Wolf RPG

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All welcome, but paging @Starbuck and @Lærkee specifically. ♥
We had not planned on this thread, but the girls should be friends and Lotte misses her brother~

The resolution to reveal her true identity to the Blackrock warband had lightened Lotte’s heart considerably. Her duty to Constantine had been loyally, if agonizingly, served; she had no further reason to continue the ruse, and Kitku could finally be laid to rest. No matter the outcome of her private confessions to the wolves she held dear, the Ansbjørn girl would be free to do as she pleased and be who she pleased. She bounded haphazardly through Donnelaith on this particularly sunny autumn afternoon making a ridiculous amount of racket and almost certainly disturbing all of the forest’s residents — autumn itself had gotten into her, and the promising chill in the air that lingered despite the glow of sunshine filled her with an exhilaration that would have exhausted even Dagfinn and Lærke.

Large paws kicked up leaflitter and ricocheted off boulders, logs, and tree trunks with glee — despite the deceptive thickness of her pelt that seemed to pad her sides with an extra helping of fat, Lotte was an athletic and nimble rogue and her soot-stockinged legs moved with fluid swiftness as she danced a few shimmying sidesteps. Throwing back her head, she burst into song:

“Jos sais kerran reissullansa
nättiä tyttöä halata,
jos sais kerran reissullansa
nättiä tyttöä halata,
oishan se paljon mukavampaa
reissulta kotia palata,
oishan se paljon mukavampaa
reissulta kotia palata.”
i always want a kj thread

It was the song she heard at first, boisterous and ringing with joy. Within it was such sheer happiness that Starbuck immediately diverted herself from her less riveting task. She followed the song and the sound of the underbrush kicked up by large paws. When Starbuck finally came upon the source of the song, she found a wolf of great size, built far larger and stronger than Starbuck's own delicate figure. She was a pleasant wash of greyscale, her eyes were like quicksilver. She danced beneath the trees, and Starbuck found her breath taken away by the beauty and the liberty of it all.

Oh, how she wished she could sing along! The words and melody both were unfamiliar. And so she merely hovered a safe distance from the woman, for fear of disturbing her dance or causing her to finish early. Starbuck watched, rapt, and said nothing.
I wrote replies to all of Lotte and Coelacanth’s threads this morning and my computer ate every single one of them.
Hence, this will suck and I have no will to make it better. I am sorry. ♥

It was inevitable that Lotte and Starbuck’s paths would cross, for the soot-stockinged rogue’s rollicking gait carried her nearer and nearer to the paprika-peppered coywolf. Lotte’s attention was snared mid-pirouette — she was no dancer, but her large paws were surefooted and stopped on a dime when she caught sight of her slimly-muscled packmate. Without reserve or hesitation, the tundra bard swung her hips in a strategic sidestep that brought her nearer still to her audience; at this close proximity, the differences between the pair became startlingly vivid. The red in Starbuck’s salt, pepper, and nutmug-dusted pelt was made redder by the Lotte’s grayscale palette; beside the wisp of a coywolf, the Ansbjørn appeared zaftig and heaviy-boned; and the set of Lotte’s small, triangular ears drew sharp contrast to Starbuck’s elongated, rounded ones. When she was close enough to melt in wonder at the cerulean beauty of the sylph’s eyes, “Dance with me, kukkatanssija,” begged Lotte a little breathlessly, her athletic musculature weaving a ring around her agemate. To encourage the girl, Lotte repeated the first verse of her song, finding Starbuck as bewitching as the queen they both served.

“Jos sais kerran reissullansa
nättiä tyttöä halata,
jos sais kerran reissullansa
nättiä tyttöä halata,
oishan se paljon mukavampaa
reissulta kotia palata,
oishan se paljon mukavampaa
reissulta kotia palata.”
dude that's literally the worst. i'm so sorry!!! don't worry about ur posts they're always a gift

The language was similar to Laerke's, and the woman held a likeness to him that spoke of some familial connection. Their similarity immediately bought Starbuck's affection, for though she had not seen him in some time, she had enjoyed Laerke's company. Starbuck gave the woman an appraising once-over, then broke into a grin as bright as the sun at her invitation. She did not speak, for she felt as though she had been bewitched by the northwoman. Whatever spell lay over her was a pleasant one, and she did not wish to break it with her words.

When the singer circled her, Starbuck turned a tight circle in time with her, then broke it to press against the great woman's side for a moment. Then she broke away from this contact, too, dancing a few feet away on light paws. Then she rollicked and leapt with grace, timing her steps with the swell of the singer's song.
Kind of half-asleep writing. I apologize for the wait!

Starbuck was a graceful, sprightly creature, her long, slender legs blurring in a flurry of motion as she pirouetted and then pressed her petite framework against the smoke-and-shadow bard. Beneath the plush of her thick, insulated pelage, Lotte boasted a lean, athletic form befitting her role as a rogue; even so, she towered over the paprika-peppered coywolf, appearing sturdy and zaftig in comparison. When Starbuck danced away, leaping and frolicking in time to Lotte’s song, the soot-stockinged hoyden immediately regretted the loss of contact — and when she judged the song had fully run its course, she flopped unceremoniously into a sitting position with a burst of hearty laughter. “Ai!” she sighed contentedly, craning her neck to preen the ashen cowl of heavy fur that ringed her throat before focusing her full attention on the labhandair. Kukkatanssija,” she said in a throaty murmur, her alto rich and warm, “yours is a bright spirit to behold. Shall I sing more for you?”
When the song came to its end, Starbuck tossed her head and laughed, shaking her head as though some tuft of fur had become unruly during her dance. None had, but she took the moment to preen anyway before slipping up to the singer's side. The woman's voice was smooth and warm, a sun-warmed rock on a cold day. Starbuck would have liked to listen to it forever, but she could settle for an encore. It would not be remiss, she said vaguely, eyes fixed upon the singer's. But first, o singer sweet, will you not tell me your name? I am Starbuck.
Watching raptly as the coywolf labhandair turned her head and preened delicately at her feathery, cinnamon-spicd ruff, “Starbuck,” Lotte repeated slowly, the new and already beloved syllables falling reverently from her tongue. “I will sing for you until you tire of my noise and threaten to throw me from the highest sequoia,” she promised grandly, utterly smitten with the coywolf. Indeed, as brilliant blue met glimmering silver, Lotte felt a weakening in her knees and slid bonelessly to her side, rolling onto her back to reach up with large, saucer-like paws in an attempt to frame her agemate’s décolletage. “Where have you come from, kukkatanssija?” she wondered. “From what exotic land does such a beauty spring?” And the single question sparked a river of chatter shared equally between the grayscale hoyden and her richly-colored companion as they shared songs and stories.