Wolf RPG

Full Version: No one can be just like me any way
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Minna gnawed thoughtfully on an oddly shaped bone she had come across. She had a fierce desire to get her teeth moving, and so she had returned to her den and gone about gnawing the thing. An antler, perhaps, she thought as she chewed. it was an unusually hard one, she noticed, normally they seemed more malleable.

Over head, a branch, severed it's hold on it's mother tree. Minna did not notice this until it settled with a crash behind her somewhere, and her grip suddenly tightened on the bone via instinct. Crack. Minna yelped and dropped the thing, tasting blood. She spat it out, and to her surprise a small white item flew out with it. She dropped to the ground, nudging the thing, growing rather conserned to notice that it was her tooth. She ran a tongue over the gap in her maw, wincing as her tongue passed over it. 

It bled quite a bit, didn't it?

Halp @Liri!
yasss, thank you so much!

Liri was pulled from her path, heading home after patrolling, by the sound of a yelp. It seemed pained and it sounded like Minna. Concerned for her friend, Liri loped in the direction of the cry and soon spotted the rusty female eyeing something on the ground.

"You okay, Minna? I heard your yelp." Liri commented as she drew near, spotting the thing Minna was staring at so facinatedly. It was a tooth, one that had a bit of blood on it. "Oh, ouch. Does it still hurt?" Liri's healer side came out, glancing to Minna with a mixture of concern and calmness. One couldn't panic your patients even if it was something minor like tooth loss.
Minna looked up at her tiny white pearl to see Liri. A spot of blood ws visible at the corner of her maw, and she nodded her muzzle. "Hi, Liri. I seem to have, ah, lost my tooth." she smiled sheapishly, hopeing Liri wouldn't ask how. She couldn't believe an old antler had claimed her poor little tooth. What it ever done to the antler? Beside gnaw at it, of course. "It is rather sore." In truth, it was more of a throbbing pain, and she though a shard of tooth was still in her gums somewhere. "See?" she opened her maw, displaying the bloody gap for Liri.
Liri peered into Minna's mouth,silently glad that they were close to the same height so that it wasn't too much of a stretch. The arctic grimaced, anticipating giving the news to her friend. "Minna, I hate to say this but part of your tooth is still in there. Now, it will be painful but I can remove it or you can leave it since the bottom seems to be intact. It might cut your gums but you can always file it down and it should feel painless afterwards." 

Liri glanced up, assuming Minna would go with the more painless option. Removing a tooth was hard and it definetly hurt especially considering her lack of painkilling herbs on hand. Filing down the pointy shard would be practically painless and with some alder bark, something Liri actually had a surplus of given the healthy tree bark, the pain could be deadened.
"Okay" begun Minna a little nervously "Let's go with option 2. How exactly does one file down a tooth?" she asked, allowing a bit of trepidation filter into her voice. Big, gory wounds were fine...as long as she could see them. Knowing she had a bleeding wound, however small it might be, and not being able to see it unerved her. She shifted her weight from one paw to the other, something she did when she was nervous. She did not like the current situation, only Liri kept her nervousness under control. She detested things she could not see.
"By rubbing it against something. Preferrably a stick or something of that matter, something that won't break easily. You just hold it in your mouth and grip it with your teeth, rub your teeth up and down against it and that should rub the sharp end into a blunt one." Liri explained carefully. 

Moving to a nearby alder tree, Liri stripped some of its soft bark and brought it over to Minna. "This should kill the pain while you're doing it." Liri offered the bark to Minna.
Minna nodded carefully, taking the Alder bark carefully. She set it down on a flat rock for a moment.
Eager to begin and get this over with, Minna scanned the clearing until the found a suitable candidiate, grasping a rough stuck protruding from a gnarled tree in her maw. She moved her jaw up and down the stick, trying to keep it on her tooth. She mde odd noises of pain, but ignored them almost completely. That is, until she suddenly moved to rest and the stick eradicated the rest of her tooth. Yowling, she stepped back and spat out the rest of the tooth and a quantity of blodd, gagging and whimpering at the pain. Miving her tongue over the gap, it felt like simply ripped gum. Now, there was no more tooth to file. Ashamed at her sudden move and failure, she looked at Liri meekly. "oops" she said miserably.
Liri watched carefully, jerking in surprise as Minna began to yowl in pain. Liri got to her feet, a confused expression on her face until somehow Minna managed to remove the rest of her tooth with the stick. How..? Does she have super strength or something? 

Shaking her head, Liri gave her a smile. "Not sure how that happened unless it was already loose..but anyways onto the alder bark then. That probably hurts quite a bit." Liri remarked, gesturing to the pile of chewy bark empathetically.
Minna nodded at Liri's words, seeing a little spot of white on the ground. Glancing at the stick, she noticed a small prtorusion that was a little bloody. Perhaps that was where she had nicked out her tooth when she moved her head? She had no desire to find out, and scooped the slightly soggy-looking bark and put most of it in her maw, looking a little interesting while she shoved it onto her now empty gum. She half smiled at Liri, nodding her head. "Thwan'ks" she said through the bark. Liri was certainly good with herbs. She had taught her what she had known, but the arctic girl certainly had a much vaster idea of herbs then Minna. Minna had no idea what the bark or it's purpose was to this day.
Liri nodded. "Anytime. The pain medicine will probably make you feel sleepy so I would suggest going to lie down to sleep off your tooth problem." Hopefully when Minna woke up she would feel much better. Liri smiled at Minna in departing, leaving to let her patient get some rest. 

fade here?
Sure, thanks for the thread!

Minna nodded at her friend, feeling the herbs beginning to take hold. She chufed a goodbye, then turned and headed to her den. Her paws scuffed the earth as she approached, and, tired as Liri said she would be, she eased her way inside and curled up. Within a few minutes, the femme was asleep and dreaming of teeth.