Wolf RPG

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PPing with permission. @Ondine.

The last several days have been nothing but a whirlwind and while she’s able to supplement something to keep her calm, it has taken quite a toll on her. She’d made somewhat of a home within the caldera but she knows she stands out like a sore thumb. The last time she’d been at the rendezvous site is proof enough as one of the children hadn’t liked her presence. It made it easy to decide to never return, to shed the title and what little she has gained in the process. Taking care of @Kitsch had quickly taken most of her attention, with the help of her brother (as reluctant as he may be), but she’d been comfortable for a few days in the heartwood.

Finally, the girl agreed to move and instead of going south where she knows she has a place to call her own, she heads north instead. Perhaps they can find the pack Kitsch had once called home but their way is interrupted as the scent of a pack beckons them closer. An unsteady look is sent toward @Libeccio as he hovers off to the side to be somewhat respectful to the abused girl. She’s been able to tend to the wounds on the back of her neck but the swelling in her sensitive areas have been more challenging, unable to do much without the aid of time and medicine on their side. Not to mention how little Kitsch wants her messing with her.

The scent of wolves is thick enough to force them to stop and the woman turns her head to her brother with a knowing look. He picks up his head and makes the call for he while West focuses on her companion, offering her reassuring words that everything will be all right and she’ll keep her safe.
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The woods that the trio homesteaded within had greatly resembled Kitsch’s home at Saoi Baile, but the circumstances surrounding their stay greatly differed — and the girl often found herself tormented by that fact. She withdrew into herself, and experienced a type of all consuming, taciturn melancholy that only this girl was prone to.  She did not talk much, save when West was treating her wounds and during those rare moments when she found herself in high spirits [which had been uncommon anyways] and the pearl upheld a sneaking suspicion that West appreciated the fewness of her words. This normally would have irritated the young egoist… but if Kitsch didn’t bother West, then West didn’t bother Kitsch, and that’s what Kitsch wanted most right then: not to be bothered.

The new addition had been an interesting one and the pearl sought to keep her distance — Kitsch was currently not a fan of strange, brutish men — but he helped West to hunt which allowed them the freedom to remain in the heartwood. Loathe the woods as she may, the oujo couldn’t deny the sweet anonymity found within the shadowed forest; the security when safeguarded by wolves stronger and smarter than she. These two wolves had been the only kindness to befall her in these lands, and it only took her utter destruction to find it.

But when it was time to move on, they moved on. They went North, but if you asked Kitsch, she would not know her bearings — for Kitsch, the entirety of their travels was spent trailing just behind West, staring blankly at the ground and keeping West’s ankles just in view [to ensure she would not stray away]. When the older two decided they would investigate a pack’s borders, Kitsch followed still, for she had no where else to be, no one else who needed her, no one else who knew or cared in she was alive. West and Libeccio seemed to provide her only option, plus Libeccio seemed to keep his distance [she had not the energy to appreciate his consideration, nor had even the ability to] so it wasn’t all bad. So when the man howled for attendance of the pack’s leaders, Kitsch stood abreast her mottled vigilante and listened as West reassured her with honeyed words; and Kitsch trusted her implicitly.
It was not often she got to accept new members into their humble, hateful existence. But, yet, here the familiar sound came again; a summoning howl for the lone alpha with so much to give and who asked so little in return. Ondine had long ago already accepted that life was unfair and that she had to go with what she had, but it proved to be more difficult in practice. So many had left, not many had returned, and slowly but surely the mother was starting to lose hope. How many times had she fantasized about taking Arrille and running back to the sea? She had lost count.

She trotted proudly to the borders, only to see three very different wolves all waiting for what seemed to be her. Immediately a suspicion bubbled to the surface, but she swallowed it back and bit her tongue. Thinking of bad things resulted in negativity and ultimately even worse things. Well, good morning to you all. She greeted kindly, her singer's voice like light butterfly wings. With what may I help you? She asked then, halting before them determinedly and quite dominant.
Though they'd ecked out something of a life beneath the sheltering boughs of the Heartwood, Libeccio was glad when West prompted them to move north. He didn't care much for the reason behind their sudden vagrancy, but his restless mind was grateful for the distraction it offered as they moved out from the shadow of the trees and into the world beyond. North was meaningless to him—he had no hidden knowledge of the Teekons. North was a direction, nothing more, and he harbored no ridiculous hope that he might find his calling here. 

He was tasked with protecting and hunting, though West did aid him as often as she was able, she mostly busied herself with the young, damaged, girl. Quiche? Itch? Kitsch—poor thing had gone through quite the trauma in recent days, but what he didn't quite understand was West's apparent dedication to all of this. He'd never taken his sibling for the compassionate, altruistic type; there was always a catch, always some way that she benefited from whatever troubles she undertook. So far, he hadn't found the reason why, and something about that bothered him. Or maybe it was indigestion.

Either way, as they arrived at the pack borders, Libeccio swept past the pair to take point and threw his head back to howl for the resident leader. He didn't make a big show of it, but remained standing rather firmly at the forefront of the group with his ears perked and eyes scanning hawkishly until they settled upon the approaching form of a rather lovely woman. Her arrival was heralded by the telling ascent of her tail, and the bold tone of her otherwise light and bell-like voice.

Libeccio did what he did best, and put on his most charming smile while simultaneously bowing his head out of respect for her. "Good morning to you as well." he replied with a voice that flowed like warm honey. "We were passing by on our way north when we caught wind of your borders. I'll be frank: our young friend here has suffered trauma at the hands of a brute and, while we've," He shot a look to West to indicate their role in all of this before continuing, "done all we can to help, nothing can be better for her (and us) than the safety and comfort of a pack." 
West tries to give Kitsch most of her attention, as she has for the last several days, but she keeps an eye out for a break in the horizon ahead of them. Libeccio stands at the helm and she keeps the girl on all four feet in the meantime. They probably had a few more good days taking care of each other but the future never had much longevity there. It would take too long to make sure she’s okay and by then, she couldn’t return to the caldera, especially with another in tow. Now that she has her brother, things might lay before them a little easier.

When the tree line breaks to a proud figure coming toward them, West lowers her ears and droops her tail behind her. Another reassuring word is said to her companion but she doesn’t have much to change in the way she stands. Libeccio’s charm thickens the atmosphere and West sends him a look but as they are questioned, he rolls out the red carpet for the three of them. “I am a healer and I can care for her without taking from the pack. We need safety,” she says, clearing her throat with a flighty glance toward her brother. “He’s a protector.” Hopefully, between the two of them, they can cover the cost of entry with their skills combined that can benefit anyone.
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Their call was answered forthwith by a zephyr. West and her brother made haste to introduce their intentions and skills. “and…” she squeaked out, feeling the need to say something but feeling wholly uninspired to do anything more than introduce herself. “and i’m Kitsch.” It wasn’t a skill, but hopefully it would simply do. Then, just as Kitsch would have done when she was amongst her royal kin of Saoi Baile, she glanced from the West, to her brother who stood adjacent and back to the pack’s pallid dignitary — whose color palette of aqua, white and black reminded Kitsch very much of her own. Perhaps this wolfess was a vision of the future, restored to a throne and ruling as her blood was bred to do?

Maybe, but who was she kidding? In her own eyes, the domino ingenue was a broken thing; a worthless thing; a burden to all who knew her, not even good enough to maintain her virtue — This diplomacy was not where she shined, especially in not such a state, so Kitsch hunkered down and prepared to let her conservators take the reigns — hoping that her wounds would speak for her, and that they would speak well on her behalf.
Short to get this going ♥

Ondine listened thoughtfully and her she frowned worriedly. The mother was a sympathetic character and she almost wanted to step aside and let them rest right then and there were it not that she knew better. The man seemed to be more of a guardian, while one of the ladies claimed herself to be a healer and then there was... Kitsch? My dears... I am Ondine, sole alpha of Neverwinter Forest. Do you truly want to be here with us, or is it simply a convenience for the wounded? She asked carefully. It was not that she didn't trust their story (Ondine was quite the opposite of suspicious) and really wanted to lend a paw in the recovery of one who needed help.
Libeccio looks back at his sister as she speaks, and then to Kitsch, before returning his molten gaze to Ondine with a frown. The pale Alpha seemed kind—motherly, almost, but he didn't feel any pang of sympathy for her. Leading alone was unfortunate, but Libeccio wasn't the kind to care much about the woes of others. At the very least, the two of them (and Kitsch, whenever she recovered) could assist her as experienced pack members. "Both." He answered honestly with a sheepish twist of his already splayed ears. "Though we'd like to stay permanently if there is room for us. Join forces, and all that." 
It surprises her when Kitsch speaks up, offering her name in the place of a skill. West and Libeccio has something to offer but from her experience, there isn't much she knows the other has to give them. The first time they met had been a bit of a disaster but for now, they've got a face to wear. She turns her nose to give her a bit of a nudge; even if this woman turned them away, it's not the end of the world. They'll get by. She always does.

Libeccio answers the next question and West refocuses her attention. They haven't had a lot of time to browse the catalogs of packs nearby. West also knows they can't go south to the caldera and north seemed to be a viable option. Running into the forest seemed like a good enough stop as any. She keeps quiet, instead, and waits to see the leader's reaction.
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Kitsch was not necessarily keen on joining another pack. Somewhere in the back of her exhausted mind, the action felt as if it represented a surrendering of everything she wanted and longed for.  Had she already given up hope of finding her mother and father and returning to the cushy aristocracy that had treated her so kindly? However, her mother and her father were a long way behind her. They probably wouldn’t even want her now; all dirty and defiled, unequipped for a life of hardships and tribulations. 

Quite selfishly, the girl had wished that the trio would remain just that — a threesome — until the end of time. Though she did not necessarily enjoy his company, the kitten had become used to Libeccio’s presence. He was West’s brother, after all, and his guardianship must be tolerated [if not somewhat appreciated].  Under normal circumstances, Kitsch liked to think of herself of a social creature — but now she appreciated the smallness of their troupe and only sought to join this new pack at West’s behest.  Well, whatever West wanted, she would do. So Kitsch gave the quartet a small nod of acknowledgment, knowing very well that this wasn't her place to speak.
[table width=80%][tr][td]She listened intently; ears twitching in thought. Her eyes trailed over their bodies and she smelled their scents mixed together. Who was she to turn away the band of useful meat? Surely just a simple, misjudging brute like the pirate she so despised. She had gotten over the male's femininity, but Maude had still tried to murder both her and her unborn children. It had been a crime too awful for her to ignore and forgive. Of course... Kjalarr didn't think if it that way, now did he? He had let her in the pack without even giving a heads-up. But now, Ondine made the rules around here. She nodded sweetly. Though, before we go any further, I believe only one name has fallen from the three of you. She smiled at Kitsch, the wounded seemingly in the shadow of her protector and healer. She could not relate.[/td][/tr][/table]
The glacial eye'd leader seemed to ease into the thought of letting them in, but it was clear she required more from them by the way her impersonal walls remained firmly set upon the ground between them. Libeccio couldn't fault her for it as he often felt the same when greeting loners, and newcomers, back home. There was no love lost there. Kitsch remained behind them, but he heard the shuffle of feet as West steeled herself for what was to come. None of them, he knew, wanted this—they were all strange in their own ways, with Kitsch being the most vulnerable of them all. Who was to say this would be a good fit? But he couldn't protect and provide on his own, even with West's help. Her attention was, unfortunately, divided. 

So he answered her question with a wave of his busy tail. "Libeccio." He replied warmly, turning now to West to allow her the freedom of deciding whether or not to use one of her many pseudonyms.
West is pleased to hear their foot is in the door and for that she is thankful. She’d been worried about carrying with weight of Kitsch on her shoulders without her having any real attributes (that she knows of) but the work of her own skills and Libeccio’s combine together enough to give them a way through. Her brother introduces herself and the glances fall to her with expectation. Without missing a beat, the name rolls easily off her tongue: “Ponente.”
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The white woman’s smile fell upon the girl and Kitsch wilted under its authoritative kindness. Kitsch’s internal monologue definitely had a problem with authority [hell, she was the authority], but such opinions did not seem to bode well with the wolves of the wild and she never spoke of it. So the girl stayed silent and attempted to muster a smile in response — thankfully Libeccio drew the attention away by sharing his name. West was the next wolf to introduce herself, but the moniker that drew forth from the nurse’s lips was most unexpected. Keppel gaze shot to to the face of the mottled woman who stood abreast her. 

Ponente? The fuck?

Kitsch struggled not to parade her consternation in front of her audience, so Kitsch sought to divert attention with the next logical thing to do — introduce herself. It was her turn, right? “Kitsch,” she stated again… then, quickly realizing her mistake, sucked in breathe and held it tightly. She was so dumb! What would they think of such a faux pas… would they think her a pretty fool? Kitsch’s gaze fell listlessly to the ground in front of her. It’s exactly what she was; a pretty fool, unable to hold a conversation without tripping over her own feet. So, once more, Kitsch fell silent and was most determined to stay as such.
Feel free to archive whenever! :)

[table width=80%][tr][td]The other two introduced themselves, and just as Ponente was done Ondine opened her mouth to say something. Kitsch interrupted her thoughts with, again, her name and the siren's eyes widened. She gave a look to the other two that could be vaguely translated to "did she hit her head or something?" but decided to move on. Well, I can't see a reason to turn down more wolves for the forest. She shrugged, as if it wasn't obvious that she was going to let them in already. Welcome home, you three. She said sweetly, turning and inviting them in with a graceful sweep of her tail.

Where the scent is strongest, you should find the Den Circle - you can settle in there and meet the others. She informed shortly after. For the rest; please explore the wonders of the forest together whenever you have Kitsch in a comfortable den. She smiled at the wounded one, rarely forgetting that others had troubles just like herself.[/tr][/td][/table]
Libeccio nearly grimaced when Kitsch once again gave her name, though a quick glance revealed that she, too, felt silly for repeating herself. He lent her a brief, but encouraging, smile before returning his attention to Ondine with a nod. Relief washed over him and he shook his pelt to loosen what little anxiety clung to his skin. "Thank you," he replied earnestly with a submissive flick of his ear. The russet male was the first to step up and follow Ondine as she beckoned them in past the borders, and he figured West and Kitsch would be right on his heels. "we will do so. I don't often speak for all of us like this, but do know we appreciate your kindness in letting us stay."