Wolf RPG

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Sebastian trotted towards one of the bigger lake he had asked Pearl to meet him. He wanted to do some fishing inside their territory but he also wanted to explore that connection they were having lately in private. Maybe it was also the other females that could turn jealous very easily what scared him a bit out of his own home. Sebastian was kind of too early for their date, or what ever it was. Just some time spend together so they could get to know each other better.

Sebastian was on the edge of the woods that lay here (haunted woods), because he knew a river would be around here somewhere. A river was easier to fish in than a whole lake. He was not going to make it himself even more difficult. He had explained the location to Pearl before hand so she hopefully wouldn't get lost and would be unable to find him.
Imma just backdate this because I forgot I had Pearl's heat scheduled for this week :)

Pearl steadily made her way to what looked to be the right location Sebastian had described. She was overjoyed that she hadn't been shot down, and was grateful that he had felt nearly the same, or at least was willing to take a swing at this. With a happy smile she arrived, sniffing around to catch his scent. Once she had, she followed it until she could see him plainly.

She was a bit worried about her heat coming about soon. Pearl could sense it was right around the corner, a day or two away. Remembering what she had turned into the last time it happened, though most of it was still a blur, she shuddered. She'd have to make sure she got far enough from the others while it lasted. 

Finally, Sebastian was close enough to talk to. He appeared to be looking for something, but she wasn't sure what yet. "Hello," she said cheerily. "You ready to get beat by me?" 
Sebastian waited for Pearl and was ecstatic to see her arrive. Not that wolves could meet as a specific time really, especially not during the day. The large male jumped up to his feet. His tail was going crazy and let out a soft woof in excitement. "Hi!," he greeted. The male shook his head. "No, are you ready to be beaten by me?," he asked with a grin on his muzzle.

Sebastian nudged her and then walked to the water. He was pretty excited to start because he wanted to catch a big fish for her and impress her. Of course the male did not need to do too much impressing seeing that she already fancied him. Still it would be nice to have several fish, it would be a good excuse to come back with to the Cove at night. "You ready?," he asked with a grin.
Assuming they found a river :)

Pearl was overflowing with thrill when she saw how happy he was to see her, and she in turn was matching the speed of his tail. She followed Sebastian to the bank of the river with a beaming face. "In your dreams, fisher boy," she teased, competition arising between them.

"Ready," she responded, eyes shifting from Sebastian to the water, to focus on her incoming prey. She moved into the flowing water, letting the cool liquid wash over paws and take energy from the chill that ran through her body. Tail swaying steadily, she fixed her stare into the running water, striking at amazing speed, but was a split-second too late. Pulling her soaked head out, she hissed out a 'gosh darn it'  and a string of less than ladylike language in her head before returning fixation on the river. This time, she did not fail, and drew out a decent sized fish. She turned and smugly looked at Sebastian, to see what he had done.
Perfect! :)

Sebastian was so ready to say something sappy like; 'You are already in my dreams.' but he stopped himself and just stupidly grinned at the female that was wagging her tail at the same speed as his. It was a perfect day in his eyes. Sebastian stepped into the water too, though standing a bit across from Pearl, further away too because otherwise they would be in each other's fishing waters. The male tried to be focussed but he let a fish swim past because he was looking at Pearl.

Sebastian kicked himself mentally and then dove down when he saw a fish, the male managed to grab it and held it up, also decent size like her. It was moving so much Sebastian's head was moving with its strong motions. Sebastian placed it on the bank, far enough from the water the fish could not return. He knew it would die without water. Sebastian returned. "Nice catch," he hummed after he heard her curse a lot. The young male grinned excitedly. They shouldn't catch too many because then they wouldn't be able to carry it all back. "Lets try and catch the biggest!," he let out, meaning that they would return some of the smaller fish.
OMG that was so cute XD

Pearl grinned at him, also tossing hers further up on the bank. She understood what he was getting at, and tried to focus more on catching the bigger ones. She kept stealing glances at Sebastian, smiling goofily at how funny he looked when he was wet. She turned back to the water, spirit of competition still pulling her attention from Seb to win. Pearl couldn't stop smiling, though, everything was perfect. 

The pale but otherwise soaked girl managed to grab an incredibly large fish, pulling it out and muffledly yelling to Seb in excited tones. But, being as small as she was, the fish's struggled movements were far too strong for her, her head trying not to follow it and failing to the point of leaning over backwards and falling into the water, letting it go. She got up laughing, shyly grinning at Seb.
Sebastian smiled and watched her. Because for Pearl it was not hard to catch his attention. The young male wanted to catch her attention. He loved the idea of her becoming more close to him. He could see it now. For so long he had seen her as such a friend but she could be so much more to him. The young man let out a soft hum when he saw her catch the fish unfortunately it was quite big for her and then it slipped away. Sebastian instantly tried to chase after it, it was quick and it escaped from his clutches. But as he was running into the water another fish shot past that was bigger than the other. He instantly went after it, chasing it towards Pearl. "Grab it! Grab it!," he let out.

Sebastian was ready to grab the fish too as soon as she grabbed hold of it so he could help her lift this bigger fish, it would be quite the meal for him that was for sure. Plus that would be nice to share with her. Sebastian wanted to share that with her. The male smiled at her. And during this meal he could also get to know her better. He could ask her things he did not know, and she could ask him things in return. He knew she wanted children which was a big plus for him, but how would she feel being alpha, or leading a pack. He liked his mate to lead with him after all!
Pearl quickly recovered from her spill in the river, and before she knew it Sebastian was chasing another, larger fish towards her. Reaction time was luckily on her side, and she was able to cut it off and snatch the base of its tail before it went through her legs. This time, however, she tried dragging it in the direction of the riverbank instead of risking a meal again. She continued until Seb caught up and helped her with it, bringing their well-earned prize on to dry ground. 

Quickly ending its life before it could flop back into the water, she looked up to Sebastian with a wide grin on her face. She was really enjoying her time with him, and was looking forward to talking with him. She shook out her soaked pelt, intentionally near Seb to get him wet. Pearl then took a seat by the large fish and began to tear into it.
Sebastian helped her carry the fish and watched her kill her. The male's tail patted happily on the ground and hummed softly. His pale eyes watching her with a keen eyes. She took a bite but the other wasn't too bothered with her starting already. The male stepped closer and took a bite himself, his face to hers. "So you are a skills fisher, I didn't know that," he spoke. Interested in how she learned to fish, and with what reasoning. For Sebastian this was definitely a plus seeing that he loved water, hence settling at wetlands, and had learned the fishing skill early.

"I also had not expected for you to join my pack so quickly," he admitted to her and smiled. "But I am glad you did," he spoke. Sebastian wanted to tell how he was secretly also happy that Haven kind of left him. Because now he could explore this with Pearl.
Pearl's tail slapped freely on the ground, happy to be here, so close to Sebastian. He commented on her being a good fisher, to which she replied with a mouthful of fish, "Mmhmm." Swallowing her food, she smiled at him and answered his second comment. "I wasn't expecting myself to either, but I'm very glad I did." she said, nudging him with her nose. 

It was probably the time to warn him about the inevitable heat coming on. With a breath of preparation, she looked at him and began to speak. "So, my heat's coming very soon, possibly in the next day or two. I just wanted to warn you about what happens to me. I'm not the same wolf, you'll have to keep me separate from the rest of the pack, and especially from yourself." she said, almost shakily. She wished to all that was holy that she could control it, but this was only her second heat and she didn't remotely know how. Her hormones were just far too powerful and influential on her brain.
Sebastian did not get the story of how she had become a good fisher, in fact, she started to tell about something far more personal... her heat. Sebastian was really going to dislike this phase females had. He looked at her with some curiosity because Pearl in heat was basically perfect. "Okay.. I will try to keep you separate then, as long as you don't hate me afterwards," he spoke and battered his eyes at her. He was starting to care for her, and Sebastian kind of wanted to have her, offending her was the least he wanted to do.

The large male nudged her. "Well thank you for telling me. I didn't know that some females could be so heavily affected by it," he admitted. "It's going to be tough for me too then," he let those words slip.
Pearl laughed at his last remark, it becoming more and more apparent that he liked her. She smiled at him and dramatically flipped her head. "You sure? 'Cause I'll be pretty irresistible." she said, batting her eyes at him playfully and whipping her tail back and forth.

She then tore off the fish's head, threw it at Sebastian, and took off running. "You're it!" she said, full of energy and wanting to dry off from her spill in the river. She had always played some form of this game, whether it be a simple branch or a part of an animal they didn't particularly like.
Sebastian looked at her and could only imagine how good she would smell to him. "Oh I will instantly believe that. You have no idea how sexually frustrated I already am," he let out, and then realized that he basically admitted to her how sexless his life was. The male cleared his throat. He was going to save himself, so he should not complain about his own choices.

Sebastian was saved by their game and quick chased after her to show the fish head back at her. He let out a muffle laugh and then ran. He chased her, though he was a bit heavy and less quick that her. So he ended up dropping the fish and playfully tackling her himself, or well at least trying too, along with not trying to land on top of her.
Pearl was eventually brought down by the larger male, both falling to the downy grass with an 'Oopmh'. She laughed, wriggling out from under the mass of fur to roll on the grass. Reaching out, she batted his face playfully. If he wanted to play this way, so be it. 

One thing she loved about their relationship was the complete openness they had with each other, and the ability to go from straight serious to insanely playful. She proceeded to army crawl up to him and lick the side of Seb's face, grinning as she rolled away.
Sebastian was just as excited about the play as them just talking. This was more fun though because he got to touch and lick her, and even jump her a bit. He got licks in return, so the male was definitely getting more excitable when playing. The young male felt far younger now they were playing and having fun. He didn't feel the need to be a strict alpha, though he had the feeling he would never be a strict alpha in the first place.

He jumped her again and licked her back, tail wagging. "I--I like you," he hummed, trying to sound confident but he stumbled a bit over his words. She knew that already, it was basically up to him to officially ask her to be his, but somehow he felt like he should do more. He really needed to amaze her with something. What would she like to have? Hm...
Pearl let out another 'hmph' when she was suddenly under Sebastian's front again. She turned her head to look at him upside down, sticking her tongue out as he licked her back. She enjoyed this beyond anything they'd really done, just acting like pups again, not a care in the world. Then Seb hummed out his feelings, tripping a bit, which made it even more of a cute gesture. Pearl's heart seemed to race as her chest was inflated with the happiest of emotions. Her face was scrunched up in a grin, almost too good to be true.

 The smaller pale wolf rolled onto her back beneath the awkward fluffball, reaching her head up to lick his face again. "I like you too," she said, grinning so broadly it seemed as if her face couldn't contain all her joy.
Sebastian instantly grinned when she returned those words to him. It were good words, words that could turn into something more. Sebastian slowly turned his grin and a bit of a smirk, proud of himself for admitting such things. She had been his friend, a good friend, and she had been hiding in the shadows all along. How great. Sebastian nudged her and then gave her a big lick over her cheek. He couldn't help himself.

The large male then pushed himself up in a sitting position, not really wanting to squash her. "So, do tell me... How did you ever came to these lands in the first place, before your previous pack?," he asked curiously. "Do you have brothers and sisters? I want to know it all," he smiled.
Pearl rolled out from under him, pushing herself up to sit facing him. Her face seemed to be locked in a permanent but ever changing grin whenever she was around Sebastian, varying from shy to idiotic, and her heart constantly swelled with joy.

He wanted to know about her past -- only fitting, since he had poured his out to her. "I wondered here from the eastern plains about three seasons ago with my only sibling, my brother, after our pack was...disbanded, in a way." she said, very shortly summing up what happened in those months. Not that she didn't want to talk about it, she just didn't see any reason to disclose the details. "My brother joined another pack early on, so I was a lone wanderer of sorts, then coming to the wilds and Blacktail Deer Plateau after a good amount of time." 
Sebastian listened to her. It seemed sad that her brother left her for another pack, but often things went like that. It was the same with his own siblings. He hummed and then nudged her. "And now you have found your forever home here," he grinned, tail flickering. She knew that she was pretty close at the time to the wolves of Blacktail Deer Plateau.

"So and how would you feel about leading a pack?," he asked, maybe not so subtile about it. After all if he wanted a mate then he wanted her to lead with him. He was not sure if Pearl had any ambition and want to have an upper rank.
"It seems I have," she said back to him, "It's perfect." Pearl nudged him back, smiling as though nothing could ever change that.

The question took her a bit by surprise. In all her fantasizing thinking it hadn't really occurred to her that she might've had to hold the position of Alpha female if indeed she was his mate. She entertained the thought for a second before speaking. "Well, I'm not against it, but I think I'd do alright" she said, tail wagging. Was he going to ask her?
I am going to fade it here if you don't mind, leaving it a bit awkward because well that is Seb. x) Because now with all the bugs it might be time for a new thread? :D

Sebastian smiled, though internally he was happily jumping around like crazy because she was snuggled against him and calling this perfect. He was very happy about that. His question might be a bit out of nowhere but the male kind of wanted to know and he would only know that by asking. He cleared his throat a bit. "I think you would be good at it too, with the counseling and all," he complimented. 

Though the male kind of wanted to ask her officially as his he didn't really dared to do it now. The young male cleared his throat a bit and sat quietly beside her, not really thinking of what he could say more. Now it was just their moment they shared in all the quietness untill they would decide that they would need to head back. 

-fade end -

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