Wolf RPG

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Little hunt for MK, attendance not mandatory but highly encouraged! c'mon, look at the tasty drama if we all show up! ;) @Harlyn @Tavi @Banner @Mordecai @Grace @Trick @Rhodes @Kirin @Tambourine @Silas @Larkspur @Pippin - if y'wanna totally make everyone's day Pip! 

Stark had done another mark on the borders, careful to make sure that he had reinforced them. After talking with Banner he still wasn't sure what they would do about the situation with the pack and things were getting more and more complex. He was making his way back towards the Crook to relax for a bit when he heard a sound not too far off. There was a bleeting, panic lacing the tones and Stark perked his ears up, seeking the sound. 

He tracked it down through the willows, almost towards Emberflame until he spotted a young moose who looked like it had injured its leg. It would mean a few things, first, that they'd have plenty of meat to store for awhile if they downed it, but, on the flip side, an injured beast as large as a moose would bring them a lot of trouble. He thought about their options for a moment before he lifted his head, calling for his wolves to come.
His ears swiveled towards the sound of the howl, and as he interpreted the message, an instinctual curiosity pulled his paws after it. Besides, it was easy enough to abandon his wanderings that were feeling aimless through the willows and he was helped by picking up Stark's trail towards the borders.

The boy didn't particularly rush towards him in favor of stalking closer quietly, but in decent time, he found himself edging up beside Stark with a questioning look on. Before he could muster a greeting, he caught sight of the moose even further ahead. That certainly kept him hushed, and he licked his lips anxiously about what could potentially follow.
So this cameo post ran away from me.....

Larkspur was sitting near the edge of the pack's territory when the howl rose into the air, causing her to flinch slightly and blink guiltily over one shoulder. Although she was right around the age when wolf pups began to get involved in matters like pack hunts, the young woman had no interest in reacting to the summons. She faced forward again, staring out at the wilderness, chewing her lower lip. Pippin was out there somewhere and, day by day, Spur grew convinced that he had gone back to Lost Creek Hollow and that she should follow him there.

But plenty of things held her back: fear, first and foremost; uncertainty as to how to find the hollow, should she try; not to mention the strong ties to her parents and Silas. The last thing they needed was for Larkspur to vanish too. She could try telling her parents about her intentions but Spur knew they would prohibit her from going anywhere. Mordecai didn't even seem to fancy her help when going out to look for her missing brother. And though they could hardly keep her here against her will—especially the mending Harlyn—she totally wasn't the type for rebellion, even with a cause.

A great sigh escaped her and her wide blue eyes shifted in another direction entirely. She still wasn't interested in the hunt surely unfolding by now, though Larkspur peered off toward the distant, obscured coastline and thought of Deirdre. A sudden hopefulness bloomed in her chest and Spur sprang to her feet. Deirdre had helped bring Mordecai home, so surely she could do the same with Pippin! And Harlyn knew the white sylph, as well as where she lived, so surely she wouldn't have a problem with it if Spur sought out the friendly witch.

There was the small chance her parents would object and Larkspur stilled, worrying her lip again. After a few moments of anxious indecision, she tipped her golden muzzle skyward and howled to let her parents and pack know she would be back soon. Before anyone could react—if anyone even heard her, considering the hunt underway—the little nymph slipped away from the Keep.
Tambourine was starting to resemble a real, actual wolf more and more these days. He was about to enter a rapid growth spurt and his body had already begun to lean and lengthen. He was all legs these days, gangly and awkward, and he was constantly starving. But he was still in good spirits, like always, flitting around the pack lands with his flyaway fur, floppy ear and punchy personality flung at his fellow marauders at every available opportunity.

He was still much too young to participate in something like a pack hunt, which required discipline, experience and a plethora of other skills Tambourine had yet to add to his repertoire. This did nothing to stop him from responding to Stark's summoning howl. The pup stopped in his tracks, immediately threw back his head and issued a long, loud, Awoo-woo-woo! He then scrambled in the Beta's direction.

"Stark-uh!" the youngster hollered when he arrived on the scene. He spotted Silas and grinned at the older boy, then bounded over to the leader, bumping his head roughly against the space where Stark's leg and shoulder met. "I wanna hunt! 'M so hungry, I'd could eat a whole bear!" Tambourine exclaimed. Just as he was oblivious to the pack's other pups' dislike of him, he was totally unaware that he had no place in today's joint venture.
Kirin perked at the howl, glancing up from patrolling. It wasn't far from here and it followed after the pained and panicked bleets of some kind of animal. Kirin followed the sound, halting as he approached the tiny group. 

He recognized the male as Stark but the young wolves were unfamiliar to him. He knew their scents of course and had seen them about but didn't know their names. 

Moving closer, Kirin nodded to the group and sat to wait for the others.
this is unfortunately also a cameo post for me since mordecai is gonna follow after larkspur. :X

He had just been returning from another uneventful search when Stark's call rose on the wind. For a moment the world seemed to go still as he picked up on the reason for the call, and it left him crestfallen. Though a natural hunter by trade, he didn't have the will in him to go. Never mind that their caches could have used a good haul to further bolster and restore them, his train of thought wandered and considered how much use he'd be if his mind would be less focused.

It didn't stay that way for long, when the faintest of calls reached him again. He didn't recognize it at first, be it from distortion or other interference, but the recognition hit him swiftly as he had started to make his way back towards where Harlyn was tucked away. Larkspur. Where was she going? Why? It seemed so unlike her to say she was leaving, so unlike her to be so far away.

He barely spent the time explaining to Harlyn his intentions—he wasn't about to let another one of his children wander alone in the wilderness. Not when it hadn't become their forte, so to speak, and not without better explanation. He set off swiftly to follow Larkspur's wake, which by then she had no doubt started well on her way.
Figure we've waited long enough, if folks wanna hop in they're welcome to! @Rhodes (if you have time!) @Banner @Tavi @Tamboruine @Silas @Grace @Trick @Kirin Next round engs August 13th

While the moose wasn't that big Stark still didn't want to deal with anyone getting hurt. They'd have to be careful, and if they were smart about it, they'd be able to down the beast and fill their stomachs. It would get them along through the next few weeks, give them a chance to bounce back from the recent issues and it would give him enough fuel to be able to help find the missing puppy. He wasn't surprised with Silas arrived and he smiled at the boy - it would probably be a welcome change to think of something other than the disruption of his family. Stark nodded as Kirin approached, waiting a bit to see if anyone else would come along. Tambourine exploded onto the scene and Stark leaned into his touch for a moment before chuckling. "Sorry kiddo - you've got an important job for me, watching here." He said. 

The call that Larkpsur was going out caught his attention and his ears perked, looking towards Silas as if to ask if he knew anything about it. He didn't know - and was woefully hopeful - that maybe Mordecai or Harlyn knew about it, or that there was a friend she was meeting nearby. His attention turned to another pained bleet of the moose calf, and by now it was obvious that none of their kind would be rescuing it. "So I've watched for a bit and none of the other moose have come back - it looks like he's getting tired too. They're still strong, and still dangerous, so we've got to be careful. And you-" He leveled his gaze on Tambourine. "-You can watch, because I want you to tell me who worked hardest. But you have to stay up here. Do not come down near that moose." He said sternly. He knew the boy didn't listen always (often) but he didn't have time to clear Tambourine out of harm's way and keep an eye on Silas just in case. 

"You guys in?" He asked. 
Late.  She was late!  Banner huffed and puffed as she sprinted directly to where ever the hell her brother had called from.  She darted through the willow trees in a surprising show of grace, though the short female doubted it woud last long.  Stark's call wasn't necessarily an emergency, but there was an urgency to it that she didn't dare ignore.

Banner slowed as she approached the small group of Marauders and assessed the scene through wide eyes. Okay, Stark and Kirin and some pups.  Right.  That was.. Uh.. Okay?  She came to a halt in front of her darker brother just in time to catch the tail end of his speech.  He'd given Tambourine strict instructions to watch the group only.  "Hey kid," she offered in quiet greeting to the boisterous youngster.  Banner was more direct in her official greeting with Kirin, Silas, and Stark - she offered them a small smile and a respectful nod.

"I'm in," she answered her brother as her gaze moved to watch the injured moose.  That'd sure feed the wolves of the Keep for a good long while.
Larkspur's sudden announcement had his ears folding back and worry manifesting on the rest of him quickly. The fact that it was so unlike her had really caught him off guard, and when Stark looked his way, Silas could just shrug with a worried grimace. Hopefully he would find out later, and the absence of his father on this hunting scene made him wonder too. He'd probably felt the same as all of them, only more so. Silas only hoped he'd find out more later on.

But someone had to help feed the family. The weight of that responsibility settled heavy on the only Ostrega in attendance.

Anyway, he peered at the other wolves who joined the party while Stark instructed Tambourine (who Silas tried hard to ignore as hard as he could) to stay put. He kept glancing now and then towards the moose, at least until the real details began to unfold. Silas swallowed nervously then nodded. He was in, best he could be. All of his inexperience aside, he was an able body -- long legs to chase after and a set of teeth to rend. He understood the hunt, the basic mechanics involved in any pursuit, and so on, but did need help on.. team efforts like this. He would just need a lot of guidance. Moose were all new game to him, too.. "Where should I be?" he asked quietly at Stark.
If not for two key words—important and job—Tambourine might have felt left out of things. Upon being assigned this most significant of duties, the pup barked and waved his tail. He grinned eagerly at the gathered hunters, then plopped his bottom on the ground to do exactly as he was told: keep watch. He didn't know what he would be watching, exactly, but he kept his eyes trained on the group like it was his job (since it was).

They began to discuss a strategy, Tambourine half-listening with his head cocked, when a question popped into the little one's head. "When d'we eat?" he asked abruptly, disrupting the adults' conversation as he licked his lips.
Next round ends August 19th! Gonna just PP Kirin through this to the end. Feel free to do the same, I guess!

Stark was pleased to see Banner show up, only glancing at Kirin as the male fell silent. Stark assumed that any instructions would be followed and he let it go. Silas was quick to respond and as always, Stark was pleased with the young apprentice hunter. He'd made sure to work towards his skills to improve and Stark was only hoping that he actually enjoyed himself. "I want you to try and keep away from it's legs." Stark said evenly as Silas asked what he should do. "Those big 'ol hooves hurt if they catch you." He tried to offer a little smile, hoping to end the day with a meal and not with yet another injured Ostrega. Harlyn would never forgive him if that happened! 

He glanced down the hill to the moose again, noting that the beast couldn't put weight on it's leg. "Look, it's favoring the front leg." He said, nodding towards the moose. He looked over at Banner and Kirin, considering for a moment his sister's sturdy, but small frame. Maybe they could help distract it, give Silas' and himself a chance to focus on getting the thing downed. "If we can distract it, maybe drag it down or at least take another leg out. We'll be sure to be successful." Stark said. 

His attention returned to the youngest member present, offering him a smile. "Watch us, so next time we have a hunt you can be out there too. When we take it down then we eat." Stark explained to him. With that, he waited for any other questions or comments before they got properly going.
His eyes stayed big as he drank this in -- all of it, or at least as much as he could absorb. Stark granted him some clarification and that promptly had him nodding. Accordingly, his sights trailed to the big hooves when pointed out and Silas had to lick his lips again then check himself for gawking, because he certainly felt like he was. Thankfully, the details of the plan distracted him, and lent him a new focus that wasn't considering what those mighty hooves could do to him, just a scrawny wolf compared to the great big moose with great big feet.

But Stark's plan inspired hope, and gave them directive. Distract and take another leg out. Just like that, it didn't really sound so bad..

There were a lot of ways they could get that done, though. Silas swallowed his nerves and glanced one more time toward Tambourine, silently hoping that he would continue to listen to Stark and stay put to just watch. With that all covered, he was ready to move forward himself.. and although he felt like there should have been more questions on his mind, he came up blank and overwhelmed all at once. He didn't know where to begin or what to even ask, exactly. Over and over, he just had to remind himself -- he could do this. He could watch the adults, see how the moose reacted, and just do it.

He wouldn't know until he got out there and tried, anyway.

He was as ready as he was ever going to be.
Nobody answered him. Tambourine watched Stark talking to Silas instead, the two of them looking at something off in the distance. The puppy felt a strange tightness in his gut but when he squinted past them and saw the moose, he forgot all about the brief twinge of jealousy. He bounced back onto his feet, though that was when Stark finally turned to look at him, explaining that they would eat the moose as soon as they took it down.

With the promise of fresh food coming his way soon, the pup planted his rear again, his gaze now fixed on that delicious moose. It didn't look very big—the puppy didn't realize it was simply the distance and perspective—so he just hoped the pack knew he was hungry enough to eat the whole thing himself.
Between the four of them, they'd get the job done.  Probably.  Banner watched as her brother explained things to Silas and reiterated the importance of Tambourine staying put.  To his credit, the kid seemed to want to listen and had plopped his little rear down to get front row seats.  She shrugged at that and shot Stark a grin.  Progress was progress.

She focused on their wounded target once more and noted happily that it didn't seem to be going anywhere.  The lack of its bretheren meant very good news for the small group of Marauders, too - no interference and much less chance of the younger among them sustaining injury.  Banner flicked her tail and motioned for Kirin head in her direction.

Together, the pair of wolves used a wide berth to skirt around the injured moose, both of them careful to stay out of sight until the moment was right.  It took a little while of quiet manuevering, but they were finally in place on the opposite side of the beast.  She kept a keen eye on her brother, waiting for a signal to dart out and distract it with the ultimate goal of Stark and Silas attacking from the opposite direction.  If all went as planned, they'd do quite well for themselves.
It was weird to be so proud of them, but, it was the overwhelming feeling that he had when it came to these wolves. His wolves. He could have lost his focus, fixating instead on the way that he felt about them but they had work to do and they needed to do. They'd be successful. He was determined to see it all play out that way. Stark nodded, leaning down to lick Tambourine's cheek before Banner and Kirin crept forward to get their footing. Once he saw the two starting to get into position Stark stepped closer to Silas, giving him a nudge. The boy was getting better in his skills and Stark thought that he just needed a bit more experience to grow his confidence. "When I give the signal they're going to get that moose to focus just on them. I'll sweep around to the side it's favoring and I'm gonna try and drag it down. I want you to try and grab ahold and help me get it down - once it's on it's side we'll have all the advantage." He explained quietly, switching effortlessly into work mode from the rather chatty and relaxed man he normally was. 

Once he saw the pair far enough on the moose's side to not spook it - not that he thought the thing would make much progress, it certainly hadn't yet. It's cries were still full of pain, desperate and terrified. Stark nodded, giving a snarl as he flew into action with Silas (hopefully!) keeping pace with him. It was easier this way, a small hunting party, and he could sweep to the far side once he was sure that Banner and Kirin had it's attention. He wanted to use the element of surprise and throw himself into action before the moose had a chance to figure out what was happening and to retaliate. Once they were closer Stark made a few passes at it's back legs, snapping his jaws to just further confuse the ungulate. He was careful to dance his way away from it's legs as quickly as he could to avoid a strike but he was a little distracted by trying to keep an eye on Silas too.

He didn't know which prospect was worse, taking a solid hit from a moose or the wrath of Harlyn if he brought Silas back with any injuries.
After one more nod and nervous gulp, he moved forward when the time was right and the other wolves were all in position as well. Slow at first, he wanted to keep Stark well in his sights so he could gauge his doings here until he could get his own feel for it. The plan sounded neat and certainly within their means to execute, so he believed, so now that things were rolling, Silas hoped to fall properly into place among the hunt.

He began to pick up speed, but would not ever find himself forwardly placed in this pursuit. For him, it was more about learning and contributing, not how much sheer damage he could do quickly or risk his own hide somehow. Still, he loped onward with Stark just ahead, ears pricked and eyes darting between all that moved around him. The moose loomed ever larger up close -- which was alarming for the whole spare half-second he had to consider it. There wasn't time for detailed fretting here, however. He had to keep moving. Silas wanted to see how they worked a little first, how it would handle wolves pressuring it, but he only had seconds to spare. He had to think fast.

Stark seemed to stay in perpetual motion when he struck for the hind legs, always sure to move nimbly aside before the injured beast could retaliate on him entirely. Silas didn't ever come that close himself, his watery confidence make it so, but he made for a few snarls and snaps to surely make things worse for the moose. He bounced back when necessary, and as the moose ailed, he studied -- watching and waiting for their opening to take this one step further.
As dedicated as he was to the cause, the young pup couldn't help but be distracted by a butterfly that suddenly fluttered right across his field of vision. He turned, eyes following it, then rose onto his paws and leaped into the air in an abortive attempt to capture the pretty winged insect. It was well beyond his reach, though, and soon drifted away on the breeze. Tambourine gazed after it until a series of snaps and growls drew his attention back to the hunt.

He watched raptly as the members of his pack closed in on the moose. When they didn't immediately and forcefully attack, Tambourine bellowed, "Get it!" from the sidelines. He had dropped into a partial crouch and his haunches were quivering in excitement as he spectated. He was actually far less excited by the adults' ferocity and prowess than he was about the notion of putting food in his belly.
Singularly focused on her brother for a signal as she was, Banner had blocked out the cries of pain from their prey.  She felt no remorse for what they were about to do - it was natural, anyhow.  This moose had been injured, left behind, and would soon be food for Marauder's Keep.  Simple.  The circle of life and all that. 

Luckily she and Kirin didn't have to wait long for Stark's signal.  Once the snarl reached her ears, Banner took off toward the moose, her intended path putting her directly in front of the alarmed creature.  She and Kirin came at it from the front with snarls and snaps.  She kept a keen eye on her brother and Silas, noting that they hadn't been injured and looked to be in good shape to take the moose down.

One particularly loud pain-filled bleat brought her attention back to the creature before her and she side-stepped quickly to avoid a timely kick of its front leg.  Banner snapped at the offending appendage but was glad that most of the moose's attention was squarely on herself and Kirin.  Now all she had to do was keep it occupied long enough for Stark and Silas to go in for the kill.
While Stark knew they had never tried an event like this as a pack since he had taken over he still was proud of the way that they moved. It was a unit, each piece playing it's part. Banner and Kirin kept the agitated moose stressed and focused on them. Stark kept trying to land a few superficial hits while still keeping his eyes on Silas, watching the boy's footwork. Soon he wouldn't be a boy anymore, already he was grown but still had so much to learn. For a moment he watched the boy as he lunged forward, snapping at the moose and felt his pride flourish. He was doing well. 

Stark let loose a deep growl, landing a hit on the moose's hind leg and giving a rough tug. The wound bleed profusely, maybe he'd caught an artery, but what happened next was just a smidge of poor planning. Before he could get away the moose struck him in the shoulder, causing the male to let out a yelp as he retreated a couple paces. It definitely hurt to put pressure on it but he wouldn't stop the hunt or leave the three to settle themselves. 

With a snarl Stark leapt at the moose, connecting at the shoulder. With a rough yank he aimed to bring the moose down, hoping his weight would be enough to bring the uneven beast down where he might get a little revenge for the strike to his shoulder. 
So fast. Silas took it in, relinquishing himself to the age old dance of predator and prey. Instinct helped fill in a few of the gaps that inexperience left unpatched, but overall, he was adjusting. Everything looked to be going to plan. He couldn't foresee it happening better, no matter how fast the seconds skimmed by with his focus so consumed on survival and helping them fell this beast so the pack could eat.

He smelled the rush of blood and only from the corner of his eye, caught a glimpse of Stark limping back. Silas' momentum was already moving forward since the moose was distracted appropriately by the others, he couldn't rework in time. However his teeth didn't find lasting purchase on its flank. He swung away, out of reach to circle wider with a mouthful of fur. He'd underestimated the toughness of the hide and the lack of time he'd have to make a good grip.

But it was part of the process. The wheels were turning. He understood and he'd be back for more, and next time, better.

Stark's dark fur went lunging forward just as Silas wheeled back around to ready his own self. After watching him hit the shoulder, the juvenile followed after the moose's hips on the same side, and lunged teeth-first with more power than before. All he wanted was to give more momentum forward to help him fall and offset his balance -- during which may give Stark, Banner, or Kirin ample time to go for the throat. Silas didn't have the confidence to go up there himself yet, not when watching out for these hind hooves was difficult enough. But he was watching, readied to try to shift if necessary.

As soon as he could grab onto the creature, he landed first on its leg above the knee. With his might, he dug deep and tried to rend what he could reach. With two wolves upon it (and more nearby) and two potentially compromised legs, the injured beast's disadvantage kept getting wider.

He felt it falling soon after, and he was there by its hips to make sure it would stay down once there.
The instant the prey hit the ground, Tambourine burst into motion, shuffling toward the hunting party. When he came upon the carcass, his eyes flew comically wide. "Whoa!" he said, impressed by the size of the beast now that he was up close. His pack mates had somehow killed this thing too. There was no way he could eat it all by himself, at least not in one go. But not for lack of trying; he was ready to dig in!

"Stark?" he said in a sort of begging voice. He knew he needed the man's permission to eat, though he couldn't help but wiggle and prance and drool everywhere as he eyeballed the heaps and heaps of fresh meat laid out before them.
Once the beast was down Kirin and Banner helped to subdue it. Stark lifted back to place the killing blow, his jaws clamping hard on it's neck - maybe a little vindictive, sure, but, he shook hard. Harder than was necessary sure but his shoulder was still hurting and he would probably nurse the bruise a little bit for awhile. When he felt the moose sag and go limp he stepped back, licking the blood from his maw as he regarded his wolves. "Good job," He hummed softly, his eyes resting for a moment on Silas with a little smile. 

He was proud of the effort - especially from the youngster, even though it was a little concerning that Mordecai and Larkspur had taken off. At least they'd said something, he guessed, although he had to wonder where they were going. He started to rip into the kill, pulling some of the organs out specifically for Tambourine. He took a few of his favorite pieces for himself before he nodded to Banner, Silas, and Kirin. 

"Go ahead," He offered with a little chuckle, not wanting to make the puppy wait any longer. Although it was a comical idea to make the boy wait and see what sort of a tizzy he worked himself into he couldn't make himself wait any longer. He was proud of them, definitely, and he appreciated the efforts. They'd fill their caches for awhile from this kill certainly.