Wolf RPG

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At least there was plenty of water.

Menta had been walking since sunrise and found that the pounding sun was starting to get to her even more than the gnawing hunger. The hunger, at least, was becoming familiar -- lone wolf status meant even more that she had to contend with it, to look at potential meals with more longing than perhaps her entire life before she broke away from the family pack. At least she wasn't the smallest of her siblings, she told herself. At least this was one thing her mother had not greatly exaggerated in effort to have her stay home -- the hunger was very, very real.

But water! Water spread before her now, and water she knew would pretend to fill the neverending void in her gut for at least a while. Maybe a stomachache would come later, maybe not, but Menta found it worth it. The female lowered her head down to the edge of this water mecca and let her eyes follow along the shimmer of a fish several feet out ahead of her. Creamy tufts of ears darted this way and that, ever vigilant.