night back in the Maplewood.

The dusting of snow was lighter here in the cache than it was in the Maplewood, which Reek found curious seeing the close proximity between the two woods. Reek chalked the difference up to the sheer thickness of the cache itself; it's density sheilding it from wicked winter winds. While the Maplewood felt a cold, dead husk, there was life here. Not much, but enough. The smell of herbs made Reek heady with excitement. He pushed through the thicket with a single goal in mind; he would not return home empty handed.
Unlike Reek, who would probably return with exactly what he had come for, Aaron would probably leave empty-handed. But the man stopped, straightening himself, as he heard the gentle fwump of snow that indicated something stepping on it. He took in a large breath of air, the smell of wolf filling his nostrils. How wonderful! It was perhaps someone to convince to join him.

He moved on through the piney territory, his icy-blue eyes eager to see what he was dealing with. He soon found a male, dark unlike himself, and with sunken eyes that made him appear maybe bitter. Although appearance was not always everything, and so Aaron was forced to push his opinions aside. He let out a low bark, his tail wagging slowly behind him in an attempt to appear friendly, as he was. "Greetings," he woofed, watching the male curiously.
Reek's search through the cache may have been long, but it was fruitful. The selection was slim, but numorous ferns survived the frost and were ripe for the picking. He took great care to pick the finest specimen that he could; a rather large and hardy fern worthy of Reek's strick scrutiny.  He did not notice the other wolf's approach, as his attention was wholly engrosed in his leafy bounty.

Aspidium spinulosum of the family N.O. Falices, better known as shield fern. The root of which was an effective treatment for worms and other pesky parasites. Reek grinned and quickly dug up his bounty. After seperating the root cluster from the rest of the fern, he took it in his jaws ad lifted his head from the cold earth.

After lifting his head, Reek's gaze was met by a stranger. His chuff in greeting caught the ragged alpha off gaurd and he felt a quick jolt before dropping the roots at his feet. Reek's hear beat fast, but he did not respond with anger, instead a slight laugh began to blossom in his chest. "Uh, sup?" he shot back between wheezes.
The male was caught off guard- perhaps Aaron should have taken note of his focus before he acted so quickly upon greeting him. He expected everyone to pay just as much attention to their surroundings as he thought he did... not everyone could be so talented, he suspected. "My apologies," he replied when the wheezes appeared to have faded. "I suppose I shouldn't sneak up on others like that," he admitted, although he still wholly believed that the male should've been paying attention. 

"If I may ask, do you live around here?" he questioned, taking a step or two away from the dark male to give him a bit of space. The more he stood around him the more he scented different wolves- probably not the best guy to attempt to recruit. Regardless, maybe he had some knowledge to pass down to the soon-to-be leader.
The tension in Reek's body language soon faded away and he regarded the stranger with a relaxed demeanor. "Don't worry about it,"  he replied with a pleasant grin.  His positive attitude wasn't about to be sullied by a simple scare... it would take far worse to spur such a reaction from Reek, who was in rare high spirits as of late.

Reek saw no harm in answering the strangers question, seeing as he bore the scent of one who made his home alone. "I live reletively close by, in a maplewood past the wetlands. I lead a pack there along with my mate. You looking for a home?" Most who traveled this far north alone were looking for a place to hang their head. Judging from a few base assumptions, Reek would play the recruitment game himself as well.
"Not quite," Aaron responded with a respectful dip of his head. He had not realized he was speaking with an alpha"But I do appreciate the offer," In the back of his mind had he stored the unpleasant conversation he had had with the white female not too long ago- he hoped this wolf was not of her kind. "I'm actually settling my own pack," he replied calmly, his tail flicking. "In an aspen forest, I believe- it's quite beautiful and bountiful," he replied, a bit on edge of the response of the male. He figured he'd share anyway, there was no reason to skip over it as the male would likely find out later.

This was all he said, smiling faintly and waving his tail behind him, the light male waited for a reply with interest.
The playful wag of Reek's tail ceased as it froze in it's gentle sway and stood arched above his back in a subtle display of dominance. His aformented positive mood took a blow as the sudden realization that a necissary pathway for prey would be cut off by a forming pack. With the north now closed off to the wolves of the maplewood, the west was their only lifeline. They would not be choked out of existence by some new arrival.  

Reek's smile quickly faded and an awkward grimace soon took it's place. "No you won't,"  he stated calmly, completely unaware that his wife had already dealt with the problem in her own, aggressive, way. "Look... you've caught me in a good mood so I'll give you, hmmm—"  Reek paused for a beat, "— a couple days to find somewhere else."  The aspens may have been beautiful, but if the stranger knew what was good for him, he'd realize that it wasn't worth the trouble.
Ah. So this was at least some relation to the crazy she-wolf who'd sought him out previously. His polite smile fell with it, and he watched the male with a frown. "I'll make no promises," he replied lowly, his own tail raising as he matched the males dominance. This was stubborn testosterone that Aaron held onto, as his food supply was quite unharmed. The southwest held plenty of prey for them to hunt from, and even without it they had a whole territory to their right. Perhaps this was not as much as he thought, but he held onto his beliefs regardless. 

"I'm assuming you're with the woman who greeted me so pleasantly the other day" he continued plainly, one eyebrow raised. "If you'd tell her I send my regards, I'll be returning home," he woofed lowly, and turned to leave- regardless if the male agreed. He meant no harm to this alpha or to his pack, and he wanted no fights right now. He would leave and accept whatever threat the pair had aimed his way.

last post from me!
Thanks for the thread! I'll go ahead and archive it!

Their body language mirrored each other as both males vied for dominance.  Reek stood firm and his subtlety aggresive posturing continued, however, he did not push the issue further. Now was not the time for a fight, but he had reason to belive that they would eventually come to blows if the stranger didn't heed his warnings. He would check back in the coming days and if the stranger's scent remained fresh in the territory, he and his followers would be removed by force.

Surprisingly, he had already encountered Saena... less surprising was her reaction suggested by the sarcasmic quality of the stranger's voice. Her territorialism tended to far outpace Reek's generally laid back air, however, with pups in their collective future, Reek was unwilling to grant any concessions for the sake of being nice.

Reek remained silent until the other wolf turned to leave; his suggestion falling on deaf ears. If Aaron chose to stay, his fate was sealed. "I'll return with more numbers," he called out as the other wolf as he took his leave, a self assured quality hung in the timbre of his voice. This pack would not form, he was sure.  "Welcome to the neighborhood," he shouted sarcastically just before the other wolf passed out of his frame of vision. Taking the root-cluster he had almost forgotten in his jaws, Reek turned away with a huff and traveled back to the Maplewood. There was much that needed to be discussed.