Wolf RPG

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@Charon @Amekaze (Not tagging Floki since he is currently injured)

Just as her sister Thea had gotten lost, Stella had too.  It had happened late last night.  Stella had been hunting a rabbit, she had tracked it for a long while and eventually had caught it, but now she was lost.  So hopelessly lost.  The whole time Estella had been so focused, too focused on the rabbit that she had not noticed where she was going.  She was about to try to follow her own scent trail, but then it had begun to rain, washing any chance of that away.  So unsure of how to find her way back Stella had just choosen a direction and started walking.  She walked for quite a while, until finally she just gave up and decided that she was not going to find her sister or Charley or anyone else.  She had kept walking though just in case.

Now Estella found her self five feet away from a pack's border.  At first she had decided to just keep searching and started to take a few paces away, but then Stella realised that she would probably not find what she was looking for anyways.  So she hesitated.  Maybe she could try to start a new beginning here.  It was a possibility.  So the green eyed, silver wolf let at first a shaky nervous howl into the air, but gradually it grew stronger.  She howled for any of the Uppier Tier for a chance to join them here.  Then slowly her howl ceased to an end and she began to wait for someone to show up.
Day by day, she devoted herself to regaining her strength. Hunting consumed much of her time and at least now it was more fruitful than the last several weeks. Slowly, her bruises started to fade, scabs shrunk back, and weight began the gradual return to a frame stripped down. It was still a time-consuming process and she was still prone to tiring out faster than before, but, she was determined to see it be a turn in the right direction.

When a nervous howl's pitch finally gained strength, she started angling a pathway that way. She was.. not the most keenly interested in attending to the borders, but she was nearby enough that she went anyway.

She approached, poised and purposeful at the sight of a silvered female. Since the howl had not been exceptionally specific, just calling for a well-ranked wolf of this Spear, she did not know what to expect. Amekaze took her pause and leveled her with a look meant to take her all in and hopefully spur her into a concise explanation, all while her posture suggested that she was what the stranger had asked for; this mountain spoke well enough of her without her always needing to say it, anyway. "What brings you?" she asked.
The female who arrived was beautiful.  She was jet black, with startling green eyes.  Estella almost took step back, but quickly composed herself and didn't.  For a moment Estella studied the rest of the black furred wolf, taking in the posture and noticing that this was who she had called for.  For this wolf held the posture of an Alpha.  Then the female asked her what had brought her here, Estella without any hesitation responded.  

"I am here to search for a home."  Estella told the Alpha, but paused for a moment, glancing nervously at the ground.  "If you will take me in.  I am a skilled fighter and hunter.  I also excell in healing."  She told the Alpha, then slipped into a more submissive position to help clarify that she had not come here to harm anyone or try anything.
She didn't waste any time. This would help keep her tempered in the long run. Her patience was bound to be shorter regarding her boundaries as the stakes rose for what she guarded here, but lately, her most recent border encounters had been decent enough. There always ran the chance of trouble, though this sterling female did not give her the immediate impression that she would do so. In fact, she seemed a bit nervous but mindful all the same.

She learned the stranger sought a home here, and her strengths came to light soon after. Hunting and healing most of all was what she was interested in, especially with prey returning as it was. They had no healer since Thistle had left them, and just a few wolves capable of learning. This had been put in a spotlight after most of the pack had been injured not so long ago. "Healing.. do you know enough to potentially teach others?" she asked, opting not to mention that their stocks were only just beginning to replenish. "And I do value those capable of a good fight," she offered, a tiny wry curve of her lips accompanying it. "Where do you come from before here? What led you to my mountain?" she asked as well in an effort to gauge what life had shaped the wolf that stood before her.
Things seemed to be going okay so far.  The Alpha claimed to value those who could put up a good fight as she could and for the healing topic, she could teach others, she was sure of it.  Yet when the Alpha asked about where she had come from and what had led her here, Stella glanced sadly at the ground.  "I came here to look for a home where I can feel useful and help my fellow members.  As for where I came from... I was travelling with my two sisters Thea and Paikea, but we were... seperated along the way."  Estella finished quietly, wishing that she could see her sisters gain, then again maybe a new beginning would be for the best.  A fresh start.

"I can teach others in the art of healing though, I am more than sure of that.  Especially if it would help out others here, which it very well could."  Estella responded to the black furred Alpha in a more hopeful tone, hoping that this could possibly help her get in here.
Now in these times of recovering from the famine, she wanted to see the mountain thrive again in all ways and to do it, they would need to welcome potentially valuable new blood. She did understand much flux happened, so knew better than to get too attached to any new joiners from the start. But, she was able to extend them the opportunity to prove themselves to her and now was the time to do it. She needed to surround herself in trusted, able-bodied packmates if she intended to see her plans for a litter through to fruition at her best, and before she withdrew too badly to even humor them at all.

But also because of this, her scrutiny was carefully honed while she listened. The answer involved lost sisters and a want to be useful, which was not abnormal. Overall, again, it was her potential as a healer that spoke the greatest for her -- even if they had been in the greatest of need for one just a few weeks back. Hindsight was cruel. "It could, truly. Our stocks are only just now able to recover after the locust stripped everything, but we have not had a particularly experienced healer among the ranks for a while now," she informed. It had allowed her to hint at their status when it came to their stores as well. They needed replenished and work towards that was limited by what nature could provide. "Were you headed anywhere specific before separating from your sisters?" she asked, vaguely curious about that but since she had been forward with the answers, Amekaze could offer some information back. "This is Moonspear." A start.
Estella was glad to hear that her skills as a healer could be used, but was surprised that Moonspear as the Alpha female called it had not had a healer among their ranks for a while now.  At least this way she would be valuable as the only qualified healer, not just another wolf that was there.  Soon after the comments about the healer, the Alpha asked her more about her sisters, this time asking if she had been heading anywhere specific before being seperated.  Stella didn't give a lie as an answer and had no plans to.

"I was actually planning to join a pack with Paikea, we both lost Thea before I lost Paikea."  Stella explain to the Alpha female of Moonspear, hoping that this would be a good enough answer.  It was straight forward afterall though, so it probably would be.
While they had no dedicated healer, they had enough to let them scrape by although it seemed they were more prone to attracting the attention of wolves better at poisons than mending recently. She had a certain sort of respect for that, but in the meantime, she had been finding herself somewhat invested in nurturing the skills within her pack well enough to help build them a healer. In addition, now that the plants had regrown, she wanted to sharpen her own skills regarding them and how they grew so that their stocks could be made best. Someone new who could help teach them all something was in line with all of these needs

"I see," she murmured with a soft nod. She couldn't quite tell how much sorrow she had for her lost sisters, but for whatever it was worth, Amekaze almost appreciated not knowing every little personal detail of it right now -- not when her patience was threateningly thin these days. It certainly did not seem to inhibit her, so that was good, and the dark alpha continued to be appeased by what she offered. "I am Amekaze. What can I call you?" she asked. "Have you lived on a mountain before?"
Hope began to sizzle in Estella's chest.  She felt closer than ever to becoming apart of this pack.  Her paws twitched in nervousness and excitement, but she still managed to stay in a submissive position on the other side of the border, as she listened to the Alpha.

She called herself Amekaze, a name that Estella had never heard before but it sure did have a nice ring to it.  Then Amekaze asked her what she could call her and if she had lived on a mountian before.  "It's a pleasure to meet you Amekaze."  Stella began.  "You can call me Estella and I actually have never lived on a mountian before, but I'm always up for trying something new. Especially under such good leadership."  Estella finished.  In the very back of her mind though Stella began to wonder if Thea had gone through anything like this to join a pack, she knew that Paikea had though because Pai was joining Charley's pack.
Now that she had a name to match to her sight and scent, Amekaze felt more comfortable easing this encounter forward if she was bound to be one of their newest members. All in all, she was happy enough with her first impressions to grant her space among them. Amekaze felt it may be in the pack's best interest to do so if the silvered female could do all she said, which would take the time to find out for sure.

Since she had mentioned the leadership, that segued her right into bringing the rest of it up here just as a brief preview. "My mate Charon is the other half of the alphaship here. His brother, Floki, is beta." Good names to know so if she felt generous enough, she'd give them. Their scents were well-laid, though, so she often said no more than that. "So long as we, and the mountain, have your loyalty and strength, you may find a home here." Of course, it went unsaid that more than that would find her more comfortable and secured here, yet she usually left that up to them to determine.

She let the pause settle before she prepared to move on yet again. "The lands are just now green again after locusts stripped everything a few moons ago, so we have been working on restocking everything in the meantime. It is rebounding, but it takes time.." she nodded, beginning to turn her muzzle towards the heart of the Spear. Then, she leveled Estella with a thoughtful look. "I am no healer in full, but I want to work with one in the coming weeks to know what plants we would get the most use out of having available. This is in addition to helping a few.. aspiring medics get on their feet. You will have to familiarize yourself with the mountainside first of all, though.." she said with a slow nod. If Estella could rise to meet these hopes Amekaze had toyed with, she would certainly find herself on the fast track to establishing herself here.
Estella listened to Amekaze speak with great interest and hope.  She absorbed the information that the Alpha gave her and nodded at the appropriate times.  She was instantly loved the idea of helping teach the Alpha and other possible medics learn about how to use herbs.  A smile alight the young silver female's features.  "Thank you so much Amekaze, I would be honored to have a home here and to have the chance to teach about herbs would be a dream come true."  Stella told Amekaze with a smile.

Estella took a deep breath.  She was going to join Moonspear, but upon joining she would be leaving so much behind to have a new beginning.  Maybe one day in the future she would see Paikea, Thea and the rest of her family again, but for now she was on her own familywise.  Yet maybe she ould make her own family here.  Just maybe.  So excitedly and nervously Estella got ready to cross the border to come into Moonspear.
"You are welcome," she returned to the thanks and dipped her snout in a quick nod. With that, it was done. Estella was their newest recruit and now, Amekaze reached to nudge her shoulder gently -- a gesture meant to signal the beginning of their camaraderie and mark her as one of their own by subtle scent. The mountain was hers to learn now, so with enough time, she'd smell like one of them anyway.

With that, she motioned down a nearby trail. "I prefer to let wolves settle in on their own and to start at their own pace, but I will be nearby regardless. Nevertheless, consider this your formal welcome." she swayed her tail softly and backed a few lengths away for now. "My patrol continues." she added, only pausing in case she had further question. Now she was free to learn the terrain and meet the wolves of the pack. If there was nothing more needing said, Amekaze would be on her way.
Moonspear was her home now and Estella was delighted.  She knew almost instantly that this was the pack for her.  Already she really liked the Alpha female and the terrian of Moonspear just seemed unimaginable... gorgeous.  It was already so much better than just some forest that she had orignally been looking into.  So with that Stella crossed the border and into her new life.  She wondered what her sisters would think and hoped that if they could be here today with her that they would have liked this pack.  She was sure that they would have though, especially with what seemed like such a great leadership.

Once she was in Moonspear, Stella dipped her head in thanks to Amekaze, before starting down the nearby trail that her Alpha had motioned to without much or any hesitation at all.  She felt different as she did this, not bad different, not good different either.  She felt a new different... a fresh start.