Wolf RPG

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A bunch of ramblings!

Dash emerged from his den, stretching his body as he yawned before shaking out his fur. After being welcomed back by Amekaze, he had been happy to find his old den unoccupied and undisturbed. He actually had several hidden spots he used to go to be alone, but he knew he likely wouldn't need those, and so he did not seek them out to see how they fared in the changing landscape. 

He trotted from his den, heading towards a water source to drink his fill of the liquid. He didn't figure there was much use in trying to hunt down any large prey, seeing as how they didn't have much to eat here. They likely moved on to greener pastures until Teekon Wilds recovered from the creatures that had eaten everything they could, leaving nothing in their wake. 

However, there was one creature they didn't touch- fish. There weren't nearly as many, it seemed, as when he was last here, but he only needed one. He waded into the stream, careful not to move too quickly, and stopped in the middle. He face upstream, as it allowed him a better viewpoint to see the fish heading his way. It took him some time, and quite a few tries, before he was able to catch one. He clamped it between his jaws and hoped back to land, not bothering to shake the water from his fur as he tore apart the small fish and gulped down the chunks of meat. While many wolves couldn't survive in this barren landscape, Dash's history and experience with being a lone wolf had prepared him for this. He knew just how little food he could survive on, and he made sure not to take more than that. Later, he would attempt to find some food source that his pack mates could eat, but he knew it would most likely be futile. He still had to make the effort. 

Finished with his small meal, Dash licked his chops and sat back on his haunches. He wondered what his other pack mates were like. He knew Charon and Amekaze, and Floki somewhat, but the rest of the scents were unfamiliar to him. He didn't pick up Wildfire's scent, or, more importantly, Thistle Cloud's, which led him to assume they were both gone. He sighed, hoping that Thistle Cloud was okay. He had missed her, and their friendship, and had been excited at coming back to see her. He had never really tried to define his affection for her. He only knew he liked being around her, and had left it at that. 

He sighed, letting thoughts of her flow from his mind. He was never really one to dwell on things, though he knew it would not be the last time he thought of her. He just couldn't let it bring him down. The short time spent with his brother had renewed his outlook on life, and given him a new, positive, perspective. He was a little more social, a little more outgoing, though he had to admit, he hadn't really met anyone new since leaving his brother. It was his brother who had brought out his inner social wolf, but he was not here now. Dash only hoped he fared as well without him as he did with him.
He had heard from Amekaze that Dash had returned, and he was glad. It was just another example of life's circular pattern -- more than once, Floki had seen wolves leave and then return. He couldn't always count on them to come back, but it was nice when they did.

Floki came across Dash's scent trail, leading him towards a stream near the lower reaches of the mountain. It didn't take long for him to find his dark-coated packmate, and he gave a yip of greeting as he approached. "Dash! It's good to see you back here," he called, tail swinging.

"How were your travels?" he asked as he slowed to a stop a few feet away from Dash. He cast a quick glance down into the creek, taking note of the flash of scales beneath the current that indicated that there were fish. His stomach gave a hungry twist.
It wasn't long until a yip reached his ears, and his gaze settled on his Beta. Dash's ears folded on his lowered head and his tail wagged in greeting. Floki! he said happily. Thank you for the welcome, he added, glad another pack mate was happy to see him. 

Travels were good, he said with a smile. I found my brother and got to spend some time with him in his pack, he confided easily. While his brother wasn't aware of where their parents and other siblings were, Dash didn't feel sad over that. He was too happy at knowing his brother to be anything but happy. How have things been here? Ame said the core had not really changed, but didn't go into more detail than that, he questioned. His mind was back on Thistle Cloud, but he couldn't quite bring himself to ask outright about her. 

Any animosity Dash had felt before he left about Floki becoming Beta were long since blown in the wind. It was Dash's own lack of confidence that made him feel that way. He knew Floki was a great pack mate, and a better leader. The only thing that had changed was now Dash had a little more confidence about what he could offer Moonspear, and his own place within the pack.
Floki was happy to hear that Dash's expedition had been rewarding. Since he was especially close with his own brother, he could understand how meaningful it probably was for Dash to spend some time with his sibling. He found himself wondering if the land beyond the Teekon Wilds had been affected by the locusts as well, but held off on asking that question for now.

First, Dash wanted to hear how things had changed in his absence. Floki nodded his head; Amekaze's brief explanation was succinct and fairly accurate. He couldn't remember if Dash was still around when Wildfire had departed, but decided to refrain from dropping her name. He could get his point across without dwelling on her.

"Yeah, our numbers dropped for a while there, but obviously Ame, Charon and I are all still here. Everyone else is pretty new, except for you," he replied with a smile and a shrug of his shoulders.
Floki admitted their numbers had dropped, but didn't give a reason for that. Dash was glad that new wolves had joined, increasing their numbers and their chances at keeping the pack together. Dash was getting a little flustered inwardly, as he wasn't getting answered for his unspoken questions. But, that was his own fault at being shy to ask. 

But, if he wanted to know, he would have to use his voice directly and stop beating around the bush. Where's Thistle Cloud? he asked, looking to Floki, though respecting his position and not meeting his gaze. Dash knew Floki was her son, and if anyone knew what happened to her, it would be him.
*gestures vaguely* Awkward reply from Floki, since Thistle was a PPC but hasn't rejoined since the reboot. :)

Abruptly, Dash posed a question that caused Floki to pause. Where was Thistle Cloud? He was ashamed to admit that he had been so wrapped up in his own life that he hadn't spent nearly enough time with his mother as of late, but the disappearance of her scent around her herb den hadn't gone unnoticed. He shook his head slowly, biting the inside of his cheek as he contemplated how to reply.

He loved his mother, and he always would. But as an adult, he didn't need her in the same way as he had when he was young, so he didn't feel her absence as keenly as he might have before. It worried him that she had slipped away without a word to either of her sons, as far as he knew; Charon hadn't mentioned anything to him. Maybe she had gone to see Tevinter, or perhaps she had returned to Stavanger Bay to make peace with Ragnar's death. Floki didn't know the reason, and that troubled him more than her absence itself.

"I...I'm not sure," he replied, casting his gaze down and away from Dash. Thistle Cloud was a grown woman and could take care of herself -- she didn't necessarily need to report to her children. But it still seemed odd that she had left without telling them her plans. "I assumed she would be back soon, but she hasn't returned yet," he concluded, his words falling flat even to his own ears.
Gotcha! Dash hopes she comes back soooon!

Dash's heart did an odd flip after he asked his question, a rare bout of anxiety hitting him at voicing his thoughts. He both wanted to know and didn't want to know where Thistle Cloud was. If she was simply away, that would be fine. But, Dash didn't know how he would handle being told she was gone. 

Floki seemed to take his time answering, and when he finally did, his answer was hesitant, upping Dash's heart flutters. It seemed Thistle Cloud had not died, but she was away, and Floki wasn't certain when she was going to come back. The Beta didn't offer up where she was, or why she had left, but it gave Dash hope that he did expect her to return. I hope she returns soon, and safely, he replied softly. 

Trying to change the subject, Dash took in a deep breath, and let it out. So, anything new with you? he asked casually, wondering if Floki had anything interesting going on.
"I hope so too," Floki murmured, bowing his head for a moment. Conditions for travel were not ideal -- as he had seen first-hand with his visit to the west -- but he pledged to head towards Saltwinter in the near future. Maybe Tevinter had seen their mother; and if not, he at least owed his brother a visit.

He huffed out a small sigh as Dash changed the subject, attempting to keep the conversation light. He gave a shrug of his shoulders, debating his response. He didn't know Dash well enough to go into detail about what had happened with Wildfire, and there wasn't much for him to report other than that. Besides, Wildfire's disappearance was old news.

"Not really," he confessed. "I went exploring to the west with a friend of mine from Donnelaith, after the locusts came. There's a lot of land out there, but all the plants have been eaten up." He found his gaze drifting down towards the stream, which prompted him to make a suggestion. "Mind if we do some fishing while we're here?" he queried, already angling his body towards the water's edge.
Dash hadn't been close to Wildfire, and had no knowledge that anything had happened between she and Floki, or what had caused her absence from the pack. It seemed nothing had really gone on while Dash way away. He figured no news was good news, and didn't probe further. 

It wasn't a surprise that Floki's travels took him to more barren land. The locusts had been devastating, and it was hard to imagine to land going back to its previously lush forests and grasslands. Surely, the plants and everything will return soon. I know the bugs ate everything green, but I don't think they destroyed the roots of anything, he surmised. He was no plant expert by any means, though. It was mostly wishful thinking.

Good idea! he said in response to Floki's suggestion of fishing. The fish probably weren't nearly as affected by the famine as the rest of the land-dwellers. Dash carefully waded into the water, and then poised to wait for any fish that would hopefully happen by.
5 --> odd is a fail! :(

As they turned towards the creek, Floki considered Dash's words. He wasn't a herbalist, either, but he had never stopped to think about the situation that way. It was true that the insects had consumed all of the greenery, but they had likely left behind the roots that were buried underground; and it was from those roots that new plantlife would grow. For the first time in a while, Floki's spirits were buoyed -- but that still didn't ease his hunger pangs.

He stepped into the water alongside Dash, moving slowly and carefully so as not to disturb the current too much. He knew that fishing was something of a waiting game, so he paused a few feet away from his companion, his legs still as pillars. A few fish drifted past but not within his range, so he simply followed them with his gaze, not willing to make waves if he couldn't be successful. He turned an ear towards Dash, wondering if he would have more success.
Floki didn't seem to have anything to say to Dash's comment. Did Floki think him wrong? Would he have said so if he did? Dash really didn't know anything about plants or trees or grass, but he thought his logic was somewhere on the right path. 

The subject passed, and they began to fish. Floki tried, but missed. Dash turned his focus on the water, watching a few fish pass here and there, but none close enough to give a try at. Finally, one did, and Dash dove for it, his head disappearing under the surface of the water. It came back up, a fish's tail in his jaws, but the fish was flailing around and Dash knew he didn't have a good grasp on it. Bringing his front legs out of the water, with his weight on his bent hind legs, he tried to grasp the fish. Suddenly, he found himself tipping backwards, the fish succeeding in getting out of his grasp, and Dash landed on his back in the water with a splash. 

He quickly uprighted himself, shaking off the excess water and looked to Floki with a defeated expression. While his back would probably be sore tomorrow from the fall, his pride would hurt much, much worse.
Excitement welled within Floki as he watched Dash seize a fish with his teeth. The other wolf made it look so effortless, the way he submerged his head and reared backward triumphantly. But the smile that had sprung onto Floki's face quickly disappeared as Dash lost his balance, the writhing fish falling from his mouth and splashing back into the water as Dash fell.

Water sprayed him and he winced away, though he offered Dash a sympathetic shrug of his shoulders as the other wolf, now sopping wet, righted himself. "Oh well. Maybe next time," he commented, glancing down at the creek. The fish were gone now, scared away by the commotion.
Dash sighed. Yeah, maybe next time, he echoed. He jumped back to shore, almost a little cranky that he had lost the fish. He could taste it in his mouth, and then there was nothing. In a world where food was sparce, one fish could mean life or death for a starving wolf.

Dash laid down on what should be grass, but instead mostly soil, his gaze in Floki's general direction, waiting to see if he would try again at fishing. 

Sorry for the short post! I've been sitting on this draft for two days and my must isn't coming up with anything >_<
Haha, no worries! I have that problem sometimes too. :) Feels like a good place to end if you want to post once more or just archive!

The two males were disappointed with their efforts, and their hopes for a successful endeavor in the future sounded hollow. Floki waded out onto the shore, gnawing on the inside of his lip. He glanced down as Dash lowered himself onto his belly, then glanced up at the slope.

"I'm gonna head up, I think. But if you keep fishing this afternoon -- good luck," he said, mustering up as much encouragement as he could. He didn't feel too good about their situation at present, but as a leader he felt a responsibility to keep morale up. Before departing, he leaned down to give Dash's shoulder a gentle nudge; it was a gesture he often reserved for his brother, but he liked and trusted his packmate.