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@Banner :) backdated a bit- as all the travel threads XD this is such a mess.

As soon as Jolon crossed the border, he never looked back. Or, well, he wouldn't admit it. He was on a mission now that might purify his soul, and he was going to do his damned best to find Judas. Padding slowly off the mountain, his mind almost went black. He could slip right here and die, and no one would notice. Not even Avannon... He shook his head roughly. No, this was no time for self-pity. It was time for action!

With a new motivation he ran down the mountain, his strong legs and big paws very familiar with the ledges and the rocks. As soon as he was at the foot of the mountain, he slowed down his pace and trotted further. So this is how the flatlands looked from up close... They were kind of dull. But he was not here to judge his surroundings.
That damned bug had bitten her again, the one that begged to roam.  Still fairly fresh in her Alpha position, Banner didn't feel entirely comfortable wandering away from the pack at random, but she did trust the wolves she left behind.  Stark and Buchanan were there at the very least, and that was really the reassurance she needed.

She'd spent several minutes studying the golden grassland before her.  The direction of each wind gust became evident as the blades moved to and fro.  The swaying and swirling reminded her of stormy waters in a way.  Huh.  As her bright green gaze swept back toward the mountains she'd crossed to make it here, a large, dark wolf slowed to a trot when he came upon the area.  Banner cocked her head to the side while she studied him: he was big.  Sort of like Buchanan.  She chuckled lowly to herself, unable to help the small smile that spread across her dark brown maw.  Without much hesitation she woofed a friendly greeting to the newcomer, though she chose to stay put in case the company of anther wolf didn't suit his mood today.
The golden grass came up to around his knees, but his pace never changed because of it. They were just plants- he was a mighty wolf with a will to move forward. They tickled to some extent, but Jolon was not ticklish at the slightest. He chuckled to himself, wondering if Avannon was. Oh, what he'd give to just turn around right now and go back home. He knew the mission was for his home, for Avannon, but still- the mountains were where he belonged. He didn't belong in these flatlands, surrounded by green and trees and rivers. They reminded him too much of his birthplace- of how she had died.

His thoughts had taken him so far from reality that he only noticed the stranger when she called for him. She remained in place however, and Jolon bit his lip softly. When had been the last time speaking to a stranger? Weeks? Moons? With no air of nervousness nor shakiness he proceeded regardless, big, black tail wagging in the winds that were far milder at the foot at the mountain than on top of it. Good day! He greeted hastily, slowing to a stop a respectable distance away. He took some seconds to scan her physique, that was rather small, and her eyes that were a nice green. To be honest, he looked rather dull compared to her. I was wondering if you could assist me on my difficult mission.
She exhaled audibly, her relief probably evident to this dark male.  So he was friendly.  Hello, she greeted again.  Banner closed the distance between them with several quick steps and a polite nod of her head.  Despite how awkward she could be, she found herself getting used to this whole being social thing the more she actually went out and did it.

But whatever she'd expected him to say - maybe some small talk about the weather? - that certainly wasn't it.  A mission? she repeated, brows drawing together seriously.  Hearing that word made her think of Buchanan.  The only way he'd used it was in reference to those wolves he'd.. killed.  Missions, he'd called them.  Banner cleared her throat and gave the large male a cautious look.  What kind of .. mission? she asked hesitantly.
She seemed relieved, though why was not something Jolon bothered to think about. There were far more important things to worry about than a relieved, random female. She seemed friendly, and perhaps ANY OTHER TIME he'd have started a normal conversation, but these times were difficult for him. She greeted him, equally friendly, though the air around them changed when he spoke of his mission. What did she think he was going to do? While Jolon had killed before (one time even accidentally) it was not something he enjoyed doing or saw as a job. It was more like fate; if one were to die by his teeth, it had been supposed to be that way. 

A rapist named Judas has, well, raped one of our females. My mission is to find him, and possibly his pack, and take both his leader and him to my tribe for judgement. Have you seen any suspicious male going by the name of Judas? he explained shortly. Of course he did not mention what was to become of the male once he came with, nor that the raped female had been his girl.
His words were delivered with no pretense.  By the time he'd finished, Banner's eyes were as wide as dinner plates.  Raped?  Someone had.. raped a female from his tribe?  Oh my god, she rushed out, realizing that her exclaimation didn't answer his question in the slightest.  She floundered for a moment, her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, before she was able to gather herself and calm down.

N.. no, that name in not familiar to me, she answered in a more serious voice.  Though perhaps not necessary, Banner felt the need to expand on her answer to give this male a little more information: My pack.. is Marauder's Keep.  I have no wolf by the name in my ranks.  And Judas was a name that was now seared into her brain.

Is.. is she okay? she asked.  Her voice was rather small, probably because she realized what a stupid question it was just as the words passed her lips.  How could anyone be okay after.. that?
Her reaction was expected, though Jolon thought it might not be the case that needed her God. He was unaware it was just a thing younger wolves used these days, and didn't comment. He was no God of hers, though he was pretty sure he could find the rapist and bring him to justice. And if not, he could at least say that he had tried. His ears drooped down when she revealed not to know anything about the male, but this was just the first stranger of many he would speak with. Not everyone was lucky on their first try.

He nodded thankfully. I will seek out your pack when Judas has been dealt with, to calm both you and your subjects. He offered. He knew he was just taking more on his plate right now, but he cared little for that anymore. Nothing was impossible, he now believed. Especially when one considered he had been immobile just moons ago.

We are unsure if Judas has... Started something within her, though we were able to calm her down. She is in save paws now. He answered truthfully.
She nodded, perhaps a bit dumbly, when the large stranger pledged to return to the Keep with news once his mission was through.  The words he used, the way he spoke.. it reminded her of someone.  The Alpha wasn't able to pinpoint exactly who she'd met recently with the same verbal mannerisms, but she figured she'd ask a simple question: Where are you from?  It had been tempting to ask which pack he called home, but his use of the word "tribe" stopped her from being so specific.  Didn't want to unintentionally offend anyone, after all.

As as for the female?  At least she was safe.  Banner simply nodded in response.  She wanted to say that she was glad, but the words didn't sound right in her head and she doubted they'd come out much better, genuine sentiment aside.  My name is Banner, by the way, she added as an afterthought.
His tail wagged slowly behind him, if only to show that this conversation was not boring him to death. Sure, the subject matter was not something to be cheery about, but at least this female was friendly and truly concerned for a wolf she knew nothing about. She could be a guiding star for many, he found, for not many selfless wolves lingered in the Teekon. I am from Ryūjin. It's up the mountain in a lair where you can sit on the roof and enjoy the sight of the night sky. He answered, perhaps a bit specific. He couldn't help he was fairly happy with his home and had pride in calling it his. Of course, it was theirs, but from all the wolves who had formed it only Asterr and he remained. 

I go by the name of Jolon. It is a pleasure to make you acquaintance, Banner from Marauder's Keep. He said formally, nodding his head in a slight bow. He bit his lip again, legs eager to start moving again. The faster he moved, the faster many others knew of his mission and the faster the rapist was found.
Ah, Ryujin.  A look of understanding crossed Banner's dark features.  The way this male spoke reminded her of his leader, Asterr.  Curious how they were both so formal.  She wondered for a moment if most wolves in that pack were so well-mannered.  Menta, her friend and one-time Ryujin member, didn't speak in quite the same way, but she had been incredibly patient.  That trait really spoke to the lady Marauder's awkward side.

It's nice to meet you, Jolon.  Please give Asterr my regards when your mission is complete.  I don't want to keep you any longer..  Trailing off as she usually did, Banner offered him a half smile.  Their topic of discussion didn't leave her feeling particularly joyful, after all, so a full-blown smile didn't feel appropriate.  Call on us if you need anything, she added seriously.
You can fade or archive right here :) thank you for the thread!

It was not a known fact that everyone that was part of Ryūjin had the same personality and way of speaking- simply because that wasn't the case. Jolon had always been a formal man, and he guessed that was also part of why he and Asterr got along so well. Or, well, not anymore, but in the past. Now his only true companion, and lover, was Avannon, and he had been given a task that would keep him away from her for a long, long time. It saddened him, being so alone, but someone had to bring justice. 

I will. He said, surprised that Banner knew the dragoness. Perhaps the Keep was close to the mountains and he had just never explored that far out. He was glad that Banner would let him go, somewhat happy with how this conversation had ended in a stronger bond between him and a random pack. Perhaps the rest of the journey would give him some more connections. Thank you, Banner, and until my return. He said with another bow of his head. He then took a few steps in the direction he was planning to go, awaiting a goodbye from her too before trotting off.