Wolf RPG

Full Version: We'll give the world the world to you, and you'll blow us all away
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@Sebastian @Aviana @Odette
Rest of the pack welcome to mill around the den lol
Pearl awoke with a start from her nap in the middle of the day, shooting pains going through her abdomen. She quickly stood up, gasping, and let out a short howl to her husband to let him know their kids were arriving. And certainly soon.

Waddling her way to the whelping den they'd dug earlier, she delt with the sporatic lightning pains that occured closer and closer together. The pale woman paced outside the den, wincing with every violent contraction. Frick, is this supposed to hurt this much? she thought, becoming increasingly hormonal with the inevitable coming of her kids. She grinded her teeth together as she pulled through a longer contraction, definitely the worst so far. Little did she know, it wouldn't be the worst she'd endure that day. With one last look around the outside world as a wolf not a parent, she breathed in one last breath of fresh air before heading down into the whelping den. 

Pearl attempted to control her breathing throughout the now short and awful dear-sweet-jesus-there-is-a-war-going-on-down-there contractions, but it didn't really help. Well, they were here, and while she was excited, it was still a scary experience for the first time. She let nature's instict take over, but her small body was pushing out a rather large puppy, so it didn't stop her from gasping and clawing at the dirt while it traveled the course of birth. With a final cry of determination, she gave a last push, exposing her firstborn @Mato to life outside the womb. More calmly than expected, she carefully pulled the male over to her side, licking and niping away the sac and fluids from his tiny grey face. So her firstborn came to breathe air with tiny adorable noises, filling her heart with pride and adoration. I have a son. Look at him. My son. So handsome. He looks like me and Seb. My kid. She smiled at him adoringly, filled with so much more now that she had a child of her own. Instictively pulled him over to suckle on a teat, giving him another lick over the head. 

Another searing pain was a harsh reminder of 'hey lady you ain't done yet, you got more kids'. Pulling her attention from her small and squirming son, she resumed the terrifying process of birth. This next one seemed to be graciously smaller than the first, but not by much at all. She was very well prepared to start yelling, because this freaking hurt and where the frick was Seb. Hormones wouldn't let him near her pups at first, at least until they were all delivered. Speaking of which, her second born slid out with nothing short than a loud 'auGHHHH COME oN!!' and a motley of muttered Lakota curses. And thus were the first words @Nova came into the world to. She hoped they couldn't hear, but she couldn't remember when they could. She pulled another darker colored pup, all browns, over to her side, wondering where that coloring came from as she cleaned her up. With hormones racking her brain, she couldn't very well come to a straight conclusion. But look at this! It was a girl! And she was beautiful! Grinning stupidly when she made little puppy noises, Pearl gently nuzzled the heads of her two feeding kids with a chest exploding with pride. She made good things. 

Apparently two things were not enough, as her attention was drawn away once again by another contraction. 'HOW MANY OF THESE DO I HAVE?? HOW MANY GOOD THINGS?' she thought, more joyfully this time as this one didn't seem as painful. @Ivy slid out with ease, her being smaller than the rest of her siblings. Pearl was fine with this. Three was all there was, right? This was a good number for their family, she thought blissfully, ignoring the bloodied and torn birth canal, having passed most of the levels of pain down there. The new mother cleaned off her smaller pale daughter, happily licking her three suckling children.

With a start came the worst contraction yet. Pearl was nearly writhing in pain, but had to try and keep still for the sake of her fragile newborns at her side. OH MAKA WHAT THE FRICKITY FRACK IS THIS, came the passionately yelled words of the confused mother. Four puppies? How were they gonna handle this? Where did four even come from, and more importantly, why was the last one the biggest? With a torturous few minutes spent panting heavily and wincing, the fourth and final puppy was pushed out of the by now unrecognizable birth canal. Born into blood, brief yelling, and slient swearing still being muttered. Sounds about right. Perfect situation to be born into. With a heaving sigh of relief, she suspiciously eyed her belly for a presence of another one. Reaching over to @Benjamin, she delicately cleaned away more blood than anything from his fur. By now the first one was getting fluffier, but they all still looked like damp potatoes. Except Ivy and Mato. They looked like wriggling pebbles.

Finally, the storm had passed and all of her tiny little children were suckling by her side. She proudly looked on at them, panting and exausted. She weakly called for Seb, whom she suspected was beyond ready to be an actual father and see his children. Pearl didn't quite remember what she did to the wolves who looked in, but there might've been some snapping involved. These were her little ones, but now she wanted to show them off. They were good. This was good. This was a good family.
Nothing happened in an instant. Not love, not hatred, not life, not death. 

Certainly it happened quickly in some cases, life was born anew and life ceased and yet still the world and the universe managed on and on without noticing the small details. The planets and their alignment, the life that filled the vast worlds of the universe, the shift of time and space itself, it all moved steadily on. In some cases the universe was shaped with intricate delicacy, small brush strokes placed so carefully as to not disturb the masterpiece that was the cosmos. In other cases, it was wild and untamed, unfettered strength that burned out entirely galaxies leaving a blank canvas in it's wake. 

Made of stardust, of ancient wonder, Nova Rochester-Iosila came into the world amidst the cursing and panting of her mother, her arrival heralded by her brother, nestled next to the soon to follow sister and brother that came after her. Their firstborn daughter, but certainly not their oldest, the child of stardust found herself a teat to work at. Nova felt a soft little comfort settle over her when it her stomach filled and the wails ceased. 

Around her life was a flurry of new visions and faces she was unaware of, sights she couldn't see and things she couldn't hear. There was life where there had none before. 

Eventually Nova fell into a restful sleep, exhausted by the process that was the first few moments of her life. 
Sebastian dropped instantly what he was doing the moment he heard Pearl howl. The big male raced towards her though it didn't really help that the birthing den was on the other side of the territory. He didn't expect them today... maybe tomorrow or something but... now! His mind was screaming. I'M A FATHER. I'M A FATHER. His paws carried him further and when he reached the den he could hear Pearl, though he was not sure if he was allowed to enter. He let out a soft whine, which she probably didn't hear with her pain.

The male paced before the den, like an anxious father in a waiting room. It was close to torture for him hearing Pearl in pain. Sebastian sat by the den entrance to listen but soon began pacing again. He didn't want her to be in pain, but he kinda knew that thanks to that pain they would have babies. He just hoped they were not all giants like he was and she would have an easy birth. Though from the sound of it he wasn't entirely sure. Then the most wonderful thing happened. Little squeals. His heart skilled a beat and he started jumping around. I'M A FATHER. I'M A FATHER!! They at least had one little baby, or depending on his site one big little baby.

Sebastian whined in excitement. He wanted to see this pup. Was it a boy? Was it a girl? It didn't matter to him he liked either gender. Though soon that moment of thought was broken when Pearl cried out. HIs heart sank and the male almost rushed inside. It was up to his gallant nature that he stopped himself and let her have that privacy. After some more cursing there was some more crying, baby crying to be specific. Sebastian was over the moon. Two babies! How amazing!! His tail was going crazy. He was not really sure what to do with himself. For the next pup Pearl hadn't made that many painful noises, and Sebastian wondered if she was done. Three babies. That would be a nice amount for their family.

Sebastian was ready to poke his head inside the den when Pearl started yelping and crying out in pain. It startled the male. Sebastian's emotional levels were through the roof with several emotions he was feeling at the same time. Sebastian sucked in some air to calm himself and moved closer to the den entrance. The male poked his head inside, the scent of blood filling his nostrils and little puppy sounds reaching his ear. "Pearl," he whispered and moved his muzzle more in her direction to shower her with little licks. He was still not sure if he was allowed inside the den but then he would know soon enough. "Are you okay? I was here the whole time! Oh-- look at them," he breathed out. His eyes fell on the moving potatoes at her belly. One seemed to be dark of color, almost a dark grey. A brown one, and a pale grey, along with a pale cream color like Pearl. He could see now why she was crying out because the pale cream one clearly had his giant genes. Oh boy.

"You did so well," he spoke to Pearl and smiled so proudly at her. It must be a pretty funny sight from the outside, seeing Sebastian's butt coming from the den entrance and with his back legs stretched out, his tail going a mile a minute. Sebastian was insanely proud of his mate. She had shown even more how amazing she was. "I love you," he smiled and licked her. "And I love our babies too. They are perfect. Thank you for birthing them," he spoke, followed by a chuckle. It wasn't like she had another choice. "Do you need anything? Can I get something for you?," he then whispered more softly.
At first there was nothing. Just darkness- calmness, even, as he floated through what seemed like the biggest water balloon ever. If this was all life had to offer, he was okay with it. He quite liked the quiet floating, yet he could not remember. He could not truly think. He could not do the basic things that made life so amazingly beautiful, and yet, he didn't have to to enjoy it. Everything was warm, calm and that was all he needed.

But every dream has to end at some point. He did not notice the blobs that had floated with him all this time disappear into a dark hole that, eventually, even sucked him out. Born in a sack of watery stuff, blood painting his creamy coat as it was licked open, he was somewhat panicking. What had happened? Was it worth questioning? He ignored his confusion, if one could call it that, and instead focused on the place where he was dropped- snuggled in between his siblings and mother. His tiny mouth and his brutish-puppy form wriggled to find a teat that he sucked in as soon as he made contact with it.

He sucked until his belly was full of warm milk and then fell into a deep sleep, only wakening to fill up on the delicious milk every now and then.
Mato’s existence thus far had been a peaceful one. Though his short life had not been marked by anything spectacular, he was content with his existence. He could sense other beings, but the forming child could not comprehend just what they were or how important those beings would be to him as they continued their lives beyond the womb. Honestly, Mato did not know of the life that awaited him outside of Pearl, but, in due time, he would be surprised by this discovery.

All had been calm on the day that it had been decided that he would be evicted. Nothing out of the ordinary had occurred and instead, as always, he merely floated on with a false sense of existence. But, suddenly, something happened that would change the first-born’s life forever. He felt the convulsions of the walls that had once grown to protect him but thought nothing of it. Instead, he continued about his business- whatever that even was at this point in his life.
It did not take long for the birthing process to get Mato in his way, drawing him from the only world he had only knew and into a new one. He slipped easily, despite the pain it brought Pearl, from his world and to the new one, landing heavily upon the den floor. Swiftly, the new mother went to work, freeing him from the vessel that has ensure his protection, and brought him to her side. He was lulled by the gentle, loving vibrations of her words lulling him easily and responded to the best of his ability by ushering some grunts into the air.

When he was placed at her side, Mato’s instinct kicked into drive, directing him by scent to the intoxicating aroma of Pearl’s milk. Latching on, Mato suckled and soon he was filled to the brim with the delicious concoction that was would aid him in this stage of his development.

A yawn escaped him as he unlatched and soon Mato was lulled into the gentle arms of slumber, all too unaware of the life that he had been granted.
Comfort.  That was what she knew.  Warmth and pressure from all sides - not overbearing, mind, but just enough for Ivy to know security and peace.  Those things, those two constants, had changed changed in an instant and despite not yet being self-aware enough to understand, she was most definitely not pleased.

There was a lot of jostling when she'd been separated from her siblings followed immediately by a chill she hadn't been prepared for.  And how could she be?  An indignant squeal left the palest and smallest of the four Rochester-Iosila children.  Despite clearly having the attention of her mother as Pearl methodically went about her cleaning, it was not enough.  Ivy's high-pitched grunts demanded that her mother take heed and after a bit more jostling she was placed next to a large, warm mass and nestled next to two smaller, warm masses.  Instantly her voice quieted as instinct kicked in and she squirmed closer to the larger warmth of her mother, her mouth reaching to latch onto a teat.

She struggled initially but eventually took hold.  Ivy quietly suckled, taking her fill as life continued on around her, until she could feed no more and promptly passed out nestled among her siblings.
Pearl weakly raised her head as someone entered her den, ready to defend her babies, but relaxed as the familiar fresh scent of her husband tickled her nose. She smiled and sighed, gratefully accepting his reconstructive licks. "I'll be fine," she whispered, not particularly wanting to talk at the moment. She gazed along with him at their adorable little children, overjoyed and exhausted at the same time. They were perfect, all of them. 

She had to giggle when she was thanked for giving birth, as it wasn't really an option. She smiled again and licked her mate, resting her head on her paws for the time being. "I'm alright, don't worry," she said, and with a soft breath whispered, "We're parents, now, Seb,"
Skipping the kids because they are sleeping xD

Sebastian entered the den, careful not to step on them, very careful. He licked over the top of Pearl's head. "Rest. I couldn't be more proud of you," he spoke and slowly nodded. "yes, yes we are parents," he confirmed with a smile. He laid down so the pups could choose two warm bellies, he was pretty sure that they would prefer their mother currently with her milk. Sebastian felt very protective of his little family. He loved all of them. He couldn't help but to give each of them a few warm licks.

"Do already know some names. Or do you want to name them later?," he asked, he was pretty sure that Pearl was super tired right now, he would understand if she didn't want to talk anymore. "Just tell me when you need something, I will go running alright?," he smiled and then placed his head down too. His tail over hers and his head over his paws towards Pearl. So basically the pups had a protective ring of warm fur where they could nestle against. "Tag team parenting for the win," he couldn't help but whisper with a smile.
She heard the howl and although it was meant for Sebastian she knew what it had to mean.  So with that thought in mind and nerves tingling with a mix of nervousness and excitement she decided to go catch something for her family.  So shaking she made her way to one of the Fens and clumsily missed the first few times with shaky paws but eventually she caught one and it was decent sized too, pretty big but not oversized or anything.

Then she turned and started to make her way towards her parents and her new siblings, the fish hanging from her jaws.  It took a little bit but eventually she foundthe birthing den and caught the scent of Pearl, Sebastian, blood and something else...

While she really wanted to go into the den and meet her new siblings, she wasn't sure if going in would be considered intruding.  So a little unsure of what to do, still trembling with nervousness and excitement, she waited outside until she was allowed entranch by either Pearl or Seb.
Pearl smiled faintly, happy to have such a caring husband. These kids would be awesome, especially with him as a dad. She nodded to acknowledge everything he said, but laid her head back down without saying a word. The new mother watched Seb as he carefully completed a circle of warmth in the center of their bodies for the babies to be safe in. Looking back at their children, most of them sound asleep and all of them adorable, she couldn't have felt more at peace than she was right then. 

She heard something moving outside the den, and her motherly-protective instincts kicked in, raising her head and briefly bristling, before she caught the scent of Odette. She made a small hum, trying to talk with what strength she had left. "Odie," she whispered to Sebastian, gesturing to outside with her head. Pearl wanted her daughter to meet her brothers and sisters, who were all family in her eyes. Famliy doesn't end in blood, and it never will.
Sebastian was on high alert the moment he heard something, same goes for Pearl. He was about to growl when he realized that it was Odette. He let out a soft woof in greeting. "You can come look at your siblings Odie," he spoke softly. The father was super proud of his young. He looked down at the small bundles. They were definitely the cuties babies ever.

"See, you have two brothers and two sisters," he explained to her. It was getting pretty crammed in here, but that was something that didn't matter too much. Odette would probably just have a look for now.
By the look of Sebastian she could tell he was proud, most likely of is young, and as she began to approach the den upon being welcomed in, she found herself vaguely wondering what her Father had felt when she, Stoic, Adeline and Solemn had been born.  Had he been as proud as Sebastian appeared to be right now?  As she took her first steps into the brithing den.

At first sight she was in love with them.

Slowly she lower the fish to the ground.  "They're beautiful."  She gasped.  A pride happiness and pride fluttered within her stomach.  She wondered if Mason and/or June had felt this way upon meeting herself, Stoic, Adeline and Solemn.  They were magnificent all in their own perfect way she noticed as her eyes travelled over the sleeping newborns.  For a moment after that she was silent, just starring at the beautiful babbies, it felt like just yesterday her Father had told her of them being conceived.  Finally though her gaze flickered to the fish.  "Oh, um t-this is for you guys if y-your... hungry."   She told them, stumbling over her words, only half focused on what she was saying and the other half still focused on the puppies.  Her siblings.
Pearl watched proudly as her family was all together in one place, full up on happiness and love. She gazed at all her children, including Odette, and gave a soft smile before resting her head tiredly on her paws. "Not hungry, but thank you," she spoke, barely audible, but enough to be heard.

With a last glance over her newborns, she nuzzled the one closest to her head and easily slipped into the realm of sleep. It was a peaceful sleep after an exhausting labor, one that was dreamless and plesant. She would awake periodically after that, but after the toll four pups, some larger than others, she wasn't going to be awake much in the next few days.