Wolf RPG

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welcome for those that would be reasonably allowed near the newborns

the tiny skjaldmær in her first few hours of life had proven to be strong; to be loud. absent from her was the grace of the Ásynjur yet. thyri was still determined to show her strength and her superiority to those around her - even her siblings. she warred frequently with the other potato blobs of her brother and sisters, pushing ever closer to their mother. with an indignant little sound she claimed a teat as her own, careless of the consequences of her harsher actions. 
Just gonna... quickly snags this

Less than a week had passed since his birth, and he'd hardly done anything more than gorge himself on the milk that was provided. Thus far, he'd maintained an average streak of silence, barely ever babbling save for when his source of food or warmth was taken away from him. In which case, he'd ensure that it was known how unhappy he was, but rarely did his cries ever last for longer than a moment or two. Sleep always seemed to override his desire for food eventually, even if he'd been wide awake but a second prior. No matter how often he was pushed against or squashed, the little boy would usually cling tight and suckle away—as was his initial response when he'd felt another form against his own.

Hvitserk could not understand the intentions of the mass that would someday be known as his sister, but he had felt her moving around quite a bit. Having been pushed off of, he'd grown about as disgruntled as a bundle of fuzz could get, for he'd felt as if his meal had been interrupted. So, of course, he did the most reasonable thing and pushed back, tiny forelimbs flailing about as they tried to make contact with just about anything.
she warred with her siblings frequently. in the future affections might come but for now it was only the notion that they stole resources from her - be it her mother's milk or affections. the brother-blob pushed against her, causing thyri to unlatch and for her to yowl nonsensically. the little beast would pay, certainly! she could not see him nor could she hear him, but she could feel him and she could faintly smell him. she could not tell it was his scent over mothers scent but it was a smell still. She turned slowly, awkwardly, with the gait of someone who could not yet control their body and as she moved her mouth landed onto his paw. thyri was indignant when she did not get anything from this new teat, yet still she worked her jaw and tried. 
Whether it had been to prove a point or simply to ensure that she knew which teat belonged to him, Hvit had continued to push against his sister. For a moment, he'd kept himself latch onto that which was his, suckling away while his limbs flailed around him. Whenever he'd managed to hit something, the feeling would barely register within his mind. Still, once he'd been caught, it'd been noticed almost immediately. His little paw could move no longer, made a prisoner within his sister's mouth, but never did that stop him from trying to move it around again. Forward, backwards, quick circle, spaztastic shaking... he broke out every weapon from within his arsenal, all in an attempt to set his foot free. When that didn't work—more so because his movements were anything but capable of positive results—his mouth had unlatched from the life source and he'd let out a whine, head turning in the process. He began to strongly resemble a bobblehead as he'd nosed around in the area he thought his paw was in, mouthing at whatever he could reach and continuing to let out several, sharp noises here and there.
what she noticed was the feeling of victory, for a moment, that she had not been unlatched. however brief and fleeting those feelings were, it was replaced by a trepidation because she was not being fed. her frustration grew, unaware of her brother's attempts, only aware that this teat was broken and she was upset. the tiny woman did protest, struggling against the sudden presence of her brother as his bobble head came bounding her way. his mother connected with her head, her ear engulfed by his tiny and unyielding mouth. she finally released his paw, moving back to give a loud resounding cry of protest. how dare he.
Deaf was he currently, though still was the boy aware that he had won. From her tiny jaws his paw had been retracted, released and then pulled away immediately after, for a repeat of what had just happened was not at all desired. His own mouth had been opened wide when he'd felt her pulling back, disinterested, then, in what she was doing. His freedom had been returned to him, and so, for the time being, Hvitserk was undoubtedly content. A soft squeak had even left his mouth, almost as if to say 'ha! I got you!', and then he was over it. For as long as the girl kept to her side and away from his teat, there would be only peace within the litter—well, from his end, anyways.