Wolf RPG

Full Version: Mama, I'm a big girl now
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Adeline laid at the entrance of the den, much like she had every day since her attack. Her shoulder still hurt, though it was a little duller these days, and the torn flesh was beginning to mend itself. She groomed it often and was doing a mostly good job of keeping it clean. 

Until now, Adeline's life had been mostly sheltered and protected. She had never even had a hangnail, let alone any big injury. For the first week or so, the pup had mostly slept, finding it was the only way she got through the pain. Dad told her it would help her heal, too, if she didn't do a lot of moving around. 

While Adeline would follow his orders to rest and heal properly, her mind wandered. She had realized the attack hadn't saddened her. It angered her. She didn't feel much smaller than the rest of the pack, even though she seemed surrounded by large males, and so she felt like she should have been able to defend herself a little better than she had. She had grown a lot even in the past few weeks, and she knew she wanted more lessons from Ezekiel. 
Philos had been running and bounding through his new found territory and hopfully home. He wanted to see it all, feel it all, and know all of his territory. The sound of his claws clicked as she ran over the rock like terrain. He thick fluffy fur brushed against the dibris rusling through. He began to slow down to a trot as she swived his head back and forth taking in all the sites around him. 

Unknown to him he was walking somewhat near the den where Adeline was. He was up wind so the pup could have been able to smell him but not the other way around. He was about 20 maybe 30 feet away from the den. He was unaware his close proximity. Even though he was 20 maybe 30 yards away if someone called or made a lound enough noise he would hear it as he had his ears pricked wanting to take in all the noises of his new home.
The wind shifted, and a new scent caught Adeline's nose. She lifted her head from the ground as her ears perked, trying to listen for sounds. She wasn't aware of any new members, and the new scent had caught her off guard. With her healing injury, she was immediately on alert. 

Her hackles raised, but her instinct told her to remain quiet. She raised to a standing position, her nose tilted up in the air to try and find out just where the stranger might be. As quiet as she knew she needed to be, she couldn't hold back the growl that came forth from her throat.
With his ears having been pricked he heard a strange sound from the distance. It was the sound of Adeline's faded growl which to Philos almost soundsed like a grumble. He turned his head with his ears cupped in the direction of the noise. He walked toward in neither fast or slow, steady unaware the nature of the sounds. 

As he came closer he began to see what looked like a den and standing in the entrance looked to be a small pup. Philos thought it must be Adeline, the neice Steady had discribed to him. His tail swayed slowly side to side happy to meet an new member of the pack especially if that new member he was meeting was a pup. When he came close enough that they both could see eachother clearly,but still had quite a bit of distance between the two, he spoke to her. "Hello there. My name is Philos. I am a new member to your pack... You must be Adaline, your uncle Steady told me alittle bit about you." He said smiling. He wanted to sound calm and friendly he knew that many pups could be scidish especially of wolves they didn't know. He hoped she wouldn't be afraid of her.
Adeline is five months old, so she's bigger than her avatar- I'm just lazy and haven't updated it yet!

A wolf appeared from the brush and Adeline's hackles raised to full mast. He came forward, and she bared her teeth, releasing a full on growl from her throat in warning. Knowing she was at a disadvantage with her injury, she shifted so that the injured shoulder was blocked from the stranger, but she didn't completely present her side to him. 

He claimed he was a new member and that her Dad, as she now called him, told the male about her. No one has said anything about you, she accused. Adeline hadn't come upon a stranger since she met Grayday, but she had been much more trusting back then. Because of her injury, and her brain development, she knew not to trust strangers. Knowing she couldn't fight off the much larger male, Adeline lifted her muzzle to the sky to call for help. 
The pup was very defencive as Philos approatched bearing her teeth and growling at him. Even after he explained himself to her she was still skeptical. Because of this Philos decided to sit down, still somewhat away from her. He wouldn't step and closer unless she was more accepting of him. 

Word of his acceptance into the pack wouln't have gone far as he had been accepted onmy a few hours prior. He continued to explain him self "I was only accepted into the pack earlier today." Thinking that she wouldn't believe this either he thought that maybe being more friendly would make her feel more comfortable with him. "You're very smart to be wary of strangers. Is their anyway I could prove to you I'm who I say I am?" he was hoping what she would ask for he could do right then and there and not have to come back with Steady to prove it. He hoped he wouldn't have to do that everytime he meet a new member o the pack.
Her muzzle lowered from her howl, and her gaze bore into him, not wavering, even as he sat down. What he said could have very well been true, but Adeline had no way of knowing whether it was or not. He asked what he could do, and Adeline thought for a moment. In her true stubbornness nature, she stuck to her guns. Yeah. You can wait for someone I do know to come and tell me that what you say is true. She would not give in on this, and hoped someone would come soon.

It had been a couple of months since Adeline had met anyone new, and so meeting strangers was not something she was accustomed to. Her generally positive and upbeat attitude had been replaced with aggression and unfriendliness at the first scent of him, and it would not soon depart unless one of her pack mates heeded her call.
Steady had not been far from the den site when Adeline's call rang in his ears. He immediately picked up his pace, hearing the urgency in her howl. He came out of the brush and entered the small clearing, his gaze first on Adeline, whose hackles were raised, and then shifted to Philos, who looked rather calm in the face of an aggressive wolf.

What's going on? he asked, making his way over to stand beside Adeline, as she would have his full support until he was convinced otherwise. Philos was a new wolf, and Steady wondered if he had upset Adeline. But, he would make sure to keep an open mind. His eyes shifted from one wolf to the other, waiting for a reason for the call.
Adeline had howled for a menber of the pack to confirm his acceptance into the pack. He nodded to her request and waited from a new wolf to enter the picture. He really hoped that it would be Steady that came seeing as he was the only wolf in the pack that knew of his acceptance into the pack earlier that day. 

Then, not too long after Steady appeared. He went to Adeline's side and asked about the current situation. Philos stood up and nodded at Steady's arrival, bowing his head a bit to acknowledge him. "Hello Steady. I was attempting to introduce myself to your niece, but it seems she wanted confirmation of my recent acceptance into the pack." he spoke with his head down out of respect and raised it after he finished. He had hoped that with Steady being here this whole confusion would be solved.
Thankfully, Dad had come quickly at her call, as she was confident he would. She could always count on him to be her protector. She opened her maw to answer his question, but the stranger beat her to it. Her ears swiveled in agitation, but she remained silent as he explained. But, by the fact that Steady hadn't readily attacked the stranger, she had already surmised that he was, indeed, newly accepted. Steady need only confirm it with his words.

She wasn't really sure what made her distrust the male so. He hadn't done anything wrong, and had been respectful. Maybe it was her injury, and her feeling of helplessness. She would not be so ready to defend herself with her shoulder healing, and she simply hadn't wanted to take the chance that she would be on her own in a fight.
Philos explained the situation, that he was merely trying to introduce himself to Adeline. And, since his niece voiced no opposition to that, Steady assumed it was true. His gaze turned to Adeline. I'm sorry, word hasn't traveled yet, but he is a new member of the pack. And, as far as I can tell, a nice one at that. He hoped it would calm Adeline's distrust of the male.

He was glad Adeline took the initiative to call someone to confirm, rather than simply trust the male. While someone was most always on border patrol, and the chances of someone getting past them was minute, it was good to know that should someone get it, Adeline would sound the alarm instead of just assuming what they said was true.
Philos remained standing in the same spot as he nodded and smiled toward Steady. Silently thanking him for confirming his new arrival to the pack. He hoped that this would make Adeline less agressive toward him though after what had happened he didn't expect her to welcomr him fully instantly. 

He waited for her reply. Hoping she would be understanding. He hope this would allow them to talk more and become more acuainted, maybe not this instant but sometime in the near future. He waited wanting to confirm her understanding of the situation.
Steady confirmed that what the male was saying was true, and Adeline began to regard him with more curiosity and less hostility. However, it didn't come easily. But, he was a pack mate, and there was no reason to distrust him right off the bat, especially if Steady had seen fit to accept him in the first place.

Her gaze turned to Steady. Thanks, Dad, she said softly, using the title for the second time to him. She had never stopped to consider how he might feel about it, as she didn't think it was anything negative. It was how she felt, and she expressed that. Her gaze turned back to Philos. I am Adeline, she confirmed, remembering that he had guessed who she was. 
It seemed things were settled, and Adeline was happy. Enough, anyways. He gave her a quick nudge, and moved to the edge of the clearing to lay down. He was far enough away that the two could have a little privacy to interact, but close enough that if either needed him, he was there. He was still very protective over Adeline, and would act in an instinct to protect him. 

He laid down on his stomach, and rested his head on his forelegs, his eyes wandering around until they eventually closed. He snoozed, but remained aware of his surroundings.

Last from Steady unless we need him
Philos heard Adeline refer to Steady as "dad" which confused him for a moment. He was sure he had heard Steady say she was his neice, and he didn't correct him when philos refered to her as his niece. But Philos also didn't hear of any brother or sister of Steady within the pack and assumed that Steady would be the closest male related to her, which would explain the father figure. 

Once Steady had confirmed things she then eased up a bit stating that she infact was Adeline, but Philos had little doubt as to if that was true. He looked and smiled at her to say "Nice to meet you Adeline." and nodded. He walked closer to her hoping that she wouldn't become agressive again after the comfirmation of him place in the pack.
He walked closer, and Adeline sat back on her haunches, feeling more confident now that Steady was placed nearby. She glanced at him, noticing his eyes began to droop. But, she didn't think he was really sleeping. Or, even if he was, she trusted he would be here in a flash if she called for him again. 

Her eyes went back to the male before her. Nice to meet you, too, she responded. She was still a little leery of him, but she refused to let that get the best of her. She was a stubborn, confident female by nature, and she wouldn't be scared of him. Where did you come from? she asked. She hadn't met anyone before that wasn't already here when she was younger. So, this whole situation was new for her. It was weird, in a way. She had grown up with the rest of her pack, and though she knew they weren't born here, it was as if they were to her. But, Philos was a little more interesting, given he could tell her about the outside world.
When she responded back saying it was nice to meet him aswell he smiled. It was the first words to him that weren't agressive/or neutral but rather positive. She sat down and Philos did the same. She asked where he came from and to that he replied, "Oh, I'm from Alaska. The winters there are much coler then the ones here, which is why my coat is so thick." after this remark he shook him fur tio display its size and thickness.

Refering to his coat he continued "It makes summer and hot weather unbearable, which is why Steady found me on the glacier." It would be winter soon enough and then Philos would be able to bound through the snow as he loved to do. Just the thought of it made him smile. His began to pant a bit with is tounge out.

"Have you been in this pack since birth?" He ask assuming that a wolf this young would have been born into the pack.
Her ears perked when he said he was from Alaska. It wasn't a place she had ever heard of before. Rightly so, since she was pretty sheltered here. Where is Alaska? she asked as he shook his coat out. Her gaze went to her own, which was short and coarse compared to his own. His looked lush and soft. On impulse, she rose and went to him, no longer fearing him, especially since Stead still nearby. She took the liberty of extending her nose out in an attempt to brush it across his fur to see if felt like it looked. Mine keeps me pretty cool, she commented, almost needing to point out a plus to her own coat, since his looked nicer.

She nodded to his next question. Yeah, I was born on the mountain, she answered. She was unaware of the weirdness of her and her Dad's relationship. It was familiar to her, since she lived it, and had never wondered how it looked to outsiders. Why did you leave Alaska? she asked.
When she asked where Alaska was he looked around, trying to recall there north, south and ect was. He then nudged his head to the north west. "Up and over that way... North West mostly." 

After he had shook his coat she came up to him to feel it with her nose almost suddenly. She then remarked about how hers kept her cold. he laughed a bit at the young wolf's curiosity and comment. "Ya, sometimes I wish mine wasn't so big and insolating." giving praise to the her pelt even though it was different then his.

As he had guess, she had been born in the mountains. She then ask why he had left him pack and to this he thought alittle bit. "Hmm. Well... To be honest there isn't a really big reason. I just wanted to see what was out there outside of Alaska. Change my surrounds a bit."
Her head turned in the direction of north west, as if she'd be able to see Alaska. It was a tall mountain, but not that tall. Even if it was, Alaska would still be too far away for her to see. 

He didn't seem to mind that she took liberties with him and invaded his personal space, and it made her like him more. He commented on his coat again, though it was against it. She supposed she could understand, but in her eyes, the grass was greener on the other side. It looks nice, though, she said. 

It seemed he didn't have any reason to leave his home. Adeline glanced at Steady before her eyes turned back to Philos. Do you miss your family? she asked. Adeline loved her family, loved her home, but there were moments where she wished she could go explore more, see more. A ping of guilt that came any time she thought that was almost painful. She wondered sometimes just how much it hurt that her sister had left, but she had never got the courage to ask.
Philos didn't mind Adeline's closness or her many questions. He was over all very friendly, willing, and at times too much so. When she commented about how nice his pelt looked he layed how extending his front legs and said "Well thank you." smiling. He was now close to eye site with her, maybe a bit lower then her but he felt it better then him towering over her with his emence size. 

She asked if he missed his family. He thought for a bit again, never thinking of these question himself. "Well... Sure I do, but I know they are well, and happy, and so am I. They'll always have a place in my heart. We said our goodbyes with good spirits and here I am now." he had been looking off in the distance as he said this almost as if he saw his family in front of him agreeing with every word he was saying.
They were close, with Adeline standing to his side, facing him. He was a large wolf, much more than she, but his head was lower. Something in Adeline, somewhere deep, rumbled with acknowledgement. A dominant side of her that had laid dormant, up until now. It was in her blood, through both her father and mother, as both were leaders; her mother more so a tough one that demanded submission. Adeline had never thought she'd feel like that; didn't really know it existed until this moment. But, now that she felt it, she craved more of it. Her eyes were on him, gauging his reaction as her body began to stiffen, her tail making its way upward, testing the boundaries. She wasn't aggressive, but she was curious about this new-found feeling inside her. 

Her shoulder tinged with pain and her head turned towards it, breaking the sort of trance she was in. Her tail dropped, and she was forced to relax, or else suffer more. She plopped her butt down on the ground as her the feelings dissipated. But, they didn't completely disappear. She would explore them later.

Her head tilted a bit as he confessed that he he missed his family, but had left on good terms with them. Is being a loner hard? she asked. One might delve deep into her questions, and maybe a part of Adeline really want to experience life outside the pack. But, she simply didn't have the guts to leave right now.
As he lay on the ground the little Adeline's personality seemed to change. If only a alittle for a short while. Her tail rose slightly though with her being so younge and not demanding anything as she did Philos took it as her practicing or experiencing ranks being shown in physical ways rather then verbal. This soom changed as her head turned to her side before she sat down. Did that hurt her? he though.

But his thoughts were interupted as she asked him yet another question. This time about his time inbetween packs, as a loner. Hmm... Kinda. It can get lonely at times traveling alone. I imagine it would be harder for extended periods of time, but I wasn't a loner for too long. I meet your ... father ... soon after ariving to these wilds." he said father this time as she had called Steady dad before.
As quickly as her experimented started, it ended with the pain in her shoulder. Philos was unresponsive to it, anyways, and so Adeline's brain quickly moved on from what happened. Her shoulder, however, would ache for a little while, reminding her that it was still healing.

He confessed that being a loner could be hard, but he hadn't been one for long before joining Silvertip Mountain. She caught the pause when he mentioned her father, and her gaze moved to Steady momentarily before shifting back to Philos. She wasn't shy about herself or her past, and she gathered he was curious. Technically, he's my Uncle, but I feel like he's my Dad... My other one died just after I was born, and then my Mom not very long after, she explained openly. She did leave out the sordid details, as she didn't like to think about them much, even if she did understand.
Adeline explained who she called her unlce Steady "father" assuring Philos that he hadn't heard Steady wrong when he had said Adeline was his neice. She also told him why she called him father, saying that her father and mother had both died when she was younge. Philos couldn't imagin how hard it must be to lose your parents at such a younge age or at all. 

"I'm sorry to hear you had to go through that..." he apologized. "I'm glad Steady was kind enought to take you in as his own." he said looking over at Steady out of the corner of his eye thinking about what a nice guy he was for doing that.
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