Wolf RPG

Full Version: try is the key term
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There was a lot to like about these new lands, he thought. There hadn't been much time for sightseeing during the trip there, but now that he was on his own and less worried about Adeline (still the same amount of worry for Amber, though), it was easier to see the natural beauty of the land. Day had always appreciated wide open spaces, having been born into a snowy wonderland of just that - but there was something to be said for all these colors. The flowers were all in bloom, the grass was bright and crisp under his paws, and the sweet smell of dying summer in the air.

"I could get used to this," he sighed, slowing his pace to a happy amble.

He was slightly less pleased when the strangely familiar scent of rot and mud came into his nose. There was a giant, wet, brown cesspool right in his path - one that reminded him of Doe, because he'd met her in a place like this. He supposed he should be grateful, but Day didn't think he'd ever be grateful to have been in a marsh.

Except, maybe getting his eyes back would be worth it.

With a soft sigh, he trudged straight through it.