Wolf RPG

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ooc: for the hunter trade.

While no one was watching and with only Junebell snickering in the back of her head, Foxglove took the opportunity to give into childish joys. From early youth she had been drawn to all kinds of waters - was it a tiny puddle or a big lake - the dappled wolf would be there to take a dip. She would swim, lie down, splash around, dig the mud and pick the weeds (or whatever was found at the bottom) out and then - wet, dirty, often stinky, but very, very satisfied with herself, she would go home.

Foxglove had found that she did not like the salt pools very much, because they made her very thirsty and her feet itchy. And, of course, there was hardly any food found there. Therefore she would often hang around the river that ran next to the territories. Frogs - despite the end of the season - were still abundant and now and then she would be lucky to catch a fish too. And this was she doing now - because playing around in water made one hungry. No matter the age. 

Standing almost chest deep in the stream, her gaze was fixed at, what happened under the water, waiting for the perfect opportunity.
Hello! Hope you don't mind Freyja, she's going to the hunter trade, too!

Delicate pawsteps had brought her to the river that day, fondly recalling the time in which she and her father had splashed around. Though he was not with her now, she had felt that today seemed like the perfect day to go and splash around. Not letting on her plans to any of her siblings, Freyja decided to go alone, opting for a quieter day to herself. Despite her need for companionship, the child just felt the need to be alone for a little bit and keep to herself.

Surprise came about her as the river came into sight and as unfamiliar figure was poised in the middle of the stream. Her head craned as she watched on and her tail waved as a sense of curiosity came about her.Questions of what the wolf was doing instinctively came to mind, but Freyja remained quiet and simply looked on, waiting on the other’s next move.
Foxglove was very good at sensing, when she was being watched. It annoyed her and distracted her, therefore a "would-have-been-kill" just slipped through and swam away. The she-wolf muttered something nasty under her breath and then turned to see, who was responsible for her failure. 

"Great," she growled, spotting the kid and making her way out of the water. Had it been one of her siblings, she would have lashed out at her without any hesitation. Those little toads had to know their place. Since this was practically a stranger and should Foxglove attempt to even touch a hair on this kid's head, she would meet a certain end. 

Act nice, act nice... Junebell chanted in her head, while Foxglove winced thinking - easy for you to say. "Aren't you a little lost?" she asked then, sitting down a small distance away and looking down at the fuzzball. "Bad things happen to kids, who wander too far away from the family."
She was quickly turned off by the stranger’s words, a frown forming heavily on her lips as she looked to the other. “No, I’m not lost,” she replied quickly, her stance perking as she lingered at a distance. “I’m exactly where I need to be.” With that said, the child sat.

She knew that she was safe within the borders of Sleeping Dragon and she had learned that it was only when she stepped outside of the boundary that danger lurked. As silence settled between the pair, the child leaned forward towards the air that separated the pair and sniffed lightly, as if seeing if this other wolf was lost. After all, she had never seen her before. But, regrettably, Freyja could tell that the other was exactly where she was supposed to be.
Kids... Foxglove gave a crooked grin, when the girl announced that she was safe even, when so near the borders. She had the foolish trust in her family's ability to save her from every trouble and had not yet learned that the danger loomed not only from outside but also from within. How much time would it take for the dappled she-wolf to end the girl's life? A swift movement and well-aimed bite - she would not emit a single sound. 

Yet as tempting was the prospect of giving a "real-life" lesson, she was no fool to toy with her chances of staying in the pack and alive for that matter. She therefore settled for a less harmful option. "I would watch out, if I were you," Foxglove said in a conversational tone, first casting a knowing glance at the kid, then turning her interest at her left forepaw. She examined a broken nail for a bit and then continued. "Rumor has it that hungry loners are prone to trespass and... eat children gone astray."
She was all too confused by the other’s word, her brows raising in response to what was spoken. “But my Noni and Heda would not allow that,” she interjected with suspicion. After all, she knew that Thuringwethil, Gavriel, and the other Gona’s worked hard on the pack’s border and were vigilant in their patrols.

“Unless,” she said as the gears of her mind went to work on just what this wolf’s business was. “You’re a bad wolf?” she stiffened at this thought, the hair along her nape began to rise as her instincts began to kick in.