Wolf RPG

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With that the meeting is ajourned! Thank you everyone! <3

With a great deal of difficulty, Akantha was able to swallow her pride, and the bitter pill. The Nereides would be under the observation of the senior pack until a time in which a more mutual understanding could (possibly) be reached. She hoped to meet with Thuringwethil soon, without all the show and circumstance, and discuss their unusual relationship on a more personal level. But she wasn't ungrateful—one way or another, she'd gotten what she wanted and Thuringwethil was sated on their subservience for now. More importantly she was able to observe, first-hand, what the Commander had at her beck and call. Needless to say, her own spread of warriors was far more impressive than her own scraggly band of Sirens and their young Consorts.

Still, she would not be cowed by wordless intimidation.

However, Heda offered one last comment that caused Akantha's breath to hitch, momentarily, in her throat. Her eyes narrowed just the slightest degree, wondering if this was just another piece moving across the game board, or simply a nicety. Either way, she was not going to be outdone, nor was she petty enough to ignore such a thing. Akantha exhaled quietly and smiled, "The feeling is mutual, Heda." And, with that, it was done. The Commander motioned to her wolves and the Matriarch did the same, stealing a glance at Kalika and Indie, before passing quietly between the two of them in the direction of the sand spit and bidding the group follow her to their chosen home.
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